Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Adzix said:
can anybody do me a favor?? :p can ya'll recommend some really good GSR fanfic for me??! and not a booky-long one please, i don't want to go blind before S7 starts :lol: thanks *mumbles about search engine not working*

Adzix, the fics Grissly recommended above are totally awesome. I also have a fics recommendations page over on my website (which I really need to update with some of the awesome stuff that's been written recently) - Fanfiction Recommendations

Geekfiction also just had their wonderful Summer Sizzler, and there was a HUGE amount of GSR fics submitted - a huge number of which were not R/NC-17 rated (which actually kinda suprised me :lol: ) Here's the Fic Master List - all pairings and ratings are clearly marked. And if you look carefully, you'll find my entry (which I can't link to due to the smut ;) ) - but I write under the name emmelinegreer over there and my fic's got the longest title (in the world :p ), so it'll be easy to find...

Sarah, your avi is... disturbing :p (Clo would be so proud :lol: ) Ziggy, I fear you.

Just a general reminder to all who are interested - the Creative Challenges over on the Gutterflied lj site are still open - the deadline is the 30th July and details can be found here (and if you haven't yet signed up to the Gutter, you can do so here ;) )
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

fogi, were there writing/fanfic challanges a while ago? i seem to remember those, but i'm not sure if they were real or i dreamed about them :confused:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

sarah, your avie killed me.

Sarah, your avi is... disturbing (Clo would be so proud ) Ziggy, I fear you.

Don't make Ecklie put YOUR panties on leave. Cuz he'll do it.

As for the "Bride" scene... I just think that Grissom has two settings when he's checking someone out. He's either the agressor or the one who's being hit on. So either we see that kind of smirking, leering way he talks to people, or the wide-eyed wide-mouth sort of thing.

I find it interesting that his interaction with Sara was always just so warm and natural. Like the blanket scene in Sex, Lies and Larvae - it wasn't about getting a date, it was just about being with her.

While Grissom may have found the bride attractive, I think we were supposed to focus on the jewelery more than anything else.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Don't make Ecklie put YOUR panties on leave. Cuz he'll do it.
I think I'll find pictures of all of you guys, and then if you piss me off I'll just put YOUR picture and name in my Sacklie icon instead of Sara. SO THERE! HA! BEWARE MY WRATH!

As for the "Bride" scene... I just think that Grissom has two settings when he's checking someone out. He's either the agressor or the one who's being hit on. So either we see that kind of smirking, leering way he talks to people, or the wide-eyed wide-mouth sort of thing.
I don't think 'aggressor' and 'Grissom' go in the same sentence with 'being hit on'. Unless the sentence is "Grissom is never the aggressor, he is only ever hit on." He's just so oblivious, yo! Women are always like "Hey Grissom, I think there's some evidence.... IN MY PANTS." And he's like "Ooh, evidence!" *siiigh* He's so clueless.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I think I'll find pictures of all of you guys, and then if you piss me off I'll just put YOUR picture and name in my Sacklie icon instead of Sara. SO THERE! HA! BEWARE MY WRATH!

Ecklie is also equal opportunity, ladies. He can put shirts, skirts, bras and hats on leave.

He's also going to give some vacation time to his sweet slacks.

I don't think 'aggressor' and 'Grissom' go in the same sentence with 'being hit on'. Unless the sentence is "Grissom is never the aggressor, he is only ever hit on." He's just so oblivious, yo! Women are always like "Hey Grissom, I think there's some evidence.... IN MY PANTS." And he's like "Ooh, evidence!" *siiigh* He's so clueless.

Well, people like Teri Miller or Lady Heather or a few of the women he's flirted with at crime scenes (even if the latter is more about information) shows him definitely being the one who's more than responding, but in some cases initiating.

As opposed to just gawking at a showgirl.

This scene didn't really feel like either. Other than bad camerawork because yes, it did seem like it was drifting too low, but if he WAS checking her out, I wasn't aware that many men found ear lobes really sexy. lol.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Quick Question: In the episode "Secrets and Flies" is there any GSR scenes or stares, glances anything? Im just curious cause i just really want to see this episode dont know why though, i guess i just want to see Grissom in a tuxedo :rolleyes:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Ecklie is also equal opportunity, ladies. He can put shirts, skirts, bras and hats on leave.
WHY! Just last week Ecklie walked up to me and was like: "CORRIVEAU! I'm putting your catsuit on LEAVE!" and I was like "Ew, no" and ran away.

