Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pay Raise

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Eowyn nice to see you here too!!!
You'll see, PureJoy-love lives in this thread!!!

Guys, I totally love it when Cath goes and rip the dollar. The look on her face says it all, after his lil' stupid federal offense comment.
Something like "Come here, i'll let you see the federal offense".
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Hottie_Cath said:
Grissom did take the half dollar that she offered.. but I saw that after Gil said his smartass federal offense comment, Catherine grabbed the dollar from him. :lol:
You know, I thought it looked like she was grabbing it back, but the camera angle didn't show anything at all. I was focusing on Cath's face and the weird look she was giving him - just waiting for her to come back with some smartass remark (which IMO would have brought things back to classic GC territory).
1CSIMfan - you really should make regular posts more often. That way we don't have to cower in the corner each time you show up :D (because you really seem like a very nice person ;) and not an evil moderator!! :devil:)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

She grabbed the (half)dollar back from him, well thats what I saw from the movement of Catherine's upper body. E could you check on this cuz you have the biggest CSI caps on earth :lol:
My favorite props on the show is the desk.. cuz Gil and Cath do everything there.

OT: Not evil? But I saw the posts on the Danny/Flack thread... D/F always do bad things together. :devil: :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

^ LMAO Rissa. I, too, think Cath grabbed Gil's half of the bill back, but come to think it again, maybe Gil tucked it into her back pocket where his hand lingered a little too long and that was why Cath looked at him as if saying "nah-uh buddy, you aren't going to get any tonight"? :devil:

Welcome Eowyn. We love newbies! <3 Apart from answering our traditional questions that Rissa already asked, you also need to vote for our new thread title. If you can't decide which one to vote for, I'll just suggest you go for the mystery thread title. :D

Aw Heather, I love what you said about C/G. You just nailed it. ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Welcome Eowyn (I'm a big LOTR fan, btw). It's great to have so many newbies now! :D

And I really didn't like Gil's smartass comment. She did something nice, and mentioning federal offense? I really didn't see the point of that. Erica, I think your take is much better than T_TB's take on it. :p
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Hottie_Cath said:
They already got Aggie to watch the show, I think that the real sign that CSI is back on track is when coolcatz and ren28 comes back. :lol:
:lol: Rissa, that's going to take a whole lot of doing. I doubt if Sarah Goldfinger has what it takes to come up with an episode that'll satisfy.

Some people on another board posted very thoughtful comments on the way Happenstance finally turned out, with the perp leaping almost out of nowhere, at least in the viewer's eye. He was vaguely featured at the start, apparently. And this - again apparently - was because the show was supposed to have been edited differently, alternating between the two stories.

Now, question: if they did change the scenes around, did they do so during post-production to slip in more GC... in a desperate attempt to shore up their ratings - and then mess up an important story detail?

GraveyardIntern said:
And I really didn't like Gil's smartass comment. She did something nice, and mentioning federal offense? I really didn't see the point of that.
That scene inspired two thoughts:
This kind of comment just tells me loads about the writer's idea of what humour is generally. (Can you tell I really don't like Goldfinger and her crew? I've lots to say about them but my comments can't be posted on this particular thread :lol: )

A more charitable thought would be that Grissom is now so deeply depressed he has completely lost his sense of humour. Maybe being around a snipy and aggressive person too much, he's learned to snipe and attack too.

If the writers were a more capable lot, they'd have Catherine pick up these clues and be there for him in her inimitable manner, when he's ready. Marg sort of let that come through in the way she played her character in 2 of the 3 GC scenes, I thought.

