Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

and what am i supposed to do right now, huh? you spoiler monsters.

And yeah Grissom does look more happy... and did you notice the straw hat?... So hot!!
that's what CM was saying too, the hat is an indication that Gris is changing. first the surgery, then the beard, he stopped racing cocroaches, he closed himself for a moment even more, Butterflied, Committed, and GD came. after that he started wearing his straw hat and opened up again. i think he started to finally evaluate his life. he came into realization that life is short esp in his proffesion and roller coasters aren't enough of a diversion to keep his thoughts away from some tough cases. maybe he fought with the risk of burning out? maybe that time when he was so closed in his shell, was the moment of him fighting with it (in Butterflied confession it seemed to me that he was very close to burning out). yet, he finally understood that the only way not to turn into an insensitive robot it to open up to someone. to someone he could care about - sara. maybe he knew that if he won't do that he won't be able to stand his job anymore? maybe his start with sara was to SAVE his job, not to risk it?

yeah, i know some strange thoughts are racing my head. i think this break is too long, i wanna go back to college and think about bussiness law again. well no, maybe not. i hate business law. GSR is way better, even if i'm babbling.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I agree, Adzix - in a way I think we kind of got to see him evolve after burying himself so much into the past and into his work.

I don't necessarily think he'll go back to being "The Old Grissom" now, but who knows?

Although I disagree with the monologue's point about GSR, I would like to point out that the two-parter was said in the press junket to actually be the premiere, which means Toe Tags will be the third episode of the season. And IN Toe Tags, Grissom is teaching a class in the morgue. So while the GSR part of the speech might get changed, I think the part about him abandoning that aspect of his career will not. And good! I want to see Grissom feeling well-rounded again.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I hope that if the monologue won't be cut, it will be rewritten. Obviously i don't like the idea of the boredom as a catalyst for GSR. It would be OC concerning Grissom and very unfair concerning Sara. Besides this statement contradict what Shankar said regarding what driven Grissom to start a relationship with Sara,i.e. a long deliberation about his life and where he's going to. I agree with Sarah that the whole discussion about the job in the monologue could remain and it would be connected with the final scene of Toe Tags. And remember that in Toe Tags the SD says that Sara isn't a hassle . So crossing fingers!

Sorry for the deleted post!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Yeah - there seems to be a lot in Toe Tags that already relieves any worry regarding that speech. However, the fact that he's teaching again implies that that PART of the speech, at least, will stay intact. If I had to guess, they will keep in the meaning part about GSR, if only because they want to represent how an outsider might view that relationship and how the team and Ecklie might see it as well.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I agree, Adzix - in a way I think we kind of got to see him evolve after burying himself so much into the past and into his work.

I don't necessarily think he'll go back to being "The Old Grissom" now, but who knows?
naaah, i don't think so either. "old grissom" is the one mostly from the pilot, so there may be actually no old gris if we exclude this ep (and couple of next ones). i mean, we all know the writers weren't sure about personalities of the characters at that time yet, they also didn't know if the people in business will like the idea of this show or not, so they just shot a pilot with grissom calling corpses "assholes" etc. all i'm saying is that the "funny" griss from the beginning didn't have to be anybodys plan, just the weird outcome of starting a new show. but we all know that, right? i'm just trying to say something and ignore those freakin' spoilers *wipes sweat from the forehead*
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Well, with new spoilers in mind (sorry, Adzix) it does actually sound like that Grissom from the pilot really WAS supposed to show the way he used to be.

It's not that he became joyless as a supervisor, but more rather that he had to suddenly be doing less and less of what he loved, and he was much less of a free agent. I think the Grissom from the pilot was the lead CSI with a lot of clout, but that didn't carry any real extra responsibility. And he could always jet off to teach a class somewhere if he wanted to, or write a paper.

Locked to his desk, I think he was forced to become a lot more serious.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

you know what sarah? i think i like what i hear from you. if he's going to be happier etc, i'll watch CSI with even more pleasure. i don't know anything that TPTB is planning to do so i'm interpreting things that already happened. for now it seems to me that what i said earlier is correct. but if, as you're saing, his personality will make a circle, i'm going to really think those people did a masterpiece on Grissom's character throughout the years.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

hey gang!! :Di'm back from summer holiday, yeahyeah, Spain was great!! :D :DMy skin now has a very weird brown color, so cool! :p the first thing i did when i came home, was come over here, and suprise, GSRThread # 20 was there, 18 pages to read! :D :D I was to my mother like: 'Okay mom, bring the crisps over here, cause i will be here for a couple of hours, just reading the thread! ;)Welcome to all the newcomers, enjoy here, cause we are the best (ofcourse)!! :devil: :devil:
i can't wait untill season 7 aires, but here in holland, it will take a while, i guess... they are now airing season five, and i have just watched Nesting Dolls for the first time, i was almost (a tear was running down my cheek already) crying when I saw Sara telling about her childhood, poor Sara! :( :(Did Billy shaved his beard?? :eek: too bad, i loved it. :eek: I was always telling my friends that his beard was what made him so good-looking.. :rolleyes: Well, i'll just say to myself: hair grows back, hair grows back, and i'll keep my fingers crossed! :p
for the marriage thing between Sara and grissom, i'd say: YES, I do!! ;) but i want it to happen in a really geeky-way, haven't figured out how exactly that is.. A geek-wedding, i would love it! with bug-drinks and a science-pie! ;)

for my personal life (yesyes, i DO have a life) it was my birthday two days ago! :D :D i got nice presents, and a very large book of CSi episodes, from season one, two and three! :D :D does anyone knows it? in it, you'll find whole stories from the directors, and everything about the episodes, soooo cool! :eek: :D i was like: omg, omg, omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool:

