Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

xitalian posted it before

xitalianxromanc said:
the options left open from the last poll are:

He admires her,
She makes him twitch,
What would he do with out her and what would she do without him,
May I take your hand?,
Nothing but skin,
Not just any man would walk a girl to the morgue,
Eddie Always Knew They Had A Thing,
Forget the Shirt, They'd rather Shower!!!,
It's her Buttprint on His Desk,
Lindsey's close friends,
She's the One who Shares his Secrets,
Two Supervisors Rolling in the...Oh Hey!,
The Stripper and her Mad Scientist,
Hello Dear,
You Showered?,
They Share a History,
She Soothes Him,
All (bow)tied Up,
Looks and Licks,
Bite your Tongue,
Do You Want to Suck It?
coolcatz said:
wardrobe malfunctions are inevitable in the elevator
LMAO! I love this one! :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

Thankies for the welcomes, guys :D

I must say that one of my favorite G/C moments was in Too Tough To Die in the first season when Eddie comes into the lab and all hell breaks loose :p But then again I love seeing a protective Grissom :D But he was protective of Cath so mwahahaha! :p

And of course the famous, "How can I help?" episode :lol: Classic :p
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

^^ It's my fav title too :lol: Coolc, you're really the best !
(I didn't know we can't talk about the titles' thread ; another rule ?)

For Gil's father, I love your story Kaylyne :eek: :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

ok, how about this... we take the titles and explain where we got them from...

ie: wardrobe malfunctions are inevitable in the elevator comes from i like to watch. take a look at a before and an after pic. cath's zipper has move significantly.

do you want to suck it? pledging mr. johnson. cath asks gil if he wants to suck it.

eddie always knew they had a thing...two eps. blooddrops and who are you.

speaking of who are you, let's talk about the emotional affair going on between gil and cath when the show started.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

LOL rebec, we CAN discuss thread titles, but it's not counted in the three lines. That means we need to have three lines that go with the ship discussion besides the title discussion. Jeez it's so confusing. :lol: Anyway it's time for our queen of polls to create a new poll hehe.

kay, that sounded nice for a CSI episode haha. Man, I can't wait to see Gil realize his father is one of Sam's men and regret judging Catherine for what Sam does. *yeah right, in my dreams* :lol:

Eh. I can't believe I forgot to post Emmy pics. Gotta agree with coolc...where has the dimple gone?

Please credit
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

They just ran Who are you on CSI Weekends tonight. It just finished about 10 minutes ago. I couldn't help but smile at the part where they're talking in the break room and Gil says "you're not still in love with Eddie?" Cath doesn't say anything. Awwwww. Now THAT's my PureJoy.

QTR - the two favorites you listed are among the greatest in PureJoy. We really need to finish with the rest of the crappy season 6 reviews and get to the PureJoy Hall of Fame listings (you know it's going to be a HUGE hall)

ETA: A new PureJoy thread just around the corner. Guess I need to get started on a CG wallpaper for a celebration gift. Hmmmmm. I'm still in pessimist mode. How am I supposed to get into a celebratory PureJoy mode? I'll have to work on that.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

and you know, cath could not look him in the face when he asked. she looked everywhere but at him. and then when she spoke she avoided the question.

there's so much going on between them in this ep starting from their first scene. she takes him on about hte case because she thinks he's holding her past against her on it.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

I went and found this:
forensicsgirl said:
Good posting is NOT: Complimenting someone on their artwork, fanfiction, avatar/banner, discussing thread names , conversation about Real Life, etc.
EricaSJ said:
LOL rebec, we CAN discuss thread titles, but it's not counted in the three lines. That means we need to have three lines that go with the ship discussion besides the title discussion. Jeez it's so confusing. :lol:
You're right, it's confusing, thanks for the explaination!

coolc I like your idea :D

Are we starting now or are we saving that for later? There are still epis like KKBB and Spellbound that we haven't discussed. :confused:

