Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

:lol: don't worry britfan i was like that in the beggining too. oh, "IMO" simply stands for "in my opinion". and don't worry, we don't bite ;) feel free to write anything you think about GSR here. that's what this board is for :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Thank you. I have a warm, rosy glow form your lovely words... or it could be the gin. Not sure. You guys will all have to be patient with me while I get the hang of this. It could take time!! Got to go. Duty calls. Hope the episode tonight makes all my fantasies come true. But I think it will...! Viva Las Vegas and GSR! What did I do without it!? Thanks, too Adzix. For making me feel welcome! You're either at work or an insomniac!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

desertwind said:

they just "sizzle" can ya feel it!!!!!

I poked the picture and burned my finger...
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Welcome britfan! :D I like your idea and (as I am a romantic at heart) would love to see them married, but I have to agree with Adzix that 1.) formalizing the ship could hurt their careers and 2.)a lot of audience members wouldn't like it. I don't think they are already married.

But, Sara isn't anti marriage, she is "anti-stupid." I don't intepret this to mean that she doesn't believe in the institution of marriage, I think she just disagrees with how/why people do it (in the episode Rashomama she picks out everything that is false and untrue about the marriage, commenting that if the flowers are fake how can the love be real?)

Oh, in the voting I went for option 1, because I didn't really read too much into the Grissom/LH interaction. It didn't appear that they were still together, but held a certain affection for their time together - which had ended. I think Grissom regrets the way he acted when he was with Heather, and maybe if he was different back then things could have turned out differently (maybe), but it appeared all in the past to me. And, as his relationship with LH had nothing to do with Sara, I didn't see it as having any bearing on their relationship. I don't think a hug is cheating, especially if you are trying to comfort a woman who is obviously hysterical. They have a past - but its in the past. I didn't think that POTR gave any indication about the Sara/Grissom relationship and if it existed or not.

ziggy - woot! Mission accomplished. It's weird, it was freaking me out, but I am kinda missing it a little now that the auto admin has snatched it away!

Oh, and my extra two cents - I still think that our geeks had to be together in Bite Me, so I am still of the opinion that they got together either after Committed or GD.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Is the famous scene in Lady Heather's Box you refer to? I have never understood why they didn't make that scene more explicit, is so upsetting an one-night stand? However now Grissom is with Sara, she could be his love, he has chosen her and for me at this point of their relationship Sara knows. Sincerity is the base of a steady and equal relationship.
Now i stop talking too much about another ship because is against the rules.

In the following scene at breakfast, Grissom is supposed to be dressed in a robe, therefore making it very obvious, however reportedly WP asked that they not do this, and has been the one to say that "nothing happened" that night.

I agree with Adzix's comment that the early behavior MAY have been a result of him feeling that it would be wrong to be warm and comforting if he is with another woman. Apparently about midway through the episode, when some issues regarding Zoe come up, he is then supposed to give her a hug as well.

Perhaps it was cut because of GSR, perhaps not.

Again, I don't want to delve TOO much into the other relationship, which is part of why I was hesitant of posting this poll at all.

Unfortunately this relationship because of Way to Go and, of course, because Grissom has physically dated so few women on the show, does seem to directly affect or at least influence GSR whether it be through past, present or future.

Hello. I've been lurking around the bedroom gutter for a while now, so I thought I'd be brave and jump on the bed. You all seem so close! I have a thought...I think they are already married! We saw Bang Bang last week. Sara's conversation with Warrick... 'Was your wedding day the happiest day of your life?' The emphasis was definitely on the YOUR! Same with Griss. 'Some married people take things too seriously.' Just a spanner to throw into the works!

WELCOME, big huge WELCOME, and stay put on the bed and post plenty! Always nice to see a new face.

As for them already being married... I don't know. It is possible, however I think that simply from a storytelling point of view, it might be one too many twists, and also it might look like they recycled the Warrick storyline.

It is possible, and there were several references to marriage from both of them in Roshomama and again in Bang-Bang.

