Gil <3 Cath #23: PureJoy--It's Her Buttprint © on His Desk!

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Did we get Lips for L?
L seems like a fun letter. LOL
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Ok I put my two-cents with "H" is for Heather. :D

So I am gonna go with "L" is for Lady Heather. I wouldn't mind seeing a triangle. :lol: Again. :D

It's finally Thursday!

Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Yeah ! Lips .
What a great word LSCS !!! Thanks for adding the word .
They both have wonderful Lips ;)
Apparently, you're among the ones who gonna watch the premiere WP :lol: and yes, Lady Heather have to be in our dictionary !
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Hi all! Wow, I've been away for so very long, you people have come up with a GC dictionary that's gone halfway through the alphabet already - or almost!

My contribution for L: Leverage. What some men need, but not Gil when he's with Cath. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Yeah ! REN ! we missed you a lot . Glad to see you here !!!
And you're back with a great word :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Welcome back ren ! :)

Ooo, Leverage and Lips, me likey :lol:

Lab (where we get most of our GC moments)
Lap (a place besides gil's desk where cath likes to leave her buttprint :D)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

bobo said:
Apparently, you're among the ones who gonna watch the premiere WP :lol: and yes, Lady Heather have to be in our dictionary !

I'll have to watch both tomorrow. So next week will be official for me. :D

I have a rocking concert to go to tonight.

Aaaahh . . . 7yrs of GC Love

Rebec, for a sec I thought your word said "Lap dance" :lol:

Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

coolcatz said:
Looks (what they give each other)
Licks (duh)
Oh I love these! :D And don't forget Gil is giving the looks, licks and kiss for FREE since Season 1. :D TMTB doesn't need to bribe Billy to make Gil do the looks, licks and kiss..

And ren28 welcome back! :) I totally love the word leverage, GC talked about leverage in a few episodes.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Im at school and I thought of one Langid Kisses We love when Gil and Cath have langid kisses. :D right? lol

Ill think of more!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Tsk, tsk ! you're thinking about that at school !!!
is it a sexual education lesson ? :lol:
Another great word , LSCS !
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Welcome back, Ren28. You've been missed.

L = lackadasical--they way the writers treat continuity.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Hehehe I love all the words listed above and Catherine, you didn't disappoint at all. Good girl. :D WP, great choice for Lap Dance and of course Lady Heather. :lol:

I'm excited for Built to Kill and I think I'll be able to watch it really soon after you guys do because I'm off work today. But no Hottie, I didn't call in sick. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

I'm sure you did ! what you'd not invent to watch Marg/Cath :lol:
Well, it's so late over here than I can't think about new words :rolleyes:
what about you ?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

^ I'm high at the moment. LOL. No, I didn't do any drug, I'm just exciting about the season 7 premiere. I told you guys that I'm still not sure that I'm going to like the new season, but Built to Kill? Bring it on! I want Cath stories. :D

As for really want to know? LOL. We fired our boss. All the employees quitted yesterday. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Hey gals, somebody gave me this info.. just so you'll have your GC/CSI fix, lol. At the moment, GC is doing the Cirque Du Soleil case and Sara and Warrick are doing the Sam Braun party murder.
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