Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

I love those conversations between them. They flow so well, almost like Shakespeare's poetry (not quite, I must admit). The natural pace of conversation between them is what makes the two characters so real, for me. :lol:

E, love that cap. She looks so endearing. :lol:

EDIT: Um. I know this is very unexpected, but I sort of posted a fic on my LJ. It's a "break" fic. I'm working on a huge one, but I'm not sure if I can finish, with my high school junior year and everything, so I'm just throwing this one out there, wanting to say Gravy isn't dead or done with fanfic. :D Go check it out at Gravy's LJ. Comments are much appreciated. Will be posted on graveshiftcsi later. :lol: Thanks guys. It's really a one-shot, and took a very short time to write, so it might not be as good as the other ones I've written (which aren't so great either). Just bear with me. :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

LOL. Looks like we're having a slow day here. Where's everyone been? *looks around* Anyway I'm here to ask you gals which episode you'd like me to cap next. I just finished a new batch of icons and found out there was just a C/G one. :lol: So a PureJoy fix is in demand now. :D

Wow Gravy, that was certainly unexpected. You sneaky little missy! :lol: I'll make sure to leave a comment. Hehe. I'm sure it's gonna be great.

BTW, I heard they are going to have Kevin F gueststar on the show? OMG what are they thinking?!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

^lol that's what i said and i think i can speak for my family when i say we hope he's a vic. cause K Fed doesn't work for me.

and just to hit the three line mark (lol) does anyone have pics of a S7 promo besides the abbey road one?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

Hey, I'm here - it's just that no one else seems to be around and up for some good PureJoy discussion. We seem to have had a lack of PureJoy the last few days. Maybe indicative of the impending season 7 and me being eternally pessimistic.

Let's see, E - what good PureJoy episode haven't you done yet? Hmmmmm. *peruses through the BI caps site* Ummmm Erica you've only got 8 episodes from Season 3 done. now I know there's lots of great PureJoy moments in those - The execution, recipe for murder, night at the movies, ...from season 1, I see no strip strangler, or to halve and to hold, Season 2 we're lacking Identity crisis. And for the Thongs-shipper in me, I could request Caged or crash & burn, but since you just did Snuff, I think I can get by with some PureJoy this time!

I'd go with Recipe or movies as my request. Dang it girl, quit askin' and just DO them! We'll love ya no matter which one ya do!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

*pops in*

Wow, slow day huh? Calm before the storm (when S7 starts)? :D

kaylyne said:
I'd go with Recipe or movies as my request. Dang it girl, quit askin' and just DO them! We'll love ya no matter which one ya do!
Ditto! Good choices kay, I second them!

Hmm, come to think of it, I bet Erica asked cuz she had no idea how to choose among all those choices :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

Hehe. Recipe for Murder or A Night at the Movies, then. I'll decide which one to cap when I start. ;) Has anyone of you watched the season 7 promo clip posted in the spoiler lab? It looks like we are going to see Cirque du Soleil's performance on the show...well at least it was in that clip. LOL. And there was a 0.5 second C/G scene in the promo, too. I think it's when Cath and Gil are going to the backstage to investigate the murder. I made two caps from that 0.5 second, LOL, and lookie what Cath's wearing! :lol:



I also capped a 0.5 second Cath scene. LOL.


ETA: There's the car accident scene, too. Looked freaking terrible. Poor Cath. :(
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

LOL! Gil backstage with the showgirls and his wandering eyes roaming every-which-way! Plus his funny facial expression! I can only imagine the quirky comment that Cath is giving him. Cath in leopard print top?! MEOW!

It still doesn't give me a lot of hope for season 7 PureJoy.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

Alright, y'all. I've never posted in these here G/C threads but I want you to know I am a G/C shipper (oh, the joys of multi-shipping... *sigh*). Most of you probably know me, and for those who don't... *waves* :D

I come bearing season seven spoilers, though you guys may already know about them :p

My sister is a devout John Mayer fan, so when she heard Mr. Mayer was going to be performing on an episode of CSI: she was all over it. Apparently Grissom and Cath are going to be dancing with each other to a few of his songs...