Supposedly in the script for Bang-Bang, when Brass tells Grissom he's "the only sane one here" in reference to Warrick and Doc being married, it is said that Grissom "lets this one slide".

I do agree that Sara's comments about marriage lean to her NOT being married, but more as someone saying "I don't want it anyway...". It's interesting to note that the second Grissom is around, however, she does alter her very gung-ho status.

I just think that for ANY woman of 35, they've probably been asked if they're married or expected to be married, and for someone who's as independant and stubborn as Sara, she'd rather say she didn't want it than admit that no one has asked.

However, today, when marriage doesn't really mean what it used to (after all, people have normal relationships including sex without having to buy a ring) I do think that a lot of her comments regarding people not understanding what the traditions actually mean were valid.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Unfortunately this relationship because of Way to Go and, of course, because Grissom has physically dated so few women on the show, does seem to directly affect or at least influence GSR whether it be through past, present or future.
this is something that i never agreed on. i never agreed that he didn't date or dated less than anybody else. i'm gonna try to count it. let me see:
Catherine - i'd say 3. Eddie, the architect guy, the nightclub guy
Nick - 2. the dead prostitute, the blond cop in first season
Sara - 2. Hank, Grissom
Warrick - 3/4. the singer, the white girl who receives 911 calls, Tina (and implied the tatoo girl)
Greg - ok, that's hard, once or twice he talked on phone with a girlfriend, and once he mentioned he's got one (?). but actually in REAL we don't know about any and we don't know if it's the same one or 10 different ones, so the number is undetermined. could be zero though :lol:
Brass - 2. his ex-wife, and the cop from NJ
Doc - 1. wife
Hodges - i'm not even going there
and Grissom - 5/6. the lab tech, Terri Miller, the "date" from "Blood Lust", Lady Heather, maybe Sofia, Sara

(correct me if i missed something)
so actually Grissom is shown to date more than any other character on CSI, but b/c Greg, Nick, Warrick and Cath (even Sara)are younger and more sociable, we assume they date more even though it's not mentioned. i'd really say that he dated not less than anybody else! ;)
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Sorry but i'm totally pro marriage. Only the marriage guarantee to a couple rights like the power of attorney and inheritance. So after what happened to Brass, make sense for two wise persons as Grissom and Sara to take a decision like this. Regarding the influence that the marriage could have on the show, that depends on the way they handle it.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

It is true that Grissom has "dated" several women, however while we haven't seen all the women that the other guys have dated, nor the men Catherine has, it is often implied. Nick made the comment last year that he "got lucky with a blonde last night", so forth and so on.

Catherine going to the bar? That looked like something she'd done more than once.

So what I mean is that while you do know all the people that Sara and Grissom have dated since the show started, it is often kind of winked at that the others date pretty regularly, so Grissom and Sara's habits are often referred to as closed-off or hermit-like. Something I don't think they'd say if they weren't dating or going out with friends often.

That's really more what I meant. That, and the number of women is rather inconsequential. THIS relationship affects GSR, and there isn't any way to get around that.

What we can do is avoid openly bashing the ship or discussing the ship without any mention of GSR.

Again, I know that you also support it, so obviously this doesn't pertain to you, Adzix as I'm fairly sure you aren't really going to start bashing the ship or the lady.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Excuse me if this was already asked in the THREE PAGES that were made while I was gone, ROFL, but how do you want everyone else to find out? Or do you? Or do you think they've already found out?

Well. Here's my scenario.
Greg and Catherine sit in a room opposite the evidence room that Sara and Grissom are standing in. They can see that they're talking about something, but suddenly, they start kissing and fumbling with the buttons on each other's clothes. Catherine jumps up, unsure of what to do, while Greg flips out.
Catherine sees his eyes widen.
"MY EYES! MY EYES!" He covers them childishly with his hands. Ecklie walks in in a hurry.
"What's with all the yelling?" he asks. Catherine quickly tried to think of an excuse.
"We're just celebrating.. finishing the case," She starts jumping and yells like Greg did. "AHH OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!" Ecklie gives them an unsure look, but then shrugs and joins in.

