Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

ziggy I'm sitting her cracking up at your avie- :lol: :lol: :lol:what the Frig is that or who is that :eek:funny- and "Killer" was the last time they were here- and I ran around like the proberbial chicken with it's heasd cut off- :eek: looking for them and was two steps behind- :(a security guard said he saw Jorja- :( but who knows--they've got yellow tape all around- can't get near- anyway- I was so bummed out- they apparently film like 5 am and I got to this area around 8-thinking that was really early-- crapola- :confused:smeaky devils-- i know that Paul stayed at the Palms-couldn't find out where the rest of them were- they fly in and out-- it's only a 45 min flight back to L.A. ;)CANON RULES- IT'S HERE AND YOU ALL MIGHT AS WELL ACCEPT IT!!!!!!!(THAT'S TO THE OTHERS}hint-clue-hello- get real :D

Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Sorry - double post. It told me it didn't go through the first time.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I picked the third one. I don't know if they're officially dating yet, but wherever they were in their relationship, I think they were comfortable with it and had it under control.
You know, the more I think about it, the more I think that the whole "doing it" status just kind of snuck up on them. Like Grissom invites Sara (or vice versa) to his house once or twice, and they just sort of... trip miraculously into bed.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I picked 2, and I see now that this is because I am a horrid person. lol.

But again, I think we expected too much shippiness from this episode, and while yes, it did follow Thermite and Grey Hair, which didn't help, I think that this had more to do with them being on an equal playing field professionally regardless of their relationship.

I don't believe they were together during Grave Danger and I got that same sense from the Trigger scene.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

ziggy I'm sitting her cracking up at your avie- what the Frig is that or who is that funny
I searched for creepy doll pictures, picked that one, and played with the colours. I really did it just to freak Sarah out. And then she kept going on about how it was horrible, so I added "I LOVE YOU SARAH" because the poor dolly was just so hurt that Sarah didn't love her. :devil:

As for the poll, I went with "other" because I have not seen this episode. Can somebody explain this scene to me please?

I don't believe they were together during GD either, Sar, but I'm sure that they were ABOUT to be. Like. That night. ;)

PS: dolly loves you.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Ziggy, I love you so much. I love you and your avatars and your psychoticness (which coming from me is a complement, worry not). Ah, me.
I believe this is from that one episode where we get to follow the killer around. Incidentally, the ep is called "Killer." And there was this scene where Grissom and Sara were talking, and... dammit, I don't remember. I do remember getting the sense of how bloody comfortable they were, though.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Crysthala said:You know, the more I think about it, the more I think that the whole "doing it" status just kind of snuck up on them. Like Grissom invites Sara (or vice versa) to his house once or twice, and they just sort of... trip miraculously into bed.

LOL thats really funny the way you see it. I thought of that too but ever since the "Bite Me" scene it really gets you thinking about it. :rolleyes:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

THe GSR website has a clip of the "Killer" scene... Sara is basically mocking Grissom, its actually kind of funny.

I voted on option 3... just because I can! I think they are in the begining stages of their relationship. I dont know, i read too many fanfics to think for myself. hehe
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I searched for creepy doll pictures, picked that one, and played with the colours. I really did it just to freak Sarah out. And then she kept going on about how it was horrible, so I added "I LOVE YOU SARAH" because the poor dolly was just so hurt that Sarah didn't love her.
Because she knows I fear porcelain dolls. Can we move on? Thank you. My inner child and I shall be shuddering in the corner.

As for the poll, I went with "other" because I have not seen this episode. Can somebody explain this scene to me please?

Essentially Grissom finds that the last number she called wasn't a number, but rather a series of letters and numbers. Sara thinks it's just jibberish while she was dying, but Grissom thinks she may have been text messaging someone the liscence plate of the car that hit her. Sara continues to disagree, I think, but there's something kind of playful about the back-and-forth.

I don't believe they were together during GD either, Sar, but I'm sure that they were ABOUT to be. Like. That night.

I was about to make a profane trigger joke.

THe GSR website has a clip of the "Killer" scene

Coughs. We're not allowed to mention clips. However...if one were to venture to, one might find something to ones' satisfaction regarding this matter...
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Because she knows I fear porcelain dolls. Can we move on? Thank you. My inner child and I shall be shuddering in the corner.
If you feel THAT strongly I can take it down. Siiiiiiiiiiiigh.