Problem is, I've no faith in the present showrunner and her cohort, and their ability to follow through in the portrayal of as complex and multi-layered a relationship as Cath's and Gil's. I just don't think these writers are good enough in the personal relationship area. "Subtle" is the one thing they've proven they can't do, and GC was deliciously subtle all the way.
<< taking CSI to the emergency room for a T_TB transplant.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

ren28 said:
Now, question: if they did change the scenes around, did they do so during post-production to slip in more GC... in a desperate attempt to shore up their ratings - and then mess up an important story detail?
I have no answer to this question, ren, but if this is what they really did, they did it right...erm except the "gag" you mentioned earlier. LOL.

ren28 said:
<< taking CSI to the emergency room for a T_TB transplant.
Please replace the current show runner with Ann Donahue!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

I noticed the guy as one of those "vultures" that ran to the secretary's desk when Brass & Warrick arrived and the secretary was saying "OMG", then told them all to get back to work. Then we don't hear anything until they see the altered photos, all of a sudden - it's him. Brass went off to HR to get a list of names while Warrick goes through the office. We don't see any follow up from that. I really thought there was some continuity missing there somewhere, so it's quite possible that tmtb reconstructed the episode somewhere down the line.
I don't know what more GC they added that wouldn't have been in the original script. They had them making the bet, so they definitely needed the paying of the bet. The only other GC was with Archie, comparing the sisters' lives.

My guess is that they somehow cut a previous scene with the eventual killer in order to have their 60-second gagfest at the end. ETA: Then again, being a Goldfinger episode - that's probably the FIRST scene that she actually wrote for the episode.

I also see that Cath (IMO) has an idea that something's up with Gil. It's right there in her "Mr coincidence" speech.

Ren - as much as I'd like that "transplant" to work, I have a feeling that it's a bit too late and the "victim" (CSI) is going to be D.O.A.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

I so want my Ann Donahue back.

As for that cap you showed us, Erica....I knew those two couldn't help themselves but get naughty in the observation room. They just couldn't wait to get home first!

I think they enjoy themselves at work somehow ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

^ Hehe they sure do. See? The supervisors have lots of fun at work. ;)

Which reminds, me, Anne, that you haven't publish the observation room fic yet. That one is so hot. :devil:

Wow. If they really cut something off the episode to have the last minute that we saw on TV, then TPTB didn't do well at all. But really, we'll never know what really happened during the editing unless they choose to reveal about that later. LOL.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Anne's busy working on a new fic at the moment. It shall be awhile before she posts the other one. Either that or I'm gonna whack her on the head with her own flaming sword to keep her on track with this new fic.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Ooh! I hadn't realised I didn't post that yet. I should do that at some point.

And yes, master Syd, I am working on this new fic. I can multifictask
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Ren, I couldn't agree with you more. We need a transplant, and really really really soon. But I can't really grasp the reason for this sudden change in the GC dynamics on the T_TB's part. Did they think that the ratings would go up with GC or was it just that they thought something was amiss (ha, no kidding) and listened to MSNBC (still don't know where the comment really was)? They're a really confusing and probably confused, lot.

Erica, question for you. Do you know where I can find some Grissom vs. the Volcano screencaps? I can't seem to find a lot of them. I've been to,, shane's gallery, and the lot. :p
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

kaylyne said:
They had them making the bet, so they definitely needed the paying of the bet.
... Or maybe in the original, they had them making the bet, and then had Sara bring Grissom his half of the dollar??? :rolleyes:

kaylyne said:
Ren - as much as I'd like that "transplant" to work, I have a feeling that it's a bit too late and the "victim" (CSI) is going to be D.O.A.
Oh. So it has already given up the ghost, huh >

GraveyardIntern said:
I can't really grasp the reason for this sudden change in the GC dynamics on the T_TB's part. Did they think that the ratings would go up with GC or was it just that they thought something was amiss (ha, no kidding)
Well the ratings did go up, and by a whole lot.

But, hon, it takes a fine and mature writer to weave the magic of GC dynamics. Remember that Ann Donahue is just about two years or so younger than WP, and a few older than Marg Helgenberger. Sarah Goldfinger is 29 years old. She writes the relationship stuff that she does because she's not yet gone through what Ann Donahue has in terms of real-life experiences. It is a rare writer who is able to sensitively explore relationships that she (or he) has never lived through.

I agree with Kaylyne. There isn't a lot of hope of recapturing the magic of GC because the writer writes relatively immature scripts. Action, temper tantrums, snark... all these things she can do. The gentler, subtler stuff between two mature, loving and respectfully caring adults who have a long history together, almost as long as the number of years Goldfinger herself has crawled and walked on this earth, she can't seem to get a handle on.
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