Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Yeah. He was right. But at least BEFORE we find out he's right, someone has the balls now to point out that he MIGHT be wrong. Oh! Oh! I believe in Daddy's Little Girl or Roshomama, that David the Coroner pwned both Grissom AND Doc, so there you go.
Ooh, at what point? I love Emergency Backup David so much. I would like an episode where Grissom keeps getting EVERYTHING wrong all the time and people just are like "Woah, Grissom's lost his touch!" and then Sara could give him sex to make him feel better. I would call this episode "Grissom and the No Good Terrible Bad Day."

I love how totally insane Crys is.

Either way - I'm sure they certainly found a way to settle that argument later...
Tequila shots contest? Thumb war? Jello wrestling?
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Flying Hawk, this is Spazz Six-Zero-One. Have the packages left the market?
Breaker breaker...uh... can someone please just admit her to the crazy house already?

Oh, absolutely. Through calm, collected, quiet philosophical debate and an anatomical study of the common cellphone. HA! Not.

Well, they certainly CAN study anatomy.

Just popping in to tell Sarah and Fogi that I loved their combined analyses on the Thermite Scene; I had never considered that Sara might have been feeling insecure, or was pissed off on Nick's behalf. That's some good ruminatin'!!

lol. We try, we try. It's not easy being brilliant, but you know...

As for the thermite scene, I do feel silly that I didn't pick up on the second half of his speech and what Sara would've interpreted it as.

But also, with Nick, I really think we saw his kidnapping affect her the most emotionally of everyone, I just wish she had been more present during his uncovering, so if Nick was in any way to complain about that exchange, or if Grissom told her about it, I can see her being upset.

Sorry I haven't been around... my family and I have a singing group, and we're right in the midst of making a CD (flaming hard work, BTW); in addition, all the computers in our house seem to want to go on the fritz at the same time. I'll try to have my Gutterflied analysis in by the appointed time, though.

Sorry. I have the worst image of the Partriage Family right now. I'm sure you're nothing like that.

But we DO miss your hour-long analyses. They're awesome.

This latest scene, again, I think what we expected and the hype surrounding the next week's episodes along with the questions raised by the previous two caused a lot of stir.

I remember frequently checking the time to see if a GSR scene was possible, but alas, no.

It was, in my interpretation, a GS scene, even if the romance was already there.

Ooh, at what point? I love Emergency Backup David so much. I would like an episode where Grissom keeps getting EVERYTHING wrong all the time and people just are like "Woah, Grissom's lost his touch!" and then Sara could give him sex to make him feel better. I would call this episode "Grissom and the No Good Terrible Bad Day."

It should be a special episode shown on HBO. lol.

But yeah, it would be nice if Grissom wasn't ALWAYS right... just saying...
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Woah. Sorry. Double bloody post. The Edit button broke.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

ziggystarduzt said:
I would like an episode where Grissom keeps getting EVERYTHING wrong all the time and people just are like "Woah, Grissom's lost his touch!" and then Sara could give him sex to make him feel better. I would call this episode "Grissom and the No Good Terrible Bad Day."
Dude, that would be hilarious. I bet Catherine would lock him in his office and chain him to the wall, and when she comes back to get him she finds him rocking back and forth ever-so-gently under the desk.
I love how totally insane Crys is.
Why thank you. I bestow upon you an honorary bonk on the head with my Daedric Stick of Poking. <bonk> Dammit, I told you not to do that, Dracula...
Tequila shots contest? Thumb war? Jello wrestling?
He doesn't keep tequila. The severed head is on the fence. No, I mean, literally, there's a head- oh. no. Never mind. It's gone. I think I'll go with...
Grissom: Yuh huh.
Sara: Nuh uh.
Grissom: Yuh huh.
Sara: Nuh uh...

