Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

ziggy, that doll is freaking me out. Reminds me of that demonic doll in X-files that kept saying "I want to play!!!" Although, the pic looks like cover art for an 80's horror movie . . . :eek:

I think that starting the season with everyone knowing about their relationship is unlikely. Even though TPTB introduced the relationship after it had began, I think the reveal to the team is something we are going to see. There needs to be some interesting plot points that come out of the relationship to make it worth having at all. It will be as anti-soapy as possible, but I think we are definitely going to see commentary/reactions from the team.

I really want to see a Catherine/Grissom conversation about this. I think that Catherine will be torn between supporting Gil with actually getting a life, and advising him that he may be putting his career in jeopardy.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Adzix doesn't. Do you, Adz?
i like bubbles. but sometimes they cover too much ... okey, i'm shuttin' up.

used to work in the X's regional office, and have tons of friends there still, so that MIGHT be possible...
my address then - "Heaven, Cloud 9", i don't have a zip code though. oh and don't deliver it to cloud 8, there is someone else there which is in love with him too. wait, what was her name? Crystine?? Christiane?? Crysthala?? i don't remember i'm new in the neighbourhood.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

only healing possible - kidnap him for me and send him by Fedex

Sighs loudly.

Actually, that's true, going back to the convo in Invisible Evidence where he tells Sara off for wanting to work her own case.. he is able to step up and be like "ME BIG BOSS MAN." when he feels it's appropriate. All in all, he's a good boss. I'm sure he'll be able to keep being one whilst boinking Sara on a regular basis.

Right, only during IE, we later find out in Butterflied, he's still trying to pretend like he doesn't have feelings for her. He later slips up in the Pin Me Down scene, but I think it was easier for him to publicly embarass her when it wasn't possible for them to be together.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

You guys...are completely insane. Zig, I think your dolly avatar is freaking everyone out, it's making the gutter freakay! Ah, ah, ah? Did you get that? Freak, freakay? Shutup.

But seriously though, that doll is pretty creepy. I too hate porcelain dolls. All they do is stare and stare...*shudders*

Freaking horror movies.

Sarahvma said:
The cap? Ridiculously good-looking. lol. Seriously - My. Hero.

*brushes nails on her shirt* All in a day's work, Sarah. All in a days work...

Grissom: Really? I never thought I was any good at karaoke.

:lol: That's awesome, Crys! I could just imagine Grissom singing karaoke. It's just so un-Grissom its Grissom. Him and Sara would sing Sonny and Cher songs to eachother. Grissom would sing Cher's part, and Sara Sonny's. :p

Killer - The "Drivers Liscence on the CellPhone Scene" - Shippy or Not?

For this poll I voted the second choice (It showed that she was now comfortable challenging him, but on an intellectual and professional level). I never really saw this as a shippy scene, and when I watched it again *makes heaven sounds for* I had the exact same reaction. There were no looks, or touches or anything to make it seem like it was supposed to be a shippy scene. He stated his theory, she countered with her own - it was just a profession, normal way of working a case.

I think the reason "Killer" was such a let-down is because the spoilers pimped the episode so much, and it made it appear like it was going to be a major ship episode, but in a subtle way. Weren't the original spoilers that Grissom and Sara were on the same wave length and that they were finishing eachother's thoughts and sentences? But all we got was one scene. One scene with them alone, and it wasn't really aything. They were just searching the car.

The fact that I was concentrating so much on the GSR that I was waiting to happen kind of made me look at the episode and go, "this is going no where". Maybe when the DVDs come out I'll watch "Killer" again and see if I enjoy it any more.

I_Heart_Geeks said:
*Creeps out from the shadows of the Gutter*
Hi. Um, I'm a newbie and I have been reading you guys for a while now, so I thought that I might, you know, post.

A new recruit! Welcome aboard, <3Geeks! You've done well with the cookies. *takes one* I've added you to the GSR Tenant List.


If I missed anyone, tell me.

So I was thinking about the new CSI season when I remembered since last season, alot of things have changed around the gutter. We have more members, obviously, but we've added more mascots, added more content to ours posts, made up new traditions, and of course, GSR has become canon now. So I was thinking that maybe we should re-decorate the list. Make it better, even.

Instead of a drawing of Grissom and Sara together in the background (props to Urbandub for the pic), we should have a sort of collage of a bunch of GSR fan art/pictures/whatever you guys can come up with. Or do you think we should just keep it the same?

