Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pay Raise

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Did I or did I not tell you I can get a GC moment off air?

It's the final scene. There's just a subtle look between them. Cath glances at him. He glances back.

I'll tell you more about it later, before I get myself in trouble with the mods :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

LMAO! I just got to know what the gag warning is about. Dang. They had to give us that after a delightful C/G scene. But you know what? It was actually better than what I had expected. I'm like kay, always expecting the worst so the gag didn't really surprise me. Well, you probably won't like that scene, but IMO it's not that bad because to me it looks like TPTB are suggesting something. Well JMO, but a girl can dream.
I'm all good. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Ah ok thanks ren for the warning.. I knew it! I should've bet for a dollar that the GC scene would only last for 20 secs. :lol: question..
YAY!!!! :D I read that Gil and Cath had this cute scene: "That's a federal offense" laugh was a great comeback line after catherine ripped the dollar in half- cause they both were right" They ripped the dollar in half?!?! Awes.
is it true? is it true? :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Yes that's true, Rissa. And to our delight, not only 20 seconds. :lol:

According to Aggie back in the cozy corner, there were actually three Cath/Gil scenes and they were cute together hehe. If you go to the LV forum here on Talk and check the Happenstance thread, you can see that people like it when Gil is with Cath because he has fun with her. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require


A miracle has occurred.

*pause* Are we sure Ann Donahue hasn't been rehired? ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

I think we are sure about that, Anne. Because if she were back on LV, there would probably be no canon couple now. :D Ah how I wish she was the showrunner of LV instead of Carol Mendelsohn...but there's no point saying this now. LOL. Hey kay, I'm still waiting for your comment on this episode! :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

LMAO! Right on Anne! The GC scene in Happenstance reminds me of the sharing of water in Shooting Stars.. they always have to share their things :D I haven't seen the ep yet, but from the Early Show clip and the discusson on the ep thread I thought Cath won the bet (the cases were connected) but for some reason she decided she would share the dollar to Gil, lol. I will watch the ep later and maybe things will be clearer.
And I really think Catherine should've bet her clothes.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Um...I actually liked this episode. I can't comment on the last scene, but I will be sure to do so in our Cozy Corner, but about our GC. I think this episode was a miracle. After 7 episodes of no conversation, no eyecontact...this was hella good. :lol: I don't think there's a lot of gag warning, so :p But Cath looked pissed off at Gil when she ripped up the dollar bill, in a gesture of you know...friendliness (she thought they were both right) and he was like...federal offense! what a jerk. I hate it when guys do that. :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Ditto on the clothes haha. I was thinking why Catherine, why? You should have bet on your shirt and pants. LOL. You're right Rissa, Cath and Gil always share. It's pretty obvious when he told her he'd share the water in Shooting Stars. So I guess the dollar isn't an exception. :D I haven't watched the episode either, but it really sounds like Gil was having fun working on the case and betting Catherine. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

she should have. bet he would have found a way to be 100% right then.

obviously rl has kept me away from here for a while, sorry. will be that way for a couple of more weeks.

now, anne lifting a gc moment from anything? i think i see a challenge here, don't you guys agree?

oh, woe. the old days of csi. when the TEAM worked as a team. when gil and cath actually talked. you know what i would love to see, i would love to see a resolution to the end scene of ww. you ask why? because the team split didn't accomplish what t_tb wanted. because ww was meant to cause a rift in their relationship. because even after that when we still saw chemistry (ss in s6) they had to tear them further apart to the point of no eye contact and minimal time together (time that is used purely to promote eps in ads i might point out). we deserve it.

btw, i'm still waiting on the ep where they only communicate thru brass by text messaging. it will come.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Hehe that's naughty, coolc, but I agree if Cath bets on her clothes, Gil would totally do that. :devil:

Well, I'd love to see a follow-up to Weeping Willows, too. I think as good friends, they need to work out that problem, especially now that Gil is doing something that's against his "glasshouse" theory. I hope Catherine would give him a piece of her mind and make him realize how much of an a$$ he had been to her.

Btw, join the first round of the poll for our new thread title if you haven't done so. And we love mystery. ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

OK, after finally finishing with the clips (for now), I believe the spoiler warnings time limit is officially over for this episode - so here's a quick recap.

You know, I really liked this episode (until I lost my lunch, that is). For me, this has been the best so far in season 7. There was great distribution of the team throughout even though I hadn't realized Sara was missing until the end.

The CG scenes actually brought me some deja vu moments from earlier - Cath & Gil having a little joke between them with the bet, Gil still being pessimistic about the connections of the two cases, CG actually having a chat in his office - even though it was case related, they still were able to bring back some of their comfortable rapport.

ETA: Cath's "everybody's got dirty laundry. Sometimes it gets you killed" comment seemed to be another nod to Sam.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

yeah, and sometimes dirty laundry leads to lots of fun activities when you've just gotten back from a vacation...

i'm living way to much in csi fanfic now.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

I liked it too kaylyne
I like to see them together, look at each other
and the quotes from other episodes about hearing footsteps think horses not zebras
and her tearing up the dollar and the look on her face
she looked actually like she wanted to smack him
like "whatever you moron, it's about time you got out of your office and talked to me!"
that's the idea I got

and yes coolcatz RL sucks!! :eek:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Okay, C. Bring it on! I'll get you a GC moment off air ;)

I'm waiting for Catherine to do something outrageous to get Gil to pay attention to her. Maybe she'll flash Tom and Bob at him...
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