GREG Quotes

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I loved the whole skidmark thing. I cracked up for like ever. I thought grissom was kinda being mean to him and then he did the whole "he said skidmarks." thing and i couldn't stop laughing.
I loved it when Greg said to Grissom:
"You really scare me sometimes, it's kinda freaky" that cracked me up!! :lol: :lol:
Nuts don't just pop off by themselves. - From 'Turning the Screws' (Season 4)

God, I love that line. It never fails to crack me up. :D
Lol! Luv that one, I also lyk the bit wer gregs going on an on about the results an grissom goes "why do u always do this?" an gregs lyk "bcuz u make me nervous" then carrys on with the results an grissom luks astonished an everyelse is just grinning an holding back laughs! :D :lol:
Been watching that eppy yesterday ^^. With the rollercoaster, right?

"You know, nothing says "I love you" like an ounce of fresh blood." - 'Suckers', if I'm not mistaken.

Greg: "So what's with that Harpo lady?"
Catherine: "Harper."
Greg: "Whatevo." - Have no idea, but I luff it ^^
thought id go bak on the subject.

"So, there's good news and there's bad news. The bad news is this is the busiest lab in the country."
"That's why I'm here."
"Oh, I've waited for you forever. I love you!"
-- Greg Sanders and Chandra Moore (Viva Las Vegas)

luv this one
Greg: I like saying that word. Bio-assay... It sounds nubian.

FOUND IT! this is the bit i ment about the episode wer gregs flirting wid sarah lyk mad!
Sara: "You´re crowding me Greg."
Greg: "Well, I have some information that can bring us even closer."
So Totally agree!! Rock on greggo!

Greg Sanders: Hey Catherine, you think Sara would go to dinner with me?
Catherine Willows: Sure, as long as you don't tell her it's a date.
Awwwwwww poor greggo, and...
Greg Sanders: [about orthodontia] I had it all - palate expander, braces, retainer, headgear. Five years of torture, but worth every penny, don't you think?

answer...yes, definatly! :p
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