Stop trying to deny it.
My crackships rock.
I really truly hope that we get some Greg/Sofia action in the next season. Hell, I hope we actually get to
see Greg and Sofia in the next season.
Oh! I got bored when I was on the bus coming home from school, so I decided to write Ten reasons why Greg/Sofia are cannon. You can find the post
here, but I'll post it here, just because:
Ten reasons why Greg and Sofia are cannon.
1. Greg and Sofia don't work together because they're dating.
2. Greg and Sofia don't get any screen time because Greg and Sofia are off somewhere having sex.
3. Sofia and Greg have rejected Grissom and Sara (respectively).
4. Fact: Sofia has been to Greg's apartment.
5. Fact: When Sofia started the night shift, Greg stopped hitting on Sara.
6. Sofia likes fast cars, Greg likes Sofia.
7. Greg didn't personally welcome Sofia back to Vegas because he already bed.
8. Sofia didn't become a detective because being a CSI wasn't fulfilling, she became a detective so she could date Greg.
9. When Greg was bitten, Sofia made it all better.
10. If GSR is cannon than so is Greg and Sofia. GSR= Greg+Sofia Romance.