Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Okay, I'm sorry everyone. But the sweet, pure love of Sacklie has stolen my heart (Coughs and points to avatar.)

Sacklie and Gonad 4 eva! :lol:

Zig, you need to make some Balls avatars. Or Testicilia or whatever you want to call it. Mmm...Ecklie/Sara/Grissom threesome.


:) how is everyone? i missed yall, florida was hot. (really)

BVIEW! *hugs* We missed you too! You're lucky, when I was in Florida in rained every. single. day. It sucked. But glad you had a fun time. Now get your ass back into the gutter/bedroom/bedroom in a gutter.

lol, what's up with you avatar? It's weird and I love it.

For the poll I chose the second answer (She genuinely finds it attractive, and felt the need to say so then because, again, she could tell it was getting to him) but I didn't specifically agree with all of it.

I think she thought grey hair was sexy, but I didn't fully agree with Grissom being "down" about it, but I also didn't think it was just a throw-away comment from Sara. I think she wanted to make him give a reaction. If they weren't together at that point, his reaction would of given her a hint to whether or not he cared/noticed/liked it. And you know he so liked it.

desert - I love love love the Swap Meet cap. That scene made the episode for me. It was so relaxed and casual.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Okay guys, I'm sorry, but neither Grissom, Sara, nor Greg are involved in any way with Conrad Ecklie. NONE OF THEM. <shudder> Not unless it's N/C, and even then.... <yecch> And don't tell anyone who doesn't know what teh N/C is about what it is about. That means they're the wee little minors. :rolleyes:
I think that Grissom was kind of like "Crap, I have grey hair. According to the impossible societal stereotypes for males of our time, this should mean I'm not getting any. I'd better dye it darker to avoid jokes." And Sara's just like, "Well, Gris, I'm a weeeeee bit more forgiving than this bloody society... <pounce>"
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Okay guys, I'm sorry, but neither Grissom, Sara, nor Greg are involved in any way with Conrad Ecklie. NONE OF THEM. <shudder> Not unless it's N/C, and even then.... <yecch>

Aww, but they're just so perfect for eachother, Crys! I'm sure they could bring out Ecklie's soft side.

They would call him Connie, and everything would be right in the world.

Ok, since we haven't had one in a long time, here's a pic to cap. Go on, it's hours of fun.


GRISSOM: So yes, we'll go out to dinner, see a movie maybe, but you know, not if you don't want to. I mean, if it's akward at all then we could just do it another time, or maybe-

SARA: Gris, you're babbling.

GRISSOM: Right, sorry. I'll pick you up at 7 in my Cadillac then. Get ready to roll in style with my 26 inch rims.

SARA: And hydraulics?

GRISSOM: I'm working on that.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Reeble, are not!!! Ecklie hates both Grissom AND Sara, and you know it! <grumble>
But as for your cap...
Grissom: Sooo... are we cool?
Sara: Of course.
Grissom: ...<blink> Really?
Sara: Yeah! Why wouldn't we be?
Grissom: Well, you know... last night...
Sara: That was completely OK. More than OK. Awesome! ^.^
Grissom: <blush> Really? I'd never really done that sort of thing before, you see...
Sara: I hadn't noticed. Look, you were AWESOME. I don't think I've seen a performance like that from anyone ever. Like, seriously. That was FAN-TAS-TIC. I was reeling. It was like a sugar high, minus the crashing depression afterward.
Grissom: Really? I never thought I was any good at karaoke.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I swear you people make it so difficult to be on vacation. I got to keep checking this thing to keep updated and everytime i come on after a day, theres like 3 pages I have to read. lol. Keep it up though.

Reeble, that is too funny. Grissom with hydraulics? I dont know why but I have my mind in the gutter for that one. lol.

Does anyone ever have their mind out of the gutter around here? haha
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Reeble - that cap has made you my hero. WHAT episode is that from?

The cap? Ridiculously good-looking. lol. Seriously - My. Hero.

Can I be the first to say that while I understand that Grissom's car is cool and all, I don't think it fits him at all.

And you know what? Gonad/Sacklie is my OTP, Adzix, so don't you be hatin'.

As for that scene... really, more than anything it was a flirt to the both of them. Both were feeling down and she perked them up.

Has anyone else noticed that the lab geeks seem to have turned her into their goddess? lol.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

as for the poll i voted the second option, though i don't fully agree with it. i think they were in the beggining of their relationship. maybe after a first date or a first night together or something. their relationship wasn't that secure yet but it was forming. that's why sara allowed herself for that comment, which was obviously reffering to Grissom; and he still cocked his head and made the Grissom-WTF-look. if their relationship was more, umm, progressed, Grissom wouldn't make that kind of look i think. he would smile a little, make some eyesex or try to pretend he didn't hear anything. but no, this time he was kinda surprised that sara made such an ambiguous comment. i can only speculate, but IMO he reacted on that later, and made a "mouth to mouth" comment.

sarah what about Ecklie/Atwater/Warrick/the attorney who has some kind of speech disfunction and opens her mouth too much ship? i think it's cool. i'm gonna name it B.O.S. (Brown Oral Supervisors)
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Welcome back bview! :D *waves*

beautifulview said:
fogi, were there writing/fanfic challanges a while ago? i seem to remember those, but i'm not sure if they were real or i dreamed about them :confused:

