Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

gotta rewatch that ep. thanks sarah *watches with eyes wide opened what the heck zidane just did*

lol. This was, unfortunately, another case where the script looked more promising for GSR than what aired (like Roshomama), but it was also a case where interpretation was rather key. Originally the spoilers seemed to suggest that we'd gather something very non-verbal and intimate about the way that Sara and Grissom now worked together. Not intimate romantically, but rather that they were even more connected than they used to be.

However, like I said, I do like that a lot of the team no longer seems to revere Grissom because it brings them all to the same level.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

For the poll i went for the second option..."She genuinely finds it attractive and feels, the need to say so...". She obviously finds it attractive but also felt that it was getting to him. Maybe they went out on a date and they saw a couple younger like her she saw that he felt kind of bad and that's why she said it and by saying it in front of someone surprised him too.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Sorry i know this is totally of topic but...


I'm in heaven!!!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

yup, jofod i'm discussing it on World Cup forum and i can't fight tears .. of JOY!! :D well, okey, i'm not crying but still, i'm happy!! YeepEE!!!!!!! ITALY RULEZ, AND I'M SO GOING THERE FOR VACATION THIS YEAR!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

jofod said:
Sorry i know this is totally of topic but...


I'm in heaven!!!

Okay. Well done Italy & all that. And can that now be the last world cup/football/sporting comment in here, please? Otherwise I may get violent (sorry, not a sports fan - except baseball, but it works as such a great metaphore - beauty... sex... it works for all the good stuff ;) )

Ahem... anyway...

RE: Killer - I know the GSR-ness of it got way played up in the spoilers and when that stuff didn't come to pass, due to cuts, etc, we were pretty disappointed. But I still loved that little moment of Sara teasing Grissom when they're talking about the car. For me, it's always the little moments between the Geeks, the tiny teasing moments or mind-melds, that have a big impact. They denote a comfort level and a level of communication that let you know that, essentially, still waters run deep. Whatever we see in the show is nothing to what's going on both internally and in private. There's so much that we don't see with this pair - stuff that must go on & be said between them in private - and these moments just clue us in to where they are with each other off-camera. And, in the case of the scene in Killer, they're in a very comfortable place :)
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Okay. Well done Italy & all that.

*Snorts a little too loudly*. Sorry, that was just funny.

I have to say in regard to Killer and with COMPLETE respect to our spoiler maven at YTDAW, but I don't think anything got cut or changed. Even she said that she wasn't sure there was anything there, but simply that there seemed to be something different about they dynamic, something more unified.

And like I said, I do believe that her questioning him was a step forward, showing how comfortable she was with him and how much they were beginning to see each other as equals.

I don't know if that has anything to do with a romantic relationship, however knowing that Pirates was on the horizon, and that we'd JUST had the Thermite/Grey Hair scenes, I think we were all more just hoping that we'd be left with a really secure feeling about our ship before the lady arrived.

All that talk of cuts came afterwards, I think, from people speculating that they'd wanted to make GSR more open-ended so it wouldn't affect Pirates, but really I just think it was a case of us taking something small and really running with it.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

i (and i'm sure more people also) was dissapointed by killer. They looked like they were totally comfterable with eachother, there was (IMHO) not alot of sexual tension. and the episode was boring! it made the killer seem more human, as opposed to "that guy" you read about in the news. i didnt like that.

sarah said: She was correcting him on something (I know they were in the garage at that point at Hodges was dropping off something) and although she was basically telling him he was being ridiculous about his assumption (or kind of saying 'duh' - I believe in regards to the cell phone), there was a playful nature to it.
i understand what you're saying, but for me at least, sara was doing no more than doing her job. but i guess tone does matter.

waves at fogi :)
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

i understand what you're saying, but for me at least, sara was doing no more than doing her job. but i guess tone does matter.

Agreed, however there was more the sense you got from Sara. Like in Unfriendly Skies it's clear that she, as well as the whole team, kind of fangirls Grissom.

Very few people are willing to say that he might be wrong. Even Warrick was surprised when he admitted it of himself early on in the series.

So I saw it as more of a progression from that place of "Everything Grissom does is absolutley right", like remember the Sara who "taped everything Grissom said"?

So that's all I meant. It did show a progression, and I think that their hands-off attitude in seasons 4 and 5 for tension reasons also meant that while they may have been on the same playing field professionally, they were still awkward with each other.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Hey fans- did you all read the Jorja news on here-where she talks about the personal side of CSI :p so look's like it'll pick up where it left off- sound good huh? and so many are so still in denial-- :(anyway- we know- and tha't a wrap ;)

Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Hey fans- did you all read the Jorja news on here-where she talks about the personal side of CSI so look's like it'll pick up where it left off- sound good huh? and so many are so still in denial-- anyway- we know- and tha't a wrap

Yeah, I'm rather impressed that they all really keep hammering home this idea of going for more personal storylines and definitely continuing to support GSR next year. It's nice to see that we really have a solid footing, and that the rug isn't suddenly about to be ripped out from under us somehow.

It also means that at least the first 4 episodes will probably be slanted towards this since they keep mentioning it.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

sarahvma said:

It also means that at least the first 4 episodes will probably be slanted towards this since they keep mentioning it.

Bring it on! We have been waiting all summer. I think I am having withdrawls. I watch the Top 20 GSR moments about one time a day now. Its intense.

I just watched "Butterflied" and I never noticed how long Gris is staring at the girls face. Its a pretty good amount of time. And then when Cath comes in, she looks at the girl and then looks at him, she then makes a face like. "ohhh, gotcha, Ill leave you to the body" Something I never noticed before.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Bring it on! We have been waiting all summer. I think I am having withdrawls. I watch the Top 20 GSR moments about one time a day now. Its intense.

lol. I am pretty hyped for the start, but I think I'm also a bit nervous. It's so rare that ships are canonized this early, yet so late. If that makes sense - what I mean is that most ships happen in the first or last season of a show, so to have it happening when the cast has implied there will probably be a couple more years is disconcerting.

Butterflied was a great episode. If it had nothing to do with GSR, just the moodiness and the storytelling is so fantastic.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I was offline when the Killer spoilers were airing. I think I didn't even watch Killer. I think I thought it was SO STUPID that I turned it off. I think.

Anyway, I'm not holding my hopes high for the start of the season, just so I don't go smashing back onto the earth in a puddle. If they even acknowledge the relationship exists I'll be happy. A little smile or look or nod or comment.. SOMETHING. I'm not expecting anything beyond that, nor do I seriously want it.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Well i dont think that they wont recognize it at all because they have adressed it at the finale, its only right that they give us something. Or they could leave us with that scene and make us wait 6 years for another one.

You never know. Im saying prayers for some kind of kiss... mmmm :devil:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

ginascar said:I just watched "Butterflied" and I never noticed how long Gris is staring at the girls face. Its a pretty good amount of time. And then when Cath comes in, she looks at the girl and then looks at him, she then makes a face like. "ohhh, gotcha, Ill leave you to the body" Something I never noticed before.

I love that episode! I've watched over a thousand times already and I can watch it everyday if i could. Oh and about Cath when she was staring at the body and made that face in the commentaries they say that it was because she was suppose to say something like "She could be Sara's sister" or something like that but they cut it out because they wanted the audience to find out the resemblance of Sara not the characters.
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