What do you guys think?
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

*brushes nails on her shirt* All in a day's work, Sarah. All in a days work...

You supapimp, you.

That's awesome, Crys! I could just imagine Grissom singing karaoke. It's just so un-Grissom its Grissom. Him and Sara would sing Sonny and Cher songs to eachother. Grissom would sing Cher's part, and Sara Sonny's.

NO. No no. Jorja specifically said if there was ever to be a musical, it would all be in Grissom's head, meaning he would not sing. That dancing clip of Grave Danger was bad enough.

Weren't the original spoilers that Grissom and Sara were on the same wave length and that they were finishing eachother's thoughts and sentences?

They actually had about 4 or so scenes together, and they were technically pretty much only talking to each other even with others in the room, but it didn't have a shippy vibe, it had a "this is our case" vibe.

The fact that I was concentrating so much on the GSR that I was waiting to happen kind of made me look at the episode and go, "this is going no where". Maybe when the DVDs come out I'll watch "Killer" again and see if I enjoy it any more.

In truth, even though I was disappointed by the lack of GSR, which I'll state again was purely an interpretation from the script and not something that was edited out, I was MORE disappointed that they hadn't gone further with the idea. I wanted to see it 100% from the Killer, and have it be these really ironic moments where he passes one of them in the street, and the idea is "you never know who you just ran into" or something.

But yeah, have it be 100% about the Killer, and then when he's finally hauled in, they tell him how they caught him.

I voted the first option on your poll.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I voted the first option, :D I thought that it is about GSR why not have pictures of GSR running up to when it became canon? Just a thought :D :devil:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

With all of the creative folks around here, and can't wait to see what the gutter is gonna look like - I of course voted for option 1, as it looks like everyone else did too!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

desertwind said:

desertwind, comments such as these are Not Necessary and very unhelpful. Please enjoy your ship without feeling the need to be rude or snotty about it. Thank you.


Welcome to the Gutter, I_Heart_Geeks! :)

I_Heart_Geeks said
Hi. Um, I'm a newbie and I have been reading you guys for a while now, so I thought that I might, you know, post.
Just to make a peace offering, I am giving all members of the Gutter cookies! *Fanfare* I know what you all are like. Well, the veterans of the Gutter anyway.

I’m glad you decided to come out of lurking. And thanks for the cookies *munches on a yummy oatmeal raisin cookie* :D Here’s your welcome mat:


For the new Killer poll, I went with “she is comfortable challenging him on a professional level”. Sara’s really come into her own this season. She’s strong, she confident, she’s happy. She’s dealt with her past and she’s moved on to this new, better place where she’s no longer the girl who might have “taped everything Grissom said”. In short, she’s becoming his equal – if not in official status, at least in any and every other way that counts.

And by the way, the little sneaky comments a few of you were making about clips – knock it off. You all know better by now. Thanks.

Crysthala said:
PSST! <whisper> Do not tempt the moderators. They lurk in the shadows. They are invincible, except to the wrath of Species 999... the admins. Hush, my grasshopper. All will be well in time.

Uh… huh. Yeah, what she said… :confused: :lol:

sarahvma said:
Just popping in to tell Sarah and Fogi that I loved their combined analyses on the Thermite Scene; I had never considered that Sara might have been feeling insecure, or was pissed off on Nick's behalf. That's some good ruminatin'!!

lol. We try, we try. It's not easy being brilliant, but you know...

Yeah, what she said... ;) :lol:

MissDee said:
I'll try to have my Gutterflied analysis in by the appointed time, though.

Yay! I can’t wait to read it :D And good luck with the CD! :)

Reebs, as ever thanks for all the work you do with the List :) I voted for option one, but i like MissMurder's suggestion too.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Zupa, you speak TOO SOON! I said Other. I think we should have a big image of Teh Bedroom Scene in black and white the background, and the words "Gutter Tenant List" at the top in fancy letters, and then below that we have all the tenants' names in either a column-y style or just random. And there should be random caps and buterflies ALL OVER THE PLACE.
You know what I would totally love to see?
Gris: So I found this powder all over the-
Sara: -floor, so he sent it to Trace, and-
Gris: -Hodges IDed it as sodium chlorate, which-
Sara: -was used to make the explosives we found-
Gris: -at the scene. So then Sara found-
Sara: -three fingerprints and a drop of-
Gris: -blood, which DNA matched to-
Sara: -the vic and Jacqui IDed the-
Gris: -prints as the suspect's.
Gris and Sara: Case closed.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

For the new Killer poll, I went with “she is comfortable challenging him on a professional level”. Sara’s really come into her own this season. She’s strong, she confident, she’s happy. She’s dealt with her past and she’s moved on to this new, better place where she’s no longer the girl who might have “taped everything Grissom said”. In short, she’s becoming his equal – if not in official status, at least in any and every other way that counts.

