Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pay Raise

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

LMAO ren, I always know there's a reason to love you. ;)

Gravy, yeah, have you checked AAM? Their caps are focused on Catherine, though. If you want Gil caps, you can try Black Glass. And if it's not urgent, I'll cap the episode for you the next time there's a rerun on Thursday night and I don't have to cap a new episode. :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

ren28 I agree it takes a mature writer not only to get all the forensic stuff down but to have the courage to write something other than a 'crush' that is forced between two people
to write the subtle,caring respectful relationship that Gil and Cath have does take some talent ( or the other female he was once interested in...)
and now even when they do talk to each other, somehow maybe it's not there :eek:
there were some glimpese in Happenstance, but that is only one episode so far this season
I hope there is more good moments between Gil and Cath that are similar to the earlier years...

and on that note
I have a question speaking of their relationship
we know they do have the kind of "I know all of your secrets, you know all of mine..."
So here is my question..
Now that Gris is in a **achem** relationship
do you think he would get jealous if someone asked Catherine out? and if she accepted?
I'm sure you ladies have discussed this but I was just interested if you think he would get jealous
especially now?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Heather, if we're talking about the current version of Gil, I'd have to say no. I don't even think we'd get the contemplative facial expression and biting of his glasses the way we did when she was on her way to her "unfinished business" with the cheating scumbag in Early Rollout. I think he might still be a bit protective of her in that situation, but that's even up for debate considering the unfeeling robot that TMTB have turned him into.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

ok, goldfinger wrote some gc scenes? was she the only credited writer on the ep or just credited story?

ren, you are so right about the differences in the writing between goldfinger and donohue. and you know what, 5 years from now goldfinger will (hopefully) start to move away from the forced angst crap and into more realistic relationships. unfortunately csi will be dead by then.

honestly, the gc dynamic takes someone who has lived enough to understand what a good relationship is and more importantly, what a bad relationship. the beauty of gil and cath pre-team split was that there was that comfort level that comes with maturity. the ability to just be with each other, to truly understand with just a look, to know that one is not going to change the other so why bother.

hottie, you know there is only one way that i will return to csi (including reruns of prior seasons) and that i cannot mention in this thread.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

You know what? Donahue wasn't the only one who had a great sense of GC dynamics. I just discovered another writer of that calibre, a guy called Eli Talbert, who was involved in a whole lot of early episodes. Check out the list on IMDB

But it isn't complete. According to the transcript, Eli Talbert wrote Bad to the Bone too. Now, when you think of the "relationship" scenes, and I'm not just speaking of GC, compare them to the one where Cath notices Gil huddled in his corner after being attacked. She goes to him, checks on him (and him doing that "stop fussing!" guy thing but still tilts his head back to let her check :lol:) And then she teases him gently to get him to open up to her, and he does.

As you can see, he has moved to CSI:NY. :(

Then if you're at all curious, you could go peek at what Sarah Goldfinger has been doing. Think Daddy's Little Girl. Then Happenstance and it's popping-up perp. Has a bit of problem, does she? But she's good with light, almost frat house stuff, like Rashomama.

All this is moot, of course. I'm not watching any more than coolc till they get rid of the thing that blights this season.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Yeah I think Sarah Goldfinger is a great writer. She is very talented. A few of the episodes she's written are really impressive, such as Gum Drops and Rashomama. I like Got Murder, too (but wow, Daddy's Little Girl was such a let-down). However, I think both ren and coolcatz are right about needing experience to write relationships. There are things you won't understand until you're at the right age and have gotten some experiences. Smart and talented doesn't equal to mature and experienced. While she is definitely a great writer, there are just scenarios she's not good at -in this case, relationships. Remember there was a rumor about a certain scene that was supposed to happen in Gum Drops but ended up being revamped because of Billy's absence? I've always thought it was a great help for CSI to not have that scene bcause imagine the backlash that would have been if the said scene was there.

Again, I adore Sarah Goldfinger's writing skills and some of her perspectives on different things, but I think there are subjects she needs to avoid until the right time comes.

