Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I just rewatch Slaves of Los Vegas and I was think of LH comment about Grissom's fear of being known. Sara always knew Grissom. She understood him and his qurks. That must have been terrifying to him. He kept pushing her ways in attempt to keep himself hidden. Many think he was attracted to LH because she "knew" him, but I think he like because she knew just enough not to be a threat. She understood some of his darker side but not the whole picture. Think about it. IF she really knew him she wouldn't have been hurt when he called for the warrent because that was such a typical move. It was his dominance play, because it proved that he was in control, not her. He controlled the relationship. At the end I think he is more frustrated because she still didn't understand and he had hurt her in the process.

Flash forward to today. Sara is in. He had to have let go of his fear or why would he allow her to see him. Talking, and, I mean truely talking, about how you want to die, is intmate. It involves trust just like Brass said in the beginning of the episode. He was revealing himself to Sara and that was a big leap for someone who was afraid to be known. That my little take on trying to find continuality in the show.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

OK, how much do you guys post??? :eek: I've been gone for 1 day... and there is... like... 2 new pages!

I gotta type faster. :lol:

Anyway, thanks for making me feel so welcome! And my name is on a mural and everything... *tears of joy*
MissDee, I can totally relate to what you are saying about that casual CSI watchers. I know so many people that do that it's not funny. And I swear that I had almost the same conversation with my own mother after the finale!
As for your mini-analysis, I reckon it's pretty damn good for five in the morning. ;)

And Adzix, I just adore your signature picture! *drools*
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

first of all Happy B - day MissDee ;)

sarah i really liked your analysis on Butterfly-Get Stung scenes. really. cause till now i thought that Grissom was only afraid of the risk b/c of the job, and i didn't get the "get stung" comment at all. now it makes sense, seriously.

MissDee, i think it's how i'm gonna interpret the Pin Me Down scene since now. i was always confused what Cath ment when saying "Not enough" and your analysis convinces me that she knows more about Grissom and Sara. I think she will be the first to know, and she (like MH said in an interview) already suspects something.

the telephone scene is awesome. i see it happening on csi, in one of the "funny episodes". anybody's already doing a ff on this? :D

And Adzix, I just adore your signature picture! *drools*
well thank you I_Heart_Geeks :D it's its purpose to make people drool (it's making me drool all the time, to be honest :lol: )
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

What an absolutely fantastic finale! A bit weird in the underwear/corset departemnt but, hey, each to their own!

Thought the last scene was nicely done. The pan round camera built suspense really well. I don't want them to be already married either, especially after reading the answering-each-others-mobile-phones-by-mistake scenario. Loving your work on that! I need to recharge by mobile now and top up the balance... some serious texting going on post episode last night! I wanted to come on here and do a little dance in the bedroom gutter but the internet connection failed so I had to wait until now to get in to my office! All GSR fans in the building are quite giddy this morning! And we are doing our own little dance in the staffroom! When does next series start over here? Are we about half a series behind you?

Thanks to everyone who has welcomed me... I couldn't have lost my forum virginity anywhere better!! Well played Griss and Sara!! A big, good, old fashioned, British well done chaps!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I_Heart_Geeks said:
OK, how much do you guys post??? :eek: I've been gone for 1 day... and there is... like... 2 new pages!

I gotta type faster. :lol:

Cause none of us have lives. Well, maybe some people do, but I don't :p

I was going to type something interesting, but I forget what I was going to say... I'll type it later.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any first of all happy b-day MissDee.

I really like the would be so awesome..I'm not sure TPTB would do it that way though...but it would be cool.

it's its purpose to make people drool (it's making me drool all the time, to be honest)
Well it's definitely serving it's purpose....

MissDee I love your analysis of Invisible evidence... it makes perfect sense. Oh and that thing that your sister noticed the Grissom-Sara totally happened with my mom and also a couple of my friends.
Actually my mother just assumed they were dating and then we watched Snakes(I think) and she was like..."wait they aren't dating!!" so I explained it to her...(for 30 minutes!!..I think I went a bit ott!!lol)

Oh btw-the spoilers for season 7 are up at ytdaw. In case anyone wants to check 'em out....I'm trying not to read them so I have no idea if there are actually any spoilers yet..or not!

Cause none of us have lives.
Hey..I have a life....well sort of.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Well it's definitely serving it's purpose....
i'm more than glad!!!! :D :D :D

Oh btw-the spoilers for season 7 are up at ytdaw. In case anyone wants to check 'em out....I'm trying not to read them so I have no idea if there are actually any spoilers yet..or not!
i'm seriously starting to feel it. i'm boiling inside. the thing is that i decided to stay spoiler free as i did since POTTR. it's been horribly difficult especially that even if i don't read spoilers, the information slips into posts anyway. and there is this other thing. those BOXES. ooooohhhhh, when i see one it's like an eternal struggle. i've got a little angel on the left side of my head that says "leave it alone, you want to have full pleasure of watching the ep when it airs" and a little freakin' devil on the right side who is like "go on, go ooooooon, scroll down just for a second, just for a tiny whiny ity bity second. maybe grissom's gona wear a tux, or he'll make out like crazy with sara. go oooooon, the world won't collapse. grissom. in. a. tux. ohhh Adzix, c'mon".
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

It's MissDee's birthday, so I made something, cause I'm bored and have no life. Hehe, I've said that so many times now :p

I made this >

And my twin sister, Lindsey, made this >

Enjoy :)
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any


"You know, that doesn't surprise me? I've thought before that there was something up with those two - I didn't know if they were dating, or if they had a history, or what the hell was going on - but I always thought there was something."

