Okies, re-watched the episode again. (Obsessed? Me? Why would you suggest that?

) I noticed several things that didn't add-up.
1.) Ok, Flack said that the raid went down at ~6 in the morning. Mac told Danny that Adam had been processing alone for six hours--even if the CSIs were at the scene immediately, and Mac included the entire time Adam was there (including when the rest of the team was there as well), the earliest Danny could have talked to Mac was still after noon. And Lindsay said that she had to be at work at 9. So Danny not only took Lindsay's shift without telling Mac about it, he also got there several hours late.
2.) There were way more than 3 cigarettes on the ground next to Adam's kit. Yeah, they needed enough to make sure we (and Danny) noticed them, but there were only three burn marks on Adam's right palm. Either they pushed more than one cigarette to each burn, or they burned his other hand--and maybe more? We couldn't see his arm or anything. (This is just me talking, it may have just been the three burns.)
3.) How did Mac get from the 35th(?) floor down to the lobby in the time that it took Stella, Flack and Hawkes to run back to the entrace of the building? Even if he'd taken the elevator, it would have taken more time, I would think.