Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

^*giggly giggly*
I love you Ievypoo That made me giggle SO MUCH. Seriously. My favourite was the part with the helmets. heeeee.

Also thank you to Crys, Fabian, and Adz.. Adz, don't kid yourself though. Dean is ALWAYS mine ;)

My party type thing was fun. We just sat around drinking, really. It was great. Now Sarah is on her way over to spend the night and I'm sure we'll have EVEN MORE FUN! *yay*

Love you all!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

speaking of B-days, isnt Grissom's in august? I wonder what Sara would do for him...would be fun :D

*wonders how Sara will help him celebrate number 50 next year*
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I really love this topic, I'm from the Netherlands too and I'm really happy to see some Dutch people here too! =D

I'm a huge GSR fans for years now, and now I finally have found a forum with a Shipper Central!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

ziggy, happy b'day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

*off topic (please don't kill me fogi, this is the last time i will be of topic :)) fabian, i sended an email to RTL with the request if they could air season 1, and i got an email back that they will be doing that... i was like: Yessssssssssssss, finally!!!!!! :) :D *
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

cool greggofan, I was planning to do the same thing, but I couldn't find the email-address on their site. But you probably searched harder, since it doesn't matter to me that much.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Right. It is I, co-moderator of Shipper Central. I'm here to remind everyone to go read TBonz's It's Me Again post, acknowledge the rules and sign it. Please do so as quickly as possible. If you have already done so, thank you for your co-operation. :)

I would also like to say the following, in addition to TBonz's post.

In regards to mod notification, please do so only when it is absolutely necessary and you are absolutely sure that the post is flaming in nature, spam or was made by a troll. If you're not sure ... that's what the board rules are there for. One or two notifications are more than enough to alert us to any situations that need our moderating. And no, sending us dozens of them in one go will not make us respond faster or 'help' us with our job. In fact, it's friggin' irritating to have our mailboxes clogged with spammy notifications. Be patient for us to respond. We moderators have a life outside of this board, and we can't be here 24/7. However, we always endeavor to reply and check things out as soon as we can.

About spammy posts. We mods have noticed that spam-like posts have been increasing lately. While we understand that the boards can get slow with no new episodes on air yet, please refrain from constantly posting one-liners. Especially, those that have nothing to do with the 'ship or current discussion. If possible, use PMs rather than clogging up the thread. No one enjoys browsing through a thread full of irrelevant posts, eh?

And lastly ... this is pure common sense. If you know that you'll be uncomfortable or annoyed about characters in your favorite ship being shipped with other characters you might not like, DON'T GO AND READ THEIR SHIP THREADS. You only have yourself to blame if you end up upset with other shippers not liking your ship. There's a very good reason why each ship has their own thread. Think about that.

That's all from me. For now. :cool:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Mel23 said:
I wish some of us could send our stories to CBS, you're good writers.
Oh, but you can! Buuuut... unfortunately...
Q. How do I submit a story idea or suggestion to a CBS News magazine show or a script for a show?
A. CBS does not accept or consider creative ideas, suggestions or materials other than those CBS has specifically requested. This is to avoid the possibility of future misunderstandings when projects developed by CBS's staff might seem to others to be similar to their own creative ideas, suggestions or materials. Please check out our Terms of Service for additional information. If you would like to contact a particular show via e-mail, please click on the "feedback" link at the bottom of this page.
That's from that CBS thingy over here.
Of course, that's to be expected- they can't have a nation of writers, can they? But if you really want to snail-mail them something, lookie here. CSI is under Primetime, right below Criminal Minds, about halfway down the page under the first column. (I don't think they like love letters, by the way.) I think if you address it to the powers that be, they all get to read it.
I think.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Welcome aboard Cathara glad your here- have fun and just a note both my grandmas were born in Holland ;)so I've got Dutch heritage as well ;) and GSR does in fact rule- we love em' :p the awesome/twosome

Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

GSR is totally sweet. <fires the nine-iron> Tee hee, get it?
We need one of the intellectuals (Ziggy, Fogi, somebody) to get us into a good discussion... OOH OOH OOH! I know!
Let's make the unofficial GSR-canon timeline! Like, we debate and decide when each stage in their relationship came about... Hmmm?
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Crysthala said:
GSR is totally sweet. <fires the nine-iron> Tee hee, get it?
We need one of the intellectuals (Ziggy, Fogi, somebody) to get us into a good discussion... OOH OOH OOH! I know!
Let's make the unofficial GSR-canon timeline! Like, we debate and decide when each stage in their relationship came about... Hmmm?

