Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I love that everything is SO QUIET when Sarah and I are otherwise occupied. *giggle* We spent the day at the beach. I swam and splashed around in the water, while Sarah threw rocks at me. No, I'm totally serious. She's a bitch like that. She was convincing a small Asian child to do the same. I cried.

Anyway, as for the POLL, I went with 'equal parts breaking law and jealousy'.. I don't think that Sarah is catty enough to just chew out Sofia for no reason but that she happens to be appealing to Grissom for comfort. I think that, as Sarah noted, the relationship was quite new at that point and she was probably not so secure, there was a hint of jealousy creeping in there. However, Sofia WAS out of line, and I'm sure Sarah was happy to point that out to her.

Oh, and Fogi's Summer Sizzler fic? RULES. Please do check it out. *puffed up chest* I was the first one to read it, so I know. Does that mean I'm the beta for it, Fogz? I've never been a beta before, so I hope so. It would make me feel incredibly important ;)
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

And. His. Blue. Eyes. And. His. Dimple. And. His Tux. And His. Blue. Overalls. And. His. Bowlegged. Walk. And. His. Beard. Too.

Guess what, Adzix - I totally went to Ziggy's house and she wouldn't let me watch Manhunter because she's keeping it all to herself and I've never ever seen it ever. :(

oh, and just for the record: i, unlike vast majority of csi fans, actually like Sofia. she's cool

I like Sofia NOW. But that's not the point of this board, so I won't go into the second half of that.

On other matters, you know I had to vote for "Other" in the most recent poll. Clearly, what was going on in that scene was Sara panicked when she saw Sofia in Grissom's office because she was afraid that in Sofia's highly emotional state, she might blurt out to Grissom the details of her Hot Hot affair with Sara the previous year. Simple as that. What? I'm a SalSa shipper & proud, okay

See? Why didn't I think of that. This is why you're the mod, Fogi .

Well, who knows? Really, in the end, that scene went well for no one in that room. Which, of course brings us to our next poll which I shall post when the page switches over, because clearly our geeks were still very romanticizing anyway.

i was thinking about another option for Grissom's facial hair - maybe he could have a three day stubble so everybody would be happy?? it would be definitely interesting, but i think he would resemble House a bit well, i would love to see it on csi. let's say, he's called in on his day off and he didn't have time to shave so he comes to the crime scene with a three day stubble!! weeee!!

lol. Hmmm... the stubble would be an interesting halfway point, but he seems like an all-or-nothing person when it comes to that stuff actually looking "right" on him. The facial hair he had in The Beast, when he let it go a bit longer was good.

I love that everything is SO QUIET when Sarah and I are otherwise occupied. *giggle* We spent the day at the beach. I swam and splashed around in the water, while Sarah threw rocks at me. No, I'm totally serious. She's a bitch like that. She was convincing a small Asian child to do the same. I cried.

Yeah. The Asian child and I were a total team. We ruled.

Oh, and Fogi's Summer Sizzler fic? RULES. Please do check it out. *puffed up chest* I was the first one to read it, so I know. Does that mean I'm the beta for it, Fogz? I've never been a beta before, so I hope so. It would make me feel incredibly important

Yeah. She's a total perv, y'all.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Guess what, Adzix - I totally went to Ziggy's house and she wouldn't let me watch Manhunter because she's keeping it all to herself and I've never ever seen it ever.
I TOLD YOU. I need to keep it under my pillow for.. erm.. nightly purposes. mwaha. No, seriously, I don't know where that thing is. Sarah cleaned my entire DVD/CD/VHS/Video game closet to find it.

Yeah. The Asian child and I were a total team. We ruled.
I was just shocked you didn't lure the Asian child over to the ice cream truck and then set Billy loose on both.

And I am NOT a perv. I enjoy a good GSR smutfic, and so should y'all. Nothing like sexy geeks. I have another one to recommend now.. cc_geek writes some GOOD fix. Basically, everyone needs to check out the Summer Sizzler entries, because most of them rule. I'd link you, but it's a no no.. heh.. just go to and search for 'geekfiction' and you'll be set. :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

lol. Way to be chatty, Ziggy !


I think, if I can address the Sara-Sofia thing for a moment, that a lot of that was kind of the writers trying to decide where either of these women sat with Grissom, and yet they couldn't write a scene with Grissom in the room and talking, so they just had them constantly mad at each other for whatever reason. I know eventually Jorja and Louise went to the writers and told them to stop, because they were tired of the storyline, which is why I can now enjoy Sofia's character.

But anyway - I think part of the problem, for me, is that this scene was such a mish-mosh, that it's hard to decide what was intentional and what was subtext and what was... really, anything.