But you didn't hear this from me :p *disappears in a fog*
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

Awwww QTR - don't leave! Stay a while. We don't bite (much). Thanks for the spoiler. That bitty part I hadn't heard yet. Only can hope it actually makes the cut.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

*fog disappears* Mwahahaha. See? Still here :p Can't get rid of me that easily!

Damn. I am so sorry, guys. My sister gave me the info and she told me it was Grissom and Cath, but it's actually Nick and Cath. Damn it. I'm so sorry, guys :(

But alas there is always G/C possibilities for season seven. As Gris said in To Halve And To Hold, it's a spectrum of possibilities :p :lol: (that sounds like it should be a commercial)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

Thanks for the caps Erica , for a moment I thought they were screen caps from earlier seasons because of beardless Billy :lol:

I had the impression that gil was trying to look everywhere and at everything other than cath's plunging neckline :D

I'm not getting my hopes up for more purejoy either, that scene may just mean that they arrive together at a scene and later split to work on different cases. TMTB seem to be doing that alot in the later seasons, so, we had more GC scenes than GC epis :(

qtr, welcome! *waves back*

Your sister should really consider becoming one of the show runners so we can get more of our purejoy :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

QTR welcome

Well I'm just really pleased to have our G/C back in mode for the beginning of S7, I know we'll probably won't have much in the first eppy, but that cap has made me happy and it seems Gil as well, considering the little smirk he has in the 2nd pic
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

Hey qtr! *waves* Nice seeing you here. You need to drop by more often, you know. ;)
qtr[/b]]Aww it's alright. We already knew it'd be Cath and Nicky. That's still gonna make a cute scene, and they still talk about Gil hehe. Can't wait to see Cath in her little dress. :D
Now, about the new promo clip.

I thought it was Catherine's car accident at the end when I first saw the promo, but then someone posted caps in the spoiler pictures thread and it didn't really look like her. Also, if it's her, I can't figure out who in the backseat she's smiling at just before they get hit by another car. I mean she's supposed to be looking for Lindsey who got kidnapped when the accident happens, isn't she? So I'm quite confused now. LOL.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

EricaSJ said:
I thought it was Catherine's car accident at the end when I first saw the promo, but then someone posted caps in the spoiler pictures thread and it didn't really look like her. Also, if it's her, I can't figure out who in the backseat she's smiling at just before they get hit by another car. I mean she's supposed to be looking for Lindsey who got kidnapped when the accident happens, isn't she? So I'm quite confused now. LOL.
I checked the sides again and it said that a car will hit Catherine's "driver's side". And the promo showed that the car rammed into the "driver's side" of the woman's car. Also, the spoilers stated that there was another vehicle (a brown sedan) that took Lindsey. Suzanne's theory is that ramming into Cath's driver's side might be part of the suspect's MO to kidnap Linds and keep Cath from following. And I thought her theory so fits the spoilers hehe. :D So the events might just be 1.Lindsey+Cath inside the car, 2. white car slams into Cath's drivers side, 3. people from the brown sedan kidnaps Lindsey and speeds off, leaving Cath injured 4.paramedics, gil and warrick arrive 5. cath doesnt want to undergo treatment cuz she wants to find Lindsey. And I also doubted for a minute cuz damn the promo video is blurry and dark but the woman inside the car has a similar outfit and hairdo as cath pic you posted and the Evs hand gesture (evs=whatevs or whatever hehe :D ) is so Catherine. Its so similar Marg's movements and it reminded me of this Evs gesture in Weeping Willows.

QTR I thought they changed the script lol, thanks for dropping by anyways and telling us about the spoiler. :D

And cath4gil nice eyes you got there! I didn't notice the smirk till you said it. Oh well Gil does that all the time specially when the boys are out. lol. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do WO her

QTR, you had me going there for a second. :lol: But welcome back, and we miss you around here.

Well, I'm not particularly too excited about the promo (other than Marg's wardrobe, which seems to be fantastic) because all the promos have some sign of Gil and Cath.

Spoilers sound very very interesting.:D
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