Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

SaraSullivan said:Cause they asked me if I wanted to buy drugs... I didn't, cause I'm a goody-two-shoes.

I think Grissom was brain-washed by Sara, The Geek Goddess, so that she would come to Vegas. Cause Geek Goddesses have brain-washing powers.
No, you have a brain. ^.^
And totally, she has brainwashing powers! That must be what scared him off at first...
ziggystarduzt said:
Sorry for the rant. I'm just really worried about where things are going on these boards, and I don't want this community to end up down the tubes.
Preach it, Zigs.
jordan said:So now I'm stuck with buying her a 10 dollar cookie cake that she won't even eat because of the "icky blue frosting".
Eat it for her.
Yay for the newbies. Welcome to the gutter, guys.

For the thread title... I do like "She's Already Said I Love You," but I think we should modify it to "They've" instead of "She's." Or...
"They Had to Stop It There for the Kids." Because CBS has an adult content rule, too.
"More Smut than Everyone But YoBling." Because it's true (to my knowledge).
"The One True Path to Shirtless Grissom." Oh, shut up.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I love "Sharing Cases, Sharing Covers". It fits ;)

Actually any of those titles work for me!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Welcome eMetiB glad your on our"ship" have fun- ;) enjoy and please give us your ideas ;)



greggoooofan you;ve outdone yourself again- magical artwork- fantsstic- goof job- I'm jealous :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

"GSR- Hotter Than This Heat Wave"
"What Happens in SF Will Follow You To Vegas"
"Now She Can Pin Him Down"/"Now She Can Tape Him Up"
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

*rings the town bell*

Snowy's back, people! Welcome back, chica! :)

Forensicsgirls said:
I'd like to throw "Since Norman Fell" into the ring. It didn't get picked in the past, and its such a yummy title.

Oooo, I completely agree, fogi! I'm all for "Since Norman Fell". I love it. I also wouldn't mind "Sharing Cases, Sharing Covers", or "He Got Stung - By Love" 'cause that's just so cheesy it's great. :lol:

New recruits, new recruits! Welcome aboard, y'all! Okay, I promise I won't say 'y'all' ever again. Great to see you here in the gutter, nickstokeslover and eMetiB. nickstokeslover, would you prefer to be called by your nickname or Allison?

I'm Reeble. You can call me Reeble, Reebs, Ievy or Your Heiness. Whatever floats your boat. Watch out for the crazies, by the way. That would be...all of us.

I added you guys to the tenant list.

Adzix said:
okey, another thing that will second the fact that Grissom was attracted to Sara since the beggining - he behaved in the SAME way while working with Terri as he did with Sara in Cool Change and other eps later. but it was pretty obvious back then. so maybe as sarah said, the biggest obstacle was that he was her boss. BUT, it still doesn't support the SF theory.

I agree. Thought it did seem that they were a little bit more comfortable with each other than they should of been in 'Crate and Burial', right after that they kind of just...stopped. And like you said, Adz: 'Who Are You' kind of blew the "together at this point" theory out of the water.

jordan said:
He's obviously liked her since the first episode she was in. Sara likes Grissom. She's obviously liked him since the first episode she was in. This means that he liked her before that and she liked him before that. It doesn't mean that they were together in SF, but it means they both have feelings. He realizes that he's her boss and that's probably how it'll have to stay. He at some point decides that he will eventually have to move on. Thus, leading him to act that way toward Terri.

Hmm, that's a pretty good theory - it makes sense. I admit, I kind of liked the idea of Teri and Grissom, but maybe that's just because it had canon evidence. But after their date bombed, I think Grissom realized that him being in the spot he was in (supervisor of the grave shift), it would be hard to pursue a relationship with someone, let alone a colleague.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Latest updated list of contenders - remember that I'll take a ton of them because we're going to whittle them all down to 5 or 6 come nomination time anyhow. So the more selection, the better!

1) Because She's His Loved One
2) They've Already Said I Love You
3) Like A Married Couple
4) He went in for sex and didn't get stung
5) Sharing both birth and remote control
6) Cause Dating Secretly is SO Much Cooler
7) Secretly Liking. Secretly Dating. Secretly Living Together.
We'll sneak into THEIR bedroom someday.
9) He Got Stung - By Love
10) Since Norman Fell
11) Since San Francisco (although I don't buy it, it is what CM thinks)
12) Sharing Cases, Sharing Covers
13) GSR- Hotter Than This Heat Wave
14) What Happens in SF Will Follow You To Vegas
15) Now She Can Pin Him Down
16) Now She Can Tape Him Up
17) Domestication Anticipation
18) Because They've Been "Working Out" All Summer
19) Camera-Duelling Love
20) He Demands Satisfaction
21) WE Demand Satisfaction
22) The One True Path to Shirtless Grissom
23) They Had to Stop It There for the Kids
24) [Edited for Adult Content]
25) Nothing Left to Do But Kiss

In honesty now, who is getting

1) Restless
2) Feeling their interest failing
3) Still riding the canon wave
4) Worried

I know, for me, that I really want new episodes, and that in an odd way, now that the ship IS canon, it sort of feels like treading old water to try and discuss the old now that we have so much new to look forward to. But that's just me - what do you feel about it?
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I was giggling during Hunger Artist tonight when Griss said "I got a girl Sara..." I think it had deeper meaning :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I like them all- but #12 "Sharing cases-Sharing covers" cute and stands out :pthey've worked so long together- their starting to mimic one another- :p from "Spark Of Life"

Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I was giggling during Hunger Artist tonight when Griss said "I got a girl Sara..." I think it had deeper meaning

I don't necessarily think that he was flat-out saying he was with Sara, but it's interesting that she was the first female associative name that came to his mind. It's a little like those personality spam tests you get on e-mail where they say "Fill in a boy's name here" and the first name you put down is always the person you have a crush on.

