Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

LOL! That's right! haha. They do!

You hear that TPTB, you owe us a Gum Drops scene, by the way, we have pitchforks.

Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

my saunabilly is getting worried too.

OH!! what about a GSR sauna scene!!?? i'd love to see that :lol: :devil:

my poor, weak, spoilerfree body is now going to read some GSR sauna ff, if there is any. if not, i'll be good with any other hot one :D :devil:

and one more thing until i go, i'd like to say that i like sara's girly side *only a cloud of dust left in a place where Adzix stood*
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Yes. Absolutely. That's what we're hiding from you. Sara and Grissom investigate a spa and then end the episode taking a sauna together.

You psychic you.

And I think BillySauna is scaring Ziggy.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

omgomgomg GSR sauna scene in the 7x01 ep!! yeeppee *cough*

i think ziggy isn't scared of anything. after the doll thing, i find only clowns scarrier.

on the poll, i've put numero dos. i think they were already in a relationship (duuuh), and they were a little freaked that the guy has a job to notice those things. oh!! something came to my mind! you know, CSIs have a job to notice hidden evidence of crimes. and Caprice had the same job, but to notice people's feelings. so i guess they were behaving a little like "guilty suspects", if you know what i mean ;)
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

in the poll i think the same tath adzix i voted for the number two for the sames motives .
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I chose the second option in the poll. Cause like there's them trying to hide it from their mates and stuff, when a complete stranger recognised it..
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

i think ziggy isn't scared of anything. after the doll thing, i find only clowns scarrier.
Uh, no, she's right. I'm totally scared of saunaBilly. He is the source of nightmares. But it's good to know you're scared of clowns... *evil face* I need to go open Photoshop...

Welcome back, BT! *I* missed you!

I, like every other person who has answered of yet, went with option #2 on the poll.
I think that at this point, they were definitely together, so this was the only one that fit. I don't think they were necessarily worried that this guy could spot their relationship so easily.. it IS his job, after all. They seemed to be more miffed.. like "Hm. How bizarre!" Maybe there was a hint of "Are we that obvious?" But I didn't get nervous "OHGODNOTHIDINGITWELLENOUGH!" vibes off them. I guess I should have gone with other. Also, Caprice seemed to me to be saying that he could tell there was an attraction between them that they should act on, rather than saying he could tell they were already together. And God knows everyone's been able to tell there was an attraction between them for how long now, and it's been brought up before, so they probably weren't TOO thrown off. So long as dude doesn't come right out and say "Hey, are you boinging each other? Cause I think you are."
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

okey i just watched the end scene from WTG and i'm freakin out again. THEY ARE TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's SO SURREAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Grissom is so okey with that, that is seems so OMG. the sheepish Gris from Snakes is ... gone! the realization of all that hits me from time to time. sorry :p

Uh, no, she's right. I'm totally scared of saunaBilly. He is the source of nightmares. But it's good to know you're scared of clowns... *evil face* I need to go open Photoshop...
saunaBilly is scary i agree. SCARY HOT!!!! :D :D oh no, did i say clowns?? ummm.. i meant ... coins. yeah, yeah coins. *coughfreakincolorfacedassholescough*
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

For the poll, I voted for the second option ;).

I think Grissom and Sara were upset that a complete stranger noticed a spark between them when they were trying to hide the relationship from their friends.

Luckily Catherine or any of the others weren't there with them. :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

For the poll i went for "other". For me they didnt seem upset or uncomfortable with each other when they were with Caprice at all. Yeah maybe they were surprise that a complete strange notice their chemistry but not uncomfortable because after all he does specialize in that sort of work and is not like if he was going to go tell their friends.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I'll go with number 2 as well. Rewatching it it became more obvious that this was the likeliest thing. And I'm very glad, as I said before, that it doesn't seem as though they just put the ending together.

Which was part of the reason for reviewing these scenes.

So far it appears that every one seems to fall in line with that idea.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I voted "other" as well- they just seemed perplexed and baffeled by his comments- which didn't relate to them coming from a stranger-with NO knowledge of them what-so-ever :(and on spoilers it's all speculation at this point- no one really knows till it airs- the old adgae- "time will tell" once again ;) still more "look's" :p


Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

desert - what episode is the first picture from?

I can't place it.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Bloodlines ;)before all the chaos- :( ;)2nd one is from Overload
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Aaah - is that the scene where he approaches her about not having done the rape kit?

Either way, thank you very much for the pictures as always!
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