Grade 'All in the Family'

True, however, Most feedback has been positive on these two, and I do know that the writers and some of the cast visit these forums to know the viewers feedback. So never fear!
Even though I'm not a parent, I've got to say I have complete and total sympathy for what Rikki did. If it had been my kid--or someone in my family--I would have been hell-bent on revenge, too.

As for Rikki going after Ollie and not Lucy, it is possible that Lucy's in jail, but I think it's more likely that Lucy has expressed some sort of remorse, possibly even to Rikki herself. Lucy looked horrified when she learned she'd killed Ruben. Just as Rikki seems to have forgiven Danny, or at least isn't blaming him outwardly, she may have found it hard to hate someone who's remorseful. And Ollie, being an arrogant ass and also the criminal who caused Lucy to fire that gun, is an easier target.
Top41 said:
As for Rikki going after Ollie and not Lucy, it is possible that Lucy's in jail, but I think it's more likely that Lucy has expressed some sort of remorse, possibly even to Rikki herself. Lucy looked horrified when she learned she'd killed Ruben. Just as Rikki seems to have forgiven Danny, or at least isn't blaming him outwardly, she may have found it hard to hate someone who's remorseful. And Ollie, being an arrogant ass and also the criminal who caused Lucy to fire that gun, is an easier target.

That all makes a lot of sense. That said I'm still extremely annoyed that they didn't follow up on Lucy. If they'd shown or explained anything you described, I'd be OK with the way things went down with Ollie.

It just seems to me like a major detail of the story was dropped into "CSI: NY's Big Black Hole of Loose Ends."
I gotta agree with you. Losing a child is just plain awful! The trauma of the situation adds up. Ollie was a jackass to the max, and danny and Falck looked about ready to shoot him themselves! I hope Rikki is featured in a few more Episodes. She is an interesting character.
PerfectAnomaly said:

It just seems to me like a major detail of the story was dropped into "CSI: NY's Big Black Hole of Loose Ends."

That black hole sure eats a lot of stuff, doesn't it? :lol: Louie, Louie, are you in there????

I was thinking some more about this episode and why Danny drama really is the way to go. I think of all the characters, he's the one everyone on the team really has a deep connection to. Everyone really rallies around Danny when he's in trouble. I think if Mac, Stella, Hawkes and Adam had known what was going on with Danny, they would have been supportive and concerned too. Both Flack and Lindsay did go out of their way to support him in their own ways, too. Flack's was obviously more hands on, but Lindsay did lie to Mac for Danny and that was something. She also brought it up to Flack that Danny was AWOL from work, so she knew exactly who to tell to make sure Danny was taken care of. And Flack went out of his way for Danny and out of his comfort zone as well. Flack is all about the rules, and he bent them for Danny.
Top41, you took the words right outta my mouth! I think everyone just relates to Danny. I mean, just the great emotion that you see on screen, its unbelievable! I also think that Danny has developed alot more throughout the seasons, and he has had the most emotional storylines. Maybe its just something that we expect from Danny, because thats what we are used to seeing. Just a thought!
Top41 said:
PerfectAnomaly said:

It just seems to me like a major detail of the story was dropped into "CSI: NY's Big Black Hole of Loose Ends."

That black hole sure eats a lot of stuff, doesn't it? :lol: Louie, Louie, are you in there???? :lol:

Oh, he's in there all right. Along with Daniel Katums' motive, Flack's recovery from the bombing, Adam's psychological trauma from "Snow Day," Linday's reason for being able to give fathers bad news "all day long," the status of Danny and Lindsay's relationship. . . :p :lol:

It's a good thing it's a black hole. If it were just, like, a storage pod or something, it'd be pretty damn full by now. :lol:

I was thinking some more about this episode and why Danny drama really is the way to go. I think of all the characters, he's the one everyone on the team really has a deep connection to. Everyone really rallies around Danny when he's in trouble. I think if Mac, Stella, Hawkes and Adam had known what was going on with Danny, they would have been supportive and concerned too. Both Flack and Lindsay did go out of their way to support him in their own ways, too. Flack's was obviously more hands on, but Lindsay did lie to Mac for Danny and that was something. She also brought it up to Flack that Danny was AWOL from work, so she knew exactly who to tell to make sure Danny was taken care of. And Flack went out of his way for Danny and out of his comfort zone as well. Flack is all about the rules, and he bent them for Danny.

Lindsay also took time out of her extended work day to process Ruben's memorial service thing (that sounds tacky, but I'm not sure what you call it) so they could get the phone number. She gets props for that.

