Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Blimey! How much do you guys post?! Just took me about an hour to read everything from Saturday!

I don't think anything happened in San Fran. The reactions when they saw each other for the first time at the crime scene are similar to my reations when I see my old English teacher. (a Grissom/Sara comparison can be drawn there too...but not in a 'hands on' way! Older, dishy guy thing!) We are always happy to see each other. They are familiar with each other. Grissom needs someone he can trust and she needs to be around Grissom. My interpretation (which could well be wide of the mark) is she fancies him and wants 'to be the star pupil.' He needs her professionally, she needs him personally.

Neither are in the position to do anything about it. Series one is flirty flirty, series two and three is Grissom's personal issues and pushing everyone, including Sara, away to cope with his hearing disorder, retracting from the world generally, series four and five is her coming to terms with her demons and ultimately re-uniting her with Grissom in friendship. I think the 'We've come a long way...Baby' comment helps with that, even though Sara doesn't quite know how to take it.

That leaves series six, which has them together at some stage. Both are now able to deal with something personal between them

I know it's not a detailed analysis, but I'm a simple kind of person!

PS - How do you get the instant graemlins onto your post?! This is just way too technical!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

britfan we're just csi freaks, explains everything :lol:

i agree on your simplified analysis of their relationship throughout the seasons. i think it's more or less accurate.

oh, and i've got a poll for ya'll :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I voted number 6. They needed to talk to clear the air. Things had got BAAAAAD between them, almost depressingly so. Grissom needed to start the dialogue as he had to know what to do about 'this.' Once they are on talking terms and are happy as friends, then it can lead on to something more intimate.

After watching the series six finale again, I have to say the interplay between them at the camera duel is brilliant. The cheeky little nod of Grissom's head and her OMG what-are-you-doing look. They so went to Boots and had the photos developed for the family album!!!!

I still don't know how to post a graemlin! Help!!
Imagine the red devil image here!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

i voted the same as you, that is no. 6 :D i just felt that it was the most natural thing for them to do. a date would be saying too much (and we know how Grissom is). IMO, it's undoubtedly Grissom who initiated everything, Sara tried to do it too many times and it was his time to act. so the question is "how?". once again i agree with those who stated that they needed to talk things out to clear everything up, not jump at each other in one undefined moment without explaining anything. that's why i automaticly crossed out answers from 1-5 and no. 7. so i considered answers 6, and from 8 to 10, but i've chosen 6 cause it seemed the most natural and just ... easier and possible to happen.

to put a graemlin just write : D or : eek : or : evil : or : ( or : ) or : mad : or : rolleyes : or : p without the spaces between :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Adzix, you are grdually becoming my hero. :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Welcome britfan glad your here- have fun- I picked #7-she's tired of him dilly-dallying around and sitting on the fence- said" hey buddy now or never- and he picked "now" :p

Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Ok so I think I just peed my pants laughing at this. I hope there is some truth in this.

Jorja just did an interview and was quoted saying, ""I run into some people who think it's great," says Fox. "But I've also had some bitter fans say, 'What are you doing with him? You should be with Greg (Eric Szmanda)! As for the actress herself, Fox says she's "thrilled" with the story line and jokes that she's prepping for some sex scenes if they come her way. "Billy and I have been working out all summer," she proclaims." i think this just made my day because even though she is joking, it is still making me have high hopes for this season. I cant fricken wait.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

ginascar said:
Jorja just did an interview and was quoted saying, ""I run into some people who think it's great," says Fox. "But I've also had some bitter fans say, 'What are you doing with him? You should be with Greg (Eric Szmanda)! As for the actress herself, Fox says she's "thrilled" with the story line and jokes that she's prepping for some sex scenes if they come her way. "Billy and I have been working out all summer," she proclaims." i think this just made my day because even though she is joking, it is still making me have high hopes for this season. I cant fricken wait.

Haha, yeah I read that too. I agree, though - even though she is joking I think she's still implying something.I think in that same interview she replied to a question about GSR with: "You ain't seen nothin' yet". Could this be the season the geeks get their freak on, folks? I'm keeping my hopes up! *crosses fingers*

Adzix - I just have to say that I love your new avatar. 'Tis very sexy.

Ahhh, so many polls, so little time. I'm just going to pretend I didn't see the other ones and answer the most recent ones. I swear, we need to cut back on polls or something cause we seem to be running out of things to say. :p

"Intimate" in San Francisco?

Yeah, no.

I'm not completely against something happening in San Fransisco, but back then she was strictly his student, and he was strictly her teacher. It just seems to be not Grissom and not Sara. And not to mention that its a bit cliché.

So I picked the third answer: "Absolutely not - they may have flirted, but it didn't go beyond that".

When Sara came to Vegas, Grissom's reaction wasn't as much "Yay! My screw buddie's back!" as it was "Glad to see her back. We had a great time, she's grown alot yada yada yada". Okay, so maybe there was a teensy bit of "Do me right now" but you know... I mean, what?

*falls into the gutter*

Who and how do you think initiated the beggining of the relationship?