Agreed. I mean, I have two friends who watch the show religiously to the point where they ran to the mall when Paul Guilfoyle was doing the board game tour (my friend, with whom I wrote my very proud parody, says he's really really nice) and they both pretty much screamed "FINALLY!" the next day at school. But agreed, the majority of people were going, "Yeah, I pretty much figured it would happen eventually."

I think the double meaning behind "Invisible Evidence" is that the evidence that the something between Gil and Sara is evident to everyone else, a theme that was explored throughout the season, from the stuff in this episode to the rumors going about the lab regarding the promotion that Nick discovered to "Butterflied" to the teasing about the gift Gil gave Sara in "XX".

WOW. You know, you always know that there's some double entendre. Ironically there are GSR episodes have double entendres relating to them, a couple examples being Committed, UnBearable...

But what I was going to say is that is a brilliant analysis I never thought of. I mean, yes, the double entendre of the title itself, but the idea that Grissom and Sara are SO unaware that... they really haven't been that subtle. Even though technically they have, everyone kind of assumes (and that's the sense I got from the lab tech who told Nick) that they've slept together. At this point. The funny thing being that while NOT together they're horrible at keeping their feelings a secret, however they managed to go a year without anyone really being shown to suspect anything.

I guess the moral there being when you hide something it just makes it easier to see - Invisible Evidence.

He doesn't get that his actions in the Pin Me Down scene are sexual in nature - at least, not consciously. Hence that look on his face when Sara leaps from having his arms encircling her waist to nervously stammering that she hopes what's not going on between them isn't going to affect her chances for the promotion. He looked horrified in that scene - A, because I don't think he'd ever be happy with the idea that anyone would think he could be biased like that, and B, because it honestly hadn't occurred to him that most people would construe his actions here as romantic.

Because frankly I think there are two sides to Grissom. The one that does nothing but think and analyze and essentially is just a walking brain. Grissom on a cerebral level is always thinking about the case, some minute detail. And then I think, like WP said, he's using this to hide his heart. But more than that, pure instinct. I mean, go back and look at the scene - was it that necessary for him to demonstrate putting his hands down? No. At that point he's wrapped up in it, but his mind allows him to be somewhere else so he doesn't have to process the instinct of wanting to be near her like that.

So when she pulls back, I think his mind snaps back and goes, "Oh God. What did you just do?"

And hence the scene with Catherine afterwards. "Too much?" "Not enough!" Catherine is saying, "Dude, you can't be too careful. We know Sara is different - you've got to take steps to make sure your ass is covered, bro. Don't let your feelings for her allow you to let her step out of line, because other people will take that and run with it."

See? Now that's an analysis of that line that I like. And it does make total sense. I had a hard time believing that Catherine really wanted him to knock down Sara routinely.

sarah i really liked your analysis on Butterfly-Get Stung scenes. really. cause till now i thought that Grissom was only afraid of the risk b/c of the job, and i didn't get the "get stung" comment at all. now it makes sense, seriously.

Yeah, I mean, for me the one line from the Butterflied speech that I've always felt is misinterpreted is the part where Grissom talks about giving up everything you've worked for. Now Billy said that Grissom wants everyone to think that his brain is bigger than his heart. So while yes, Grissom was referring to the job, I think he was also saying that the wall he's built up around himself would have to be dropped to let her in, and he'd want to do that, but once he HAS let her in, behind this facade he's worked so hard to create, if she just leaves him, then she's not leaving this idea of "the boss" and "the head CSI" but instead Grissom for who he really is, which isn't a rejection he can take.

When does next series start over here? Are we about half a series behind you?

The finale was good, wasn't it? Ironically now that we know they're together, I think my favorite scene was probably the camera duel. The next season starts here about mid to late September. So you're not really that far behind.

lol. Thanks for those, SaraSullivan
SEASON 7 SPOILERS ARE UP AT YTDAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Happy Birthday Miss Dee!! And to all those who don't already know: Spoilers at Grissaratalk and YTDAW. :) Yay. Something seems more right in the world when they are spoilers!

With CSI in hiatus, I've been occupying myself with "So You Think You Can Dance," which is actually quite entertaining... but those spoilers come out on Monday for the Wednesday show... so I was bored... and online last night, and BOOM! CSI spoilage. :) YAY!

Grissom is an intriguing character in that he's been so mysterious for so long, but now we want to know more. And, I'm hoping season 7, and the fact that there is REAL competition in the time slot, will push the CSI writers to delve more into Grissom, and who he is. And a little GSR... please!? tehee!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Grissom and Sara do indeed work a case together alone. It's about an ex-husband getting back at his wife by chain-sawing all of her furniture, and Sara assists Grissom as he operates a chainsaw himself.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

no, no, no. i'm not going to read this. no, no, no *boils* maybe just a little ... *boils more* NO! i'm strong! my will is very powerful! i'm not reading this!! no, no, no! *starts running around in circles* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! *faints and collapses with a thud. after 10 minutes of lying on a carpet stands up and mumbles about the healing power of WPAP gallery and browses his pics sobing*
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

And the spoilers have bursted out of the jail. Yeah, I'm crazy, but guess what? I'm not going to look at it.

I just looked at a different website, and found out that SEASON 7 AIRS ON MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Do you think Grissom and Sara will kiss for my birthday? I'm a dreamer =) How cool is that? :D I did a happy dance cause I'm cool... :p

Excuse me while I go get a restraining order against Evil Spoiler Dudes.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any


I have no self control. This will be hell. Rofl.

Sorry I wasn't on yesterday, my brother and sister were busy getting drunk and I was busy cleaning up their messes :rolleyes: Real responsible.

I read the spoiler. [/guilty]
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