LOL, I'm getting a little organised too! :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

eddie always knew they had a thing...
speaking of who are you, let's talk about the emotional affair going on between gil and cath when the show started.
Yes speaking of quoth's Too Tough to Die and coolcatz's Eddie titles.. we could discuss about the 'emotional affair' between GC. Just a little background, emotional affair has been the "in" topic for discussion in the media recently. It has been discussed way too many times in the media (well i see it everywhere on the news, mags (specially mags), newspapers etc) Emotional affair means:

"An emotional affair occurs when one member of a relationship consistently turns to someone else for their core, primary emotional support in life. It often develops slowly, even innocently, as a friendship with a co-worker or friend. There may or may not be a romantic/sexual attraction initially accompanying this budding friendship. But when the primary relationship is experiencing ongoing hostility, conflict and/or distance, and one member of the relationship pulls away from their partner and consistently turns to their 'friend' for companionship, support and sharing of deep personal material, an emotional affair has begun."

I think that Gil and Cath's relationship so fits the psychologists' definition of emotional affair.

So there.. physical relationship and those bedroom mayhem are so 90s.. those are old boring topics lol! :D

And if somebody's sane atm maybe she can think of an acronym for S.H.A.V.E.? that could be a thread title lol. Then I'll do the thread title poll.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

coolcatz said:
and you know, cath could not look him in the face when he asked. she looked everywhere but at him. and then when she spoke she avoided the question.

there's so much going on between them in this ep starting from their first scene. she takes him on about hte case because she thinks he's holding her past against her on it.
The thing that really confused me about this - why did he even bring the case to her in the first place. he knew she would take it. He could have immediately given it to one of the others, and just told her that Eddie was involved and she can't be part of it. But he says "he's asking for you, but you can't take it". Ummmmm. HELLO GIL! what did you THINK would happen?!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

he knew what would happen. he wanted her to say no. he wanted her to say "i don't want anything to do with him, let him go to jail" because he wanted her to leave eddie. but i think he also knew that she would be the one to give him a fair chance.

gil constantly puts her in situations where her involvement could be challenged in court.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

Thanks for the post about the emotional affair Hottie , so we're the "in" ship now :D
Hottie_Cath said:
I think that Gil and Cath's relationship so fits the psychologists' definition of emotional affair.
ITA, even Marg said that they had a marriage of the mind. Guess that was the "thing" between them that Eddie got jealous of but he was too shallow to understand it so he just assumed that they were involved physically :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

So, has everyone finished up with Still life then? Again, not one of my favorites. We can move on and get done with these season 6 episodes. (getting close)

Now - Werewolves - me likes! Very much!!!

* --Allison--
Leisha Hailey did an incredible job playing Allison. I can only imagine the hours spent sitting in the make-up chair getting all of that hair attached. Speaking of Leisha - I'm listening to The Murmurs right now "la di da"

* --cranky David?--
CATH: Hey, Dave, James.
(David struggles with the gurney)
CATH: Hey, Dave, you've got to pick it up.
NICK: Lift with the knees, Super Dave, lift with the knees.
CATH: Yeah.
DAVID PHILLIPS: (irritated) Thanks, I ... have done this before.

Awwww. Super Dave is having a bad day.

* --think outside the box--
BOBBY: Most bullets are copper, but take a look at the fatal bullet. It's silver.
CATH: How do you kill a werewolf?

Awwww Cath, you're so sharp!

* --once a CSI, always a CSI?--
SOFIA: I've been waiting for you.
SARA: Sorry. I headed out as soon as I got your page.
SOFIA: Really? 'Cause, uh ... I left a voicemail several hours ago.
SARA: What's up?
SOFIA CURTIS: The anonymous call was traced to this phone booth, so I figured you'd want to process.
SARA: There is fingerprint powder on the phone.
SOFIA: Yeah, I got bored waiting. I thought you might need some help. No usable prints, but check out the floor.
SARA: There's a lot of hair. Similar to the crime scene.

