Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any


On the marriage subject.. I made a scenario.

(The night shift is sitting in the break room.)
(Greg and Catherine are whispering)
GREG: Yes, I know for sure that they are dating.
CATHERINE: You're sure?
GREG: Yeah.
CATHERINE: How long?
GREG: Not that long, they would have told us if they had been going out for a really long time.
NICK: *joins in* Sara and Grissom? I'm not surprised.
GREG: I wonder if they've slept together yet...
SARA: You know that me and Grissom can hear you.. and we're married.
GREG: I guess that answers my question...
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

lol, SaraSullivan.

Okay, if I was really forced to make a guess about how the team finds out...

I think it would be more individually, and not like they all take a trip to Grissom's house to see why he isn't at work and find the two of them at it on the kitchen table.

Like, Catherine or someone calls Grissom's phone and Sara accidentally answers... little things all year that slowly add up.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

lol. No, no... that doesn't remind me at ALL of Friends. Or Comrades, as true patriots call it. If, you know, you're down with my buddy Karl Marx. Moving on...
Okay, I'm sorry, but I HAD to say that this seriously had me cracking up. Touche, touche. Historical humour is funnny. mwaha.

I really really really like the Sara accidentally answering the phone thing. Like, say they pass out after a boatload of sexing and end up sleeping on the other one's side of the bed. And then when Grissom's cell on the bedside table rings in the morning Sara groggily wakes up and goes to answer it, thinking it's hers..... That would make me giggle. I can't see it actually happening on the show, but it makes for good fanfic :D

Stay tuned. The return of... DOLLY... is coming.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Okay, I'm sorry, but I HAD to say that this seriously had me cracking up. Touche, touche. Historical humour is funnny. mwaha.

It's topically delicious

I really really really like the Sara accidentally answering the phone thing. Like, say they pass out after a boatload of sexing and end up sleeping on the other one's side of the bed. And then when Grissom's cell on the bedside table rings in the morning Sara groggily wakes up and goes to answer it, thinking it's hers..... That would make me giggle. I can't see it actually happening on the show, but it makes for good fanfic

Yes, well... their sexual stamina cannot be contained, of course.

More or less, I can just see them answering the wrong phone at work. The idea that they have matching ones and leave it on the same table and then can't remember whose is whose.

That sort of thing.

Nothing really "slapstick comedy", but just little nuanced things where you see the group starting to suspect.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Hey welcome britfan Love you guys in UK-- ;) glad your here- and love our couple- have fun and all you girls are awesome- how's your day going? more pics. of this awesome/twosome :p

"luving looks"

Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I absolutly love the idea of answering eachothers phones. Somehow I can see Sara answering Grissom's and making some big excuse why she had his phone. I would love to see the look on the face of who ever was making the call... perferably Catherine. Confused, with a bit of happiness in her face.

As for marriage, I dont think they need to be married. It was like they were married for years already, I mean, they were always together, talking, "fighting" and they werent having sex. Sounds like a marriage to me! lol. (not all, just refering to various comedy shows I watch)

Can you imagine what their wedding would be like? If anyone has watched Sex and the City, I could see their wedding being like Miranda and Steve's. Very simple in a beautiful setting.

One mind can only dream...
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I absolutly love the idea of answering eachothers phones. Somehow I can see Sara answering Grissom's and making some big excuse why she had his phone. I would love to see the look on the face of who ever was making the call... perferably Catherine. Confused, with a bit of happiness in her face.

Probably because of their closeness to either character, I can see it being Brass, Nick, Greg or Catherine to be on the receiving end of something like that.

I do, however, see Catherine and Brass as most likely being the only two willing to mention it head-on in a confrontational way, while Greg and Nick would beat around the bush or make jokes.

And yeah, I think theirs would be more of a Steve and Miranda wedding - rose garden, simple attire. Not because they don't want it, but because I don't see either of them really relishing in being the center of attention or needing a big production.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Now I know what Fogi meant by "breakneck speed" a few pages (or maybe threads?) back. Wow.
ziggystarduzt said:
Stay tuned. The return of... DOLLY... is coming.
<fist in air> YESS!

Sara: Sidle. What is it?
Brass: ...
Sara: Hello?
Brass: Sara?
Sara: Yes, what is it?
Brass: Oh, I was just going to ask Grissom if you could help Greg do this car, but it seems he's busy with you...
Sara: (is like OH CRAP!) How do you figure that?
Brass: This is HIS PHONE.

You know, TPTB should really leave the Grissom and Sara wedding to the fanfic. That way, everybody's happy.

Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Their wedding would be awesome :p and the whole team there with maybe Brass giving her away- ;)and maybe LH as a guest :lol: I hope this does happen ;)Their wedding night- ;)

Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

A wedding?? Nah too soapy for CSI dont think it will happen in a million years! Maybe if they do like a mini-series or mini-movie of CSI maybe they will. I like that pic. ^ though on their "wedding" night! :devil:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Hi. Been gone for awhile but I am back. I not against marriage but not until the end. As I have said before the show is at its best when it balance the science with the characters personal live. One thing that have bug me about all of the CSI shows is that 90% of the characters are single or their spouses disappear in an episode. Real CSI have lives with marriage and children. Showing their personal lives on a limited basis is not soapy but realistic. I would like to see Sara and Grissom in a realistic relationship and face the problems that couples face in this line of work
As for who should find out first, that's easy, Brass. One of the funny things about Brass is that most of the team forget how observant he is. He notices things that others don't. I think he would see it first because he is often present for alot of GSR moments and he would notice a change in both Grissom and Sara. Catherine is Grissom's friend but she isn't close to Sara (UNDERSTATEMENT!!!!), so she might miss important interaction. Catherine is often wraped up in her own life to notice others. I think Brass will notice first and be supported to both of them, but will point out that it wouldn't be easy.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Ok, i have been trying to figure this out forever. When Sara is talking to Grissom about...
Sara to Grissom: Go in for sex and get stung... Pretty much every man's fear.