Do you mean at Gutterflied? We haven’t had any fanfic challenges yet (though I do plan to issue some towards the end of the summer) but there are two writing (as in essay) challenges at Gutterflied, the deadline for which is the 15th of August

Challenge One

Challenge Two

I’m looking forward to all the entries :D

Now, for the Gray Hair poll, I went with “She genuinely finds it attractive” - Sara is nothing but straightforward and honest. She finds the entire Grissom package attractive – mind and body – and here makes it clear that she’s not afraid to say so (albeit in a somewhat roundabout way, since Hodges is standing *right there*) She finds gray hair attractive – not surprising, many of us girls do (mmmm, George Clooney… ;) ) She’s probably also painfully aware of the fact that the whole aging process is bothering Grissom around this time (silly Greg for calling the money ancient :( ) and feels the need to give him a little boost, letting him know that he’s just the way she likes him – because that’s what girlfriends do ;)

Crysthala said:
Grissom: Really? I never thought I was any good at karaoke.

*dies* :lol: Crys, you seriously slay me. Awesome :D

ginascar said:
Does anyone ever have their mind out of the gutter around here? Haha

Short answer? No. Long answer? Uh… no. ;)

sarahvma said:
Has anyone else noticed that the lab geeks seem to have turned her into their goddess? lol.

That’s cuz she’s a Geek Goddess :)


Which obviously makes Grissom a Geek God


Regarding Sacklie & Gonad, can we knock that discussion on the head now? If you want to discuss those ship, take it on over to the Sacklie Thread – though, I’m afraid Grissom/Ecklie don’t currently have their own ship thread. Thanks ;)
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Lia said:
beautifulview said:
Sidlreiana_15 that first picture is so cute. really really cute.

thank you ^_-

in the poll i voted for the second option "She genuinely finds it attractive, and felt the need to say so then because, again, she could tell it was getting to him" grissom you know :D.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

their relationship wasn't that secure yet but it was forming. that's why sara allowed herself for that comment, which was obviously reffering to Grissom; and he still cocked his head and made the Grissom-WTF-look. if their relationship was more, umm, progressed, Grissom wouldn't make that kind of look i think. he would smile a little, make some eyesex or try to pretend he didn't hear anything. but no, this time he was kinda surprised that sara made such an ambiguous comment. i can only speculate, but IMO he reacted on that later, and made a "mouth to mouth" comment.

I definitely agree with this sentiment. And all of their other comments, even when Sara corrected Grissom in Killer had a really playful nature to them. But they were also very back-and-forth. Grissom did seem genuinely surprised, and even pleased by it, but more surprised. And it may just be because they've never really openly discussed the issue, it being perpetually the elephant in the room.

Having said that, I think they are close enough for her to be able to tell when he's upset about something, and the whole case had that theme underlying in it. Right down to Sara making the crack about Greg wanting to preserve old carpet.

sarah what about Ecklie/Atwater/Warrick/the attorney who has some kind of speech disfunction and opens her mouth too much ship? i think it's cool. i'm gonna name it B.O.S. (Brown Oral Supervisors)

THAT is just profane, young lady.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

*agrees with Crysthala, then drops that subject*

Grissom: Don't look, don't look...
Sara: is he looking at my chest?
(and the other caps further up)

Gris: Shut up and kiss me already, would you?
Cap 2:
Sara: Must you be so serious all the time?
Gris: Yes or I'll throw you down and kiss you.
Cap 3:
Gris:(thinking) Damn, she has a nice chest
Sara: (thinking) he's looking at my chest again...(saying) Get it out of the gutter, Gil. At least until we're back at your place.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I've been VERY BUSY! With my Photoshop obsession. I'm sane, I swear. Anyway, those who PMd me I promise I'll get back to you, just not like, right now, cause I need my coffee before I make sense.

As for the poll I went with "she genuinely finds it attractive"... Sara's all about the silverfoxes. If she didn't have Griss I would so set her up with Taylor Hicks.

Zig, you need to make some Balls avatars. Or Testicilia or whatever you want to call it. Mmm...Ecklie/Sara/Grissom threesome.
TestiCALIA. And yes. Yes I do. I'll get on it right away, I promise.

I'm not smart or cool enough to caption that picture, so I'll leave it alone.

And OMG, I totally didn't know there actually WAS a Sacklie thread. I'm so gonna go there now. Hee. Thanks, Fogs!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

*snort* i don't think there are any B.O.S avs yet *jumps in euphoric chuckle and hits the drawer losing consciousness*

sarah i think i've got some kind of amnesia right now, but what's happened in Killer?? i'm sure as soon as i click "submit", i'll figure it out, but let's say i won't.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

sarah i think i've got some kind of amnesia right now, but what's happened in Killer?? i'm sure as soon as i click "submit", i'll figure it out, but let's say i won't.

Well, nothing really of any shippy nature happened in Killer, but essentially there was a scene where Grissom said something and Sara immediately... not made fun of him for it, but kind of ribbed him, I guess. She was correcting him on something (I know they were in the garage at that point at Hodges was dropping off something) and although she was basically telling him he was being ridiculous about his assumption (or kind of saying 'duh' - I believe in regards to the cell phone), there was a playful nature to it.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

gotta rewatch that ep. thanks sarah ;) *watches with eyes wide opened what the heck zidane just did*
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