Yeah, we should. That would be pretty sweet.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I think that "cruel" is his shilly-shallyng game over the years. Shooting sentences like "since i met you", "i need you", "honey" and then essentially ignoring her. Telling her to have a life and becoming jealous when she has a guy. Denying her a deserved promotion (but this is my opinion).
However this is the past. I hope this season i'll change my mind.

In Nick's defense, he earned that promotion. What he did wrong was in not explaining to Sara that it wasn't that she didn't get it, it was that Nick earned it.

And unfortunately he made it sound like "Nick was the lesser of two evils". And that Sara's wanting it caused her not to have it.

Yes, Grissom has done that over the years, but I think it still comes back to his Butterflied speech - those moments were like lapses, when he sees her hurting, and then he kind of has to overcompensate in the other direction so he doesn't fall prey to it.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

so the eternal question (other than the one on my avie) is HOW they finally got together? i know i already posted a poll on it but i still feel we didn't discuss it entirely. CM said it was the outcome of the development of Grissom's character. so what did he do? this is the biggest question which is torturing my head since WTG. i mean what could be in his style? first we can't look at it through a prism of past seasons especially S1, 2 or 3 when we seen him dating, b/c according to CM this guy transformed and isn't the same person anymore. is he more normal now, or even more quirked?? for the first sight he's more normal, right? but i wouldn't be so sure. he was the most normal in first seasons (in terms of social life, not his roach racing etc. he definitely calmed down with those things in later seasons) and he isn't like that anymore. he is different, VERY different. maybe this is one of the coolest things about this character that he's evolving and changing all the time. we don't know what to expect from him. that's why writing in-character fanfics is so difficult, you don't know how he'll behave in most situations, it's basicly unpredictable mainly b/c of his evolution. if he was the same guy for 6 seasons we would get kinda bored quickly. the one thing that is still the same, is his enigma. excluding the pilot (lol) it always accompanied his personality.

again, how did he make the first step? was he asking her the same way he almost did in Snakes? it's probable, this ep isn't that old, and i think he was still so sheepish regarding to "this" in S6. and i pretty much think he finally found the courage to say it, whatever it was. but knowing his straighforwardness (is that a word?) he probably casually said once after shift something like "Sara, would you like to have dinner with me?" or "You want to grab something to eat? I know a great restaurant there and there". and knowing sara, she probably looked at him with no real expression and replied "yeah, sure. i'll be ready in a minute" or something.

i remember that i voted for the option "they explained everything to each other, not on a date" but i changed my mind. i really think he asked her out. casually, just like friends do. and she was surprised and happy, but didn't really show it, maybe later (duuh, sure she did).

about the timeline. i think everyone has his/hers own ;) mine would be:
1. After Committed and GD Grissom starts thinking.
2. Sometime around Bite Me he decides to hit but isn't brave enough to do it.
3. ABRTI, Gris starts being friends with Sara again.
4. He thinks more about his life (confession in Still Life)
5. Sara doesn't know what Grissom wants, he's her friend again, but he's not doing anything more. She's confused (Daddy's LG).
6. LH gives him even more causes to think and to find courage to ask Sara.
7. He asks her out around I Like To Watch.
8. They're together in Poppin' Tags, first kiss had place some time ago.
9. We know the rest :D

That's my timeline, more or less.

wow, that's a long post. about Dean ziggy, give'im back to me. if he won't be sitting on my desk today rapped in christmas paper i'm gonna get you.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Oh no! I wanted so hard to be spoiler free for season 7, but everywhere spoilers scream to me: READ ME, READ ME!
Now I feel bad about myself...but screw it, it's just the first two episodes that I've read about. OF COURSE, I won't read about the other 22 eps. ;)

I have never been this excited about a new season of CSI than this year. And it's all because of our wonderful pair, Grissom and Sara. They are together. They real really are! :D I'm so curious about what's their relationship like, how they came together, etc.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Fabian said:
Oh no! I wanted so hard to be spoiler free for season 7, but everywhere spoilers scream to me: READ ME, READ ME!
Now I feel bad about myself...but screw it, it's just the first two episodes that I've read about. OF COURSE, I won't read about the other 22 eps. ;)

I have never been this excited about a new season of CSI then this year. And it's all because of our wonderful pair, Grissom and Sara. They are together. They real really are! :D I'm so curious about what's their relationship like, how they came together, etc.