Well, people like Teri Miller or Lady Heather or a few of the women he's flirted with at crime scenes (even if the latter is more about information) shows him definitely being the one who's more than responding, but in some cases initiating.
What PLANET are you living o...okay, we're not going to discuss other ships here. Suffice it to say that Grissom has always seemed to me to be the submissive (heh heh heh) in the courtship process. I think one of the fillion nice things about his relationship with Sara is that it is (now) so balanced. Neither one seems to be "in control" of the relationship. They both have weak and strong moments and both draw off of each other. I think that's really nice.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

WHY! Just last week Ecklie walked up to me and was like: "CORRIVEAU! I'm putting your catsuit on LEAVE!" and I was like "Ew, no" and ran away.

Liar. You did and you loved every second of it. Like that time you two went jogging together...

What PLANET are you living o...okay, we're not going to discuss other ships here. Suffice it to say that Grissom has always seemed to me to be the submissive (heh heh heh) in the courtship process. I think one of the fillion nice things about his relationship with Sara is that it is (now) so balanced. Neither one seems to be "in control" of the relationship. They both have weak and strong moments and both draw off of each other. I think that's really nice.

Okay, agreed - he never REALLY makes the first move if he's truly interested in someone and not just flirting to get some information or for the fun of it. Even Teri Miller kind of helped him along in that regard, leaving her number in his office, I believe.

Having said that, all I meant was that we've seen what he looks like when he's interested in all kinds of people, whether it be just a simple flirtation, a dating situation or a full-on relationship and the interaction with the bride wasn't like any of them.

It feels, oddly, like when Grissom IS flirting in the way I was mentioning, that it's almost like he's putting on an act. I got that sense from his date with Teri. While the final scene of Way to Go finally felt like we were seeing him absolutely himself, not feeling the need to impress or be in any way "the most important person in the room", if that makes sense.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

awww, ziggy, grissly, fogs thanks so much for that information!!! girls, you rock!! *sob* i'm gonna have all my free time taken now by reading some cool ff :D i don't mind high rating, as long as the ff has some plot :lol: i like one shots, and i can read longer ones too but only if they're IN character :D *giggles and goes to check all the ffs out*

ziggy, unfortunately i don't have LJ thing :( i actually have no clue what the heck that is :lol:

oh, and sarah, by "killed me" i meant that i was cracking up like a crazy mule at you av ;) it's awesome ziggy
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Now that we're all outta angst, let's move on to the fluff, shall we?
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Sarah Icky Ecklie-I just signed on and almost lost my lunch- you little devil- what's up with that- :mad: for shock purposes :lol:and ziggy love your avie too very creative ;)

Pure connections-from "Swap Meet"

tea for my lady

so serious-so intense

walking together-comtemplating
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

lol. We're pure evil.

I picked Option 2 because although yes, Sara was flirting with Hodges and it was her way of saying she didn't mind it, I think she does genuinely like all of the things he thinks of as flaws.

Or maybe she dislikes the fact that he feels the need to color his hair.

Either way, I would like to point out that he began looking more and more grey after that point. lol.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Ziggystardust, I'd be running right along with you. Preferly into the arms of either Mac or Grissom but since they're both busy.....LOL
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

fore the polll. i voted the first one...she could tell that it was gettng to grissom and had to remind him how she felt :D cos sje was so going out wiht him thn, so i dont think dshe was fliting wiht hodges...

also on another note... time ofg yourdeath was shown 2 weeks ago here, and i stiill have it on dvd and i must say its so obicuos tey are together them glances in the last scene, i watched them about a million times, and was squeeiung though out. especially the last scene...

note: bit tipsy will corect speelings and this little note tomorroe. just want to make tnat clear case any of you pull me up on my spellign :p
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

beautifulview said:
:) how is everyone? i missed yall, florida was hot. (really)

i'm in love with the title. i wish we could put ":devil:" in the title for kink's sake :) i'm going to reread everything later, but now, Sidlreiana_15 that first picture is so cute. really really cute.

and SaraSullivan that cap is great!

i'm reminded of that friends episode when Ross and Elizabeth (the student) are in Central Perk, and she says "sorry to bump into you like that sir" after they kiss (they are trying to hide their relationship). lol. (but then they break up so not entierly the same)

:wears BIG pin that says Friends Freak:
Rofl, I agree.
OMG. It's so bad. I've started my addiction with Friends again recently, thanks to my lovely sister. Now it's all I watch, other than the occasional reruns of CSI. BAH.
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