Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

Jeez might be the most organized one in this unorganized ship. LOL. Hmmm maybe it's going to be like what you said. I guess I'll just wait until the episode airs and see. :D Thanks for the specific explanation haha.

Eh, no one wants to talk about Dog Eat Dog? What a shame. I thought it was cute. :(
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

Although I am still confused. Arrrr!
Cuz Lindsey shouldn't be sitting at the backseat of the car cuz she's not a baby anymore LOL. Plus the woman's hair seems to be tied in a bun. Cath's hair in the promo is in a ponytail.
I've been watching this scene for ten million times. We need Archie! :lol:

I didn't like the case in Dog Eat Dog although I love the interaction between the team. And of course the Cath-holding-the-bottled-water-inside-Gil's-office scene is my favorite. :devil: Too bad we can't post the animation that coolcatz did from that scene here.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

I think maybe we should stop analyzing, or we'll be crazy before the scene even airs. LOL. I'm excited about seeing Cirque du Soleil on the show, though. I love their shows. Still remember how amazed I was the first time I saw them. :)

Is this the scene you were talking about, Hottie?


Bad camera man, BAD! :devil:


ETA: *looks at the caps and looks at her avvie* Do you think they were filming Dog Eat Dog when they did that UK Channel 5 ad?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

Hottie's[/b] Arrr]Well, I know a lot of older kids that don't like riding in the front seat. In the back seat, they get more space, they have their games & stuff that they play with, plus some vehicles have those little tv/movie screens to watch in the back. Plus, if Lindsey's in the rebellious stage, she probably wouldn't want to sit next to her mother, would she?

QTR I liked your first spoiler better, even though I had heard it the other way first. Oh well. It's a great suggestion for a part of somebody's PureJoy fanfic.

And E - don't blame the camera man! Blame the PureJoy shipper whose first reaction is to look at the guttery side of things. That wouldn't be me, of course! Because I don't think of those things until you all point them out to me.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

cath4gil said:
QTR welcome

Well I'm just really pleased to have our G/C back in mode for the beginning of S7, I know we'll probably won't have much in the first eppy, but that cap has made me happy and it seems Gil as well, considering the little smirk he has in the 2nd pic

I second you cath4gil ! we have to be happy when we see them together in a scene cuz ,apparently, we'll have not this chance so often ! :rolleyes:
And, well, it's just the beginning of the season , we can still hope and dream :p
@ Erica thanks for the caps !
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

^ LOL I'm not sure that we can still hope. Ah okay, let me phrase it this way...I sill have my hopes, but I'm rather pessimistic because TPTB have made it clear about what they are going to do with the show. So I think I'll be cherishing every C/G moment (if there's any) since it's unlikely that we're going to see a lot of them. ;)

kay, right. Blame me. LOL. I won't deny that I was born to live in the gutter, but the camera man is just as guilty as I am, I tell ya! :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

Thanks for re-phrase my point, Erica :D I know that you, Ren and Kaylyne are the eternal pessimistic but we need an eternal optimistic too ! (or an eternal naive) :rolleyes: but I like my ship too much !
Does your avi talk about TMTB ? :lol:

BTW, don't we have to start a new thread ?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

^ No, I'm just rather pessimistic comparing with you, Catherine, but I'm not the enternal pessimist. Gravy is! :lol: So, tonight is the Emmys and Billy is going to present for them. I wonder whether any of the rest of the cast is going to attend the ceremony. Well if Marg isn't there, I won't bother going photo hunt. LOL.

We can't start a new thread until we've got 1,000 posts in the current one. But seeing that we already have more than 800 now, maybe it's time to think about a name for the new thread? Any suggestions?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

soon. we should start thinking about a title.

the options left open from the last poll are:

He admires her,
She makes him twitch,
What would he do with out her and what would she do without him,
May I take your hand?,
Nothing but skin,
Not just any man would walk a girl to the morgue,
Eddie Always Knew They Had A Thing,
Forget the Shirt, They'd rather Shower!!!,
It's her Buttprint on His Desk,
Lindsey's close friends,
She's the One who Shares his Secrets,
Two Supervisors Rolling in the...Oh Hey!,
The Stripper and her Mad Scientist,
Hello Dear,
You Showered?,
They Share a History,
She Soothes Him,
All (bow)tied Up,
Looks and Licks,
Bite your Tongue,
Do You Want to Suck It?