<blink blink> The head is back. And so am I. You people type too fast. Insanity takes time, you know.
Sarah, they already tried. Fortunately I am possessed of the miraculous ability to answer the right questions correctly. And it CAN'T be shown on HBO, I don't have HBO.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

*Creeps out from the shadows of the Gutter*
Hi. Um, I'm a newbie and I have been reading you guys for a while now, so I thought that I might, you know, post.
Just to make a peace offering, I am giving all members of the Gutter cookies! *Fanfare* I know what you all are like. Well, the veterans of the Gutter anyway. :p
Anywho, just posting to say that GSR is cannon and all that jazz.
So yes, enjoy!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

welcome I_Heart_Geeks! i hope you'll enjoy it here :D

okey as for my interpretation of the text massage scene i'd say like most of ya'll here. i picked the third option, just because i think it's a scene which, like the grey hair one, reveals their attitude toward each other. but hey, not ALL the comments of the couples have to be flirty! they are equals now, more than ever (even if we assume they only started dating).

so i agree and i'm also VERY happy about how Grissom and Sara interact. i think it's fabulous. in many ff their relationship scenes are handled in a way that makes me jump into another story just because they're so out of character. and so far TPTB made such a good job portraing them IN character. they behave so normal. gris doesn't cry when he sees her nor they want to make out in his office three times a day or anything like that. even when they're alone in his office, they don't have to discuss their relationship, they can just as easily as in previous seasons talk about the case and there is nothing awkward about how they feel in a new situation. they work how they used to before their involvement. and also they're showing SOME emotions too. cause on the other hand i was afraid that they will part their private life and job so much that it would be just too unhuman. but they do smile, gaze at each other and make some ambiguous comments from time to time. i always feared that TPTB will somehow screw with characters' personalities when getting a ship to reality. but no, so far, IMO it's handled perfectly.

another thing came to my mind. what if for example season 7 started with everybody already knowing about G/S and not making a big deal out of it any more?? i gotta say the truth, i'd be dissapointed like hell, and i'm not so convinced they won't do that. it's far easier than to develop a continues plot going on throughout the whole season. it would take a lot of screen time and a lot of work. but i hope they won't dissapoint and make some effort.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Yay! Welcome to the thread, amigo. <takes a cookie> Bring some soda for the newcomer, guys!
I actually think the writers would enjoy having such a storyline. It would lend them the reputation of continuity, as well as establishing that GSR is very definitely canon and is here to stay. God forbid they decide to make either of the characters cheat. <shudder>
I like how a ton of people start coming out of the woodwork as soon as Ziggy and Sarah leave. :lol: Must be the avatar, Ziggy. And now, I sleep. <insert sleeping smiley face here>
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Welcome to the thread, my friend :D A lot of interesting talks happen here :lol:

Sorry I've not been around for a while :( Computer keeps freezing. I'm back and glad to be joining in on the talk again. :D

I think that if they started the season with the fact that everyone already knew about the relationship would take the thrill out of Grissom and Sara trying to keep it secret. I mean in the 6th season, they done so well keeping it quiet.

I think that when the season starts and still nobody knows of the relationship would be better. As the season progresses, the team gradually start to realize something is going on between the two and Grissom and Sara finally decide to tell them at the season finale. What does everyone else think?
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

God forbid they decide to make either of the characters cheat. <shudder>
now, cheating would be SO out of character like never. they went through too much to cheat now. i think they know how worthy and important that relationship is for both of them. and Grissom isn't a cheater type, nuh uh, never. he could be the one who gets cheated on, but never the one who cheats. and sara? she loves him too much and chased him too long to now risk everything. besides a plot like that would be definitely too soapy, and i don't see the point in doing that when NO ONE, absolutely NO ONE wants it to happen. so i think we can chill, and not worry about it :D
I think that if they started the season with the fact that everyone already knew about the relationship would take the thrill out of Grissom and Sara trying to keep it secret. I mean in the 6th season, they done so well keeping it quiet.

