Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

Well whoa! The season premiere was written by three writers.. Rambo, Shankar and Goldfinger. Wow they are dead set on grabbing the viewers back I guess that they're pooling all the three writers to write one episode. ABRTI was a two parter too and it written only by two, Mendelsohn and Shankar. I am warming up to Goldfinger because I immensely enjoyed Rashomama. Kenneth Fink is the director of the Built to Kill and I just love his style. So Im quite unsure if the episode will be good or not.

So back to ABRTI- the phone call was cute. But then again this season was the season with the least GC interaction.. so can we go back to season 1 again? :lol:

And if you're not visiting the General CSI thread, somebody spotted a CSI billboard/season 7 promo pic of CSI. Season 7 promo pic - the promo pic is similar to The Beatles' Abbey Road album cover.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

Hottie_Cath i couldn't agree more with going back to season 1 :lol: I think everyone knows my views on that subject.

Season seven...huh...honestly, i'm a little aprehensive about that thought. I've read the spoilers and i don't like the looks of it. I've heard that s7 was supposed to be more character oriented, and while i love a good character ep, TMTB will screw it up somehow. Mind you they said s6 was supposed to be Gil oriented and you saw how that turned out. S7 could very likely be all case related.

eh, oh well...i'll watch it with the hopes that that last scene in way to go will 'crash and burn' (great ep btw) and Gil will be back in CATHERINE'S heart, where he belongs.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

Good point about the cath/sarah dynamics kay - i personally really liked nesting dolls, mostly because of that fantastic gc scene getting the body out of the tar! That has to be one of my favourite GC scenes ever! :D Its just SO cute and the banter between them was hilarious and touching!

Going back to the cath/sarah relationship-i think i prefer it when they get along better, they seem to have buried the hatchet in season six. I suppose that the fact they had there little spat in season five adds to the reality because anyone working so closely would have there moments-i know i have had some little arguments with colleagues and its all worked out in the end! :lol: You can tell they are friends really because when they do work together on their own they seem to get along quite well. I especially liked the last scene of the episode where sara found out about hanks girlfriend (i forget the name) Kamakaze Granny?! :lol:

Im hoping for great things next season and am really optimistic that we will get some GC action! :) I cant wait! Although-I'll have to wait a bit longer being in england :(, im sure it will be worth it! Yay! Bless our shippy little hearts!!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

i just have to say that billy has slimed...wait scratch that. I just wanna say that billy has deffinately become slimmer and he just looks so dogarn hot without his beard. mmmmmmm and i'm loving margs look for cath this's more old cath. I think they're trying to recapture the begginning.

just my opinion!

and brass is there! yay! :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

I'm like you, Flutterby, I'm trying to be optimistic about C/G scenes (even if it's very hard) :rolleyes:
About the pic, well, it's not a masterpiece ! the Beatles' allusion is a mystery for me and yes, xitalian, WP has slimed and I'm sure that I'll like him without his beard ; after all, we loved him beardless in the 1-3 seasons :)

@ Tushie : I love your new avi :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

I love slim Billy and Marg is as gorgeous as always, but for some reason, I don't like the promo pic as a whole, it's just....weird. It looks like it's conveying something but I don't really know what, maybe I'm just thinking too much *shrugs*

Anyway, I hope they'll take another pic with B/M standing together (close :D) flanked by the rest of the cast, just like those good old promo pics that they used to have in the past

Beardless billy or not, as long as he goes back to being the good old clear-headed gil I'm going to love him either way! ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

Looking at the new promo picture, I'm not even sure I can trust those kinds of promo pics anymore, what with all the new photoshop trend going on. But I certainly hope it's real, because Billy looks awesome even without his beard, although its absence is really gnawing at me. :lol:

Speaking about Cath/Sara. Many people do say that it's better to see them friendly towards each other, but I don't know. I mean..I certainly don't want them hostile towards each other all the time, but I do want some tension (forgive the awful angst-hogger in me). They are the only female characters of the show and it is nice to see friendly faces and such, but I have liked the dynamics of the fights between them because it created an unexpected rift between co-workers in an otherwise very awesome team. So :p That's my opinion.

