Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

sarahvma said:

Oh yeah, I can see that conversation.

[Sara's phone rings while she's driving. Naturally she answers it, which is part of the reasons our generation is doomed, but not part of this scenario]
SARA: Sidle
GRISSOM: Grissom.
SARA: Grissom?
SARA: Yes?
GRISSOM: I'm super fatigued from our wild time last night. Just tell the guys that I'm in some kind of seminar. Make it sound important.
SARA: Anything else?
GRISSOM: What hotel room are you staying in?
SARA: Why?
GRISSOM: Because off-camera I plan to come to your hotel room so we can have mysterious non-expository dialogue that will mean nothing and yet everything.
SARA: Okay.
GRISSOM: Good. Bye.

:lol: That's awesome! That should be a blooper for season six :p
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I know I'D pay to see it.

The rest of option three is:

He was disappointed with her jealousy, but also felt guilty at being in there with another woman without being able to explain himself.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Hiya all! :) The "prodigal" gutterfly returns. ;)
The "how the rest find out" senarios were just hilarious. Great ideas you guys! :D

As for the question regarding the future of GSR (or sth like that if i remember correctly), i am definitely for some peace and quiet among our fav characters. Since they are a couple, we -and surely they- don't need the angst, or the sweet and silly flirty looks of previous seasons.

Now, they have nothing to prove to each other, and everything to hide from all the others. In the event of the CSIs finding out their relationship, i believe the CSI team will act maturely about it -yes Greg too ;)- and pretend like they don't know a thing.

And if the news reach Ecklie, then i guess Grissom won't be Sara's supervisor anymore (maybe Cath will be her supervisor, if she is still supervisor of the afternoon shift). Parenthesis: i have not watched all of S5 and none of S6 epies (however my status: over- spoiled), and i don't know whether the night shift got back together or not. I would really appreciated it if you could fill me in.

A question that just came to mind: Will Grissom reach a higher rank than that of "supervisor"? Is this the higher field rank you can get and then you leave the action and stay in an office (as a "paper pusher"- administrator)?. We know how Grissom hates administrative work and how he loves action. So, he's never going to be Lab Director or sth like that?? :rolleyes:

PS. We Want the Beard back and we Want it NOW! :lol:
Edited because i just saw the poll. Sorry, i cannot participate as i have not seen S6 yet.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I picked the second option, because GSR is always about double meanings and subtext. Yes, Sofia was breaking the law and yes, Sara had a right to say so, but not really in that moment. In that moment, if it was purely about that, she should have and would have just let Grissom handle it. Case in point, if Catherine or Ecklie had been in there instead of Grissom, she probably would've just turned around.

Most likely things were looking up around Gum Drops from the casual way she mentioned Grissom calling her, and the fact that he called her, but they were still not living together or in any kind of regular routine yet.

Therefore, finding her 'boyfriend' of sorts in a room with a woman whom he used to flirt with (and whose flirtation caused her a lot of pain), I think just made her act.

The words exchanged, again, felt like it was about subtext. And Grissom's look at the end, to me, felt like he was just essentially confused about the whole situation and trying to regain some kind of control.

Oh, FallenforGrissom - your optimism makes my heart glad.

And perhaps we should start a letter campaign about the beard. lol. Actually I don't think they start shooting for another couple of weeks, so if we reach him now...! lol.

I don't think Grissom will ever be more than a Supervisor, and I also think that the ideal situation would be to let Catherine have that job and have him go back to being the Number One CSI. He no longer has to worry about his relationship with Sara, and he gets to be in the field more.

Having said that, when he wants to leave CSI, he'll probably end up teaching.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Church. of. Billy.
And. His. Blue. Eyes. And. His. Dimple. And. His Tux. And His. Blue. Overalls. And. His. Bowlegged. Walk. And. His. Beard. Too.

agreed to what you said sarah. i picked no.2 as well. watching that scene i felt sara was overreacting if she was only about the rules. and we know it was also about her feelings for Grissom. so, finally sara could use the "rules" excuse to stop them being alone in one room talking about god knows what.

oh, and just for the record: i, unlike vast majority of csi fans, actually like Sofia. she's cool :p
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I also picked #2 for the last poll for most of the reasons that have already been stated.
By the way, Adzix which movie is your sig picture from?
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

WOW... i just went through the last 3 pages, you guys are killing me! I've been so busy these past couple days I cant keep up.

For the poll I voted the 2nd option for the same reason sarah did.

I am pretty upset Billy shaved off his beard :( Im gonna miss it. I hope he has enough time to grow it back. It makes him look Maybe we will get the storyline of Sara getting face burn. lol.

One GSR lover can only dream about.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

For the poll i went for the second option because like some of you mention above Sofia was breaking the law and Sara was doing the right thing by telling her so but if Catherine or Warrick or someone else were there instead of Grissom she wouldnt of reacted the way she did (and i mean rude and jealous yes jealous because in episodes before we've seen her kind of hurt and jealous like in "No Humans Involved" and "unbearable"). Is like she finally let go of what she wanted to tell her by telling her to go talk to someoone else like for her to go see that phycologist of whatever she said but of course using that other excuse. And now that Sofia was mentioned i wonder what her reaction would be about Griss and Sara. Dont know really how she acted around him in the beginning of this season but in season 5 she looked like if she like him.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

in the poll i voted for the option 2 but is confused the scene well the fellings in this scene. i think this
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Billy-dancing-- you little devil- :devil:funny- is this an OK avatar- to me it is- ;) but ya never know- :eek: and thank's for thanking me on the article "link" yeah I think maybe he just shaved it off for the summer-and will probably grow it back before S/7 starts- but once again one never knows- they start filming in about another month-

Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

*collapses into the gutter* I am EXHAUSTED. But, on the plus side, I got my smut for the Summer Sizzler over at Geekfiction posted *wipes brow*

There looks to be some good stuff over there this year - I've only managed to read a couple so far, and can definitely recommend Cincoflex's story *drool* Head over to Geekfiction at lj and have a read ;)

On other matters, you know I had to vote for "Other" in the most recent poll. Clearly, what was going on in that scene was Sara panicked when she saw Sofia in Grissom's office because she was afraid that in Sofia's highly emotional state, she might blurt out to Grissom the details of her Hot Hot affair with Sara the previous year. Simple as that. What? I'm a SalSa shipper & proud, okay :p
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

you're welcome LindaNorman ;)

ooh, forensicsgirl so you don't hate her like most people??

and desertwind i love the seduction pic!! it's a montage from Gunshy i'd say, huh?

i was thinking about another option for Grissom's facial hair - maybe he could have a three day stubble so everybody would be happy?? :D it would be definitely interesting, but i think he would resemble House a bit :p well, i would love to see it on csi. let's say, he's called in on his day off and he didn't have time to shave so he comes to the crime scene with a three day stubble!! weeee!! :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

No opinion on this one- not interested in the content- don't care to comment on Sofia in any way-shape or form- :(

next poll ;)


And yes Adzix it is a manip. from "Gunshy" ;)
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