I think that when the season starts and still nobody knows of the relationship would be better. As the season progresses, the team gradually start to realize something is going on between the two and Grissom and Sara finally decide to tell them at the season finale. What does everyone else think?
MissMurder i agree. it would be really cool if the secret was revealed in the finale, great idea! but, we're far away from that and i think there is still a lot to happen so i really can't say what would be the best. gotta wait what TPTB are fixing for us ;)
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Welcome to the thread, <3Geeks (I hereby dub you this)!!! Yay for de-lurking. And thank you very muchly for the cookies :D


CRAZY Adzix said: in many ff their relationship scenes are handled in a way that makes me jump into another story just because they're so out of character.
I think that it's really hard to capture their relationship dynamic in a fic, because it's so unique. Not to say that every relationship isn't, but GSR is definitely hard to write for. I can't even put my finger on what it is, exactly. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the characters seem so real, so flawed, and so human. *shrugs* Not that I'm saying that there AREN'T good fics out there. God knows I'd never say anything like that. But I definitely see where you're coming from there.

I also agree about neither of them cheating. Remember back a hundred years ago in MeatBullet (STFU, I'll call it what I want!) when Cath went off on her weird ranty tangent about how somebody had hurt Grissom badly? Now we may have never had said incidence revealed to us, but it sure sounds like a possible cheated-on-scenario.
Now, those who have experienced the pain of being cheated on are not often likely to turn around and cheat on a partner themselves. Plus, no matter what TPTB may try to make us believe, Grissom isn't a ladies' man. He's not a wimp, but he's also not about to go off banging anything that moves as soon as Sara turns around.

As for Sara herself, just, yeah, no. She wouldn't. Ever. I <3s the Sara. I don't even feel a need to defend her because she is just so pure and good and holy. Thank you.

ETA: It's okay, everyone! You can all breathe a big sigh of relief, for Dolly is back! PRAISE DOLLY!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Dude, that would be hilarious. I bet Catherine would lock him in his office and chain him to the wall, and when she comes back to get him she finds him rocking back and forth ever-so-gently under the desk.

I bet you would love to be the one to comfort him, wouldn't you? lol. And then Sara goes in and reads him a story and gives him juice and a nap.

*Creeps out from the shadows of the Gutter*
Hi. Um, I'm a newbie and I have been reading you guys for a while now, so I thought that I might, you know, post.
Just to make a peace offering, I am giving all members of the Gutter cookies! *Fanfare* I know what you all are like. Well, the veterans of the Gutter anyway.
Anywho, just posting to say that GSR is cannon and all that jazz.
So yes, enjoy!
WELCOME! We're weird, but friendly. Post away!

in many ff their relationship scenes are handled in a way that makes me jump into another story just because they're so out of character.

Agreed. Once in a relationship, in fanfic previously (and by some good writers) Sara and Grissom have either been portrayed suddenly as these bleeding hearts, or Grissom is and Sara is the rock. As it is, I think TPTB struck a nice tone with their relationship, not showing one relying more on the other, which is nice.

another thing came to my mind. what if for example season 7 started with everybody already knowing about G/S and not making a big deal out of it any more??

I think that since the relationship itself kind of started up that way, there is ONE part of it that they'll want to drag out for drama. Like I said, I don't necessarily think it'll be some Chandler-Monica "hiding it from everyone" hijinks, however I really doubt that even Night Shift would be totally cool with it.

Oh, here's a thought: in Spellbound, I believe, Grissom doesn't excuse Warrick from the case because of his wife issues. Is it possible that Grissom is trying to be extra tough with Warrick so that no one suspects him, or that his thought is if even he can make it work, Warrick should be able to as well?

Either way, Nick got kind of shafted from Grissom in his post-Grave Danger/Daddy's Little Girl treatment, Warrick's probably pissed about not getting that time to work things out with his wife, Catherine would compare it to her date with Adam Novak and Grissom's reaction to that, and my poor sweet Greg...

And these are the people who would be the most likely to support it. I'm not saying that IS how they will react, but it seems to me that TPTB left a lot of unresolved hostility regarding both characters from the rest of the team that could be used at a later time.

However, I really think that Nick is just too romantic not to support it. lol.

now, cheating would be SO out of character like never. they went through too much to cheat now. i think they know how worthy and important that relationship is for both of them. and Grissom isn't a cheater type, nuh uh, never. he could be the one who gets cheated on, but never the one who cheats. and sara? she loves him too much and chased him too long to now risk everything. besides a plot like that would be definitely too soapy, and i don't see the point in doing that when NO ONE, absolutely NO ONE wants it to happen. so i think we can chill, and not worry about it

Real-life cheating is most likely FAR more complex, but I agree - for the very one-dimensional TV version, cheating is not something I expect from this ship.