It's whatever's closest at your mind at that moment. And we also saw the lovely symmetry under the bridge and the song lyrics as he goes to her, which were nicely framed with him basically asking how she happened to be there, while the song goes on about being unconsciously drawn to the one you love, so on and so forth.

I mean, that episode was very good in establishing what they did and didn't know about each other. Grissom tries to teach her how to read the puzzle, but in the end it's she who's ahead of him.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Well, sarahvma, as long as you're taking suggestions for new thread titles... I've got a few :p

Rollercoaster of Love, He's Her Diversion, Chasing Rabbits Together, He Electrocuted Her Pickle, He called HER to Vegas.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

In honesty now, who is getting

1) Restless
2) Feeling their interest failing
3) Still riding the canon wave
4) Worried

I know, for me, that I really want new episodes, and that in an odd way, now that the ship IS canon, it sort of feels like treading old water to try and discuss the old now that we have so much new to look forward to. But that's just me - what do you feel about it?

I actually feel pretty close to the same way, actually. Now that the ship is canon there is so much to lok forward to, but we're all here talking about what happened in the past. That I just think is funny, but whatever. I'm like craving some new episodes here. And like five thousand questions are swimming in my head right now like "When will they all find out?" "How will they find out?" "How will they react?" "Will everything be ruined?" "What's Cath gunna say?" and many more, but those are just a few. I'm so like...I don't even know right now. Haha.

And, quoth, I like "He called HER to Vegas" and "Rollercoaster of Love". Good ideas. I've actually got a few myself, but I think they all suck.
1. Because SF wasn't enough. (Note that this supports both the theory of a relationship in SF and it doesn't at the same time)
2. She facinates him.
3. The coaster is just beginning.

I know they pretty much stink, but that's all I got for right now. :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Reeble said /i]

New recruits, new recruits! Welcome aboard, y'all! Okay, I promise I won't say 'y'all' ever again. Great to see you here in the gutter, nickstokeslover and eMetiB. nickstokeslover, would you prefer to be called by your nickname or Allison?

well thanks for asking , my name is allison but i would rather be called "lallison" cause thats what my friends call me (specially my BFF jordan)
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

i like "Sharing cases-Sharing covers" a lot!!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

1) Because She's His Loved One
2) They've Already Said I Love You
3) Like A Married Couple
4) He went in for sex and didn't get stung
5) Sharing both birth and remote control
6) Cause Dating Secretly is SO Much Cooler
7) Secretly Liking. Secretly Dating. Secretly Living Together.
We'll sneak into THEIR bedroom someday.
9) He Got Stung - By Love
10) Since Norman Fell
11) Since San Francisco (although I don't buy it, it is what CM thinks)
12) Sharing Cases, Sharing Covers
13) GSR- Hotter Than This Heat Wave
14) What Happens in SF Will Follow You To Vegas
15) Now She Can Pin Him Down
16) Now She Can Tape Him Up
17) Domestication Anticipation
18) Because They've Been "Working Out" All Summer
19) Camera-Duelling Love
20) He Demands Satisfaction
21) WE Demand Satisfaction
22) The One True Path to Shirtless Grissom
23) They Had to Stop It There for the Kids
24) [Edited for Adult Content]
25) Nothing Left to Do But Kiss
26) Rollercoaster of Love
27) He's Her Diversion
28) Chasing Rabbits Together
29) He Electrocuted Her Pickle
30) He called HER to Vegas.
31) The Moment She Stepped Off the Plane (little explanation, Nick says that nothing happens in Vegas by chance in Time of Your Death and that it's all pretty much decided the moment you step off the plane - judging by the amount of GSR in that final scene, some thought that Rambo was making a comment about Grissom calling Sara to Vegas)
31. Because SF wasn't enough. (Note that this supports both the theory of a relationship in SF and it doesn't at the same time)
32. She facinates him.
33. The coaster is just beginning.

I actually feel pretty close to the same way, actually. Now that the ship is canon there is so much to lok forward to, but we're all here talking about what happened in the past.

Yeah, maybe that's the real problem - is that we now have this whole new level of ship we get to have fun with, and we're still, at the end of the finale, at the end of the reveal, almost forced to keep going over all of these classic scenes. Which are great, but again - they just all seem a little bit less in comparison to the literal anything that could happen next season.

Hey, nickstokeslover - welcome aboard! Sorry I wasn't here when you first jumped on.
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