Which, again, is why I really think that nothing could have happened prior to Committed. As hard as that was for her, I think it did force her to recall those memories of her mother and her childhood, and I also think finally she was able to realize a lot of what had been keeping her down those past two seasons, and that very little of it was, in fact, to do with Grissom.

So while yes, we did have to wait a LONG time for GSR, I'd prefer to have it when they're clearly both at a place where they can talk openly about their childhoods and painful memories (her mother/father for Sara, his father for Grissom) and move on.

Otherwise I would agree that it was an unhealthy relationship because neither was aware of part of what kept them out of it to begin with.

However, like I said, even in the final scene, it's about a couple, not about one person chasing the other or one being more stable than the other.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

sarahvma said:
So while yes, we did have to wait a LONG time for GSR, I'd prefer to have it when they're clearly both at a place where they can talk openly about their childhoods and painful memories (her mother/father for Sara, his father for Grissom) and move on.
Dammit, you just inspired me. I now have to add YET ANOTHER FANFIC to my growing pile.
Fogi, we TOTALLY just posted at the same time. It's bubbly. That's never happened to me before. BTW? I think the GSR thread has the prettiest welcome mat. ^.^
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Crysthala, I would expect nothing other than 'other' from you . . . :lol: (something about monkeys hanging from a chandelier and frying pans? Was that another thread?) I like your idea, though, because I would love to see the pic of Sara in that bathrobe every time I come to the gutter . . . and butterflies=GSR=canon

sarahvma - I totally agree with you. It's kinda like the Butterflied commentary on the DVD set during Grissom's end scene (for those who haven't heard the commentary, it basically says that this kind of "feelings reveal" from Grissom could only come during the fourth season because his character needed to evolve to that point where he could express his feelings about his life out loud) I think GSR couldn't have happened before season six, because neither of them was in place to be in a relationship with the other. It is only in the 6th season that Sara has dealt with her demons and has "come into her own." Grissom also has matured over the years and developed his emotional side to the point where he can actually express feelings and connect with other people.

And, it of course helps that they stopped having Sara appear to be chasing Grissom, which is how I interpreted some of the episodes over the years . . . now its a relationship with mutual feelings.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

And, it of course helps that they stopped having Sara appear to be chasing Grissom, which is how I interpreted some of the episodes over the years . . . now its a relationship with mutual feelings.

I kind of hope, in season 7, when how the relationship is explained, hopefully explained anyway, that they show/say that Grissom ended up chasing Sara. That he did the asking. Hopefully he did something cute and poetic instead of 'so.. you up for dinner at my house, I think I have leftover Kraft Dinner in the fridge.'

Unfortunately I haven't seen the butterflied commentary yet. I should go rent the DVD from the video store... since I have nothing better to do.

I like your idea, though, because I would love to see the pic of Sara in that bathrobe every time I come to the gutter

Sara in a bathrobe is GSR? Well.. yeah it is. Why you ask? Well, Sara in a bathrobe + Grissom in a funky-looking shirt = GSR.

Sara has dealt with her demons and has "come into her own."

Season 5 was very personal for Sara, and in season 6 she got a break, but what will season 7 bring? Why am I talking about season 7? Well, because SEASON SEVEN IS THE NEW CSI! IT'S CSI: Getting Personally Personal.

Sorry :D I can't get over that Season 7 is going to be VERY PERSONAL!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

alright, i'm gonna regret this. i marked option no.3 *cocks head and glances around in search for furious GSR shippers* depending on circumstances i'm G/LH too :p and i think that POTTR triggered Grissom to change (one of many factors, but i'd say one of the main ones) and take a risk to let sara in his heart. Lady H reminded him how beautiful it is to be with someone, and i think it was something that made him be more convinced about what he thought to do (begin with sara) or maybe what he already started doing (dating her), but they were not officially together yet, so POTTR assured him in what he was doing. once again, it's DARN difficult to establish a timeline. but we all know it already.
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