Maybe it was simply trying to rid the world of its evil.

when Cath went off on her weird ranty tangent about how somebody had hurt Grissom badly

However, WP said he didn't think Grissom had ever been in love, and since no woman has been mentioned since, and I didn't think he was THAT into Terri Miller, she may have just been throwing theories out there. Because she ASKED. And they've known each other 20 years, meaning she's supposing it would've had to have been someone before then.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I don't necessarily think it'll be some Chandler-Monica "hiding it from everyone" hijinks
That's really too bad. You know, for Adzix's sake. I think she would have looooved to see Billy in an approximation of the MonChan bathtub scene.

Oh, here's a thought: in Spellbound, I believe, Grissom doesn't excuse Warrick from the case because of his wife issues. Is it possible that Grissom is trying to be extra tough with Warrick so that no one suspects him, or that his thought is if even he can make it work, Warrick should be able to as well?
I can't see Grissom taking any kind of action in any way ever that has anything to do with anyone else's relationship. He's an observer. I highly doubt he'd ever go up to Warrick and be like "Yo, homie, this wassup." It could be that he was being overly harsh on Warrick.. but he was an ass to Greg as well. I think it's more likely that he TOTALLY can't beat that kid that wraps Mario in 5 minutes, so matter HOW hard he tries. He was just generally pissy in that episode.

Maybe it was simply trying to rid the world of its evil.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

That's really too bad. You know, for Adzix's sake. I think she would have looooved to see Billy in an approximation of the MonChan bathtub scene.
Adzix does not need to have her obsession catered to. She needs HELP.

And I hope to God that Grissom will properly use the bubbles.

I can't see Grissom taking any kind of action in any way ever that has anything to do with anyone else's relationship. He's an observer. I highly doubt he'd ever go up to Warrick and be like "Yo, homie, this wassup."
That really doesn't just apply to Grissom. I think anyone who walked up to Warrick and said that would be totally justified in getting punched.

But yeah - however, I think that Grissom has always been "Why can't you people be robots at work? I do it." and therefore has no sympathy for people whose personal lives conflict.

Which makes sense, but all I'm saying is that even if they NEVER bring it up at work (which they have several times in front of Nick and Warrick and so on) they're still boss/subordinate, so it's in the subtext of everyones' mind for anything that happens between them, from promotions right down to what cases she gets to work.

It could be that he was being overly harsh on Warrick.. but he was an ass to Greg as well. I think it's more likely that he TOTALLY can't beat that kid that wraps Mario in 5 minutes, so matter HOW hard he tries. He was just generally pissy in that episode.

Agreed. Sara was probably out of town.

I'm not even going to touch on that.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

That's really too bad. You know, for Adzix's sake. I think she would have looooved to see Billy in an approximation of the MonChan bathtub scene.
that was cruel *hyperventilates and passes out on thought of billy in a bathtub. after regaining consciousnss goes to WPAP in search for any caps of WP in bathtub. after spending 30 minutes without any results passes out again*

Adzix does not need to have her obsession catered to. She needs HELP.
only healing possible - kidnap him for me and send him by Fedex
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

And I hope to God that Grissom will properly use the bubbles.
Adzix doesn't. Do you, Adz?

Which makes sense, but all I'm saying is that even if they NEVER bring it up at work (which they have several times in front of Nick and Warrick and so on) they're still boss/subordinate, so it's in the subtext of everyones' mind for anything that happens between them, from promotions right down to what cases she gets to work
Actually, that's true, going back to the convo in Invisible Evidence where he tells Sara off for wanting to work her own case.. he is able to step up and be like "ME BIG BOSS MAN." when he feels it's appropriate. All in all, he's a good boss. I'm sure he'll be able to keep being one whilst boinking Sara on a regular basis.

only healing possible - kidnap him for me and send him by Fedex
I used to work in the X's regional office, and have tons of friends there still, so that MIGHT be possible...
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