Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pay Raise

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

whoa i think i need to post more often on here, few people remember me, difficult though cause im only half way through season five. :(
(Hey EricaSJ i thought we were all girls on here lol.)
Cant we start some sort of grillows petition so TPTB know fans want more gil/cath scenes, we could threat not to vote for the People's Choice Awards lol (empty threat).
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Let me tell you one of the definative episodes on the Grissom thread is Jackpot the other is Formalities and we all know when the sherrif in Jackpot calls Catherine the wife
Grissom doesn't disagree :lol:
and he certainly doesn't have a problem letting Cath tie his bowtie either :lol:
sorry if this is 'out there' but you ladies were talking about scenes with them together and I though I would bring some over from the Grissom thread :)
and yes I'm looking forward to some good Cath/Gris dialouge too remants; of the 'old days'
total SNARK intended :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

The "bowtie" scene *sigh* The outtake where they both end up cracking up because of the funny way Marg tied it is just so hilarious.
I'm guessing that the forced Cath/Gil separation has had a big effect on both Marg & Billy as well. For Billy, it's so very noticeable that he's just going through the motions these days and waiting for his time to be up. I think you can even see it in Marg's interviews recently too. She just doesn't have that little spark when talking about CSI - even though they let her do some of her greatest acting in the first couple episodes this season with the possible rape, the car crash & Sam's shooting (I still refuse to call it his death!). She did much of that acting by herself - with no Billy, very little Gary, Jorja, Scott, plus a new girl playing her daughter. Back in LHB, she still had those emotional scenes while still acting with her co-stars as they were trying to give her support or working her case. She at least got to interact with them.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Yes, I think that must be kinda frustrating, too.
After all, we've said THOUSANDS of times that Marg and Billy have a TRUE chemistry, being friends off screen...And it must be hard and sad not to be able to express all of that potential on screen!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

I've been a lurker her for months and I'm finally ready to come out of the closet, so to speak.

I love, love, love Grissom and Catherine together. The sparks between them are undeniable. I miss the fact that they rarely have scenes together anymore.

My favorite scene is "the hug" from Inside the Box. I also love the scene with the "I even missed your tush" comment.

I look forward to sharing the G/C love!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Welcome crusher1013 :) ITA the sparks between them are undeniable, even now the scenes that they do have still have a certain something.

And OMG there was a hug in Inside The Box? Aww! Obviuosly nhad to be in the only season 3 ep ive never seen :lol:

I agree its seems like all the actors except two seem to be working alone, and although Margs scenes when shes by herself are amazing, i think that both she and Billy's scenes dont seem to be as enthusiastic as they used to be if that makes sense!

But yeay a G/C scene in the next episode :D even if its just small any scene with them by themeselves is something to look forward too. What is the eps name?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Hi everyone! :D *waving* I’m another who decided to decloak, after reading everything you’ve posted for the last 6 or 7 threads… and after Heather urged me to! Yeah, I love those two together, and I always thought they were made for each other. And I’m even more convinced of that fact after reading of lot of fics starring my favourite couple! AND every comments you all have made… :D

Have you noticed too how Gil doesn’t seem to be very happy since September? And I wonder why… (just kidding…) I can’t even remember him smiling since the beginning of this season. Am I wrong? I know he hasn’t smiled a lot since season 5, but come on… That would not kill him… and make me a very happy girl! If he smiles at Cath, of course… ;)

And I was very angry when I saw, in Double Cross, that Cath and Sofia processed the girl’s house and couldn’t report directly to him… Were they both in the little girls room together for the rest of the day? I thought that was absolutely ridiculous… :rolleyes: So much for realism…

Okay, rant over… Now, on to the good stuff: G/C scenes! I think there are too many to list, but my favourite ones are “Hello, dear…”, “You need a woman” and, of course, the tush scene in King Baby! I laugh every time I see this one… And I also love the way he looks at her when she goes on her first date with what’s his name, the club guy, after she left his office… I think everybody knows what’s on his mind… :devil: I’ve been watching the first seasons on Spike and I really miss the complicity we saw between them during those seasons.

And CSIangel, the next episode is Happenstance.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Oooh newbies! How we love newbies. Welcome guys, here's our welcome basket for ya:


I do think Billy looks kind of numb now. Well, actually I have noticed that since the latter half of season five, I guess, with the exception of Grave Danger. He did say in an interview that he was tired and that he wanted to be Billy again, not Grissom. We also know that his has heart problems. :( As for Marg, I think she's probably bored. It's very obvious when you watch her interviews. She's just not as passionate as she used to be in the early seasons. Although she's one of the two leads on the show and she does get more screentime than other cast members (until middle-season 6), I haven't found her storylines in recent seasons interesting. She said in a recent interview that she wasn't interested in extending her contract after season 8. If that makes her happy, then I'm all for it.