I'm terribly anxious about Season 7 because it sounds like it is going to be quite character heavy. Not to say that I don't like the cases but it's interesting to see the character developments, you know? I love Cath-centric episodes, because Marg can pull it off so wonderfully and the cast creates that perfect environment for her to thrive in and TMTB can have little sporadic bursts of brilliance. :lol: I hope Ms. Goldfinger shines. I think it's a bit early for me to make a judgement on her.

Someone mentioned Nesting Dolls, one of my favourite episodes of all time. Not just because of the tar sequence but the last scene. I don't think Gil was upset with Cath, but rather he was upset that when he thought she would understand his reasons for his actions, she didn't and that's sort of the dynamics of the last scene. Catherine was upset and curious as to why he did not take some disciplinary actions against her when Sara really crossed a line. There's sort of a spark there. But that's just me.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

Popping in out of lurkdom here.........Has anyone else noticed WP doesn't have any shoes on? I'm in such horror - What ARE they doing to Grissom? Maybe Cath needs to take his temperature, he's obviously sick!

On the picture as a whole, yeah, it's weird and I thought of the Beatles too. I'm beginning to think TMTB have just lost it completely.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

The whole picture is an homage to The Beatles Abby Road album cover. In that picture, Paul McCartney, has no shoes on. In this one its WP.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

rebec said:
for some reason, I don't like the promo pic as a whole, it's just....weird. It looks like it's conveying something but I don't really know what, maybe I'm just thinking too much *shrugs*
I have my own theory as to what it's trying to convey. Does the phrase "exit stage left" ring a bell for anyone? That was my second thought (after the Abbey Road ripoff) on what the pic was saying. Many of the other pre-season cast promos had the team standing tall and proud, or even sitting together as a family. This one reminds me of a cast walking to the door. Is it symbolic? We shall wait & see.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

I totally agree with you, Gravy , for the Cath/Sara relationship . I don't want them to be always fighting but their former scenes was more interesting for the show . I compare them with Sam/Gil scenes or Ecklie/Gil/Cath scenes . A work place isn't a fantasy land and we know that women can be very hostile between them at work above all if they're working with gorgeous men :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

i like the whole abbey road concept...if they did it like the beatles did and did 2 instead of one conglomerate one. and i think part of what they're trying to convey with the pic is trying to recapture the past. the abbey road album is one of the beatles most known albums and i think they're trying to put CSI back up there. Also the album was made a while back and with how everyone looks it seems that they're trying to turn back the clock in whole. it just me or does anyone else think it's funny that they used the Beatles?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

I say let's not read too much into that promo pic yet. I think maybe they just wanted it to look like something well-known so that people could recognize and relate when they saw the pic. IMO people were too worked-up by the diner pic game TPTB (and the PR people) threw us and now everyone thinks there must be some hidden meanings in that pic. LOL. Remember, though, that the diner pic wasn't meant for the game when they did it last summer. Someone came up with the idea later and the pic was there. So they just used it.

Now, how about we talk about Dog Eat Dog? Oh I know I wouldn't touch Doc's pie at all. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

Dog Eat Dog - ah yes, the downward spiral of Season 6 begins. The only thing that saved this episode is that it was shown on Thanksgiving and the overeating/food gorging became kind of tongue-in-cheek.

* --the EWWWWWW starts--
CATH: This place used to make a hell of a meatloaf sandwich. You ever eat here?
GRISSOM: Not since the chef blew his brains all over the kitchen.
DAVID PHILLIPS: I eat here all the time. I like the chili.

Interesting to note that something actually grosses Gil out!

* --looking for a girl, Nick?--
(reading the bumper sticker on the car.)
NICK: "Bitch on wheels." Can't wait to meet her.

Not your type, Nicky - trust me!

* --she's not all business--
CATH: They're calling poker players athletes these days. Seen the guts on them? Hey, can I get a pineapple cinnamon?
PRETZEL VENDOR: Oh, okay, good choice.
CATH: Thank you.

Seems to be one of the very few times our CSIs indulge in a little personal fun on the side while interviewing someone.

* --Poor Hodges (did I really say that?)--
CATHE: Oh, nice look..... That'll guarantee you the chicks.
HODGES: Silvery material on your vic's face was graftobian theatrical makeup. Moonlight Silver is the color.
(Catherine starts laughing. Grissom walks in.)
HODGES: Okay, look, I can't stand the smell of hot dogs. They make me sick.

