Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

sarahvma said:
Aaah - is that the scene where he approaches her about not having done the rape kit?

I thought that was the scene where he asks if he can borrow her pickle?
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I thought that was the scene where he asks if he can borrow her pickle?

Yeah - Overload. The one where the construction worker is electrocuted and Grissom fights the man (without realising that technically by working for the government, he is the man... he and Mulder would have gotten along swimmingly, but I digress) and is all "Pfft - Sherriff No-Science, this man was MURDERED, I say! And to prove it, I'm going to look at his testicles!"

And so he did.

And Sara and Warrick apologized for not listening to him.

And then Grissom remembered that that was probably not the best approach to bedding Sara. And wept. Alone. In his condo. Over a New York Times crossword puzzle.

Well, maybe not.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Yay, Ziggy! That's one person who missed besides me! Yeah you!

Anywho, Overload was a great episode. For, um...reasons. And pickles are fun because of it too, so there! It's like undead monkeys, you just can't top the pickles anymore. *sigh*

I really should find something meaningful to post, because people only care so much about GSR-y pickles...o_o;;
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

ohh, Overload is SUCH a great episode. grissom was so adorable and funny. remember when he caught sara and warrick betting against him or the conversation between him and sheriff??

S: What was that all about?
G: Naaah, we're on a bowling league together.


the picle moment cracked me up as well, esp. when he asked sara for one. SO ADORABLE :lol:

i'm watching Overload right now. i love this episode to death.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

*Coughs* So... who wants to talk about fleshed-out episode-related but very GSR-specific episodes for no other reason than because it's the right thing to do?

I know I do.

Again, Desertwind - what scene is the Bloodlines picture from? Is it when he confronts her after she didn't do the rape kit?

Okay, we've long since passed Bloodlines but I did want to say something that ties into the drinking. Hombodies we see that really haunting look from Sara, going straight at Grissom. In a sense, it almost feels like her warning way of saying, "As a supervisor, you need to take me off these cases". Because it really affected her. She was specifically requested by this girl for her help, she tried to put the murderer away, but while it wasn't her fault, she did of course take the responsibility of the girl having been killed.

Bloodlines bookends this episode. Hombodies was also the first script written, so it's possible it was originally going to be the first episode. Either way, it kind of shows the point Sara's gotten to. And yes, he did warn her in the first season about this, however the point at which Sara won't help someone is a rather strange place.

And again, I think she's kind of asking for his help without knowing how. Which is why he looks so guilty at the end of Bloodlines, knowing that he didn't pay attention to her because of his own feelings, and knowing that she nearly got fired because of it.

This is not to say that none of it was Sara's fault, but I'm speaking from Grissom's POV.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

sarahvma said:
Bloodlines bookends this episode. Hombodies was also the first script written, so it's possible it was originally going to be the first episode. Either way, it kind of shows the point Sara's gotten to. And yes, he did warn her in the first season about this, however the point at which Sara won't help someone is a rather strange place.

Exactly. I know a lot of people in the fandom (both pro and anti-GSR fans) like to blame Sara's downward spiral almost entirely on Grissom, but i really don't think that't the case. Sure, him saying "no" to dinner in Play With Fire probably didn't help, and what Sara overheard in Butterflied probably hurt like hell and added onto the pain which she was already experiencing, but i definitely believe that was only one part of what was going on with Sara.

Lets start with the face that all the things which Sara prided herself on being good at were being steadily whittled away since season 3. First, you have Sara being unable to prove who murdered Eddie Willows. How completely impotent must she have felt to be unable to bring that person to justice for Catherine & Lindsey. It was clear that it hurt her - she did her best and it wasn't good enough.

Then her ability to read people, to know people, was called into question - twice in quick succession. First, she discovers that the person she though of as a friend was actually a murderer and had been lying the whole time she knew her (One Hit Wonder). Then she finds out that not only is her boyfriend seeing someone else, but he's actually turned her into the "other woman" (Crash & Burn).

Then you have the lab explosion, which obviously had a negative affect on her - she went a little nuts after that near-fatal experience.