Back to C/G, look at the expression on Catherine's face and the smirk on Gil's! Man, they're doing it in front of Archie. Bad Gil. :devil:

Vote for the mystery. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Poor Archie, he's gonna be traumatized for the rest of his life.
Or maybe, it will be the best memory ever. :D

Gosh, I'm getting a cold -_-

Yes...Remember we like >>mistery<<!!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

I've checked Black Glass, and....AAM? It's nothing urgent, Erica. I was just doing some screencaps and making icons but I realized that I really wanted a cap of Grissom vs. the Volcano (you know, the usual pinned-you-down-without-asking scene). I have it on my desktop but eugh. don't feel like transferring to laptop. But I can do it myself, so don't worry about it. But do let me know what AAM is. Might have checked it already. Swear to God I've checked everything there is. But thanks for the heads up.

ren, I think that's a wonderful point that I probably couldn't make myself, seeing as how I haven't lived for too long. I guess you just have to be a certain maturity to be able to pull off GC just because their relationship is very mature. Goldfinger...I think she's an okay writer, considering the episodes that she's written. They're all right, I guess. :p But...hey, lack of GC makes Gravy a blue girl. :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Wait, what does a cold have to do with Cath and Gil doing it in front of Archie? Or are you really getting a cold? :lol: Jeez I'm really confused, aren't I? Blame my crazy sleep pattern. It's 10am here and I haven't slept. (Uhoh, Anne is so going to whack me when she sees this...)

So, are we expecting anything from this week's episode, Living Legend? Well, of course we'd love to see some C/G, but do we know whether there's going to be any?

EDIT: Gravy, AAM = All About Marg.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Haven't heard anything about any GC on Living Legend. I'd be surprised if there's any. (Always the pessimist! :lol: Which is why Catherine is my heroine!:D)

Aww. Erica. Doing graveshift? Don't know about you but when I stay up nights, I get panda eyes and splitting headaches. Makes me feel like Grumpy Griss. :lol:

And Gravy, Erica is right: AAM has lots of amazing Marg photos in its Scrapbook and there are a few caps from Grissom vs the Volcano, including one with Gil pressed hard against Catherine.

... Somehow that didn't come out right :p
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

E - You're actually expecting more PureJoy in a second consecutive episode?! *slaps the back of your head* What in the world are you thinking?! Three CG scenes in the previous episode tells me that we've probably had our quota for the next five episodes. The velcro came apart for a while in the last episode. I'm sure it'll be reattached quickly. We can't expect TMTB to actually understand why the ratings went up last week, can we?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

OW! Woman! That hurt! I wasn't really expecting anything, that's why I asked so that I could prepare myself for the worst. LMAO. kay, I see you've been pissed off for a while. How about watching some C/G goodies on DVD? :D *hugs seasons 1 and 2*

ren, I'm always like this when I work from home. I find it easier to concentrate at nights so I stay up and work. Panda eyes don't really bother me. They've been following me ever since I was in high school. They've become a part of me. :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Sorry, I'm just irritable right now. I've been scanning old family pics into my computer for the last 7 hours and my brain is going fuzzy. I was actually just trying to decide which CSI episode I should put in to cheer me up. Hmmmmm.... haven't gone to season 5 in a while. Gotta bring out King Baby. I sure wish they'd have had commentary for that one.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

kaylyne, The Finger was on SpikeTV last night
a good Catherine episode IMO and I think Weeping Willows, that is season 5 right, (plus our favorite detective is in that one ;) ) good Cath/Gris interactions
and Dead Ringer ( but I think that's season 4 but I could be wrong) when they are out running and she says to him when he stops the red blinking light, "what, you have to pee or something?" Great friendship/chemistry/banter between them there too

would those cheer you up?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Gravy, when Im having a hard time searching for GC caps I also run to coolcatz's photobucket :D She has lots of caps there.

When Catherine talked about horses and zebras here in Happenstance it hit me that G and C really love PAFCON, lol.. I even thought Gil said that in Fur and Loathing.

As for Living Legend.. I think the whole team will be working together in that episode? Im just guessing though :lol: .
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