Damn Adz, you know how bad I am with choices. Why'd you have to go off giving me 11 to choose from? :p

I don't think their relationship started as an "official" date. After GD I believe they started going out for breakfast and coffee as friends. And as I forgot who said a while ago: none of them wanted to call it anything; they didn't want to put a label on it. Gradually, maybe things escalated until one of them finally called it out and said "Okay, I don't think we're considered 'just friends' now, are we?". So I picked option 10. My guess? Sara would of had to say it. lol.


I was skimming through the old threads about the time that our Gutterflied MSN Group got started, and saw how much fun we were having back then. I'm not saying we don't have fun, we have tons of fun nowadays too. Hell, it's a blast in here! But I miss the old chat and there's never anyone in there anymore. I know it's probably because it's the summer and it'll probably get back up and running as soon as the new season starts, but maybe we should plan a time to go in the chat and have a party in there or something. Who knows? Maybe we'll surpass our old record of people in there.

Oh, and as for the new tenant list goes: I still need submissions for fanart to add to the background! The lovely Adzix has already PMed me some stuff to use for it, but what about everyone else? Come on now! *cracks her whip* Get crackin'....or else!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

CSI placed third in last week's ratings, but it was a very tight fit amongst the first three.

AND at least one million more people tuned in to see the steamy eye-secks than the admitted storyline-better Roshomama the week before.

Grey's? Not even on the top 10 list. I guess that goes to show that people are more interested in GSR...

ANYway... on to that new shinny poll! (I love polls) - I had a hard choice between 8 and 10, however I think 8 happened first, and then 10, so technically that makes it more of the initiation anyhow.

While I don't think they had a relationship in San Francisco, it's certainly possible that they had a friendship where each one felt the pull of a little something more... but didn't act on it.

However there was something in his voice when he said "God, Sara - I have so many unanswered why's" - which kind of feeds my theory that they started to get involved, whatever you want to take that to mean, however nothing of note (or even kissing) really happened (ie. they went on a date) and the brakes had to be put on.

Because there was a lot of interesting tension in the very next episode with him holding her face and taping her up.

Also, when Catherine heard that Sara was taking the case, she responded to the name as though she recognized it and didn't approve. Maybe because she was a rookie, maybe not...

Well, according to the very nasty "Defamer" WP has been looking trimmer of late... lol. Either way, it was definitely funny.

Oh, interesting sidenote - at the media press tour she said that when they first started working together, she and WP HATED one-another (she said she absolutely couldn't stand him) and then halfway through the first season something snapped and she now says she loves working with him...

Doesn't that timeline kind of co-inside with Teri Miller's sudden appearance and then her kind of getting the boot?

Just saying maybe GSR got stalled because they were afraid of the actor's reactions.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Adzix, you are grdually becoming my hero.
oh, really britfan?? i'm glad :lol: :D
Adzix - I just have to say that I love your new avatar. 'Tis very sexy.
well thank you Reeble :D it's one of my favorite "dressed" ones as well :rolleyes:
Damn Adz, you know how bad I am with choices. Why'd you have to go off giving me 11 to choose from?
MWAHA. HA. HA. HA. *Gravedangerish whisper* perfect.
Oh, interesting sidenote - at the media press tour she said that when they first started working together, she and WP HATED one-another (she said she absolutely couldn't stand him) and then halfway through the first season something snapped and she now says she loves working with him...
i also remember that every time during Jorja's interviews when a journalist asks her who is her favorite actor or idol etc. she says that she's always had a "celebral crush on WP". *sigh* i think he's vey crush-uable ... in general :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

My pleasure Adzix. Who doesn't have a little crush on Grissom? Mmmm! :devil:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

*nod nod nod* He's crush-able...and hug-able(sometimes) and kiss-able...and lick-able....*ggl*
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Intresting poll!! :D Well, i voted for option 10. I guess Grissom had to be the one to make the first step, i mean Sara had done it like a thousand times before and nothing had happened! ;)
It's not his style asking out on a DATE (the word only freaks him out?- Teri Miller was the last to ask on a date i think :rolleyes:), but he's asked women before for diner (Sofia included). So it's possible he found a good excuse (case related) to ask Sara to have dinner with him and half way turned into a good (hott? :devil:) date... :D

GRISSOM: "The lab results are inconsistent with the evidence we found on the vic's clothes..."
SARA: "Yes, and the murder weapon we recovered from the scene has a blood stain with DNA that the lab was unable to identify..."
GRISSOM: Mm, true, and also i need to point out the fact that... I LOVE YOU...
GRISSOM: *comes closer and kisses her*

...Great expectations... ;)
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

My pleasure Adzix. Who doesn't have a little crush on Grissom? Mmmm!
i seriously don't know any girl who doesn't :lol:
*nod nod nod* He's crush-able...and hug-able(sometimes) and kiss-able...and lick-able....*ggl*
duuuh he is crushable. like no one else !!! :D YYAAY!! *freaks out*

Fallen, now that's a dialog i wanna hear on season's premiere :lol: btw, i'm still crackin up at it.
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