Gil <3 Cath #23: PureJoy--It's Her Buttprint © on His Desk!

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

^^You go Erica *gives a thumbs up* Btw, you read my mind :lol:

gsrhappyending do make yourself at home, I think you are one of the many people out there who don't ship GC but still enjoy their dynamics :)

Ok so, GC dictionary anyone? We were at previously J but I can't think of any other words to add so I'm going to take the liberty and move on to K and the first word I've got is *drumroll*

King Baby! :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

I'd like to add juicy to the J part. Because that's what C/G is. Juicy. :D Hmmmm so K now? The first term that crossed my mind was Ka-Ching! :lol: Oh by the way, did we have Denali for D? I honestly don't remember. LOL. It's a must, you know, because the Denali is one of the places where Cath and Gil have passionate activities. :devil:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Hmmm...K../Ill have tho think about that one. King Baby is a good one.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

We forgot about the Denali! :eek: We did include Car in C but I think denali is more specific and is copyrighted to GC :D

Ooo, I love Juicy, for what reasons I will not say :devil:

*sighs* And I thought I got out of the gutter already, but I think King Baby pretty much threw me back in :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

*coughs* I'm glad you got my idea, rebec. :devil: *coughs* And yeah, a Denali is certainly a hell lot more specific than a car hehe. Oh does that mean we're adding the Tahoe and the Yukon, too? :lol:

LSCS, take your time. I believe you'll come up with great ideas. ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Don't forget the SUV! :D

It's rather difficult to come up with K words, or maybe my brain is just slow today :lol: We'll wait for caherine to add in her two cents :)

LSCS if you can't think of any just move on to other letters or backtrack, it's perfectly alright ;)

Oh! I just thought of one Kiss Kiss Bye Bye
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Oh yeah, definitely the SUV. Can't forget that.

Since you put Kiss Kiss Bye Bye to the K list, I think kissable shall be listed, too. It's a perfect term to describe Catherine's and Gil's lips. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

You want me to add some K letters, Rebec? :D
Well, my fisrt idea :

Knee (knee sexe , another copyrighted C/G word)
Kitchen (where Gil cooks for Cath)
King-Sized bed (like the one I'm sure they often use) :D

Sorry but I don't find a lot of smut words with a K !
I know,I know, I'm disappointing you ? :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

gsrhappyending, Please read the rules that were posted by Hottie Cath and abide by them.

Ok everyone, back to your regularly scheduled posting and feel free to hit the "notify moderator" button at the bottom of the posts if there are any problems. That's what we're here for. ;)

ETA: If you guys have any questions, please pm me.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

K=Kinky. Plushies and Furries, anyone?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

LMAO Catherine. So Knee Sex© isn't smutty enough for you? :lol: Oooh Bev, Kinky is a great one, too. I remember Cath saying "hinky? Or kinky" with a smile in the episode Crow's Feet. :lol:

Thanks for stopping by, 1CSIMfan. :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Hmmm....I live in Michigan, is that far enough east for you? The premiere is @ 9:00 ET for me. I guess I could post some stuff on here after I watch it if you can't find anyone else.

As for K words, how about Sexy Kitty? That was the guy's animal name in Fur and Loathing. Gil and Cath had a good scene when they were examining that whack job's costume.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

AngelWearinJeans said:
Hmmm....I live in Michigan, is that far enough east for you? The premiere is @ 9:00 ET for me. I guess I could post some stuff on here after I watch it if you can't find anyone else.

As for K words, how about Sexy Kitty? That was the guy's animal name in Fur and Loathing. Gil and Cath had a good scene when they were examining that whack job's costume.

I love the stuff you guys are adding. When I get home today I'll continue to put the dictionary together!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

only a brief mention of gil/cath and a wager. no clue what the wager is. case involves the murder of twins, a shrink sleeping with a patient who has an electra complex (she seeks out father figures in inappropriate ways) and the press.

i'll catch up on the other stuff shortly
Re: Gil <3 Cath #23: It's her Buttprint© on His Desk!

Um...I think Erica's two words up there somewhere really rang a bell: so what? Love that. Rebel against the canon, but I will say no more on that subject. :D GCR is my OTP. :lol:

Damn. Just when I had a good word in mind, someone just takes it. Right out of my mouth. (sigh) I'm pathetic :(
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