Gil <3 Cath #23: PureJoy--It's Her Buttprint © on His Desk!

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

oh, better idea rebec. maybe instead of the full ep wediscuss the scene the quote was from.

what was our last quote guys?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Sorry it was this one from King Baby,

Catherine Willows: We have a problem.
Gil Grissom: Oh, no, not again.

Ren got it right :)

So now it gets discussed?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

I just wanted to bring up something that Erica and I were discussing.

I was downloading some caps from Beyond Imagination, from Inside the Box, and I was thinking about the part where Catherine says to Gil "Can you hear me?"

I mentioned to Erica, that I believe she knew from The Accused Is Entitled, or at least suspected. Just the look she gave him in the courtroom when he was on the stand - I feel she suspected something then.

What does anyone else think?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

I absolutely agree. The rest of the team looked puzzled as they were sitting there, but they all turned to Cath, as if she had the answer to why he was acting like that on the stand.

From then on, you see her noticing more each time - and very noticeable in One hit wonder
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Ooo, King Baby has a few scenes that I liked alot, for example the tush scene :D and the easy access comment.This epi was great because there was some GC ansgt and then a great make-up scene (gil and his flattering comments) at the end :D The case wasn't very interesting for me though, it was the fact that GC was working together again that kept me watching. Anyone has any comments on the case?

Anne I too thought she suspected it then, she had a look of concern on her face while the others just seemed confused. Maybe she had an idea of what's going on since she knew about his mother.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

I'd love them to show Gil's mother on the show at some point. I get the feeling that she and Catherine might get along very well.

Seeing as how they both know Grissom so well, anyway :)

And King Baby...yes. And as well as the tush comment, there was a bit of tush checking out in this episode!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

kaylyne said:
I absolutely agree. The rest of the team looked puzzled as they were sitting there, but they all turned to Cath, as if she had the answer to why he was acting like that on the stand.

From then on, you see her noticing more each time - and very noticeable in One hit wonder
Me too. It was obvious that the younger team members were confused and figured Catherine might know something about Gil's behavior in the courtroom (asking the laywer to repeat her question not just once but twice...or was it three times?). That means they thought -as Greg once said- Catherine and Gil were so close that she was the one who knew/understood him the best, which got proved in later episodes of season 3 and led to the question "how long have we known each other", Catherine's visit in the hospital and the hug that all the C/G shippers love so much. These two have known each other for longer than some of us have lived. They have a history and they learned about each other step by step and came to the point of feeling completely comfortable in front of one another. It's certainly one heck of an ideal relationship to me.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

EricaSJ said:
kaylyne said:
I absolutely agree. The rest of the team looked puzzled as they were sitting there, but they all turned to Cath, as if she had the answer to why he was acting like that on the stand.

From then on, you see her noticing more each time - and very noticeable in One hit wonder
Me too. It was obvious that the younger team members were confused and figured Catherine might know something about Gil's behavior in the courtroom (asking the laywer to repeat her question not just once but twice...or was it three times?). That means they thought -as Greg once said- Catherine and Gil were so close that she was the one who knew/understood him the best, which got proved in later episodes of season 3 and led to the question "how long have we known each other", Catherine's visit in the hospital and the hug that all the C/G shippers love so much. These two have known each other for longer than some of us have lived. They have a history and they learned about each other step by step and came to the point of feeling completely comfortable in front of one another. It's certainly one heck of an ideal relationship to me.

It was 3 times ;)

And not only did the other team members look to her for guidance at times, but Sara did as well when she wanted Catherine to go and talk to Grissom so that Sara could be out of the lab when she was maxed out on overtime. And the grin on Catherine's face in that episode when Sara raced out was very evil. Naughty Cath. :devil:

Another thing I've always wondered is that if that conversation continued about the "Can You Hear Me?" - what would Gil have replied?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

I think Gil would have tried to avoid the subject. Maybe a "what do you mean?" or "sorry, I was just thinking" type of comment. However, you know Catherine would not have let it go that easily. I'm sure she has to know about his mother.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

kaylyne said:
I think Gil would have tried to avoid the subject. Maybe a "what do you mean?" or "sorry, I was just thinking" type of comment. However, you know Catherine would not have let it go that easily. I'm sure she has to know about his mother.

She knows so much about him that I'd be surprised if Catherine didn't know. Especially considering that scene in ItB when she just instinctively said "Your hearing". Not "Your heart" or "Your brain" but "Your hearing".

Another thing I was thinking as I was saving the caps, was when they were talking about Catherine dancing and she laughed this embarrassed little laugh and said "Sun's set on that time". The look on Gil's face during this was interesting, and considering Catherine was a little uncomfortable about talking about it in front of Sam - I bet there's a story there somewhere ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

I thought the Can you hear me? was a giveaway that cath knows. Normally if my friend gives me a blank face when I'm talking to her my first thought would be that she's thinking of something and not paying attention to what I'm saying and not whether she can hear me or not. So, cath's question confirmed my thoughts about her suspicions ;)

Drumchik said:
Another thing I've always wondered is that if that conversation continued about the "Can You Hear Me?" - what would Gil have replied?
The bank manager really had bad timing like Brass :mad:

ETA: I agree that gil would have tried to avoid the question, but with cath he'll always end up telling the truth and he really did :lol:

Anne you mentioned another giveaway response, how would cath know it's his hearing? I'm thinking it's because she knows his history and she KNOWS that his other organs are functioning properly, don't ask how, she has her ways :devil:
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