Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Oh, I knew you'd put that, Adzix - you evil person, you. lol. Nah - I wouldn't put it as an option if I didn't think it COULD be an option.

I, however, picked option 1, the reas being that I really don't think that it matters whether they were together or not already, because Grissom didn't really violate any kind of "relationship rules" in his interactions, and I also think that it was a situation that needed to be settled regardless of where he currently was in his life.

Having said that, the fact that Sara knows about Heather (the corsette conversation in Way to Go) says something, however it's clear she's unaware of how long the relationship went on, romantic or otherwise.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

ziggy, that doll is freaking me out. Reminds me of that demonic doll in X-files that kept saying "I want to play!!!" Although, the pic looks like cover art for an 80's horror movie . . .
w00t! That's exactly what I was going for.. the X-Files doll, I mean. Would you believe it's actually just a normal doll photo that I creeped up? Auto admin removed it again though. *sobs*

Reebs, as to the tenant list I went with 'other' because I trust you just to make it as rockin as you want. XD

As for the PotTR poll I went with 'other'. I don't think Grissom's actions necessarily said anything definitive about whether or not they were together at this point (although I personally think they were). However, assuming as we generally are that they were together at this point, I'd say that the relationship with Sara totally is effecting his interactions with Heather. It's a very different tone from the first to LH episodes. What I got from Grissom was "I'm sorry things went badly. Please understand that it wasn't about you. Just know that I'm regretful." But at the same time no desire for any kind of relationship with her, and no romantic interest in her. He doesn't even seem intruiged anymore. It's like she's a past chapter of his life that is over and done with, and he's cool with that because this new chapter is his favourite. I'm not making sense so I'm going to go now.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Well ziggy it is in fact "creepy" and weird- but hey you go girl- LOL :lol: and sorry if I went off on a bit of a tirade on my former post :mad:- I just get so burnt out and tired of the other comments-on the other "ships" I know don't read them-- but sometime out of curiosty you just do-- but I know I can vent to all of you and you'll understand-and on the latest poll- Mmmm grey hair :p they so understand one another and are comfortable with each other -and in tune- ;)

they just "sizzle" can ya feel it!!!!!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I picked the second option because i still think they got together at the beginning of season six. I interpret the scenes in BM, ABRTI, DLG and KKBB like clues of this, and Grissom's behaviour in POTTR for me doesn't clash with this theory. About WTG i don't think Sara is unware of how long his relationship with LH went on. I don't believe that after six years of rejections Grissom would have got with Sara if something unresolved had been with LH. So why shouldn't he be honest about his past? I hope this make sense.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

For the poll i picked "other". I picked this one because Grissom's attitude wasn't like it was back in season 2 and 3. Back then he acted more flirtatious and he seemed more interested in her and getting to know her but this season his attitude was a bit different. I do think that maybe Grissom and Sara were together at this point but dont think that, that was the main reason for his attitude towards her. And im not saying that he acted rude or ugly he was acting like if it was any other case. Altough i do think that for some reason the way that Lady Heather's character was portrayed was to sort of changed Grissom's feelings about her. And maybe just to close the "relationship" that they or had with each other back then.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I picked "Like if Hank showed up, this is a totally different scenario that has nothing to do with Sara and nothing to do with whether they're together or not " because since I believe they were together when POTTR aired, because based on the finale, they were together for more than a few weeks in CSI-time. They seemed more comfertable with eachother. Don't get me wrong, I love Lady Heather, but, I think Sara wouldn't get jealous if she knows about the hug. It would only be a big deal if they make it a big deal. It's obvious she trusts Grissom, the way Grissom would trust her if Hank turned up again. (it might just be me, but i want another "hank" type to turn up so she can say "sorry, I have a boyfriend." Of corse by then, it might be "sorry, I have a fiance."

I can see grissom proposing if the time is right. ie, more than a year of dating, (since they're already close before), almost always at eachother's house...Is that just me?
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I think that part of the problem of being locked in this ship is that it's hard to really explore another ship, which has bearing on your own.

Suffice to say, however, that circumstances purely in their standing (she as the victim's mother and he as the investigator working the case) was VERY different from what it normally was, since she was actively persuing the case and attempting to help.

Because of this, I think you could also argue why a dynamic had changed, but yes, I also believe that IF Grissom is with Sara at this point, he is not going to lightheartedly flirt with someone he used to have a relationship with.

And that's more where I think the line is.

And in keeping more with GSR, I think that Sara was VERY aware of the case and VERY aware of Lady Heather as, again, she does make that question in Way to Go about his knowledge of corsettes.

I think that if the relationship had been exposed in Gum Drops we may have seen Sara and Heather interact, but as it was any time the three would be in that room, I think the dynamic would be more obvious, hence why she was simply mentioned in the episode that exposed the relationship.

But yes, it is clear that Sara has no idea how long this relationship went on, and how would she? For all they know, Grissom sits at home, but he could have been at the Dominion. And I don't think it was the sort of thing she felt like bringing up with him early on in a relationship, but we now see her a little bit bolder.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I went for Other yet again. I think that Grissom cares for Heather, but like Carol Mendelsohn said, he can talk about bugs with Sara. So while I'm on the fence about whether Gris and Sara were together at the time of POTTR, I definitely think that Gris is very definitely taken.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

but like Carol Mendelsohn said, he can talk about bugs with Sara.