I hate to admit it, but I broke my promise to myself and lost a bet, thus failing to get my cookie cake. :( I told my one friend that if I could go until the first episode of next season without reading a single spoiler she would have to buy me a cookie cake. Then she said if I lost the bet and read the spoilers then I would have to buy her a cookie cake. So now I'm stuck with buying her a 10 dollar cookie cake that she won't even eat because of the "icky blue frosting". But at least I've got my spoilers and excitement. ^__^

And I know how semi-off-topic this is, but I have a very interesting and funny story to tell. Okay, so the other day I bought this thing at the beach called "Discover a Sunk Boat". It's this thing where you get a brick of softened plaster with pieces to a boat and a small model of the boat all inside of it. You then have to use the wooden pick and brush to uncover all of the pieces and then you put the boat together. In doing this, it reminded me of CSI. When I got home, I said to my dad "This reminded me of the time on CSI when they had to uncover the body in the sand. Remember that one?" and my dad laughed at me. :D
Conclusion from story: I can relate anything whatsoever to CSI in some way, shape, or form.
Go on, ask me anything. Lol, I'm joking. But I thought it was kinda funny so I thought I'd share.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Gosh, I'm sorry, I totally neglected you guys.. birthday celebrations and all, don'tcha know. Plus hours and hours and hours of Lois and Clark...*drools* Deaaaan... it's Dean's birthday today, btw. Him and I are fated to be together, as you can obviously discern. Last night I totally had a dream where I was being tested on in an institution run by evil fascist mad scientists, and Dean had to break me out, and then we went to a party and sat around on a log making out. *cough* It's amazing my boyfriend puts up with me.

ANYWAY. You guys are rockin' the intellectual convos, so keep at it with those topics, and at the same time we'll move onto the next episode with our theoretical analysis.. I feel like a college prof: "And now open your books to page 5, Friends and Lovers ;)

Okay, so F&L... which, as a topic.. is.. lousy. While Grissom was investigating drugged up naked boy in the desert and amusing himself at the world's lamest rave, Sara was off checking out our friend the recurring sleazy funeral director. I checked through the script briefly, but I couldn't find ANYTHING to really bring up here.. anyone else wanna have a go?

Okay, now I wanna say a few things... first of all, thank you to kimmy, for her post. Please everyone go to the thread she linked and read the rules. We are all lucky enough to have Talk as a fun outlet for creativity, chat, and discussion about one of our favourite topics. The mods and admin work really, really hard to keep this a fun place for us, and lately they've been having to work harder than they usually do to keep the peace.

We are all occasionally guilty of posting short one-liners and OT (why, just look at the beginning of this post!), and in moderation, whatever.. but please try not to let it get out of hand. We're here to discuss Grissom and Sara, and if you have something to say that has NOTHING to do with them, and that's all you have to say, then take it to the misc thread, where Ducky and Wibble hold down a fantastic fort.

Also, there's absolutely no reason to flame anyone, ever. Not even if they flame you first. I've recently made that mistake myself, and just always remember that your best bet is to his that notification button - once - and walk away. I'm still learning lessons, I guess :)

Now I'm not a mod, and I don't pretend to be a mod. But I respect the work my mods DO do, and I respect all you as important members of the community. The last thing I would want is for shipper central to be shut down because of a few bad apples. I don't want GSRs to have bad names, and I don't want us to breed negativity.

Just please, remember that everyone is important, interesting, unique, beautiful, and deserving of your respect. You don't have to agree with anyone, but you DO have to respect them.

Sorry for the rant. I'm just really worried about where things are going on these boards, and I don't want this community to end up down the tubes.

You're all fantastic XD
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