It's not clear that they're fighting over Grissom or just with each other or over what's right.

But my official opinion JUST regarding Grissom and Sara is that there is a lot of guilt and confusion in that scene.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I'm new as a poster here so I just wanted to comment on a few things that might be old to the rest of you.

I was very upset to read that Billy shaved his beard off and I really hope he grows it back before filming starts again. I think Grissom is much sexier with his beard. One of my friends husbands has always reminded me of Gris and I saw him for the first time in awhile recently and he had grown a beard! He looked so much like Grissom that I couldn't even look at him. I just stumbled my way through a conversation with him. He must have thought I was an idiot.

I voted 'other' for the poll. My take on that scene was that Sara knew about Sofia's interest in Grissom and I don't think Grissom was happy Sofia was there but couldn't get rid of her. I think sara was annoyed with Sofia because she thought Sofia was coming onto Grissom again especially with her 'friend' comment. I think it was obvious grissom was uncomfortable and Sara came to his rescue. Sara's look was more an 'I told you so' look (about Sofia still coming on to Gris) and Grissom just looked uncomfortable and as though he just wanted to get out of there.I don't think he was annoyed with Sara.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Fogi, thanks much.
Would part of your duties include converting the masses to the Church of Billy worship?
No, because that goes against my religion... oddly enough. Yeah, I basically try to prohibit myself from forcing my views on others. I have no problem, however, with making my views known (as seen above).
hehe. Heh. Heh.
<Grissom is alone in his house>
Grissom: <pacing> Oh, no no no. Absolutely not. I can NOT face her... not after that... ahhh, I'm so nervous... Oh, I know! I can go to a conference or something. Yeah!
<Sara is still asleep>
Sara: <rolls over> Num... mmm... aaah... kiss me again, Grissom... pleeeaaaase?... <snore>
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Big fat welcome to saragris !!!! I sadly don't have the official welcome mat, but someone who does should be around shortly. Have a seat in the rocking chair and help yourself to some cookies.

I was very upset to read that Billy shaved his beard off and I really hope he grows it back before filming starts again. I think Grissom is much sexier with his beard. One of my friends husbands has always reminded me of Gris and I saw him for the first time in awhile recently and he had grown a beard! He looked so much like Grissom that I couldn't even look at him. I just stumbled my way through a conversation with him. He must have thought I was an idiot.

lol. Agreed, though. I much prefer the beard. However, who knows really?

My take on that scene was that Sara knew about Sofia's interest in Grissom and I don't think Grissom was happy Sofia was there but couldn't get rid of her. I think sara was annoyed with Sofia because she thought Sofia was coming onto Grissom again especially with her 'friend' comment. I think it was obvious grissom was uncomfortable and Sara came to his rescue. Sara's look was more an 'I told you so' look (about Sofia still coming on to Gris) and Grissom just looked uncomfortable and as though he just wanted to get out of there.I don't think he was annoyed with Sara.

I'm surprised more people didn't pick other. That, along with Bite Me, is still an incredibly charged but highly confusing scene. You have no idea what anyones' motivations are, and I'm sorry to say I got a feeling that the actors didn't necessarily know, either. But maybe - that was after Gum Drops with the included intention and it's possible the writers told them they were going in that direction.

Adzix - you are my hero. lol.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

If that is what makes you happy, my love. If that is what gives you joy.

Is anyone else getting anxious about the lack of Las Vegas spoilers when New York and Miami already have theirs?

And by that, I mean, is anyone worried about the GSR stuff in the first episode and Billy's beardless form?
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Guess what, Adzix - I totally went to Ziggy's house and she wouldn't let me watch Manhunter because she's keeping it all to herself and I've never ever seen it ever.
you absolutely HAVE TO watch that movie!! well, it was recently released on DVD so it should be in most movie stores. i even found it in my local walmart (Fear was there too - with Billy, Mark Wahlberg and Reese Witherspoon - awesome film :D )

lol. Hmmm... the stubble would be an interesting halfway point, but he seems like an all-or-nothing person when it comes to that stuff actually looking "right" on him. The facial hair he had in The Beast, when he let it go a bit longer was good.
naaah, i like him with shorter hair, both facial and normal. i didn't see the beast though, so can't really tell. but still, i would be SO COOL to see him with a stubble, i bet all the women would want to flirt with him. and sara would go even more crazy about him!

