GREG Quotes

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sry can't remember the episode..will go through the dvds to find out though <-another excuse for me to watch more CSI :)
The ep is season 2 "Ellie" and the blackflag is a bug killer. :lol: and at the time grissom and greg were having the conversation grissom was holding cockroaches. :D
From What's eating Gilbert Grissom:

Catherine: " What's with the tape?"
Greg: " The evidence wasn't cooperating so I stuck it to em"
Catherine: "cute"
From What's eating Gilbert Grissom:

Catherine: " What's with the tape?"
Greg: " The evidence wasn't cooperating so I stuck it to em"
Catherine: "cute"

I loved that scene. I love greggo. I noticed lately that he's starting to go back to his old self.
I agree speedmonkey - I want him to go back to his old self, he was definately acting like it in Gum Drops, LOL. I love how he just makes the scenes more memorable w/ just a cute little comment :D
i think it's cool that he's going back to his old self where we can quote him too. LIke:

Greg: Sweet. Mary. Jane"

and the next episode is directed my the same guy who did 4x4, i heard, so i think he might have cute lines in this one too. that'd be nice.
yeah I want the old greggo back that gave us the lines like

"You infected me with mildew." and "99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer u take one down swab it arround run it through codis." lol. i love that.
Greg: "Did you wear one of these when you were dancin"?"
Catherine: "I wore nothing but skin"
Greg: "Oooolll"

I never thought the old Greg went anywhere, he's always been funny to me and that includes last season.
I spose now I've seena few more episodes I kinda agree. Then again who am I to say anything I just luv greg. Old and new. I luv that bit where Greg is like "Tell me whats Hanks got that I haven't" to Sara and later on he says sumthin like "I'll give you your answers when you give me mine" and sent a DED cute smile! *siiiiiiigh* :rolleyes:
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