And this is the guy (Hodges) that they called "the nose" in a previous episode (smelling for cyanide). Poor guy can't handle the "dogs". *chuckle*

* --you'd need to be drunk, Brass?--
BUFFET MANAGER: Look, he was taking it a little too far.
CATH: Well, he paid, didn't he?
CATH: So he still had his wallet. Do you have any surveillance on your register?
BUFFET MANAGER: For the $1.99 buffet? That would be a no.
CATH: And are those the only hot dogs that you serve?
BUFFET MANAGER: Yeah, we're famous for our cocktail wieners. You should try one.
BRASS: I think we need a couple of cocktails first.

Poor Brass. he doesn't know things are about to get worse! He hasn't been to the hot dog eating contest yet!

* --another lesson for Greg--
GREG: I went shopping. Bought every brand of hot dog for sale in Las Vegas.
GRISSOM: Who's paying for it?
GREG: You mean the lab's not going to reimburse me?
GREG: Well, I couldn't identify the chatter teeth logo, so I figured I could physically match one of these to the one found in the victim's stomach, you know? Maybe comparing that twisty thing at the end.
GRISSOM: Sounds like a good idea, Greg. I'm still not paying for it.
GREG: Fine -- guess I'll just eat hot dogs for the rest of the year.
GRISSOM: "A hot dog at the ballpark tastes better than a steak at the Ritz."
GREG: Well, I can tell when you're quoting something. Who said it?
GRISSOM: Humphrey Bogart.
GRISSOM: Did you know that the term "hot dog" was actually coined at a baseball game?
GRISSOM: New York Polo Grounds, somewhere around 1867. A German butcher was selling what he called "dachshund sausages" out of his pie wagon. He put them on a roll, so that his customers wouldn't burn their fingers. He'd yell out "Get your dachshund sausages, they're red hot!" Soon, all the vendors at the polo grounds were selling them, too. But they were too lazy to say "dachshund sausages," so they just called them "hot dogs."
GREG: Now there's over 50 major brands.
GRISSOM: Good luck. I'm rooting for you.
GREG: Well, hopefully I find a wiener.

Poor Greg - again!

* --She gave him the choice?--
CATH: Well, which one do you want? The guy in the silver face paint or Digger James?
BRASS: I don't know -- slimy stuff is your thing. I don't want to get mustard on my suit. I'll take Digger.
CATH: Do I have a choice?

Now c'mon Cath! You knew which one you DIDN'T want to interview, so why did you leave the choice to Brass?!

* --Doc's pie--
ROBBINS: Just try it.
WARRICK: Thanks.
ROBBINS: You know, it's vegan. Low fat, low sugar, low carb ...
WARRICK: Low taste.
ROBBINS: Catherine, Catherine, come here. I need your opinion on this....Try this.
CATH: No, thank you, I just came from Nel's hot dog eating tournament. I'm really done with food.
ROBBINS: It's good.
WARRICK: I was watching that on cable. Some Japanese guy ate, like, 64 hot dogs in 12 minutes.
CATH: Yeah. He's was the most famous guy in Japan behind Yao Ming.
ROBBINS: Yao Ming is Chinese. Try it.
CATH: They ought to make it an Olympic sport or something..... No, I can't go there. I can't.
WARRICK: You know, if you want to cleanse your taste buds, I suggest you try Doc Robbins' pie. Really.
CATH: Yeah, that's why you're leaving it behind.

It's always fun to see Doc out of the morgue and being more fun. Poor Cath. What happened to her love of hot dogs -eating them with Gil in (what epi was that? to halve & to hold maybe?)

* --classic PureJoy--
CATH: I got an ID on dumpster guy. Brass is tracking down a current address.
GRISSOM: Prader-Willi.
CATH: No, his name was Jerry Gable.
GRISSOM: No, Prader-Willi syndrome. A rare gentic disorder that causes ceaseless, uncontrollable excruciating hunger. It's as if your stomach was truly a bottomless pit.
CATH: That could explain why after consuming twenty-two dogs, he wanted more. Could also explain why he was found in the dumpster. He followed the food.
GRISSOM: Prader-Willi syndrome is characterized by short stature, hypotonia, almond-shaped eyes, and obsessive fingernail biting.
CATH: That kind of fits the victim's description.
GRISSOM: Sufferers are born with a flawed hypothalamus. Normal hypothalamus receives a signal from the stomach -- "I'm full, stop eating." ....But with Prader-Willi syndrome, the signal never reaches the brain.....They're always hungry.
CATH: Like having a full tank of gas, and gauge is stuck on empty.
GRISSOM: Guy's like Jerry are monitored their whole lives. Constant supervision 24 hours a day. You remember the scar tissue we found on his wrist? I think it's possible that our vic spent most of his life in
CATH: So either he escaped or ... someone set him free.
GRISSOM: In which case, they'd be responsible for his death.

