Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Okay, so, last night, I watched Bodies In Motion for the first time. I just watched Grave Danger the other day too (mwa hahaha DVD!) and I noticed that Grissom seems more happy, and he jokes around a lot more. Hehe Car Condom, made me laugh.

So I think that our lovely couple started dating after Grave Danger, the mood seemed to lighten during the transition from season 5 to 6.

If season 6 was happy because Gil and Sara were dating. What will season 7 be like? Dudeeeee, we're gunna have bunnies hopping around everywhere...

I think that Catherine will find out about them first. I think that it would be funny if everyone found out the same way that everyone found out that Warrick was married.

CATHERINE: What's that on your ring finger??
GRISSOM: A ring. I'm married.
GRISSOM: A girl I've been seeing for a while.
GRISSOM: ..Sara..
CATHERINE: *faints*

And later, Catherine would make some joke about them being married, just like she did with Warrick. :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Oh God. I can never watch that scene again. Thanks, Adzix
*the most evil laugh ever*
That, and because I don't think that they immediately went back to the Jeeps and did it, thereby signifying a relationship. Sorry, Adzix
maybe not in a Jeep, but i'm pretty sure after they got back home :devil:
Dude, I thought the exact same thing when I saw that scene! He looked like he was just about to jump her any minute.

Rawr, baby, rawr.
precisely. when i watched it for the first time, i just couldn't believe what was he doing! glancing at her all the time like that in front of everybody?? and she responding to that with equal participation and even giving him a slight smile?? IN FRONT OF EVERYBODY? after that i'm sure the gang is suspecting something. esp. Catherine who showed that she likes Warrick more than she should. She knows how it is to be attracted to someone who you work with, so it shouldn't be a huge thing for her to figure out GSR. if she hadn't done in already. it's HER who told Grissom to lift his head over the microscope and witnessed him getting Sara a plant. it was HER who went with Sara on a beer after the whole Hank thing. if Sara and Grissom were to say anything to anybody, it's Catherine who'd be their choice. again, if she hadn't figured it out already.

and i really don't know what are they going to do. will they tell anyone or keep it a secret? i have no clue. they both don't like making their private lifes a public issue, they rarely talk about it with anyone. but on the other hand is it in-character for them to hide their relationship from everybody? i have no answer to that. it's mostly b/c we see them 95% of times in working moods and they can be different people in private.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Ahhh, CSEyeSex... Le sigh. Before I say anything, I just have to clarify with everyone: That was one of the hottest GSR scenes. Ever. It's right up there with Invisible Evidence. Uh huh, that's right.

Not that you understood my dialogue scene... or what that scene was possibly implying... or what secks means...

No child left perverted!

CATHERINE: What's that on your ring finger??
GRISSOM: A ring. I'm married.
GRISSOM: A girl I've been seeing for a while.
GRISSOM: ..Sara..
CATHERINE: *faints*

Ha. That made me laugh. Poor Catherine.

maybe not in a Jeep, but i'm pretty sure after they got back home

Sigh. Why do I think that your head exploded after Jorja's last comment?
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Reading all the posts about Grissom and Sara 'wanting to get physical' (the song did cross my mind ziggy ;)), i cannot stop wondering if that's what we really want, i mean if we really want csi epies full of personal scenes & stories, that would take our interest away from cases, unresolved mysteries, dead bodies, lab, etc.
We probably need to be careful with "what we wish for", b/c we might actually get it!! :lol: And i'm not so sure we are going to like it when we see it... :rolleyes: (and i'm not refering to Grissom with no clothes on zig, b/c at least Adzix and me are going to enjoy that :p :devil:)

These thoughts were triggered after watching You've Got Male recently. It was so nice to see Grissom's and Sara's little looks to each other, the innocent (?) smiles, etc.
I know, i know i've been up there with all of you cheering for more than handholds and eye contact ;), but now that we're close to actually getting sth, i get cold feet, and i am afraid it will ruin the CSI subtlety...And as a gutterfly once said (roughly quoting) "it's in the angst that GSR has meaning"...
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

naaah, Fallen doncha worry :D the show won't become too personal. i'm fairy sure of that! and i want them to be lovin each other and all that jazz. yup, i want all that!
Sigh. Why do I think that your head exploded after Jorja's last comment?
okey, i may be dumb but which comment are you refering to?
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

SaraSullivan said:
Okay, so, last night, I watched Bodies In Motion for the first time. I just watched Grave Danger the other day too (mwa hahaha DVD!) and I noticed that Grissom seems more happy, and he jokes around a lot more. Hehe Car Condom, made me laugh.

Me too it was the first time! I was happy and surprised about the Cath and Warrick scenes too. And yeah Grissom does look more happy... and did you notice the straw hat?... So hot!! :devil:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Hey fans here's a riveting article from the Chicago Tribune about "Way To Go" it's pretty positive coming from the writers and Jorja and Carol and Shankar- and then there's fans comments- pro and con- and at the end a place for fans to comment- go ziggy you're good at this- ;)I found it really interesting- so ENJOY ;) It's called A "Terrifying" romance on CSI"

Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I was wondring if that was the actual phrase condom"
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Mel23 I know huh? weird- :rolleyes: :D interesting take on this- and it look's lke Carol is still a big time player on CSI- doesn't it?
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

:eek: lol what´s with carol.M amazing lol
and well jorja so sweet ;)
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Mel23 said:
I was wondring if that was the actual phrase condom"

Indeed it was. It went a little something like this:

SARA: Area is uncontrolled. Evidence could be contaminated or lost. We need to get this back to the lab.

GRISSOM: Car condom.


Gotta love Griss & his abstract thought processes :D

There are currently some spoilers coming to light regarding 7:03. I'm waiting to see what our spoiler Queen Gibby has to say before i'll post anything here, though. Meanwhile...

Plug plug. The creative challenges over in the Gutter are due by the 30th of July, so if you want to enter, you have just over a week to do so. You'll find the details here

So far, we've had 3 early entries from the marvelous Simple, Ziggy & TS, so get your skates on.

There are also two other challenges, which are open until the 15th of August and you'll find the details here and here. There are a bunch of you who I really hope submit something, and I'm looking forward to reading them :D

If you haven't yet joined the Gutterflied community over on lj, you can do so here

On other, completely unrelated matters - has anyone read the new chapter of KE's All I Have to Do??? I SWEAR that woman is trying to kill me! I know angst is supposed to be good for the soul but I have whiplash from the number of ups and downs I've experienced reading that story. I love KE, but I suspect she's bad for my health :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I don't know what to make of the monologue at YTDAW. On the one hand the guy is pretty much saying that he's with Sara because he's bored. On the other, it seems that they're setting him up as Phillip Gerrard 2.0, in which case anything he says will be acid-tinged anyhow. Like when PG basically told Grissom his career was over and used it against him. Either way - I'm thinking that the majority of that is going to get cut and reshaped or canned all together. The episode is pretty full of Catherine and Warrick stuff as it is. Not together, sadly - just separate Cath and Warrick stuff.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Agreed! Is just too much blah blah blah blah
Agree!! Is just too much Blah blah blah blah... although it does make kind of sense of what he says but is like STOP putting other peple to know how they really feel and think. Is too much and we know that story already
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Ironically, although there was definitely a slam against GSR in there, it seemed to me to be more of a way to explain WP's absence in upcoming episodes. While he disagrees about Sara, he might want to out and see if he should be doing more teaching and writing... etc etc. Hence, giving WP some time off. It also feels like a way to get WP to just sign that contract.
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