MissDee, i know i'm late with this, but: Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D i couldn't congratulate you on your real birthday, cause i was lying in the sun in Sunny Spain, and reading a really cool crime-book! :rolleyes:

for the rest, i missed you all, and from now on, i will loyal keep on reading every post! :)
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

greggoooo_fan i am very happy that you like spain :) ( i am spanish...obvious lol )

Did Billy shaved his beard? is true??? :( please you say that not.

only i say that i like the spoilers :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

fogi, please don't kill me, i double posted my first post, and my pc is acting a little weird.. sorrysorrysorry
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Hey not to worry- the first and second eppies are just that- there's many more to follow- you know how they are- never following through ever :( and continuning unless it's "ABRTI' pt. 1-2--lets just skip to 3 and 4 and 5 and 6-and then he'll be gone for part of Nov./Dec. doing that play in Rhode Island- ;)just bide our time & they'll pick up on our awesome/twosome- can't drop the ball now- they've went to far- :eek:


Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

greggoooo_fan said:
fogi, please don't kill me, i double posted my first post, and my pc is acting a little weird.. sorrysorrysorry

I'm lost hon. I didn't see a double post from you... :confused:

Did Billy shaved his beard??

Short answer, we don't know if Billy will be bearded or beardless in Season 7. We have a beardless sighting from a gossip columnist, which I always take with a barrel-load of salt. Hopefully there'll be some promo shots made available soon and we'll know then *keeps fingers crossed for the beard*

sarahvma said:
It's not that he became joyless as a supervisor, but more rather that he had to suddenly be doing less and less of what he loved, and he was much less of a free agent. I think the Grissom from the pilot was the lead CSI with a lot of clout, but that didn't carry any real extra responsibility. And he could always jet off to teach a class somewhere if he wanted to, or write a paper.

I actually just watched the first 3 episodes back to back, and it is so bizarre watching Grissom back then. The quirkiness hasn't changed per se; it just got really really dark over the years, and became less frequent. But there really is a young-pup thing going on with him in the first few episodes - and especially the pilot. He's... bouncy (for want of a better word)

I've always felt that (if you set aside the obviously off-camera decisions to change and develop Grissom's character) that the reason the way he changed the way he did was due to the pressures of the job

and if the pompous-ass monologue from the Doc goes ahead as scripted, I guess we'll have a canon explanation for it too...

You're absolutely right, Sarah - he went from being this senior CSI guy, who supervised the others (he introduces himself to Holly by saying "I'll be your supervisor on Grave") but Brass was in charge of the lab, so he was doing all the administrative crap, dealing with the sheriff, etc. Grissom was senior, but he was also still one of the team.

Then he gets the promotion, which was not planned and not sought after (how many times has Grissom made it clear that he does not seek to advance through the ranks - especially since it would mean becoming a full-time paper pusher...) Suddenly, he's not one of the troops anymore. He's their leader - in an official capacity. He's got all this paperwork, evaluations, political nonsense. He can't go off and lecture or write papers, because he's too busy pushing paper in between solving crimes. And, as a result of now being "the boss", he has to develop a certain level of detachment from the rest of the team. So all that, plus his hearing - no wonder the character became darker.

Then along comes season 6, and the return of the quirkier Grissom. Sure, he's not as nutty as he was in the pilot, but he's definitely lighter - and if that hat isn't nutty, I don't know what is... :lol: I'm sure there's a reason for his new, lighter, happier state of mind... perhaps a tall, brunette, brown-eyed reason... ;)
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I think that more than the team seeing him as The Boss, he felt that a certain kind of attitude or responsibility came with the job whether he wanted it or not. And because of that, he did become more sombre because no matter how much he is un-politic, he wasn't too stupid to follow Brass's advice and "cover his ass" to a certain extent.

And that, to him, must have largely included inter-office dating. We see him go from dating a lab tech in a very casual way to suddenly only really flirting with women outside of the department, like Terri. Of course, Sara was always there and I think that even with shutting himself down, he really couldn't help the feelings that had re-ignited since San Francisco, but eventually took hold of that as well. Which obviously would confuse Sara, and lead to her not quite understanding why he turned her down, really.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Is weird how Grissom's character went from being a nutso, crazy, mad, bouncing or whatever you want to call him to being so dark, secretive and just him in his own little world to being a happy again. Why is he like that though? His parents? A past relationship and his feeling got hurt real bad? I actually thought he was married back then in season 2 "Burden of Proof" when Cath is talking to him about her being burned because of her past relationship and then when i stated watching it more i was like "What he wasnt married and his never been married?" I was quite surprised there.

But i like this season's Griss so happy small jokes and wearing his cute sraw hat oh and then there's the crazy hawaiian shirt just gotta love him.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

*nods* I was happy to see the hat again in the S6 opener. Cute.
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