I think the team rallies nicely around each other; that's something I really like about the show. Well, except for poor Adam in "Snow Day." Then it was like, "ZOMG! Danny's injured!" :Flack and Lindsay kick Adam out of the way: :( :lol:

With Danny I think it stands out as so much more of an emotional connection because of his drama queen/damsel in distress personality.
Ok, interesting POV. Yeh, I do agree with you on the loose ends though. Its like, they give us something, then they throw it away, bring something else, and we never hear about that one origional idea/storyline! arrghhh!
ok, rant over!
(hangs head)
Sorry about the abrasive and rather immature nature of my earlier post. I've come down with a rather horrible cough/cold/fever in the past few days, and haven't been very pleasant to be around. It shouldn't have been taken out on you all. :(

On a more on-topic note, I was wondering how you think they'll wrap up the season in next week's episode, if at all possible? This week's episode would almost have been a good place to stop, with enough unresolved situations to leave us theorizing through the summer as to their resolutions. It's very possible, though, that they'll use the unexpectedly long break until fall to "heal" Danny of his grief, the way last summer healed all those grievous injuries from the previous season's finale.
Being that the rest of the season was never written, perhaps the writers don't have a solid plan as to how to "deal" with Danny [they can't have Danny-centric episodes every week, as much as we'd like that]. If CSI:NY doesn't resume until fall, doesn't it make alot more sense to push the "Ruben" plotline into the very hazy background?
PerfectAnomaly said:
Lindsay also took time out of her extended work day to process Ruben's memorial service thing (that sounds tacky, but I'm not sure what you call it) so they could get the phone number. She gets props for that.

Not to mention it probably isn't acceptable to use the lab equipment for something personal.

A couple of times it was mentioned that Flack was "off the clock", during his search for Danny, but unless that memorial notice thingy was being processed during her lunch hour Lindsay wasn't, so she was perhaps taking a risk with her job at that point. I can imagine Stella or Adam doing the same thing and I suppose Hawkes would as well. I wonder about Mac though. Would he have thrown the resources of the lab into finding his wayward employee? Or would he have simply told Lindsay to get back to work if she had approached him, rather than Flack? I'm glad it went the way it did. The episode would have taken on a whole different tone if Mac had been involved, which is probably why the writers had him swallow Lindsay's lie without question.
Everyone's so hard on my little Mac, stickler for the rules as he may be. ^_^

Mac, while he doesn't understand or agree with a lot of the things Danny does and says he clearly has sympathy for him, as well as genuine concern. He didn't HAVE to go back to the hospital in RSRD to tell Danny what Louie did for him and be a shoulder to cry on. But he did, didn't he?

I really think if he had concern for Danny and his whereabouts, or thought there may be no quicker way to locate him, Mac definitely would have used lab resources. After all when Stella asked him if he'd approve Adam running her blood tests, he said yes without deliberation. He's not such a grinch! ^_^
can imagine Stella or Adam doing the same thing and I suppose Hawkes would as well

Stella has already done something similar. S1 The Fall, Flack brought her a notebook and asked her to process it without a case number.
Stella has already done something similar. S1 The Fall, Flack brought her a notebook and asked her to process it without a case number.
I don't know if it's that big of an issue - as long as someone's not making a habit of doing side-jobs during work hours, it may just be a slap-on-the-wrist thing. A friend of mine once ran blood samples for me where she works at a hospital lab - without a patient number, took a few minutes, saved me a few hundred dollars. She didn't seem too concerned about getting in trouble, and she's worked there for several years.
So while Lindsay was definitely going the extra mile for Danny by processing the memorial pamphlet during work, I wouldn't go so far as to say she was risking her job.
With regards to Mac being involved--it would have been a totally different episode, so I'm glad he wasn't. But I think he would have used lab resources to look for Danny. Mac, despite his tough love routine--which makes Flack look like a puppy in this episode; sorry, Flack, you're way more lenient with Danny than Mac ever would have been--does care deeply for Danny. But I think that Mac would have made Danny do things more by the book, rather than letting him come around on his own, which is what Flack did.

chabib86 said:
(hangs head)
Sorry about the abrasive and rather immature nature of my earlier post. I've come down with a rather horrible cough/cold/fever in the past few days, and haven't been very pleasant to be around. It shouldn't have been taken out on you all. :(

Thanks for the apology--and I hope you're feeling better!

On a more on-topic note, I was wondering how you think they'll wrap up the season in next week's episode, if at all possible? This week's episode would almost have been a good place to stop, with enough unresolved situations to leave us theorizing through the summer as to their resolutions. It's very possible, though, that they'll use the unexpectedly long break until fall to "heal" Danny of his grief, the way last summer healed all those grievous injuries from the previous season's finale.
Being that the rest of the season was never written, perhaps the writers don't have a solid plan as to how to "deal" with Danny [they can't have Danny-centric episodes every week, as much as we'd like that]. If CSI:NY doesn't resume until fall, doesn't it make alot more sense to push the "Ruben" plotline into the very hazy background?

After seeing "All in the Family," I think the Ruben storyline would be done either way. It's essentially as resolved as it's ever going to be. Danny is going to have to find a way to live with the guilt, period. He holds himself to blame, for some valid reasons, and he can't explain those away or change what happened. It deepens the character and I certainly wouldn't mind seeing more of what Danny's going through, but I think from a practical standpoint--and the way the franchise usually deals with these things--we've really seen the dramatic part of it. The rest is going to be Danny learning how to deal with the guilt and move on, and I'm not sure how much we'll see of that.