GREG Quotes

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Sara: Gramma was high?????
Greg: As a kite.

lol this was so funny
I loved the Granny high quote!! It one of my favorites!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Greg Sanders: I found something on your butt.
Catherine Willows: Checking out my butt again, Greg?

Catherine Willows: Ritalin, valium, and grandma's a liar.
Greg Sanders: Pants on fire.

The cxchange between Greg and mostly the women, but really everybody, is cheerful. ;)

A Whole Lotta Quotes here- too lazy to put them in the right way:
I love iced. I loved how sara was like

sara: I'll drive
Greg: You always do

and in I beleive its Big middle

Greg: You know I had a dream about this once only we weren't in the garage and Grissom wasn't watching.
I just remembered a really cute moment....what did he say in "butterflied" about the nurse? somthing about them going wild? I cant remember alls i remember is how cute he was when he said it lol! :)
It went something like this:
Greg: "Nurse hu"
Sara: "Multiple hairs, multiple doners"
Greg: "Ahh, A little nurses gone wild"

I also loved Greg response to Grissom in "King Baby"
Grisssom: "You come home find you husband lying dead in the driveway what do you do?
Greg: "Is that a trick question?" :lol:
i heard this quote yesterday n thought it was cool

Greg: All work and no play makes greg a dull boy
Grissom: All play and no work makes greg an unemployed boy
From Killer

Greg: "How come every time I come to the desert I find porn? Who brings spankables out here anyway?

*talking to Nick*
OOOH I just came across this thread! I have a notebook with Greggo quotes in it. :p

Greg: For the record, I really like having a penis.

I like that he has one too! :lol: :lol: :lol:

LOL! I saw that eppy the other night and I said that line, "I really like that you do too," back to the TV screen. :lol:

AWW I've never seen that eppy with the beer quote. =(

I <3 Nick's "Leggo My Greggo" as well.

The whole "A Real Man Wouldn't Mind" scene is a classic. :)

and from 4x4
Greg: "Sara, I just want you to know that when we were in the shower, I didn't see anything"
Sara: "Really?, Gosh I saw everything" [lucky girl]

Lovin' that one too.. and I'd give anything to be Sara at that moment.

I also love the "I won't tell Nick or Warrick about Hank if you tell me what he's got that I don't got." *Sara picks up results, reads them and Greg says, "I didn't get my answer.." and Sara says, "I got mine" and leaves.. then later Greg- "So, we meet again." *picks up results* Sara- "so?? what's it say?" [or something along those lines] Greg- "You'll get your answer when I get mine" quote. :D

And I love when Sara says "I could just kiss you right now" quote to Greggo.
i luv that scene too! wer greggo turns away all embarrassed!! hehe so cute!

Sara Sidle: What do you have, Greg?
Greg Sanders: Well, maybe she had the munchies. Tox screen came back. Mrs. Lambert tested positive for cannibus sativa.
Sara Sidle: Grass?
Greg Sanders: "Grass?" So seventies, man! Sticky green, dank, chronic, cush, happy stick, wacky tobaccy.

luvin the "so seventies!!" :lol:
From Justice is Served

Catherine: So you did the tox screen on my carny?
Greg: Roger that. You know, I have seen guys drink, like, five gallons of water to try and dilute their urine. It's the old straight flush. But all bad boy Sanders has to do is just test their specific gravity and-- blammo! -- I can still catch their toxic butts.
Greg Sanders: The evidence wasn't cooperating, so I stuck it to them.
Catherine Willows: Cute.

one of the "greg" quotes I found amusing...I can't remember the exact name of the eppy, but it had to do with, I believe, maggots and Greg sorting them out in the lab. They were found on a University Campus.....perhaps it's the "whats eating gilbert grissom?" eppy.
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