Adzix - you are my hero. lol.
me?? why?? what did i do??!! :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Adzix said:
Guess what, Adzix - I totally went to Ziggy's house and she wouldn't let me watch Manhunter because she's keeping it all to herself and I've never ever seen it ever.
you absolutely HAVE TO watch that movie!! well, it was recently released on DVD so it should be in most movie stores. i even found it in my local walmart (Fear was there too - with Billy, Mark Wahlberg and Reese Witherspoon - awesome film :D )
*laughs at the fact that I have finally seen that movie* I loved it! Unfortunately, my Dad took it back to the video store! NOOO!!!

Adzix - you are my hero. lol.
me?? why?? what did i do??!! :lol:

It's just your Adzix-ness, it makes everyone think you're cool. :p
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

you absolutely HAVE TO watch that movie!! well, it was recently released on DVD so it should be in most movie stores. i even found it in my local walmart (Fear was there too - with Billy, Mark Wahlberg and Reese Witherspoon - awesome film )

Yeah - it's the red cover with his face on it, right? And, like, a black line in front of the face? Anyway, I probably will end up renting in. Like I said, Ziggy was just being a horrible person.

naaah, i like him with shorter hair, both facial and normal. i didn't see the beast though, so can't really tell. but still, i would be SO COOL to see him with a stubble, i bet all the women would want to flirt with him. and sara would go even more crazy about him!

lol. "Sara" or you? Anyway, my bottom line is that if he DOES shave it, it'll be the same as when the beard first appeared - Everyone hated it, then it became normal, and then all of the former beard-lovers converted and loved him like that. As would Sara. lol.

And this ---->

Is what "The Beast" hair looks like.

me?? why?? what did i do??!!

I think you know.

ANYhow, I'm not particularly surprised that the second option won out, if for no other reason that because the subtext was so loaded that there was more than one reason for the whole thing.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I cannnot tell you how glad i am this thread has turned into another "Grissom-Billy" thread!! ;) :D :D

I am one of the fervent supporters of the Beard :), but i am sure he'll look hottt as ever in S7 with or without it :D (maybe he will have lost some weight too by S7 premier, who knows :rolleyes:).

As for Billy movies, ziggy & sarah "Manhunter" is cool alright (beard and all), but TLaDiLA is sth else!! :devil: :p
Have you seen it yet or what ;)?? (Bring along lots of ice, put air-conditioning in minus 20 degrees c, and you're set! Enjoy!) :D :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I cannnot tell you how glad i am this thread has turned into another "Grissom-Billy" thread!!

lol. Well, it's what Sara would want.

I am one of the fervent supporters of the Beard , but i am sure he'll look hottt as ever in S7 with or without it (maybe he will have lost some weight too by S7 premier, who knows ).

Which was kind of my point. I don't think it really matters for the Billy fans whether he's clean-shaven or bearded because you'll love him either way. For me, the beard IS Grissom, or at least post-hearing aid problem Grissom.

lol. No, I haven't seen a single Billy movie other than The Rat Pack which came into my hands care of a strange exchange of old VHS tapes for a DVD player that my parents didn't want.

As for GSR, I have to wonder if one of the outside angst issues this year won't include "other people", because I noticed that Sarah Goldfinger, a big GSR supporter, did write in the scene with Sara flirting with the best man at the wedding. She, by the way, is the one who wrote the infamous hotel room scene. If anything, the original flirt was much bigger.

And then we have the fact that it appears Grissom can't enter a room without women throwing themselves at him, although I noticed he didn't really do or get that much flirting this year... but there's always that - the fact that people will flirt with them on the job, and it's not like either can say "Hey, get away from my luvuh!" in front of the other CSIs.

Which kind of made me wonder about the flirt thing. Obviously from the way the best man asked for Sara, it was clear he'd been interested in her, but does anyone else think that maybe she made up her part of the flirt so no one would raise any questions as to why she wasn't responding?
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

It's just your Adzix-ness, it makes everyone think you're cool.
did i hear a bit of a sarcasm in your .. umm ... fingertips?? if not, thank you, i know i'm awesome :D

lol. "Sara" or you? Anyway, my bottom line is that if he DOES shave it, it'll be the same as when the beard first appeared - Everyone hated it, then it became normal, and then all of the former beard-lovers converted and loved him like that. As would Sara. lol.
both of us!! and yeah, as long as you get used to something, you start to like it more and more and finally you can't imagine living without it.

I think you know.
oh difinitely, just look at the beginning of my post.

I cannnot tell you how glad i am this thread has turned into another "Grissom-Billy" thread!!
yup, FallenforGrissom we love'im here :D sarah you just CAN'T live one more day without being aware of what's on To Live And Die In LA DVD. rent it. and you'll become addicted. just as me! MWAHAHAHAHA :devil:
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