Talking about CSI 100% here, as well as what we discussed earlier regarding Sara and Grissom being in a very healthy place now with their issues, I think this was another very pominent factor in why they finally got together.

We saw Grissom with Teri Miller on the date where he had to leave - not only would Sara have understood, but she probably would've been called to the scene as well.

They understand the hours, they understand the quirks, they've known each other for years, and yet because of their personalities, they're still something of a mystery to one-another.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

sarahvma said:
But yes, it is clear that Sara has no idea how long this relationship went on, and how would she? For all they know, Grissom sits at home, but he could have been at the Dominion. And I don't think it was the sort of thing she felt like bringing up with him early on in a relationship, but we now see her a little bit bolder.

Is the famous scene in Lady Heather's Box you refer to? I have never understood why they didn't make that scene more explicit, is so upsetting an one-night stand? However now Grissom is with Sara, she could be his love, he has chosen her and for me at this point of their relationship Sara knows. Sincerity is the base of a steady and equal relationship.
Now i stop talking too much about another ship because is against the rules.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Oh, I knew you'd put that, Adzix - you evil person, you. lol. Nah - I wouldn't put it as an option if I didn't think it COULD be an option.
*giggles* i knew you put it there just for me :lol:

Because of this, I think you could also argue why a dynamic had changed, but yes, I also believe that IF Grissom is with Sara at this point, he is not going to lightheartedly flirt with someone he used to have a relationship with.

And that's more where I think the line is
I'm warning everybody, i'm discussing another ship a little here, so don't read it if you don't want to. sorry, but it's impossible NOT to discuss it in regards to GSR, b/c LH is Griss's ex and she came back in S6.

i totally agree on this one sarah. i think he was even colder than he should've been. i mean, okey they broke up, what, 3 years ago, and he is just "what are you doing here?" and talking only about the case with her, no "how are you holding up?" etc. this MIGHT be a clue for us that he is already with someone else, or seriously thinking about someone. IMO the hug was a result of the situation LH was in, though i don't think grissom would've done something like that for someone he wasn't connected to somehow. so i guess he allowed himself to go look for her alone and hug her in the end b/c he still cares for her in a way that she is his past, that sometime ago they were close, and she deserves some attention from him in such difficult situation. i guess it was the way for him to finally say sorry for what he did in the past, but now they both know it won't work out anymore. he knows that LH is still a very unusual woman etc, but he is or was only fascinated by her, and he's in love with someone else. it's simple, G/S fit together better, they KNOW each other better (though Grissom knew where to go to find LH, but still). they work together, they understand each other and spend more time around each other.
They understand the hours, they understand the quirks, they've known each other for years, and yet because of their personalities, they're still something of a mystery to one-another.
that was so beautiful *sob*
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Hello. I've been lurking around the bedroom gutter for a while now, so I thought I'd be brave and jump on the bed. You all seem so close! I have a thought...I think they are already married! We saw Bang Bang last week. Sara's conversation with Warrick... 'Was your wedding day the happiest day of your life?' The emphasis was definitely on the YOUR! Same with Griss. 'Some married people take things too seriously.' Just a spanner to throw into the works!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Sorry about the brief post. Had to do some work. Eww. Right. My theory. This is very bold for a new comer isn't it. Sorry. We see the series finale tonight and the final scene would need contextualising. It can't just come out of the blue. After stalking this site for a while - I was the one under the bed eating cookies and dring beer - I feel that the writers wouldn't just throw in a red herring. It seems they plan everything. Very thoroughly. The wedding episode, 'Rashamama,' The fantasies in 'Time of Your Death,' the married comments in 'Bang Bang.' All add up. The interviews where William Peterson said they were 'like an old married couple.' What if they are? What if the writers and characters want to trick us? We've wanted them together and they always have been? I'm not sure when they got together. Missed first six episodes of new series as I couldn't get the channel on terrestrial! It could have been then. I hope we keep the cheeky smiles and flirtacious looks. It suits them and their relationship. They are private, gentle people. It all fits... well, for my innocent little mind it does anyway! Maybe I'm just an old fashioned romantic!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

well, welcome britfan :) *adds silently* try not to double post, but edit the previous post to add some stuff. admins don't like it :p

well, i've got to disagree with you on the marriage thing. i don't think they are already married. first, don't forget about sara's attitude towards the whole institution of marriage. in rashomama, we've heard she's not a big fan, and i don't think grissom in keen on getin' hitched after couple weeks/months of dating either. besides i don't think a lot of people would like it to happen, and secondly if they formalized their relationship, it would be harder to keep it a secret. finally, every attorney would have a proof of their relationship, which would be easily used in court in favor of the suspects whose cases Grissom and Sara worked together on. besides IMO plot like that would be pretty damaging for the show and for the other ships (like in Warrick's case), and the ratings would go down significantly. why? b/c something that serious seems out of character regarding that it took them 6 years to only get together.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Sorry. My apologies. I didn't realise that was double posting. It's a whole new language to me! Exciting though! This is my first attempt at a forum. Bit of a chicken with technology I'm afraid! Yes, I can see those arguments. I was just following the evidence! I like the idea though! You guys are very knowledgeable. I feel like a young jedi apprentice watching Obi Wan Kenobi! CSI masters at work! It's going to be very difficult to resolve this relationship. Wonder how they are going to do it? Can't wait to see the finale now. Only 8 and a half hours to go! By the way, what does IMO stand for? I'm a teacher, so I'm a bit thick! It helps dull the pain...
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