Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

designe to the banner about the symmetry the geek love. beautiful couple.^_^
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

no, no, no. i'm not going to read this. no, no, no *boils* maybe just a little ... *boils more* NO! i'm strong! my will is very powerful! i'm not reading this!! no, no, no! *starts running around in circles* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! *faints and collapses with a thud. after 10 minutes of lying on a carpet stands up and mumbles about the healing power of WPAP gallery and browses his pics sobing*

C'mon, Adzix. You know you WANT to... maybe they're going to break up... maybe they've gotten married... you won't know unless you press... lol.

I just looked at a different website, and found out that SEASON 7 AIRS ON MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Do you think Grissom and Sara will kiss for my birthday? I'm a dreamer =) How cool is that? I did a happy dance cause I'm cool...

I'll send a memo to CBS. I'm sure they'd be happy to comply. That is pretty cool, though.

Cute banner, Sid - is the Jorja one from when she was on Hollywood Squares? I miss that show.

Gibby, our new spoiler maven, gave a rather interesting hint that after a certain exchange we might see some geek shippiness. They talk about the man destroying the ex's furniture, and she says "wouldn't this be a great moment for a geek exchange?" Might mean nothing, but we might get a look or two. If they've put them together working-wise, I doubt they'll be dead to each other.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

C'mon, Adzix. You know you WANT to... maybe they're going to break up... maybe they've gotten married... you won't know unless you press... lol.
*gasps and bites all my nails* i'm not, i'm not, uh, i'm not doing this, uh ... i can't tell ya'll how i hate those boxes! and what's worse, they've put some spoilers in the news title! AND I READ IT!!i couldn't help myself!!but just the title and the undertitle ... and i'm asking myself, how the heck i'm supposed to stay spoiler free when the season's gonna start in two months and i'm already freakin' out??!! unbelievable. *screams for help and passes out. again. how cool is that?*

i've just watched Killer. and i LIKED it ziggy :p and i rewatched it with the knowledge of Them being together. it made it even better :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Adzix said:
C'mon, Adzix. You know you WANT to... maybe they're going to break up... maybe they've gotten married... you won't know unless you press... lol.
*gasps and bites all my nails* i'm not, i'm not, uh, i'm not doing this, uh ... i can't tell ya'll how i hate those boxes! and what's worse, they've put some spoilers in the news title! AND I READ IT!!i couldn't help myself!!but just the title and the undertitle ... and i'm asking myself, how the heck i'm supposed to stay spoiler free when the season's gonna start in two months and i'm already freakin' out??!! unbelievable. *screams for help and passes out. again. how cool is that?*
I'm with you, haha. Let's start a support group. "Spoiler Addicts Anonymous"
Bahah. :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

lol. You will crumble, fool.

As for Killer... again, I think there was So much expectation both for GSR and for CSI trying something new that because it wasn't a GREAT episode, we were all let down.

Look at the Unusual Suspect - probably one of the best episodes CSI has ever done, and there was NO hype for it.

So... time to start theorizing - do you think we'll get some REAL geek interaction, or do you think they'll shove it in the background?
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

As for Killer... again, I think there was So much expectation both for GSR and for CSI trying something new that because it wasn't a GREAT episode, we were all let down.

Look at the Unusual Suspect - probably one of the best episodes CSI has ever done, and there was NO hype for it.
i guess they overhyped most of this season. that's the problem i think. IMO this season was great (and i wasn't on any forums till Spellbound i guess, so i was completely unaware of any csi-marketing), and that's why i wasn't expecting anything more than in previous seasons. and based on that i gotta say that i liked the season. it was cool :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I voted for the first one, baha <3
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

okey, i voted th first one too. though i was kinda thorn between the first and the second one. but grissom was just SO straight forward! IMO sara's reaction is the one that has to be interpreted here. i seriously don't know what she was thinking. BUT if she smiled and/or said something equally flirty would it be just the biggest implication that they are together than ever? i just think TBTP wanted to reveal it in the finale, not that early in the season and they wanted it to still be more of a surprise.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

First things first - a very Happy Birthday to MissDee!!! :)



Squeeeee! for Grissom + Chainsaw - am I nuts for getting excited over that? Don't answer that, Sarah :p I'm glad that Grissom & Sara are working together in the season opener - hopefully we'll get a little moment, however small, to follow up from the finale. I'm excited about the casefile, Brass, and Greg & Nick working together, but that's another topic...

RE: the new poll, I went for the second option. I've always felt that Grissom was indeed flirting (and oh what a flirt :D ) but Sara was a little surprised that he was doing so in work. It was sort of a "did he actually just say that?" kind of look from her.

If she hadn't been so surprised, however, I do think she would have given him a "Yeah, yeah, stud, whatever..." look...

PS: A quick pimp from me. Chapter Six of Retribution is now up at, and chapter Seven should be on its way soon - I'm more or less ready to send it off to my beta, so please, no pitchforks when you read then end of Six, m'kay ;) :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any


I voted the first one. Just makes sense to me.

Thanks Sarah for the clarification of the "stung" scene. Its makes a lot more sense. That scene was just great all together. Now watching it, knowing the ending, Im like, Sara, you little flirt you!

Also, I am guilty of reading spoilers. Its so hard for me to go without. I like what I am hearing so far though. I saw a commercial for CSI in the fall and im like, "YES!" and my mom is just like, "Oh god, its only a show."
She doesnt get it. lol
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Funny little add-on to our Invisible Evidence discussion. Regarding Catherine's comments about "not enough", I'm watching an episode, it was the return of the curly-haired redhead who killed her fake father and now she's part of a casino heist?

Anyway - while Sara's using fluorescent powder, Catherine was stomping around demanding to know why she couldn't pick her own cases.

So I think that must mean that Miss Dee is right - it wasn't about her saying Sara's actions were out of line, but that he had better watch himself in the future.

As for the poll, I picked the first option.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

PurpleAm5 i as well watched it again-from a different perspetive- have seen it so many times ;)so LH thinks she knows him OK fne- but they have nothing in common---- :mad:I was smiling smugly-beacuse I really saw it in reality - can you imagine him hanging out at her little house of horrors on a daily basis :devil: it's so not him -listening to people crying in pain--being whipped it would freak him out :eek:-and look at the way they both dress :lol:but back to the girl SARA-she as well understands him, and LOVES him- does LH? NOT :( foolish on all levels- :confused:

The true soulmates :p

And Happy Birthday MissDee have a good one- and nice Butterfly cake FG ;)
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Damn it! I was going to be spoiler free but who am i kidding i'll never make it!!so...

Hell yeah! we are going to get some interaction between the two of them! Shoot i was surprised that they were even working in the case together! And you know i was worried that they warent even going to be working the case together. And to hear that there has to be at least some looks and stares.

Anyways...i picked the first one on the poll. Like MisDee said they think they are so good at hiding their relationship that IMO i think that everyone at least knows that there is something going on. I mean lets go way back to season 4 to Sara and Nicky's "promotion" that guy from the day shift told Nick that the only reason Grissom picked Sara was because of their "history" which it wasnt true because at the end as we all know he "promoted" Nick. So yeah i think the whole lab knows something is going on and make and hear rumors about them.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Yeah, I'd say that if they're putting these two together for the very first episode after that ending that Jorja Fox referred to as "cliffhanger", they couldn't very well NOT have at least some kind of smile or look pass between them that went beyond colleagues.
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