anything you guys wanna throw out or add in?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

EricaSJ said:
^ LOL I'm not sure that we can still hope. Ah okay, let me phrase it this way...I sill have my hopes, but I'm rather pessimistic because TPTB have made it clear about what they are going to do with the show. So I think I'll be cherishing every C/G moment (if there's any) since it's unlikely that we're going to see a lot of them. ;)
But we're going to see a lot of the boys and a lot of the Gil smirk lol. At least that's what the promo showed lol.

Thanks kay for that explanation. Going quite a bit OT its quite different in our household lol. My dad's not at all comfortable with me sitting on the backseat and leaving the passenger seat empty while he's driving. He said he doesn't wanna look like my driver or chaffeur. I guess its different with Catherine and Linds. Or I may just be thinking too much about that scene it could be a different woman for all we know. :lol:

As for the title I'd go for the buttprint or shower title. it so fits GC.
how about thinking of a title and putting something about Gil's beard in it? :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

gtr, thanks for dropping in. btw, there are no exits so you are now stuck with us! and i totally love your spoiler way more than the other (which i've gotten a couple of first hand accounts on).

ded? well, i must admit there's very much of s6 that i can comment on from this point forward. it just dragged too much and i didn't really care that i missed what i missed.

hodges and the hotdogs? that was funny.

s1? oh please please please bring it back.

sara goldfinger? nope, she can't write cath to save her live or her job so my hopes ride with ken fink directing. fic! yay!!!!

and e, your avi...nice coincidence.

and hottie, love the caps (or was taht e? whoever, i love them, love the shirt, not so sure about beardless gil).

and hottie avi cracks me up! you are such a multishipper.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

Yay coolc's back! How was your week? :D You're right, the Hodges v.s. hotdogs scene was funny hehe. Seriously, he's probably the first person I know of that is afraid of hotdogs. Eh, since most of you don't seem interested in DED, maybe we can start talking about Still Life? It was an okay episode to me. Nice Cath scenes. Now, share. :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

good week. bad sunburn. aloe anyone?

still life? isn't this the daddy story ep? i so totally don't get how they got the continuity right with this and missed it for the rest of the season. makes no sense.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

Still life - another unimpressive episode for me. Some good Cath scenes, but that's about it.

* --is this the real Catherine?--
BRASS: I checked her answering machine: No calls.
CATH: Well, I'll get a DNA exemplar for Jesse and let her get some sleep.
BRASS: She won't sleep. (to Greg) Okay, Greg, let's do a little legwork, what do you say? You take this side of the street; I'll take the other -- find out if anybody's seen anything suspicious.

Since this was a Rambo-written episode, this small scene shows you he needs to get more knowledge of Catherine's character. As a mother, Cath would know that a mother wouldn't sleep in this situation. The lines between Cath & Brass should have been reversed. Very puzzling scene for me.

* --on the same page again--
CATH: Hey, I got the DNA results. The boy is Adam Esposito. Victor and Valerie are his parents.
WARRICK: There you go, she's lying. She doesn't have a son.
CATH: Uh, not quite. She's got 13 alleles in common with the male DNA that we got from the toothbrush exemplar.
GRISSOM: So she does have a son.
CATH: I was inside the house. Believe me, a kid does live there.
GRISSOM: And we're still looking for Jesse Matthews

* --laying it out--
GREG: "Jesse David Matthews. Mother Karen, father Dwight. Born August 31, 1999." I also checked for a death certificate. Nothing on file.
CATH: These are all in chronological order. Archie confirmed that all the photos taken along the top row were genuine. Up until the photo taken at the funeral in which he was two.
SARA: So, the rest of these were faked using Adam Esposito?
CATH: Yeah.
SARA: (to Greg) You talked to the neighbors. What did they say?
GREG: Jesse and Karen kept to themselves. But he was always leaving his toys around outside.
SARA: They saw his toys -- Did they see him?
GREG: Well, when I asked, "When was the last time you saw Jesse?" No one remembered exactly.
WARRICK: What about his grandparents?
CATH: They haven't seen him since the funeral.
WARRICK: Has anyone seen Jesse since he was two? His teachers or a doctor, baby-sitters ... ?
CATH: Well, he was home-schooled. And we're looking into a doctor and a sitter.
WARRICK: Well, I guess we can impound her car and find out if there's any evidence that he was even in there.
CATH: For four years she's created an elaborate fantasy -- which collided with reality at Mesa Valley Park.

