Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pay Raise

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

LOL I think I know which smilie you posted, Rissa. Bad girl! :D I don't think the team dynamic and the C/G interaction are in their full force in Happenstance, but I'm glad that at least some of the old vibe is back. Let's just hope it will be a good start...I don't trust TPTB, though. I'm almost positive that they are going to screw up again. :lol: Anyway that cap you posted was great. He is so ogling at her.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

EricaSJ said:
Good news that Happenstance won the overnight ratings.
And won BIG by Season 7 standards! They went up by a full 3 million viewers and that's only the fast national figures. When the final tally comes out, I expect the number will be higher still.

EricaSJ said:
I hope TPTB get the message, realize how badly they have screwed up and use this episode as the beginning of a change for good.
Me too. I loved Gil's suppressed amused look when he said to her, "And what have you got to support that?" in the first GC scene (gosh! we actually need less than the five fingers on one hand to count them!!!) when Catherine told him she thought their two deaths were connected and not coincidental. But I especially loved the ripped dollar scene and Cath's reaction to Gil's "That's a federal offence, you know" remark. I loved that there was eye contact, between them although the camera angle was such that it wasn't obvious but they did turn to look at each other.

If T_TB want to become once again TPTB, well, they know what to give us. ;) Plus, they need to make sure the rest of the team get quality screen time too, and bring back the fun in their interactions... and let the leads work together! Then they might find their 5 to 6 million missing viewers coming back to them.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Rissa, I so understand the smilie I bet you posted. *thumbs up*

I bet some fun went on after that look. "I'll take that button bet, Catherine."

"Really? Better prepare for a long night, Gil. You've been a bad boy this season."
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

lol, fast numbers came out extremely fast this time...and we know what to attribute it to!

obviously i voted mystery title because it's a lot of fun!!!

as for the pca, i cannot honestly vote for something that is badly done and with performers bringing in half-assed performances. i just cannot do it. i am all for wp taking his break and getting back to his first love, especially if it brings him back refreshed and rejuvinated enough to put into grissom what made us love him instead of this board man with a file in his hand 90% of the time.

i think at this point viewers just want the original dymanics back, ship or no ship. and part of that was the gil/cath relationship. and i think before we can have that we need for gc to have some kind of cathartic behavior (talk, disagreement, something) to purge the problems of the last couple of years.

and 1csimfan, we got you to visit! lol!

anne, perfect idea. let's see how quickly that would make gil work.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Hehe. Cath could have her thigh-high boots and whip all ready for him.

I think we should ask them to fire the clones and bring the real actors back. Then they might act like themselves once more.

Or, we could go with the fact that it's all been one long recurring dream that Nick had from the trauma of being buried alive.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

hhunter said:
Hello Dear --Great from Jackpot
and they are an EXTREMELY Healthy couple and she should flash Bob and Fred (or whoever her twins are called) at him maybe then he'll smile once in a while :eek:
is it me or is he not happy lately
maybe the sabbatical will help that?? :confused:
Definitely not just you, Heather. I'm not sure whether Gil is unhappy, but he seems so to me. No smiles, more scowls and no sparkles in his eyes. Makes one wonder what has been stressing him out and think maybe he needs a break. LOL. I certainly hope he'll be back to his old self when he returns from the sabbatical.

Aw, but you didn't vote for the mystery thread title. :(

And it's Tom. Hehe.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Wow that was an unexpected (but delightful) change in Happenstance. 3 scenes! That's got to be the most GC we've had since...Shooting Stars, maybe? It reminded me a bit of Spark of Life.

lol I'm happy now. The bet was a nice touch and the preamble leading up to the bet was even better. Cath noticed that Gil wasn't normal because he thought it was just a coincidence that the twins were murdered, even though we know his views on coincidences and how they don't exist. (BTW What is the episode were Gil says: Hear hooves, think horses, not zebras?) Cath basically quoted everything he ever said disputing coincidences. She knows somethings up. Leave it to cath to try to pull his head out of his @$$.