Sara's met her match!

* --Cath finds Allison--
CATH: Would you step out? Please?
ALLISON BRADFORD: You want to see what I look like?
CATH: No, I ... no. I don't want you to have to hide from me. Allison ... I'm a scientist. Excess body hair does not evoke fear ... or morbid fascination. It's simply a genetic quirk, like ... blue eyes or flat feet.
(they shake hands)
CATH: It's nice to meet you, Allison.
ALLISON BRADFORD: How can I help you, Ms. Willows?

*sigh* that handshake was so cute.

* --help me?--
ALLISON BRADFORD: I hope ... I hope you'll help me.
CATH: Help you-- with what?
ALLISON BRADFORD: Staying secret. It's best for everyone.

How could you say "no" to that?

* --cut him off at the knees--
HODGES: Oh, good, you're here. I love an audience.
GREG: Well, don't expect any applause.

This strikes me as funny, because I remember all of the times that Greg would say when he was doing DNA, that he liked to be able to make a presentation.

* --she calls herself a mother?--
GRISSOM: Mrs. Bradford, why does Allison think you're dead?
RITA BRADFORD: I thought it would be easier.
GRISSOM: Easier than what?
RITA BRADFORD: I did the best I could, Mr. Grissom. Their father couldn't look at 'em. Took off when they were a few weeks old. Babies are supposed to be cute.
GRISSOM: Mrs Bradford....
RITA BRADFORD: At the time, we were living in Fresno. Family, friends stopped visiting. They were scared of my children. Especially Allison. She ... she looked like ... when she started nursery school, the kids teased her, called her names,, made her cry.
GRISSOM: So you moved to Vegas and decided to keep her a secret?
RITA BRADFORD: It was best for everyone but she became completely dependent on me, and for eighteen years, I took care of her.
GRISSOM: I'm sorry, but I still don't understand why she believes you're dead.
RITA BRADFORD: One day, Allison wanted to take a walk ... outside. I didn't want anyone to see her. We had a fight. I locked her in her room -- my own child - because she wanted fresh air. At that moment, I knew I needed to leave. I told Hayden to tell her I was in a car accident. Two days later, he put on a black suit, told her he was going to my funeral.
GRISSOM: And she didn't go because she couldn't leave the house.
GRISSOM: You thought it would be easier for her to accept your death than your abandonment?
RITA BRADFORD: Please don't judge me. I spend enough time doing that.

Gil's judging again? Go figure!

* --Good cop/bad cop--
CATH: Did you kill him?
CATH: Did you?
ALLISON BRADFORD: Hayden's all I had. He's the only one that knew about me. Why would I kill him?
CATHE: Because he was going to leave you ... for Michelle. That had to have been scary for you.
ALLISON BRADFORD: You think I'm some sort of animal? I wanted him to be happy. I loved Hayden, I wanted him to be happy.
SOFIA CURTIS: Did Michelle know about you?
ALLISON BRADFORD: No, but he said that he was going to tell her and that she was going to move in here and she would accept me -- Hayden promised.
CATHERINE: Allison ... if you didn't kill him, who did?
SOFIA CURTIS: Okay, I'm sorry. We can do this here or we can take this downtown.
ALLISON BRADFORD: No, please. Please.
CATH: Okay, okay. I know that you're scared ... but you have got to tell us what happened.

You could see the hard time Catherine was having at trying to be tough with Allison, all the while hoping that Allison was as innocent as she had thought to begin with.