Again, I love these scenes where they are laying out all of the information. Each of them giving input from their part of the investigation.

* --the story of dad--
CATH: I found this in Karen's medicine chest. Olanzapine.
GRISSOM: That's a heavy-duty antipsychotic.
CATH: Yeah. But the prescription is over four years old. I'll have Brass subpoena her medical records.
GRISSOM: You know, if she was being treated for psychosis, it could explain all of this, because she didn't overlook a single detail. I think she even did the finger paintings.
CATH: It's hard for anyone to let go of someone they love.
GRISSOM: Yeah. After my dad died, my mom would still get him a present every Christmas. She'd put it under the tree. Christmas morning, the wrapping paper would be all crumpled up and, uh ... the tie or the sweater, whatever it was, would be hanging in their closet.
CATH: How old were you when he died?
CATH: Little guy. ...... I'll get started in Karen's room.
GRISSOM: He taught botany. He, uh ... came home from school one hot, humid day, laid down on the couch. I was watching TV. My mom brought in some cold drinks ... but she couldn't wake him up........ No one would tell me why.

Awwwww. Break my heart, why don'tcha! *Squee* for the wonderful PureJoy moment. I like how Cath doesn't prod him for more information about it. She tries to let it go, but it's Gil who continues on with the story on his own. *sigh*

* --wonderful CGB moment--
GRISSOM: The GCMS soil analysis found cadaverine, putrescine and several other organic compounds.
BRASS: Yeah. English, please?
GRISSOM: It means there was a body buried in Karen's backyard.
CATH: Just too long ago to get any DNA. But Hodges also found traces of olanzapine.
BRASS: Well, that's interesting, because a warrant came through on Karen Matthews' medical records, and after her son was born, Karen was treated for postpartum psychosis, which her doctors treated by prescribing olanzapine.
GRISSOM: Even a small amount of that stuff would be lethal to a two-year-old.
CATH: Karen is already mentally fragile when her husband is killed. She gets into a very heated argument with the in-laws at his funeral, goes over the deep end, poisons Jesse and buries him in the backyard near the fence.
BRASS: But then she digs him up. Why?
GRISSOM: We have evidence to suggest that the neighbor's dog was digging in Karen's backyard.
CATH: The neighbor claims that Karen killed his dog. If the dog detected decomp and dug near the grave, Karen may have moved the body to protect him.
BRASS: So, where's Jesse's body?
CATHERINE: Nick found a patch of tissue and hair in trunk of Karen's car. The DNA matches the toothbrush.
GRISSOM: If Karen doesn't tell us where to look, I doubt we'll ever find the body.
BRASS: You know, as long as I do this job, I can never understand ... how a mother can kill her child.
GRISSOM: Euripedes tried to understand it when he wrote Medea. "I will slay my children without delaying long enough to hand them over to some more savage hand."... Medea, like Karen, was a soldier's wife.
CATH: His father was a soldier, his grandfather was a soldier, Karen did not want that for Jesse.
BRASS: Well, it's still murder.

So cute when these three talk by themselves. You see how Cath & Gil are always on the same wavelength, while Brass needs help understanding the way that they look at it.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

Awe gotta love the daddy story bit. Yeah that was heartbreaking. I totally agree. But coolc, they never care about continuity and you know that well. LOL. Gil's dad was supposed to have left him and his mom when he was a little boy, not died of some unknown reason at home. LOL.

Thanks, kay for the CGB moment. You know I've always loved them, just like you. :) But since Gil said he didn't hang out with Jim and that he has his "personal" life now, I wonder if we're still going to get scenes like this in the new season. Sigh.

coolc, I've got iced aloe gel in my fridge. Want some? Don't forget sunblock next time you go out. :D
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