Chyeah. :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

lol. No, no... that doesn't remind me at ALL of Friends. Or Comrades, as true patriots call it. If, you know, you're down with my buddy Karl Marx. Moving on...

In honesty... I mean, the problem is that the second everybody knows about GSR, that's the moment that the writers can use it for supervisory/subordinate angst. Because, again, I think initially they'll be happy for them, but then it'll dawn that this could mean anything - like I said, if Sara gets a case somebody else wanted, it's because she's sleeping with the boss. And while I don't think that anyone on Graveyard Shift WANTS to think that, it becomes more and more possible.

Especially if, like with the promotion talk in Season 4, it's also a rumor spreading around Day Shift.

Which again, gets Ecklie involved.

I think I would rather Catherine confront him about her suspicions and have him have to admit it, not necessarily that they get "caught", but more it's done in private away from the others.

Because hiding something from people trained to spot miniscule evidence probably isn't going to work.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

yeah, i know what to mean sarah. but. but. just look at him *drools and faints*

and about bashing a ship, esp. Lady H. nuh uh, i love her! she's awesome! :D i used to support G/LH ship too, but cause this one is canon i don't see any sense of doing that any more, cause it's now obvious what Grissom wants. besides they fit better. and i always was GSR in my heart :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Sorry but i'm totally pro marriage. Only the marriage guarantee to a couple rights like the power of attorney and inheritance. So after what happened to Brass, make sense for two wise persons as Grissom and Sara to take a decision like this. Regarding the influence that the marriage could have on the show, that depends on the way they handle it.

I'm not ANTI-marriage, I'm just saying that that falls in line with what the both of them seem to believe. Or at least Sara. While Grissom was being all romantic, it's clear that he has no problem with weddings, but he himself has yet to propose for real.

It's interesting to note that his fake proposal came before his father's death, so it is possible that that death caused him to be a more closed-off person with those he loves.

yeah, i know what to mean sarah. but. but. just look at him *drools and faints*

Sighs very loudly.

and about bashing a ship, esp. Lady H. nuh uh, i love her! she's awesome! i used to support G/LH ship too, but cause this one is canon i don't see any sense of doing that any more, cause it's now obvious what Grissom wants. besides they fit better. and i always was GSR in my heart

lol. Sure, sure... now that you're back in the fold.

Oh, I'm a GSR, but I still think Sandle is cute.

I don't see any problem in multi-shipping, but I do think I'm right to say that you're still not about to turn around and say "This ship sucks", so therefore any caution I give out is less likely to pertain to you. lol.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

lol. Sure, sure... now that you're back in the fold.

Oh, I'm a GSR, but I still think Sandle is cute.
:lol: :lol: :lol: hilarous

don't see any problem in multi-shipping, but I do think I'm right to say that you're still not about to turn around and say "This ship sucks", so therefore any caution I give out is less likely to pertain to you. lol.
*sigh* yup, true :D

ETA: oh, and i'm kinda against marriage. i think too many people would not like it. and it's too serious ... well ... i don't know. you messed with my head again *mumbles curses in undetermined language*
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

oh, and i'm kinda against marriage. i think too many people would not like it. and it's too serious ... well ... i don't know. you messed with my head again *mumbles curses in undetermined language*

lol. I agree with what Sara said about anti-stupid. They quote all these statistics about how many married people get divorced and I think, like Sara, that it has a lot to do with people not understanding the tradition itself, but also people who think "Well, we've been dating for so long, we should get married"

Which is why I think they'd be unlikely to get married before a full year.

I mean, obviously if they were married, Ecklie would find it harder to break them up or fire them, but he could move them to different shifts, as is usually the custom.

But more than personalities, I think the number one reason they're not married is because it's too many shocks in a short period of time.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I'm glad for other multishippers :) But it's really not a GSR thing for's a Catnip/YoBling thing, so y'all are okay :)
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