* -- rock n roll, baby--
GRISSOM: You can't get a warrant unless she goes on record.
CATH: Well, just hear me out. We have a rock with Brent Moyer's fingerprints on it.
GRISSOM: Yeah, but Allison told you that Brent entered through the front door. The rock is extraneous evidence, isn't it?
CATH: Well, let's just leave Allison's testimony out of it. We simply inform the judge that our suspect's fingerprints were on a rock that may have been used to break a window at the murder scene.
GRISSOM: If you have no qualms about filing the petition, then file it.
CATH: Oh, no, I don't have any qualms. It's just that my moral compass doesn't always point in the same direction as yours.
GRISSOM: So if I tell you not to file it, you won't?
CATHERINE: I'd take it under advisement. Why, is that what you're recommending?
GRISSOM: How many times have we been prevented from getting a warrant when we knew we had the right guy?
CATH: Way too many.
GRISSOM: Right. So rock and roll.

*squee* Cath's little shoulder roll & giggle - awwwwww. Interesting to note that this is one of the first times that Gil doesn't go by the book, and in a sense, allows Cath to "hide the evidence". Also cute to see that Cath still seeks Gil's approval for something like this. I like her "i'd take it under advisement" line.

* --the guy's an ass--
CATH: And the silver bullet?
BRENT MOYER: Figured it was appropriate.
CATH: So you left your parents', you went back to your place to make the bullet and then you went over to Hayden's.
CATH: So it was premeditated. I guess you can forget heat of the moment as a mitigating factor here.
BRENT MOYER: I did the right thing. My sister's out there waiting. Since I confessed, can I at least go out and talk to her? Explain why I did it.
SOFIA CURTIS: Why don't I do that for you.

You know, I kind of like Sofia in this episode. She & Cath worked well together. They should've had Sofia on Cath's team when the shifts were split - than again, TMTB couldn't have played their Sara/Sofia angst-for-Gil card.

* --Cath/Allison part 3--
CATH: Allison ... what are you going to do now?
ALLISON BRADFORD: I'll be okay. It's not like when I was a kid. I can pretty much get anything I need off the Internet.
CATH: And you're set with money?
CATH: Allison, I have every confidence that you're going to be just fine here, but ... If you ever need anything, would you please give me a call?
ALLISON BRADFORD: I-I will, Ms. Willows.
CATH: Catherine.
ALLISON BRADFORD: Catherine. I haven't been completely honest with you. I told you my mother was dead, but that's not true.
CATH: I'm not sure I follow.
ALLISON BRADFORD: Hayden told me she was in a car wreck ... and I called the funeral home to send flowers and they had never heard of her, so I called the local hospitals. Same thing. .... Recently, I contacted and, apparently, she lives in Las Vegas. She just couldn't live with me.
CATH: So you were the one that contacted peopledetectors.
ALLISON BRADFORD: Yeah. When my brother was out, I used his computer.

I believe this is one of the very few times that a CSI has become friends with a victim or suspect after the case was done - and not in a romantic way!! (Nicky/Kristy, Cath/Chris, etc) If only there was a way to have Allison back again (not as a killer, or a corpse either)- but then that would mean some form of continuity for TMTB. We can't have that, can we?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

Hold up. Before I take anything in. I heard Erica calling me a pessimist? I'm not a pessimist! I'm forever an optimist! Just because I may need prozac for some of my fanfics, doesn't mean I'm an optimist! :lol: Tell me where you got the thought that I was a pessimist. :D

Billy looks great. Thanks for the great cap.

Werewolves was one of the season six episodes I actually enjoyed watching. It was so unique and it kept me watching through the ads even. Why can't TMTB come up with new stuff like that? It's getting all too predictable nowadays.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

^because tmtp keep hiring writers who can't write.

anyways, werewolves is the ep they should have submitted for marg's emmy nom. brilliant performance, especially the scenes with allison.

i'm curious why they kept the squee moment? it would have been so easy to cut that and it was so brief

....grrr they are playing the tide's theme on the news. grrrrr...

anyways, back ot, that moment was so brief that they could have edited it out with very little problem. i'm glad they didn't because it was a small moment of classic purejoy. we need to find out who edited this one.
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