Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

no.2 baby! that was the most horny Grissom we've ever seen! i still think no. 3 is true as well, but no.2 sounds so much better for someone who has to wait 2 more months for S7 to start, and the only thing which is left is to read ff and rewatch old eps. therefore his thoughts could've been only "You. Me. This table. Now." :devil:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

that was the most horny Grissom we've ever seen!

I so agree :devil: - his eyes have a peculiar sparkle in them :devil: :p
I voted for no.3 though, because i believe that they were together for some time before TOYD (i am supporter of them hooking- up- after- Commitement senario).

But there is one thing i can't understand though: Why, when Catherine tells him (in Weeping Willows)"Is it a crime to want a little human contact?" he answers: "I guess that's why I don't go out."?? :rolleyes: (Was it because Sara and him were always together- and so he didn't need to go out anywhere alone to meet new people?? ;) Or was it more like "that's why i don't date" kind of commment? :rolleyes:
I am confused!! :confused: :rolleyes:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

FallenforGrissom said:

But there is one thing i can't understand though: Why, when Catherine tells him (in Weeping Willows)"Is it a crime to want a little human contact?" he answers: "I guess that's why I don't go out."?? :rolleyes: (Was it because Sara and him were always together- and so he didn't need to go out anywhere alone to meet new people?? ;) Or was it more like "that's why i don't date" kind of commment? :rolleyes:
I am confused!! :confused: :rolleyes:

Well, I think we could intepret this as either:

1.) He meant "go out" as in meeting strangers and dating
2.) He is trying to keep his relationship with Sara undercover by playing up his antisocial reputation (if they had indeed already started a relationship)
3.) He is being snarky with Catherine for her always insinuating (mostly correctly) that he has no social life (This started way back in the beginning ala Pledging Mr. Johnson) I doubt this one, but its not completely inplausible

Also, its very possible they weren't together yet in this ep, as I figure they got together some time after Grave Danger. I might see "Weeping Willows" as a sign that they are not yet together.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

zupa_fly I feel that your options 1 & 2 could propably be true (i want them to be true anyway ;)...),
although G & S getting together after Grave Danger is still a viable case (even after GD, still it means they were a couple before the TOYD scene) :)
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

in the poll i vetd for the number 1 Grissom's been gazing at her the whole time - after listening to Caprice, he realizes he needs to finally make his move, and he asks her out
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

hey Sidlreiana, you sure you voted? cause there is still 0% on your option.

About Weeping Willows ep, i simply think they weren't together yet and Gris just said what he thought, as always ;)
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Adzix said:
hey Sidlreiana, you sure you voted? cause there is still 0% on your option.
:rolleyes: so sorry i think that i forget push for voted :rolleyes: thans adzix ;)

i see that my option is´t the most choose it :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Hey fans- I don't want to go against the "rules' so I won't post this here- but go over to the "spoiler" thread- and read the latest- concerning the kick-off of S/7- here in Las Vegas--wished I could post it here- but if I could I would- and FG let me know and I will- OK--grins gleefully ;)
and on Billy's mansion- he livs in Hancock Park a affulent neighborhood in L.A. I saw his house once a long time ago on another web-site- OMG- unbeliveable Italian motif-gorgeous--and I know him and Gary go to Dodger games in L.A.-and that Jorja brought over "baked goods" to his home-- read this on the WPAP-

Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

For the poll i picked the second option..."Same as above but they've already been going out. This is about ...ummm more... "physical" stuff. :devil:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

you're a grown woman ziggy, stop whining.
Only on the outside! Hmph. *bursts into tears and shoves thumb in mouth*

For the ToYD poll I went with PHYSICAL (*cue the Olivia Newton-John.. No? Y'all are too young to get that? Damn. *goes back to sulking in the corner*).

I think, judging by WTG, they were definitely already together at this point, so option #1 is out.. and I think that look meant more than just "Ha ha, inside joke!" no.. I think that they were seriously contemplating jumping on that table, ripping each other's clothes off, and doing the nas-tay right there in the break room. Not that I would want to have to see that, of course.

Okay, so we have a few entries in now, but nowhere NEAR enough, as far as I'm concerned. Today I received a beautiful glass butterfly art piece from TheatreSporter, all the way from New Zealand! Please keep it coming, folks, I'm really hoping to make this the most fantastic thing ever received :) PM me for details.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

no.2 baby! that was the most horny Grissom we've ever seen!

Oh God. I can never watch that scene again. Thanks, Adzix

The whole gang gets up except for Grissom and Sara.
CATHERINE: C'mon, we're going out for breakfast.
GRISSOM: I... I can't get up from the table just now...

I picked Number 3 - partly because of the cheeky look that Sara gives him after Greg announces his prospective birthday gift from Grissom.

There's that sense that they both are now having fun with the fact that they still have hidden it - contrasting the worried looks after Caprice.

That, and because I don't think that they immediately went back to the Jeeps and did it, thereby signifying a relationship. Sorry, Adzix
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

The whole gang gets up except for Grissom and Sara.
CATHERINE: C'mon, we're going out for breakfast.
GRISSOM: I... I can't get up from the table just now...

I think I just peed my pants laughing at this. Too much for me even though I can see that happening. Gris is hot for his woman!

For the poll I picked no. 3 because they think they are so sly to hide it, even though we all picked up on it way before they even knew it was going on. They think they are so sly. hehe.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

For the poll, I was torn between 1 and 3. I went for 1 but technically 3 could be true if they got together after seeing Caprice and before sitting at the table!! I didn't get a feeling of togetherness at Caprice's but in WTG is seems as though they have been together for a long time because of how comfortable they were.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any


Anyone know what type of home it is he's got in Chicago now? Didn't I hear it mentioned it was one of those high end condos or something?

*wishes she could sneak downtown n catch a glimpse of him*
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Ziggystarduzt said:
However, my dear Reebs, you have inspired me, and tomorrow I will get right to some loveydovey GSRt. (Yes, I meant to say GSRt. It's pronounced Gee-ess-art, see? Clever hey? Yeah, I thought so.)

Magical, Zigz. I can't wait. And everyone else: PM me some stuff for the tenant list! Anything GSR! Comics, screencaps, manipulations, blends, icons; I'll include it all somehow.

Sarahvma said:
The whole gang gets up except for Grissom and Sara.
CATHERINE: C'mon, we're going out for breakfast.
GRISSOM: I... I can't get up from the table just now...

I love it, Sarah. :lol:

Poll: The Eye Secks

Ahhh, CSEyeSex... Le sigh. Before I say anything, I just have to clarify with everyone: That was one of the hottest GSR scenes. Ever. It's right up there with Invisible Evidence. Uh huh, that's right.

Ahem. Anyways... I'm pretty sure they were together at that point seeing as the next week they were in a bedroom together. I don't know how much time passed in the show, but I'm pretty sure Grissom and Sara aren't the type of people who would just...get right to it. They were way to comfortable at the end with each other to just be another day at work. It was hard choosing between the second and third choice, but I ended up choosing #2.

Jenjac said:
I didn't get a feeling of togetherness at Caprice's but in WTG is seems as though they have been together for a long time because of how comfortable they were.

I was thinking about that too, Jen. But who knows? They were in complete work-mode in the Caprice scene, but in the last scene of the episode it seemed to be the end of shift. Ideas?

Adzix said:
no.2 baby! that was the most horny Grissom we've ever seen!

Dude, I thought the exact same thing when I saw that scene! He looked like he was just about to jump her any minute.

Rawr, baby, rawr.
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