Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

sarahvma said:
As for GSR, I have to wonder if one of the outside angst issues this year won't include "other people"

I hope no, because like you, i don't want GSR turn on a soap opera. I have always found ridiculous the plot that including every female characters falling in love and flirting with Grissom and every male characters falling in love and flirting with Catherine.Grissom has taken six years to choose Sara so i hope he'll respect her. However i find Jorja Fox is a gorgeous woman and i'm bored to see her playing the ugly duckling role. So a sexy and flirting Sara would be interesting.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

jofod said:
Grissom has taken six years to choose Sara so i hope he'll respect her. However i find Jorja Fox is a gorgeous woman
i think the same ;)
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Oh look, another dirty Billy Adzix avvie and sig. I'm so surprised...

And I am QUITE aware as to why you like To Live and Die in LA , you dirty bird. Or should I say, thanks to the photographic evidence you gave to Zigs .

I hope no, because like you, i don't want GSR turn on a soap opera. I have always found ridiculous the plot that including every female characters falling in love and flirting with Grissom and every male characters falling in love and flirting with Catherine.Grissom has taken six years to choose Sara so i hope he'll respect her. However i find Jorja Fox is a gorgeous woman and i'm bored to see her playing the ugly duckling role. So a sexy and flirting Sara would be interesting.

Agreed, and I don't think that either of them will be flirting around that much themselves, but because neither has a wedding band on their finger, and neither will act super lovey-dovey at crime scenes, I do think that others will continue to flirt with THEM, so that's more what my question was based around. But I do think that anything more than a little squinty-looking from Sara or a frown from Grissom will be too soap-operaish.

Having said that, I do have a sick desire to see Hank return.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

oh, i agree with you jofod. and IMO in the latest episodes JF looked much better than some time earlier. i think they did something with her hair, and maybe her make up, they dressed her a lot better too. i also have to admit that i actually didn't like how Catherine looked in the end of the season. did ya'll have the same feeling that she looked kinda ... unnatural?? cause in first seasons Cath was always made to look sexier, prettier etc, while Sara was nice too, but more of a geek. and now, though i liked Cath's look from early seasons, she looks overdone to me. and Sara is starting to shine, her style is a lot lighter, fresher. maybe it's the effect of GSR?? ;)
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

oh, i agree with you jofod. and IMO in the latest episodes JF looked much better than some time earlier. i think they did something with her hair, and maybe her make up, they dressed her a lot better too.

I think Sara looks a lot more grown-up and professional. I was noticing that about her in the "go in for sex and get stung" scene. She was just dressed very simply, but very business-like, and I much prefer her darker hair. They're also going more natural with the make-up. Half the time she looks like she isn't wearing any, the other half she's wearing too much.

Also about Grissom, he too has been looking better.

Must be all the... exercise... with Sara.

I still want to see Sara in more orange. JF really seems to like that color and it makes her look gorgeous.

I also agree that them making Catherine look more businesslike somehow doesn't work. She is not the sort of woman who rocks a suit, she's very slacks and shirt. Which isn't a slam, and Sara looks very good in that as well (their tank top look in All For Our Country, for instance), I just think that they kind of went for the same look for both women and it didn't look as good on Catherine.

But yeah - I think Jorja always plays Sara a bit more glow-y and the lighting glows around her when she's doing happy GSR scenes.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Oh look, another dirty Billy Adzix avvie and sig. I'm so surprised...
teehee, you should be!! this time i've got him older on my avie!

And I am QUITE aware as to why you like To Live and Die in LA , you dirty bird. Or should I say, thanks to the photographic evidence you gave to Zigs .

i have more :lol: but seriously, he is absolutely remarkable in that movie, just wow
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

sarahvma said:
Oh look, another dirty Billy Adzix avvie and sig. I'm so surprised...

Having said that, I do have a sick desire to see Hank return.
:lol: my congratulations adzix the avie and sig are very cute :D.

about the hank, do you think that hank could be return :confused: ?
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

teehee, you should be!! this time i've got him older on my avie!

Is this your tribute to clean-shaven Billy?

i have more but seriously, he is absolutely remarkable in that movie, just wow

lol. Yes, you most certainly do have... other pictures.

about the hank, do you think that hank could be return ?

I think that much in the way they brought back Terri Miller in the third season to really end her whole thing with Grissom once and for all (aka she's married) I can see them bringing back Hank.

Though who knows? Sara hasn't always been a top priority with a lot of the writers, so if anyone would bring him back, it would probably be Sarah Goldfinger.

It always feels like Sarah does a lot of the "getting under Sara's skin" scripts, and David Rambo does the same for Grissom. And both do it really beautifully.

But I would like to see Hank return if for no other reason than because it would be interesting to see what he's like after all these years.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

my congratulations adzix the avie and sig are very cute
well, thank you bunches Sidlreiana :D

Is this your tribute to clean-shaven Billy?
heck yyeaah!!! i posted more examples on his pic thread if you really want to know what i mean!

lol. Yes, you most certainly do have... other pictures.
how do you know this??? did you hack into my computer or something?? or... maybe ... am i so obvious?? :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

how do you know this??? did you hack into my computer or something?? or... maybe ... am i so obvious??

You gave 'em to Zigs who gave them to me. Okay, poll time!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

i said "other" for the first poll, for no difinate reason.
and i say 3 for the second, just cuz. ^__^

Now that they are in a romantic relationship, he can pour all of his love and affection for her into their out-of-work encounters and be firmly supervisorial whilst at work.


True. In terms of them together, I think those lines will be more easily drawn because they can be both sides of their personality at work and at home. The part I find ironic is that now that they're together, it's Grissom being a big romantic sap bringing stuff up at work, while he was the one deflecting it when it was angst before.

I agree 100%. I'm happy that they're together now, because I don't need to yell at Grissom for ignoring his chances anymore. Haha, I always used to do that.
I'm glad all the angst is over, it was beginning to get frustrating cuz you're just like "Omg, get together already" and now they're together and now you're like "Yayyy" Haha sorry, I'm a tad hyper. ^__^

Oh, and are my banners too big?? People have been telling me they are, I just wanted to make sure.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

gotta say that i was thorn between the third and he fourth answer. and if i could i would mark both b/c they don't contradict each other really. but i could choose only one, so i've chosen the less complicated one - the third one. maybe b/c guys don't tend to "tell" something to a girl, we just assume they do and we interpret their every breath. well, maybe not all of us, but many of us :lol:

ETA: whoooa, now that's what i call a Big Banner!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

ETA: whoooa, now that's what i call a Big Banner!

yeah, that's the size they are saved to my computer. i resized them though, so hopefully they're still not too big.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Much as I love me some Szmanda, they are going to make you trim that. Adzix's banner, believe it or not, is the maximum size you're allowed to have. It's all about memory space.

Yeah, the third and the fourth weren't as defined as I wanted them to be. What I meant by them was:

the third was supposed to mean that he was cool (not happy, but cool) with what happened in the office, the fourth that he wasn't.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

and jordan, you can have only one banner :lol: and you can't write anything in your sig place if you've put a banner already.

the third was supposed to mean that he was cool (not happy, but cool) with what happened in the office, the fourth that he wasn't.
in that case, umm, i think i would still stick with my answer.
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