Zsa told me which season 6 episodes have commentaries and Shooting Stars is one of them. If you have season 6 on DVD, don't miss the commentary. :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Yay Newbies. Newbies bring fresh eyes and fresh ideas to the ship and that's always great. So, Welcome, my name's Gravy for short.

And yeah reading the conversation that's been going on about how Season 7 is shall I put this kindly...boring? Even season 6 was better than this. And yes, I totally know what people mean when they think that Billy is no longer enthusiastic about the show, and neither is Marg really. I mean...Marg was top-notch with Built to Kill when she actually got to interact on a more personal note with other characters, but...I mean, I know CSI is about the cases and everything but if you've decided to throw a bomb, then stick with it. Don't change it back because the ratings aren't good enough. TMTB need to get their act straight and one of those things is by putting back the old duo back together. They have great chemistry and even if Grissom is in another relationship, doesn't mean that the two leads shouldn't talk to each other anymore. Really bugs me.

We better get a real treat for Marg's B-Day tomorrow. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Yey! *throws confetti* for the newbies! Welcome, welcome. :D

And CSIangel yup they did hug in Season 3's Inside the Box. Lemme get an animation of that scene..
(by Emily..)
JK!!! ^^^Not that one.. I mean this one! :lol:
(by Summer)

A commentary for Season 6 Shooting Stars? Yey! I wonder what they said about the ep. If only I can buy the DVD of that particular episode.. Im not interested in buying the whole of Season 6, I specially don't want to re-watch the second half eps. :lol:
I found the list of the commentaries..Billy and Marg wasn't in the list though. :( I do love Danny Canon's commentaries, I specially love him in Burked where his comments went GC-ish. :D
Season 6 Commentary by:
- Danny Cannon ("Shooting Stars" & "A Bullet Runs Through It, Part I")Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo,
- Sarah Goldfinger & Richard J. Lewis ("Gum Drops")Dolby Digital 2.0,
- Carol Mendelsohn and Rich Catalani ("A Bullet Runs Through It, Part I")Dolby Digital 2.0,
- Carol Mendolsohn and Kenneth Fink ("A Bullet Runs Through It, Part II")Dolby Digital 2.0,
- Naren Shankar, Dustin Lee Abraham and Kenneth Fink ("Killer")Dolby Digital 2.0,
- Dustin Lee Abraham and George Eads ("Poppin' Tags")Dolby Digital 2.0

And don't forget there's a GC promo pic for 7x08 Happenstance:
Matching dreamy eyes
Matching eye-murder
So I'm guessing Gil and Cath will have a 10-second scene. *snerk*
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

GraveyardIntern said:
We better get a real treat for Marg's B-Day tomorrow. :D
LOL Gravy, my treat is online now. I think I've posted it in all the CSI communities I go to (not many, though. LOL). I've got icons and a new vid, but I can't direct link my LJ post because of the vid. Anyway I suppose you know where to find them. :D

Rissa I like Danny C's commentaries, too. He's one of the CSI directors that I'm fond of. Hehe.

Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

I'll post this here.. somebody watched The Early Show a while ago and they had a segment about CSI and the upcoming ep..
by rosie:
"george eads walked them around. he mentioned the RATINGS SLIPPING and said something about having to work harder (rolls eyes)

and catherine and gil have a cute scene tonight !!!

also william talked about his 'absentence' said the new guy will be a good thing.... mmmmm makes it sound more and more like...he's so outta there !"
I wonder what the 'cute' scene in Happenstance is about? :D Must.. watch.. Early Show.. asap. :D

Yup we're lucky we got Shooting Stars as one of the eps with commentaries! I wonder what they said about GC in that ep? Specially in the part where they were alone in the desert together.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Hey, welcome to the newbies ! have fun on this very unorganised thread :D

Can't wait for your comments about the C/G scene tonight (if they've not cut it) :rolleyes:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Hehe if they had the scene on the Early Show, it means that the scene had made it through the editing and that we can actually expect to see Cath and Gil in the same scene in tonight's episode. I guess that's good news to us desperate C/G shippers. LOL. I can't wait for the Early Show clip to be up on the CBS site. :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Hey guys
*waves to Heather* :D


I would love to hear what they had to say about Shooting Stars. SS is one of my faves. But, I'm not buying the dvd set. Please, can someone post what was said. Thanks. :D

I'm so disappointed POTTR was included in the commentary. *thinks of the tri-angle* :p Very disappointed. :(

Hmmm ratings slipping? And the new guy a good thing? :confused:

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