Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pay Raise

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

I think it was in one of the articles about Grissom's upcoming sabbatical and the announcement that Lieb Schreiber would be filling in for Billy Petersen. They mentioned something about Miss Piggy being in danger. But I think it was just a figurative way of saying there'd be changes in store. Gems, I like your suggestion that Catherine might have taken little piggy home.

I was rewatching the split dollar scene. There was silent communication going on between Cath and Gil, probably playful, but since Gil's face is turned towards Catherine and in the shadow, not much can be seen except that his face seemed to be expressing something to her. What do you people think he was "saying"?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

miss piggy!!! lol :lol:
yeah, where is it?

AT LONG LAST! A CSI eppy that i love...
way the go classic csi!
and yes! GC scenes that remind me of the old times... ;)

ren- miss piggy in danger!? no... :eek:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Miss Piggy, I assume you are talking about Grissom's fetal pig?
He gave it to Catherine when she made swing-shift supervisor.
I do have that right... don't I? and she took it home?
Interesting... very interesting... something else comes out about their relationship

and I voted already
but mystery is good :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

I think it was TV Guide's Ausiello (sp) who mentioned Miss Piggy in one of his Q&A's. He said something like the fetal pig needs to look out while Gil is away. LOL. Speaking of Miss Piggy reminds me of the scene from No Humans Involved where Gil went to Catherine's office and gave her Piggy and they had the conversation about playing politics. That's definitely one of the most bitter-sweet scene ever, knowing he was sad about his own loss, but on the other hand, happy for Catherine about her gain. Their feelings in that scene must have been really complicated, and mixed. When he said "at least they're in good hands", he was basically telling Catherine that he trusted her completely and that he knew she'd make a great team. And the smile he gave her was so sincere that just made you SIIIIIIIIGH. Gah.

Again, vote vote vote! :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

I love the way they can just communicate their feelings to each other without saying a word. Sometimes they don't have to be even looking at each other. It's just the looks on their faces and the glances etc.

So, if Miss Piggy is gone, and people were mentioning it (actually, I was amazed that someone besides us picked up on it FINALLY), what is in store for our ship supporter pig?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Drumchik said:
I love the way they can just communicate their feelings to each other without saying a word. Sometimes they don't have to be even looking at each other. It's just the looks on their faces and the glances etc.

They don't even have to be in the same room (although I'd prefer it if they were). Example: the tub thing, ABRTI when they're talking on their cells and Cath says: "I hate it when you do that"

The piggy can't be gone! No Humans Involved was great cuz of the piggy. Miss Piggy could act circles around the rest jj.

Seriously now, If they're getting rid of the pig (hopefully that was just a figure of speech), what else have they gotten rid of without our knowledge? I haven't seen Gil's Big Mouth Billy Bass. What about the fish board, the ones that got away?

wow. I just noticed old Gil is pretty obsessed with the fish lol
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

27dayz said:
Drumchik said:
I love the way they can just communicate their feelings to each other without saying a word. Sometimes they don't have to be even looking at each other. It's just the looks on their faces and the glances etc.

They don't even have to be in the same room (although I'd prefer it if they were). Example: the tub thing, ABRTI when they're talking on their cells and Cath says: "I hate it when you do that"

The piggy can't be gone! No Humans Involved was great cuz of the piggy. Miss Piggy could act circles around the rest jj.

Seriously now, If they're getting rid of the pig (hopefully that was just a figure of speech), what else have they gotten rid of without our knowledge? I haven't seen Gil's Big Mouth Billy Bass. What about the fish board, the ones that got away?

wow. I just noticed old Gil is pretty obsessed with the fish lol

That's a good point. I don't remember the fish board since season 2 and haven't seen Billy Bass either. They're stealing our favorite props!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Uhoh that's not good. LOL. Hey I've never thought that Gil's not only a bugman but a fishman. That's interesting. :lol: I believe Ausiello was joking when he said Miss Piggy needed to watch out. He was actually trying to tell people that someone would come and fill in Gil's position temporarily. At least that's how I interpret it. LOL. Piggy is his and Cath's favorite pet, he wouldn't get rid of it. If it's not in his or her office, then it must be home. ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

well, personally, I never liked the

My fav props haven't been done away with yet...the canteen, the bed in between them (shooting stars), peanut butter (Butterflied), the big screen (well they never really showwed it, but hey), the butterfly symbol (where there is butterflies, there's gc), etc
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

I like the way you think, 27dayz. ;) You're so right about the bed. That scene from Shooting Stars is so on my list of all-time favorite C/G scenes. It was just beautiful. I love THE peanut butter and THE butterfly, but let's not forget THE silk. :devil: As for the big screen TV, I think it's better that they don't show us, because it's a secret between Cath and Gil. Hehe.

o_O someone has been naughty in the observation room!

Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

^ lol love that pic. ITA the bed prop from Shooting Stars has to have been the best ever, along with the Foetal Pig of course. I reckon she's taken it home too for safe-keeping :)

My other favourite props are the memos, because Catherine knows him so well that she knows he never reads them, and she says 'we didnt get that memo' meaning her and Gil are so close that she considers his stuff hers as well :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Hi newbie! I come from Italy and I'm absolutely Grissom and Catherine shipper ^_^ I love theme...I've a Catherine&Grissom site too :) but it's in italian :)

Nice to meet everyone ^_^
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Nice to meet you to Eowyn
I'm a newbie to the ship
I love Catherine and Grissom together either in the best friends way, or the old married couple way
they are so great together, they compliment each other
they get each other and work well together
they know each others strengths and weeknesses and
their personalities are different enough to really do well as not only a team a couple also

as for the pig, I wonder if the new CSI will ask about it?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require


Heya Eowyn! Welcome! Did Dardeile bring you over? :D she's also a parental. yay! As part of the Gil/Cath tradition over here, we have to ask you what's your favorite Gil and Catherine scene? And where is Gil's big screen?

I hope TPTB get the message, realize how badly they have screwed up and use this episode as the beginning of a change for good.
They already got Aggie to watch the show, I think that the real sign that CSI is back on track is when coolcatz and ren28 comes back. :lol:
When ET/Early Show interviewed the cast while were filming Happenstance, they already know about the show's ratings slump and they said they will work harder to gain back the fans. Maybe this episode will be the start of that? I hope.

lol I'm happy now. The bet was a nice touch and the preamble leading up to the bet was even better. Cath noticed that Gil wasn't normal because he thought it was just a coincidence that the twins were murdered, even though we know his views on coincidences and how they don't exist. (BTW What is the episode were Gil says: Hear hooves, think horses, not zebras?) Cath basically quoted everything he ever said disputing coincidences. She knows somethings up. Leave it to cath to try to pull his head out of his @$$. But you know, I take heart in knowing that Catherine was the first to voice his recently anal ways on the show. She always notices when he has a problem.
Me too! I had to rub my eyes to see if I am really watching CSI. I was all the more shocked when I learned that Goldfinger wrote this episode. Someone who isn't a noted fan of Grissom and Catherine's relationship reads the previous scripts and pays attention to those little conversations between Grissom and Catherine?!?! the world must be caving in. Gil said the "when you hear hooves, think horses, not zebras" in S6 Pirates of the Third Reich btw.

So, I can't really tell - did he give her half the dollar back, or did he acutally keep it?
Grissom did take the half dollar that she offered.. but I saw that after Gil said his smartass federal offense comment, Catherine grabbed the dollar from him. :lol:

and 1csimfan, we got you to visit! lol!
LOL Yay we did! jk. :D Bad smiley! *hides it inside Zsa's closet* there.
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