The scene where Gil was also talking about: "taste the same tastes" had my mind in the gutter (glad to see I'm not alone down there. It's a very crowded gutter lol).

And of course the money scene, well I like to think that he was just teasing when he said federal offence. Personally I prefer the type of teasing that leads to: "I even missed your tush".

last scene: no comment.

lol you know, I wouldn't be surprised if the CSI crew auditioned for American Idol. Enough of them have sang. Doc, Gil(he sang with Doc, right), Sara, Greg (i think), Nicky...
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Yeay am glad to hear that Gil and Cath had a quite big scene in the last episode and it sounds really playful and funny too, like old G/C :D

And the ratings go up by loads when we get a G/C scene. Coincedence? I think TPTB have realised what pairing works and what doesnt :)

No smiles, more scowls and no sparkles in his eyes.
Was Gil like that in his scene with Cath?

I voted for the mystery thread title, cos i know it'll be good, and the I always have your back one, cos its like my favourite quote, cos it shows theyre relationship be it as friends or lovers, will last forever :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

there was no sparkle, but there was the adorable Grissom pout and the patented look of lust.

But you know, I take heart in knowing that Catherine was the first to voice his recently anal ways on the show. She always notices when he has a problem.

I betcha a dollar Marg and Billy were told to scowl.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

27dayz said:
there was no sparkle, but there was the adorable Grissom pout and the patented look of lust.

But you know, I take heart in knowing that Catherine was the first to voice his recently anal ways on the show. She always notices when he has a problem.

I betcha a dollar Marg and Billy were told to scowl.

I agree. Cath always knows when something is going on with him.

Plus, the patented look of lust? That's a trademark of Gil's around Cath. Usually because they've just played in his office ;) :devil:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

CSIangel17 said:
No smiles, more scowls and no sparkles in his eyes.
Was Gil like that in his scene with Cath?
Oh no. I was talking about him in season 7 generally, not this episode. Of course Gil seemed much more relaxed in Happenstance, especially in those scenes he shared with Catherine. ;) LMAO I love Catherine's "Mr. No-Such-Thing-As-Coincidence" comment. Totally made me laugh. Jeez how I miss this banter, this interaction. This is something that only happens between Cath and Gil. Typical C/G.

Hehe mystery is good. We need more votes for the mystery title. Go vote if you haven't done so! :D

Btw, Rissa mentioned in the Marg/Catherine thread that Cath's name plate was gone. It wasn't seen in the scene of her and Nick talking about their case in her office. Did you notice that Gil's plate was gone, too? There was no plate on his desk while he talked to people in his office. Hmm I wonder where they had left their plates. :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Just admit it, Erica. We know you took them ;) Kaylyne also mentioned that Miss Piggy and the ducks were gone from Catherine's office. Don't you think that you should return SOMETHING Erica? ;)

BTW, I just watched the clips of GC from Happenstance. That scene at the end with the dollar bill. I bet I know what they're going to do later ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Yeah! Someone needs to fess up! Who ran off with Piggy?! I can understand someone killing off the waterfowl, since they were actually the dayshift supervisor's, but we need to do a major investigation to find Piggy!! That was a gift from Gil, so it would constitute a grand larceny felony charge. Someone's in big trouble here!!

So, I can't really tell - did he give her half the dollar back, or did he acutally keep it?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

kaylyne said:
Yeah! Someone needs to fess up! Who ran off with Piggy?! I can understand someone killing off the waterfowl, since they were actually the dayshift supervisor's, but we need to do a major investigation to find Piggy!! That was a gift from Gil, so it would constitute a grand larceny felony charge. Someone's in big trouble here!!

So, I can't really tell - did he give her half the dollar back, or did he acutally keep it?

It looks to me like he kept it.

Two halves make one whole, people. Think about it.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

I think he kept it like one of those split necklaves that two lover/best friends keeep a half each.

Didnt one of T_TB say that miss piggy would be no more this season? I want to no where it is..... maybe Cath took it home!
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