Gil <3 Cath #23: PureJoy--It's Her Buttprint © on His Desk!

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

I dunno but I always felt that gil has less problem expressing himself when he's around cath. I mean she should be the one that he's most comfortable with. He had comforted her before, like that time when he told her that lindsey will turn out fine like her, I thought that was the best way to put those words. He told her about his father's death too, he always shows her his softer side, so I was expecting him to show more concern, but that's just my pov ;)

Oh, sorry to mislead you, I went to BTA and found out that Sam didn't die, he was termed as dying not dead, I think they only showed cath holding him but didn't show that he died. But you never know what those twisted-minded TMTB may do to him in the coming episodes, he may die eventually :(
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Dunno if this is spoiler..however...better be careful.
It's the second time Gil thanks God for something concerning Catherine...That's really sweet, but I agree with those who are disappointed. I mean, he's her best friend, and she has been through hell. I expected at least more comfort, and not just a work-related kind of care. it's so grissom-like to do this, someone should slap him sometimes, really!:rolleyes:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Yeah ! I agree but Gil is Gil :rolleyes: she's talking about rape and , well, maybe he doesn't know what to say . At least, he's not a jerk like in the end of WW !
Maybe if Sam dies, he'll be more present for her and Lindsey . Who knows ?

BTW, I don't think we have to use the spoiler code anymore !
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

:lol: Catherine you're optimistic as always, that's a good thing though I still like to be more pessimistic :D

If sam dies he has to be there for her, how can he not? Even if they don't show it I'll assume that he comforted her as a friend, it'll only make sense
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Thanks for the convo explanation Kaylyne :D

I agree Gil does seem to have a problem with awkward emotional things involving Cath, but i think, without having seen the ep, that the 'Thank god' is really telling that he cares for her, cos IMO its quite out of Gils normal speech to say 'thank god'. And the fact that he wanted to get some dayshift people involved means that he must really care and be concerned.

I hope Sam Braun doesnt die, but either way I hope Gil is there for her, and i kinda think he will be, just cos the whole 'sermon' thing is something like the pre s6 Cath, so maybe csi and g/c is getting back to how it used to be? :D Anyway, ill stop babbling now.

Great caps BTW :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

CSIangel17, couldn't agree more.
Actually, I'm relieved that he was not totally passive to what happened...And I'm even glad he didn't get mad at her like in WW.
Also because this time it wasn't her fault...
But, you know...When he got mad in WW I always hoped it was out of jelaousy...And now I would have really appreciated at least a hug.
(there wasn't a hug, right? i haven't seen the ep, yet...)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

No, not even a little hug Dardeile :(
ITA, CSIangel ! Grissom isn't insensitive . Resolve the case as quick as possible it's his manner to show her that he's concerned . Well, IMO :)

See, Rebec, I'm not the only optimistic :D
I love your location, btw :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Actually, I wasn't mad at his reaction in WW, he had always tried to be the clear-headed one, the one who never gets too involved in other people's business and much less judge them, but when it came to cath he lost his cool. It's true that he acted like a jerk but I thought his concern for cath was reflected in his reaction. And Fra , I definitely sensed some jealousy there, that's also a reason that made me forgive him. :lol:

About gil's reaction in BTK 2, I agree that it's better to have at least one GC scene than none at all, but being the greedy person that I am, I just felt that it wasn't enough :lol:

Catherine I know you like my location, I often see you down here, you do visit alot :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Thought this was still an ok eppy, the main case still didn't interest me at all, sort of blah

:lol: at the Dr Robbins and Grissom scene, those two can sing ;)

Marg was brilliant in her storyline, everything was going on and poor Sam, didn't want him to go, going to miss him

Apart from Marg's performance and storyline, very ok, hoping for more G/C scenes than we got, wanted a much longer scene when Gil found out about Lindsey, it was a like 5 secs and then onto the next thing, surely we should have better than that considering they are best friends
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

cath4gil we posted at the same time :lol:

cath4gil said:
Marg was brilliant in her storyline, everything was going on and poor Sam, didn't want him to go, going to miss him
Ok, now I'm really confused, did sam die in this episode? :confused:

cath4gil said:
Apart from Marg's performance and storyline, very ok, hoping for more G/C scenes than we got, wanted a much longer scene when Gil found out about Lindsey, it was a like 5 secs and then onto the next thing, surely we should have better than that considering they are best friends
Well 5 secs can already form a risk of overshadowing another pair's chemistry, anything more than that and it'll turn into an official threat, can't let that happen can they?

I hate it that I won't get to see marg's performance, will have to wait for clips to get glimpses of it *hint hint at Erica*
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Rebec! me in the gutter ? never :lol:

I agree that Marg's performance it's wonderful ! I like the scene when they find Lindsey and that she can't touch her . Heartbreaking .
Talking about Linds, I miss Madison but for a first epi, it's wasn't easy to play for Kay . And, yes, the C/G moments was too short but, hey, I was so afraid that TMTB don't show them together that I'm happy with that !

Well, Sam is dead or not :mad:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

I thought Gil could have shown more emotion as well. however, take into consideration at this point - while they have the conversation- that Lindsey is gone. Catherine is still in "kick ass" mode, and she has been from the beginning of the episode. She was jumpy and anxious with Sara at the beginning, kind of "out of it" with Warrick after the accident, and her conversation with Gil was right after that scene. Lindsey was gone and I don't think she wanted hugs at the time because her adrenalin was out in full force.
It was only in the later show when they'd rescued Lindsey and are in the hospital waiting for the guy to wake that Gil became a little more quiet and personal with her and asking about Lindsey, while giving her the info on the guy's identity. I would have liked to see that scene played out a bit more.
Also, I'm really glad that Gil didn't have a reply to her "sermon" comment. This way showed that he knew it was best to keep quiet because he realized he was wrong last time in saying what he had said.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Hey, that's an interesting point of view.
Maybe, listening to her, he really thought Novak all over again, and maybe he really felt a bit guilty for the way he treated last time.
That's a good point, really.
Not having seen the ep i'm not sure, but Gil might start understanding that he lost something in their friendship...and could he be doing something to fix that?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Overall, I liked this episode, but there were a few parts that really bothered me. I just had a long rant while talking to Zsa and it wasn't pretty at all. And no, I'm not satisfied with Gil's behavior in the hospital. It seemed awkward and I didn't like it. At all. Gil might not be a people person, but he'd always been comfortable in front of Catherine, well, until Weeping Willows. What I saw in this episode regarding C/G was they changed the dynamic between those two and that made me an unhappy camper. I hope Sam doesn't die because I'm always ready for more Cath drama if no C/G.

Anyway, a couple more words to add to the dicionary:

Yukon - the vehicle
Yin and Yang - duh.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Erica, please, if you start talking like that we're done.
Let's hope TPTB (those...grrr, don't let me open my mouth about IT) will find a way to go back at that dynamic, or we're screwed.
I just hope that they will not cut it out only because they don't want it to be a threat to the whole GSR thing. That would be a lame excuse.
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