Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Jorja and Billy hated each other in the beginning? I had never heard that . . . well, I am glad they like each other now and can play the part of my favorite geeks who are now doing it <shoots canon>!

I had a Sandle dream last night that freaked me out, because I felt like I was betraying my GSR-ness. Let's just say it had Greg in a pink camisole and a thong, and for some reason after laughing hysterically Sara thought it was cute and was all over him. I won't give any more details because that is just too much information about my screwed up brain!!Anyways, I need to read a fic or two to reset my priorities on my fav ship.

I voted for Grissom asking Sara on a date, because I think its about time and he needed to do something drastic. I do agree with those who said that they would need to have a conversation about the whole thing before getting into a relationship, but I think this could have happened on a first date.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

i seriously don't know any girl who doesn't
*waves hand in air frantically* I don't! I don't find Billy sexy!

I'm happy that they're getting trim. This pleases me. However, I don't care whether or not there are sex scenes, because frankly, I don't wanna see Billy naked. Or anything close to.

Okay I am seriously ill here I need to go pass out now.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I'm happy that they're getting trim. This pleases me. However, I don't care whether or not there are sex scenes, because frankly, I don't wanna see Billy naked. Or anything close to.

this is an official threat for everyone esp. ziggy. if ya'll won't help Reeble and find some GSR pics and fanart i'm gonna change my bann and av to a very perverse one! thank you *cocks head, turns around, and giggles when no one can hear*
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

For the poll i picked #8. I just dont think that Sara asked him out again after the "Sanke" scene and or did nothing about her feelings no more until he did something about it.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Hmmm- Billy and Jorja- or Grissom and Sara- both have always "liked" one another- in real life Jorja hangs out at Billys mansion in L.A. where they both live and on the show "have always liked each other as well- just wondering why you thought the "hated" each other- here's some pics -a blast from the past" from Bloodlust S/2

Grissom-I need you
Sara-(long pause-ending with a smile) How can I help?
Grissom-I don't need help-I have you :p


Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

this is an official threat for everyone esp. ziggy. if ya'll won't help Reeble and find some GSR pics and fanart i'm gonna change my bann and av to a very perverse one!
*twitch* That's disgusting. Fogi won't let you! HA! *embraces PG-13-o-meter* Anyway, what does Reebs need pics of/for?
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

ziggystarduzt said:
this is an official threat for everyone esp. ziggy. if ya'll won't help Reeble and find some GSR pics and fanart i'm gonna change my bann and av to a very perverse one!
*twitch* That's disgusting. Fogi won't let you! HA! *embraces PG-13-o-meter* Anyway, what does Reebs need pics of/for?

For the NEW AND IMPROVED Tenant List, Zigsta! Now I know you and Photoshop CS 2 (grr, I hate you) have been off making babies so you should go now to make gsr fanart to put as the background.

And that goes for everyone: If you can make or know of any GSR fanart or pictures (that includes cool manipulations) then send them to me, otherwise we'll just stick to the tenant list we have now. And come on, doesn't everyone want a brand new spankin' tenant list to display our beloved names?

Of course you do. We all love new stuff.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Jorja and Billy hated each other in the beginning? I had never heard that . . . well, I am glad they like each other now and can play the part of my favorite geeks who are now doing it <shoots canon>!

Jorja said that she didn't know how she'd make it through a workday with someone she couldn't stand but that somewhere around mid season something clicked and now she loves working with him. *shrug*.

The ironic thing is that at the time they were supposedly getting more amicable with each other, that was the time when GSR hit the rocks - Too Tough to Die and so on.

I'm happy that they're getting trim. This pleases me. However, I don't care whether or not there are sex scenes, because frankly, I don't wanna see Billy naked. Or anything close to.

Well, I can show you the moving avvie again, if you want to see it...
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I wonder what they are all like to work with? I bet Griss and Sara laugh all the time... I know I would working so closely with him...if I could concentrate at all.....:rolleyes:

Getting very giddy now. I'm going to Las Vegas in less than a week! Will they be there filming or is it too early? I promise to be as gutterish as possible and staLk at every oppotunity. Only got into CSI after booking our hol. Now it's taking over my life! I should be marking coursework, but sod that when I can do this! :lol:

Where do they hang out? WHERE? WHERE? WHERE???!!!!!!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

britfan, i heard that they usually film in California, only sometimes when it's necessary they go to LV (they say that they would loose all the money they earn filming CSI in casinos if they were shooting there all the time :lol: ). and i also read somewhere that they're starting to film in August. well, i guess, as desertwind said, they hang out at billy's mansion ;) and i'm gonna tell you one more thing, if we knew WHERE do they go in public, they wouldn't have life. at all :lol:

ETA: about them working together, it seems they have fun together, here some dailies from Compulsion:
-Yeah, RIGHT
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

For the NEW AND IMPROVED Tenant List, Zigsta! Now I know you and Photoshop CS 2 (grr, I hate you) have been off making babies so you should go now to make gsr fanart to put as the background.
OOooh, okay! I haven't actually done any CSI work today.. it's all been Dead Like Me, Firefly, and X-Files. However, my dear Reebs, you have inspired me, and tomorrow I will get right to some loveydovey GSRt. (Yes, I meant to say GSRt. It's pronounced Gee-ess-art, see? Clever hey? Yeah, I thought so.)

Well, I can show you the moving avvie again, if you want to see it...
If you're not nice to me I will retract the invite to my birthday party. *nose in air* And if my card has Billy in any state of undress on it, I WILL have you assassinated.

You guys are weirding me out with talk of Billy's mansion like it's some sort of.. Playboy Mansion type getup... that scares me beyond all belief. You will pay.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Full on guttered now. Las Vegas sucks. Wonder if I can change my holiday destination to California...mmm... Love the Billy Playboy Mansion idea! We can all become his hareem! Pink fluffy ears do nothing for me though, but the bunny tail, well now, that's a different story!! :devil:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Full on guttered now. Las Vegas sucks. Wonder if I can change my holiday destination to California...mmm... Love the Billy Playboy Mansion idea! We can all become his hareem! Pink fluffy ears do nothing for me though, but the bunny tail, well now, that's a different story!!
i love you, and your ideas. but i think i'm gonna take him only for myslelf :D :devil: ohhhhhhhhh, that's a good name for the new Billy Pic thread! Billy Playboy Mansion :lol: genius.

You guys are weirding me out with talk of Billy's mansion like it's some sort of.. Playboy Mansion type getup... that scares me beyond all belief. You will pay.
you're a grown woman ziggy, stop whining.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

ziggystarduzt said:
i seriously don't know any girl who doesn't
*waves hand in air frantically* I don't! I don't find Billy sexy!

I'm happy that they're getting trim. This pleases me. However, I don't care whether or not there are sex scenes, because frankly, I don't wanna see Billy naked. Or anything close to.

Okay I am seriously ill here I need to go pass out now.

I never used to in the beginning, but now it's changed :)
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