Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pay Raise

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

About the Early Show GC preview,found this on another board:

The promo or "sneak peek," as they called it actually showed Grissom and Catherine having a conversation. (...) My hope for tonight is that it will bring us a few more glorious Grissom and Catherine moments. Oh, and when they talked he looked bright, happy and alert and didn't mumble. Says something to me. Hope it keeps on saying it tonight.
So George Eads talked about having to work harder because the ratings are slipping? Not harder. Smarter! And yes, they noticed. They also noticed how much discontent the fading of Catherine, Warrick and Nick into the background is costing them, and the destruction of the team's dynamics too.

I love the part where this poster says that Grissom looked "bright, happy and alert" in his scene with Catherine. I guess SpikeTV with its present run of early season episodes is really reminding fans about how the whole show has been fading and spark-less this season.

Anyway, let's reward T_TB and tune in tonight, to reinforce the message that this is what the fans want.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

As much as the Early Show-CSI segment excited me ("Grissom looked "bright, happy and alert" in his scene with Catherine." .. YEY! :D ) I think that it will be the lone Gil and Cath scene in the episode. :( I'm guessing the scene will be 30 seconds long, tops. :lol:
Glad that George Eads noticed the ratings slip, lol. I do agree w/ you ren they need not work harder to get the viewers back.. they don't even need those 'famous' guest stars and those high profile cases ripped off from real life.. they just need to bring the dynamics of GC and the team back.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

HI WP and GGgirl1 *waves to both**

I agree Gil does look happy and alert when he's with Cath
looking forward to The Early Show, I don't usually catch it but I will record it :)
and the episode tonight
we had no power yesterday until about 2 hours ago :eek:
and Spiketv is reminding us of how they 'used to be' very comfortable with each other and not afraid to talk about anything
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

This isn't really about Gil and Cath but since most of you don't watch CSI anymore I thought I'll bring this clip over because this certain CSI is soooo dorky on this one! :lol:
This is for 7x08 Happenstance.
CSI: - Nick Stokes Sings! "Nick must sing for his fingerprint results on tonight's episode of CSI:. Thursdays 9/8c on CBS."
You can watch the preview Happenstance clip on CBS-Youtube:
A certain CSI sings..

I don't think people are keen on buying the Season 6 DVDs with the disaster that happened in that season, lol.. But I hope that someone would share the commentary on Shooting Stars. :D

EDIT: The Early Show interview featuring the short Gil Cath scene on Happenstance is now up on the CBS website.. Marg, Billy and George were interviewed:
Early Show Nov. 16 2006
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Hi WP, welcome back! :D

Yo girls, I just watched the Early Show clip and I liked it. As the comment ren posted earlier said, the snippet from that C/G scene seemed cute.

LMAO they not only talk to each other but they actually look at each other in the eyes! Whoa what a surprise! And Cath is back in her seat in front of Gil's desk. If my memory serves right, this is going to be the first time we see her in Gil's office this season, right? They are talking about the case (identical twins get murdered) and they have different opinions. Cath bets Gil and Gil takes the bet. :lol: You can view the clip on the CBS news site over here. It's up at our cozy corner, too. :D I don't care if it's going to be the only scene from this episode. What really matters is the quality although I definitely won't mind for getting more. :lol:
LOL Rissa, that preview was so cute. Thanks for sharing. :)

EDIT: LOL we posted at the same time.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

So, I saw the clip...
And I must say that Marg's comment "It was much more fun that just tapelifting" was quite interesting and revealing.
We see that there's trouble ahead.
I mean, if actors don't have fun ( and Gil isn't, u see tahat) what's left?

The GC scene was cute. I mean, there's still a light forced coldness between the two of them...But the chemistry is still there, all the potential is still there, asking to be expressed
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

From just watching that clip, I saw a little bit of the previous PureJoy spark. Cath making the bet withGil, Gil accepting her $1 bet. They each seemed to have a twinkle of amusement while doing it. One thing I noticed in that Early Show segment - Cath & Warrick arrive at their scene together, so I'm assuming that Gil has the other murder. I guess the "bet" scene we saw was the two "supervisors" getting together to discuss if the cases are related. It's been quite a while since we saw that (S5 ep "spark of life" comes to mind - back when they were on different shifts)
You know it's really bad when a :30 clip gets me excited to actually watch a show that has been ho-hum for over a year. That's only setting me up for disappointment. *mumbles to self* expect the worst, expect the worst, expect the worst - maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. *slaps self* yeah right *snark*
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

EricaSJ said:
Hi WP, welcome back! :D

Hi Erica :D
I can't keep away from the "Wife and Husband thread" :D

I plan on renting just so I can hear what T_TB have to say about SS and ABRTI 1 -2 :)

I'm betting Cat will win! Seriously, they should stick to acting. :lol:

GRISSOM: I'm sure if there is something out there looking down on us from somewhere else in the universe, they're wise enough to stay away from us.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

OK, so this time I'm guessing they have Gil win the bet. I'm sure their plot twist will be that identical twins killed on opposite parts of the town were killed randomly and had no connection - especially since the episode is titled "Happenstance". We all know that Gil can't be wrong anymore. Cath's always the one that gets those assumptions wrong. Why would this be any different
See, psyching myself up to be disappointed is doing wonders for my overactive brain today.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

WOW Total snark fest going on here :lol:
I'm remaining 'spoiler free' ( but I did cheat and read the spoiler tags :) ) and the video clip of Nicky (George, grow your hair back!! )
but I wouldn't say last season was a total disaster, some good episodes do come to mind
none off the top of my head with Gil an Cath though
Possibly 'spark of life' but it's been a while since I've seen that one
and agreed about this season, kinda 'out there' for me
and I like it 'out there' ;)
I'm glad to hear there are a few scenes with them together like they were... fun, funny, snide comments back and forth, innuendo, sarcasm, all that fun stuff thats makes them so fun to watch :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

NEWBIES! *waves* Hi!

And GC moments? *throws confetti*

And Marg's birthday!

And a new video and icons from Erica!

This is like the best day ever! ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Hey guys...just a reminder that you need to keep the "Spoiler about" space spoiler free too. It needs to be as generic as possible as not to give anything away.

Also, less Billy and Marg talk. The shipper threads are to talk about the characters, not the actors. They actors can be discussed in CSI forum.

Thanks guys
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Okay, 1CSIMfan :)

And all you guys that are watching CSI tonight - we want GC details!

We had TOYD last week. Loved the looks between G and C during that!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Wait, there were looks between those two in ToYD? I haven't watched it since the premiere which was months ago and none of the scenes I can remember now is C/G. You need to fill me in, Anne. I'm not planning to watch it again anytime soon. :D

*waits for kaylyne's recap*
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Gag warning: if you've taped the show, stop before you reach the last 60 seconds!!!

Haven't read anything fantastic about it. Haven't watched it myself yet... until I read that it's worth it, really.

Need to know how worthy is the GC moment. But I do have a sneaking suspicion, given the gag warning, that T_TB are a totally deceitful bunch of people. GC, more of the team - all that brings back estranged viewers. But if they use them only as a bait and then gag their bait right at the end, they'll end up losing their estranged viewers entirely - and permanently. It's called Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. No-one recovers from it, I hear. So T_TB should tread cautiously when it comes to fiddling with their fans. Or ex-fans.
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