You go into season 4, and this young girl reaches out to her, after a lot of coaxing on Sara's part, and Sara does her best to help. But it's not good enough. The girl is murdered (Homebodies).

Perhaps to get her confidence back in her ability to do the job, or perhaps to garner some kind of praise/reassurance from Grissom in her abilities, she goes for the promotion. And obviously, that doesn't go well, leading to more friction between her and Grissom.

Finally, you get the mirror image of what happened in Homebodies happening in Bloodlines. A girl is raped (and, unless one happened off screen, this is Sara's first rape case since Suzanna) She's clearing having problems dealing with it - Grissom notices a couple of times during the episode that she seems burned out. And, despite their best efforts, the victim once again ends up murdered.

I am convinced that when we see Warrick, Nick and Sara walking along the strip, they've just come from having a drink or too to wash away the bitter after-taste of this case. Sara had the misfortune of being caught driving afterwards. I'm not saying that good judgement was exercised - it was clearly a stupid decision on her part - but she wasn't fall down drunk and it was most certainly not a sign of alcoholism. If so, then all of us who feel the need to go out for a couple of drinks after a hard day at work need to sign up for AA - that'd be pretty much every person I know.

I think there were a few moments were Grissom was ready to talk to Sara, to try and help her. She was reaching breaking point - the burn out he warned her about way back in Too Tough To Die was fast approaching, and he knew he needed to do something. But Sara wasn't ready to let him and he didn't quite know how to push the issue to make her let him help her (if that makes sense)
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Lets start with the face that all the things which Sara prided herself on being good at were being steadily whittled away since season 3. First, you have Sara being unable to prove who murdered Eddie Willows. How completely impotent must she have felt to be unable to bring that person to justice for Catherine & Lindsey. It was clear that it hurt her - she did her best and it wasn't good enough.

And, of course, we now know that probably hit home more than Catherine knew, trying to solve the case of a father's death for a daughter.

Not being able to have read Hank, especially when it was kind of clear that she never intended to get that involved with him, must have hurt a lot. Even in The Accused is Entitled, we see her relationship with Hank is still very much something she doesn't want to admit to in front of Grissom, and something that she doesn't want to let the others know too much about, seeing as she's surprised that Catherine knew where to find her in The Finger. However, probably because of Grissom pulling away due to his hearing problem, she must have given up and really gotten to like Hank.

I mean, the problem is that everything that has nothing to do with Grissom rejecting her or announcing he was in love with her but wouldn't be with her, still can be traced back to him somehow.

His Supervisor skills, not noticing that she was going down a bad path, not giving her different cases, not sending her in for counselling MUCH earlier...

And I think it was more about him trying to stay away, to give her space. Which she needed personally, but not professionally.

I also agree that it's more than likely that Nick, Warrick and Sara all had something to drink, but it was only Sara who chose to get behind the weel. Stupid, yes, but as the cop says, normally she would've been below the limit.

I don't think Sara ever turned into an alcoholic or got blind drunk. I think she had a few beers to dull hard cases, and got called in or made poor decisions at bad times.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

sarah I have no idea when or where this scene is I've go a gazillion 'Bloodlines" caps so sorry- :( I'm not sure- maybe someone else will know-- :confused:glad you enjoyed it ;) and speaking of the pickle scene from "Overload" they so enjoy each other- so apparent- :pthe "sizzling" looks as always-


Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

That's okay - I'm fairly certain it's the scene I'm thinking of.

In perfect irony, both Early Rollout and Getting Off were on today, which kind of were the turning point scenes - the ones where we learned about how far Sara and Grissom had gotten from each other.

She, having gone into her drinking - no matter how far it went, even one beer meant she was trying to dull a little pain, if on her own and after a shift.

And then the scene where Grissom realizes how much he's been missing, the fact that he hasn't properly "seen" her since the Debbie Marlon case kind of made him bury things even further, when technically it should have brought it to the forefront.

If this was the part that really severed their friendship, then I'd say that Committed is what put them back together. Yes, in Nesting Dolls she admits her secret to him, however in a strange way I think that by reaching out and being there, he's afraid of hurting her more, especially after her Snakes confession.