Classic PureJoy in the sense that Cath was the one who had done the leg-work, Gil was the one looking through science books.

* --Way to go, Nick--
HODGES: I heard your case has gone to the dogs.
NICK: Oh, Hodges, heel. No, better yet, play dead, man

I second that motion!

* --Tough Cat/Sarcastic Brass (what a combination!)--
BRASS: Okay, so who are you?
SUZIE'S BOYFRIEND: I'm Susie's boyfriend.
BRASS: All right, Susie's boyfriend, what's your name?
SUZIE'S BOYFRIEND: Look, I don't have anything else to say.
Brass: Hey, that's my easiest question.
CATH: Hey, you don't want to give us your name, fine, but you better explain why Jerry's not in this chair..... All right, look, I'm going to print this restraint. And when I find your fingerprints all over it, I won't need to ask you again.
SUZIE'S BOYFRIEND: Okay, okay, all right. He escaped. All right? I was supposed to be watching him, and I conked out for a second, and by the time I got up, he was gone from his chair.
BRASS: He escaped? So, what, the guy's Houdini?
SUZIE'S BOYFRIEND: Trust me. He may have been slow, but he was manipulative.
BRASS: Yeah.

* --the hospital--
CATH: Why did you leave your brother with somebody you didn't trust?
SUZIE GABLE: There was no one else. I had to get this surgery today or my insurance wasn't going to cover it.
CATH: Couldn't you have left him with a family member?
SUZIE GABLE: We have no family. Our parents died in a car crash years ago.
CATH: What about some kind of professional help?
SUZIE GABLE: I'm a waitress, Miss. I ... I don't make much. There's a really nice institution in Summerlin, but it costs a $100,000 a year. And the last babysitter I hired, Jerry beat up trying to get to the fridge. I swear to you, I really tried to take care of my brother. I really ... did the best I could.
(Cath shows her the newspaper article)
SUZIE GABLE: Jerry took third place?
CATH: Yeah.
SUZIE GABLE: I bet he had the time of his life.

Awwww. Leave it to Cath to have it end with a smile!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

Awwww I think it was a cute episode although it did make me "ewww" at the start. :D And yes, it was interesting to know that something actually grossed Gil out haha.

kaylyne said:
* --classic PureJoy--
CATH: I got an ID on dumpster guy. Brass is tracking down a current address.
GRISSOM: Prader-Willi.
CATH: No, his name was Jerry Gable.
GRISSOM: No, Prader-Willi syndrome. A rare gentic disorder that causes ceaseless, uncontrollable excruciating hunger. It's as if your stomach was truly a bottomless pit.
CATH: That could explain why after consuming twenty-two dogs, he wanted more. Could also explain why he was found in the dumpster. He followed the food.
GRISSOM: Prader-Willi syndrome is characterized by short stature, hypotonia, almond-shaped eyes, and obsessive fingernail biting.
CATH: That kind of fits the victim's description.
GRISSOM: Sufferers are born with a flawed hypothalamus. Normal hypothalamus receives a signal from the stomach -- "I'm full, stop eating." ....But with Prader-Willi syndrome, the signal never reaches the brain.....They're always hungry.
CATH: Like having a full tank of gas, and gauge is stuck on empty.
GRISSOM: Guy's like Jerry are monitored their whole lives. Constant supervision 24 hours a day. You remember the scar tissue we found on his wrist? I think it's possible that our vic spent most of his life in
CATH: So either he escaped or ... someone set him free.
GRISSOM: In which case, they'd be responsible for his death.

Classic PureJoy in the sense that Cath was the one who had done the leg-work, Gil was the one looking through science books.
Absolutely loved this scene. As you said, it was totally classic PureJoy. I love that they think similarly, but act differently. That makes them complement each other perfectly. :)

kaylyne said:
Awwww. Leave it to Cath to have it end with a smile!
And I can't help putting on this cap. :)

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