Essentially Grissom finds that the last number she called wasn't a number, but rather a series of letters and numbers. Sara thinks it's just jibberish while she was dying, but Grissom thinks she may have been text messaging someone the liscence plate of the car that hit her. Sara continues to disagree, I think, but there's something kind of playful about the back-and-forth.
Ohhhhhhhh, I HAVE seen that part. That was before I turned it off. Okay. Grissom was right, wasn't he? Sigh. I wish that once in a while Grissom was wrong and everyone else got a chance to show him up.

I was about to make a profane trigger joke.
You would. Filthy girl.

Ziggy, I love you so much. I love you and your avatars and your psychoticness
Awwwwwwwwww, thank you Crys! :D I love you too. And don't worry, I'm super proug of being psychotic!!

I am now going to. *cough* venture over to to. *cough* Do research.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

sarahvma said:
My inner child and I shall be shuddering in the corner.
I was here first. Fear not! I shall protect you from the demon dolls by means of a flaming sword made entirely of bubble gum and CoolWhip! <trumpets>
Ahh, so it was about the numbers of the cellphone-ness. I think Sara was intentionally playing devil's advocate to rile up the primal rage deep within Grissom for later- I mean. I think she was... like... in disagreement. Yeah.
PSST! <whisper> Do not tempt the moderators. They lurk in the shadows. They are invincible, except to the wrath of Species 999... the admins. Hush, my grasshopper. All will be well in time.
This is what happens when I drink caffeine at 11 PM...

Edited specifically to reply to Ziggy...
<feeling the love> Totally, dudes. I am FEELING the warm and fuzziness.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

If you feel THAT strongly I can take it down. Siiiiiiiiiiiigh.

No, no. Tis fine.

Ohhhhhhhh, I HAVE seen that part. That was before I turned it off. Okay. Grissom was right, wasn't he? Sigh. I wish that once in a while Grissom was wrong and everyone else got a chance to show him up.

Yeah. He was right. But at least BEFORE we find out he's right, someone has the balls now to point out that he MIGHT be wrong. Oh! Oh! I believe in Daddy's Little Girl or Roshomama, that David the Coroner pwned both Grissom AND Doc, so there you go.

You would. Filthy girl.

If you throw out insults, I will actually share it.

I am now going to. *cough* venture over to to. *cough* Do research.

Quite. All Gemenis to the raspberry hats. How now brown cow?

I was here first. Fear not! I shall protect you from the demon dolls by means of a flaming sword made entirely of bubble gum and CoolWhip!

And THIS children, is what your brain looks like on nerd.

Ahh, so it was about the numbers of the cellphone-ness. I think Sara was intentionally playing devil's advocate to rile up the primal rage deep within Grissom for later- I mean. I think she was... like... in disagreement. Yeah.

lol. Yeah, it was definitely about playing the devil's advocate in that regard, but also perhaps her thinking that between the two of them, she'd be more knowledgeable about cell phones.

Either way - I'm sure they certainly found a way to settle that argument later...
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

sarahvma said:
Quite. All Gemenis to the raspberry hats. How now brown cow?
Flying Hawk, this is Spazz Six-Zero-One. Have the packages left the market?

And THIS children, is what your brain looks like on nerd.
I am totally a nerd. No, not the candy. The bigger kind. Yes, the homo-sapien clique variety.

Either way - I'm sure they certainly found a way to settle that argument later...
Oh, absolutely. Through calm, collected, quiet philosophical debate and an anatomical study of the common cellphone. HA! Not.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Just popping in to tell Sarah and Fogi that I loved their combined analyses on the Thermite Scene; I had never considered that Sara might have been feeling insecure, or was pissed off on Nick's behalf. That's some good ruminatin'!!

Alyssa, great catch on the many "Sara"/"Yeah" scenes of CSI. It would be so awesome if the writers actually remembered and intended stuff like that, wouldn't it?

Gil and Sara trip and fall into bed, Crys? Methinks I smell a fanfic!

Sorry I haven't been around... my family and I have a singing group, and we're right in the midst of making a CD (flaming hard work, BTW); in addition, all the computers in our house seem to want to go on the fritz at the same time. I'll try to have my Gutterflied analysis in by the appointed time, though.
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