So he does... what he does... in the next episode, which of course only stupidly hurts her more - and then Committed kind of forces them back toward each other.

Not romantically, and this is why: because first the friendship needed to return. I think that's what the Trigger scene was about - it was so light and so care-free that it kind of said that they could just be around each other without subtext for a moment.

And then Nick gets captured, and I think they recapture the subtext in a good way.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Lets start with the face that all the things which Sara prided herself on being good at were being steadily whittled away since season 3. First, you have Sara being unable to prove who murdered Eddie Willows. How completely impotent must she have felt to be unable to bring that person to justice for Catherine & Lindsey. It was clear that it hurt her - she did her best and it wasn't good enough.

I thought his getting sick was an accident....and no one could stop the washing downstream, so how was it intentional? I'm confused.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

how far Sara and Grissom had gotten from each other.
heh heh heh..Because I have a filthy mind the first time I read this I thought it said "how far S and G had gotten WITH each other." and I was like "Well I'd say pretty damn far, y'all! Mwaha. *eyebrow wiggle, suggestive leer*

So he does... what he does... in the next episode
Not following.. are we talking about Formalities or Unbearable or whatever episode that was? I'm SO BAD with episode names and orders and stuff. Must be my impending old age.

Not romantically, and this is why: because first the friendship needed to return. I think that's what the Trigger scene was about - it was so light and so care-free that it kind of said that they could just be around each other without subtext for a moment.
I completely agree. No healthy romantic relationship can be built without a good, sturdy platonic base. If you're not friends first and foremost, the relationship is not anywhere near as likely to succeed. I think it's really great that they (apparently) recaptured their friendship before just leaping forward into romance. I always prefer the fanfics where they start going for coffee and talking rather than just falling into bed together. Of course, I prefer above all else the ones where they go for coffee and talk and THEN fall into bed, but maybe that's just me :devil:

I thought his getting sick was an accident....and no one could stop the washing downstream, so how was it intentional? I'm confused.
Eddie was shot in the stomach and Sara wasn't able to figure out whether it was the nasty singer chick that Eddie was managing or some drug dealer, so nobody got charged.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

ziggystarduzt said:
Of course, I prefer above all else the ones where they go for coffee and talk and THEN fall into bed, but maybe that's just me :devil:

No... I'm pretty sure that it's not JUST you ;) :devil:

sarahvma said:
Not romantically, and this is why: because first the friendship needed to return. I think that's what the Trigger scene was about - it was so light and so care-free that it kind of said that they could just be around each other without subtext for a moment.

And that is why i LOVE that scene so much. It really gets back their earlier level of closeness/friendship but it also has this added level of intimacy. Not romantic intimacy, but in the sense that Grissom is actually sharing personal information with her. Okay, its cute childhood non-life changing stuff, but its an indication of him opening up. Letting her in. What a huge difference compared with Sound of Silence (waaaaaaay back in season 1) where she's all "Grissom goes out?"

It also indicates the change in Grissom. He's lighthearted here - not the Dark!Grissom we'd grown accustomed to over the past few years. He's come full circle, back to the quirky scientist we loved back in Season 1 and the first half of 2.

I agree that Committed was the beginning of the reparation of their friendship. The Trigger Scene was to show us that they were well on their way back to being friends.

Edited to Add - Chapter Seven of Retribution is now up at Now new & improved with even more Love :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Not romantically, and this is why: because first the friendship needed to return. I think that's what the Trigger scene was about - it was so light and so care-free that it kind of said that they could just be around each other without subtext for a moment.
it's so true. i LOVE this scene! i can watch it million times over and over (like the bowling league and picle scenes). that's one reason why i love CSI so much.

it's so right that they are friends at the same time. i agree with all everybody said here about it. I'M SO HAPPY! :D *with a tremendously big grin goes to watch "Fear" with WP, Reese Witherspoon and Mark Wahlberg*
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

oh, ok...I haven't seen all of LHB yet so that explains it.
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