chabib86 said:
Doesn't anyone else get tired of the constant one-upmanship thing going on here regarding Lindsay? Whenever anything positive is posted about her, someone's always gotta have the last word, that she's evil and we hate her. Geez.
If you'll read through this whole thread, you'll see plenty of back and forth about whether Danny's actions were good or bad, selfish or not, etc--it's leading to interesting discussion and debate, but I have yet to see an argument or complaint about what's actually being said. Why does every negative comment about Lindsay have to be countered with a complaint that people are being negative?
People are going to come in here and say whatever they feel, regardless of what the person before them said. The point of this thread is to express opinions, not count out how many 'positive' and 'negative' things are said to keep them from getting out of balance.
I wrote out some comments about the episode that I need to type up, and I also need to respond to some of the great posts in here. However, I need to go to bed, and it'll have to wait until tomorrow.
However, I think when comparing Danny and Lindsay's actions regarding their personal behaviors, it's important to note that Danny didn't let his grief keep him from working ("Happily Never After", for example), and when he left, it was because Rikki had taken his gun and was ultimately putting herself in danger. He didn't shirk his duties because he couldn't deal with his job while dealing with his personal s*it. And I think it
is safe to say that more leeway is being given to Danny--but considering that this grief has not only been shown to us from the beginning, but also because it's happening NOW, not in the past, it's definitely more believable than the half-ass Lindsay storyline and making fans come up with speculation and assumption about her actions (PTSD, etc).
ETA: I mentioned this in another thread and thought I'd bring it here for discussion as well.
Danny definitely has his selfish moments, and I'm not saying that this episode didn't show any of them--however, I think a lot of his 'mind your own business' crap might have been in response to his feeling that (in this particular case) it's not so much that Don is a great friend, but rather that Don doesn't think he can handle it. Danny feels responsible and wants to make things right and fix his own mistakes--but here comes Don telling him what to do and how to act, and Danny might feel less like he should be grateful for Don's friendship and more like 'I wish he'd let me handle my own s*it, I'm not as incompetent as people think I am'...
How many guys want their best friend (or any friend) to constantly swoop to their rescue?
Plus, the whole situation was a continuation of Danny's cock-up, and he might be uncomfortable with people he knows and trusts seeing what kind of trouble he's responsible for--I don't think Danny handles it well when someone he respects looks down on him, and if Don is seeing everything that's going on (and blames Danny for it), he might look down on him for screwing up yet again (not to mention if Mac found out, which he surely would if Danny went to the police--maybe he thought he could get the situation under control instead of having to bring shame on himself like that). Is it wise? Mature? Reasonable? Possibly not, but I like the fact that Danny is a three-dimensional character with flaws--and I know that makes him thoroughly annoying at times (which I think I also like).