what is she talking about? Like i sort of get it, but her implication to him. Is she talking about getting stung like impregnating a woman or like being stuck with them? I was totally through off because the whole wasp thing. I dont know. lol. Some one help me out here.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I'm also uneasy about a wedding just because of what happened the last time a CSI had a (on screen)wedding....Horatio's went nasty quickly, and I don't want anyone hurt, I'll cry if they do lol.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Ok, i have been trying to figure this out forever. When Sara is talking to Grissom about...
Sara to Grissom: Go in for sex and get stung... Pretty much every man's fear.

what is she talking about? Like i sort of get it, but her implication to him. Is she talking about getting stung like impregnating a woman or like being stuck with them? I was totally through off because the whole wasp thing. I dont know. lol. Some one help me out here.

Well, the implication was, essentially, that no matter what happened, the man would go in for sex and be hurt in some way. Which sort of nicely paralleled Grissom's whole speech about being afraid that Sara would eventually get bored of him like Debbie did of Dr. Lurie, and leave him when he was emotionally naked (aka. after having been with her, committed to her).

Taking it to the simplest sense when a man is actually naked, I think it might have MORE to do with going in for what you think is sex and either being embarassed in some way, or being denied.

From the way she says it, I don't think she's referring to emotional hurt in a romantic sort of way, but rather a base sex one.

And his expression, again, seemed to me to recall his slight worry, again, regarding his thoughts during the time of Butterflied. We kind of see it mirror the way she reacted in Bite Me the second time. She looks hurt the first and the second she looks like she's trying to brush off the comment, but you do see some vulnerability from here there and then Grissom here.

There's also a nice pause between them which may be why Grissom kind of coldly says "I have my sources" to her corsette/Lady Heather question. A way of being equally ambiguous and making her feel somewhat vulnerable as well.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

To celebrate the airing of "Way to Go" and the subsequent dawning of Canon!GSR in the UK, I thought I'd share this little exchange with you:

My sister likes CSI, but she doesn't watch it regularly. This is because, unlike me, she has a life - a husband, a baby, a position as an accountant in one of the top accounting firms in our city - typical young urban professional. She makes time for Survivor, The Apprentice, and sometimes American/Canadian Idol - everything else is hit or miss. She's a perfect example of the nameless millions who catch CSI whenever they can and don't get too caught up in it.

Anyway, she's on maternity leave with a new baby, and I'm visiting for a while. We were sitting down watching something on daytime TV - I forget what - and out of the blue I asked her, "Did you ever catch the season finale of CSI this year?"

"No - I'm rarely up late enough to see CSI. What happened?"

"Brass got shot."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah - but he lived."

She nodded.

"And we found out that apparently, two of the CSIs have been in a relationship for quite a while."

"Oh yeah? Which two?"

"Well, one was Sara..."

"Which one is she again?"

"She's the dark-haired girl."

"Oh yeah. And the other one?"



"You know, that doesn't surprise me? I've thought before that there was something up with those two - I didn't know if they were dating, or if they had a history, or what the hell was going on - but I always thought there was something."

And with that, we went back to daytime TV.

I really think that's the way most people saw it. The general mass of CSI-watchers turned it on, watched the ending, and said "Oh yeah, there was always something between those two." And then promptly forgot about it and went about their daily lives.

SarahV sez:
Right, only during IE, we later find out in Butterflied, he's still trying to pretend like he doesn't have feelings for her. He later slips up in the Pin Me Down scene, but I think it was easier for him to publicly embarass her when it wasn't possible for them to be together.
I never did write the "Invisible Evidence" analysis, did I? Oh well; you'll have to get the short version now.

I think the double meaning behind "Invisible Evidence" is that the evidence that the something between Gil and Sara is evident to everyone else, a theme that was explored throughout the season, from the stuff in this episode to the rumors going about the lab regarding the promotion that Nick discovered to "Butterflied" to the teasing about the gift Gil gave Sara in "XX". However, at this stage this evident evidence is completely invisible to Gil. He doesn't see it. He doesn't get that his disciplinary tone towards Sara in IE could be construed as The Big Boss Man playing it tough in front of the team to hide the fact that this particular CSI is different.

He doesn't get that his actions in the Pin Me Down scene are sexual in nature - at least, not consciously. Hence that look on his face when Sara leaps from having his arms encircling her waist to nervously stammering that she hopes what's not going on between them isn't going to affect her chances for the promotion. He looked horrified in that scene - A, because I don't think he'd ever be happy with the idea that anyone would think he could be biased like that, and B, because it honestly hadn't occurred to him that most people would construe his actions here as romantic.

And hence the scene with Catherine afterwards. "Too much?" "Not enough!" Catherine is saying, "Dude, you can't be too careful. We know Sara is different - you've got to take steps to make sure your ass is covered, bro. Don't let your feelings for her allow you to let her step out of line, because other people will take that and run with it." For Gil, it's another indication that people are taking what he says and does regarding Sara and giving it a significance that he himself hasn't yet seen... although he's damned aware of it by "Butterflied."

Forgive me if this doesn't sound coherent... it's five in the morning, and I'm tired.
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