Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

Christine, Erica, you know the minors on this board kick some serious butt, right? :lol:

Secrets and Flies, definitely one of my favourite episodes. "What would you do without me". I don't know if that foreshadows something, which it probably does, but it was just a sweet moment in itself anyways. :D so I'm happy and so is everyone else. Just another addition in the GC Quote Hall of Fame. :D

Oh Hottie, those places for rant and questioning, I took notice of and went to post some hopefully-serious questions. I really hope they get asked, because those are the ones that I'm absolutely curious about. I hope it hits the weak point and we get some straight answers ;) I'm under thekoster, BTW.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

I loved the married couple scene too! The look that cath gave gil when she stood up was soooo wifey and he looked like a guilty husband. :lol: The expression on Warrick's face looked so much like a little boy who's speaking up to his father :)

The WWYDWM scence *swoons* love the little smirk that cath was trying to hide when sofia told gil ecklie was looking for him :lol: She knew exactly what he's reaction would be even though he had his back to her. I also noticed that he had started packing before cath told him about the arrangements, he knew that she would take care of things for him and she did, how sweet


I've went to take a look at the TVGuide website and found that the questions that I wanted to ask are already posted, guess I'll have to see if I can come up with some more
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

Secrets & Flies - one of the few remaining Season 6 episodes that I actually enjoyed fully.

* --arriving at the scene--
The girls walking from the vehicle to the house. I need to take a much closer look, because the first thing I always think about here is who was actually driving. Normally Sara likes to do the driving, but when the girls are together does Cath actually let her? It’s so great to see the girls playing nice again. Probably the biggest reason I love this episode.

* --just an illusion?--
CATH: Postpartum depression so bad, it leads to suicide?
SARA: Sister was feeding the baby. Where'd she get the bottle?
BRASS: The fridge is full of bottles of breast milk.
SARA: Mom stocks the fridge and kills herself, knowing her sister was going to show up.
CATH: She wanted to make sure that her baby was quickly found and fed.
SARA: David, do you mind if I render the gun safe?
DAVID PHILLIPS: Better you than me.
SARA: One shot fired.
CATH: Sara, check out the blood on her hand.
SARA: There isn't any. The gun is spattered in dried blood. She wasn't holding this gun when she was shot.
CATH: And what appears to be -- is not.

* --after credits, back to the case--
It just baffled me here that all of a sudden the entire team is on this case. It seemed that it started out as a Cath/Sara case - now you’ve got Warrick and Gil added too. It didn’t seem that high-profile of a case to me, even though there was a small child involved.

* --the first married-couple moment for this episode--
As outlined by Hottie above - when Cath mentions to Gil the reason that he can’t delay the evaluations. I think it’s her short time as supervisor that brought her more insight to the paperwork that needs to be taken care of on a timely basis. She knew the significance of the evals being done, while Gil - even after all these years- didn’t understand the importance of getting the evals done to allow his team some extra pay.

* --a subtle, sarcastic dig?--
SOFIA: Hey, Catherine. Grissom, Ecklie's been looking for you. Is your cell not working?
GRISSOM: What are you doing here?
SOFIA: Well, apparently, I was a CSI, then a detective, but now I'm a messenger. You're needed at the lab ASAP.
SOFIA: I have no idea. But the undersheriff's camped out in the break room.

Is this a way for the writers to poke fun at themselves for trying to find a place for Sofia to fit in with the rest of the team?

* --six words that bring so much meaning--
CATH: I'll have Greg run down the gun's serial number. Nick is covering the autopsy Warrick and I will finish the processing here and I'll keep you posted.
GRISSOM: Thanks.
CATH: What would you do without me?

*sigh**sniffle*sigh* Oh so much PureJoy in just one little question. Another question I have here - What’s Sara going to be doing then? Cath lists Greg, Nick and Warrick - but Sara’s definitely a part of this case too.

* --Gil plays politics--
It’s so fun to see Gil being friendly with both Ecklie & the Sheriff. Maybe Cath’s lessons for him to be more politic have paid off.

* --is flirting allowed?--
HODGES: Your black-and-white particles were composed of plagioclase, biotite, hornblende and pyroxene.
CATH: Diorite granite.
HODGES: You remember your geology.
CATH: Yes!
CATH: Actually, senior year I took "rocks for jocks." I dated the TA.
HODGES: Lucky guy.
WARRICK: I'm sure you got an "A."
CATH: As a matter of fact, I did.
WARRICK: Mm-hmm.
HODGES: (to Warrick) You're married? Don't flirt.

I swear, every time that Cath is around Hodges, there’s some kind of sexual remark made - subtle or not! It’s so cute, but so very freaky!

* --Cath being hit on again? By a woman, no less--
WENDY SIMMS: So I heard that my predecessor in DNA had all these you know, personal hygiene issues. Well, just for the record, I'm not like that. I have always been very touchy-feely. I mean, I used to work in San Francisco, you
know. So ... every day we started with hugs.
CATH: Uh-huh. Yeah. That must've been nice for you. So ...
WENDY: Hey, how about lunch tomorrow? Just you and me. Cause, see, I-I figure that you gotta know where the bodies are buried around here. So to speak.
CATH: Is that why you paged me?
WENDY: No. No, um ... I compared Christina Adalian's DNA to baby Joey's, and guess what? Mother and son -- they're not mother and son. At least not genetically speaking. There's no relation.
CATH: And Evan Peters isn't the father?
WENDY: Nope. So assuming that there was no big baby mix-up at the hospital, I'm thinking that Christina Adalian had to be a surrogate.
CATH: Surrogacy ... that would explain her hymen.
WENDY: Hello.
CATH: Her hymen was intact, which is consistent with in-vitro fertilization.
WENDY: Yeah, but there's one problem. A surrogate's not supposed to keep the baby. The surrogate is supposed to be a gestational carrier who returns the child to the biological parents after it's been born.
CATH: Yeah, that is a problem.

It was funny to see Cath so flustered when Wendy was talking about dead bodies. I really like Wendy. She seems to fit in well - not as stuck-up as Mia was.

* --another married-couple moment--
CATH: Oh, hi, Archie.
GRISSOM: I just finished your eval.
CATH: And?
GRISSOM: In the comments section, I noted that if you had my job, these evaluations wouldn't be late.
CATH: Thank you. So I understand that you're going up against Mark Thayer. The guy's an ass.
GRISSOM: He used to be a competent scientist. We actually co-authored a paper together ten years ago. I believe greed has gotten in his way.
CATHE: Well, I've seen him on the stand. He manipulates evidence.
GRISSOM: He manipulates people. The public assumes that scientists are ethical, but many of us are no better than politicians, evidently.
CATH: So do you think that Thayer is presenting the jury with faulty forensics?
GRISSOM: I know he is. I just don't know how. Videotapes are clean. The science appears sound. How's your case going?
CATH: (chuckles) Huh. I don't know who killed Christina Adalian, I don't know how she got pregnant and I don't know the identity of the baby's biological parents.
GRISSOM: It's always good to know what you don't know.

Oh the PureJoy continues *sigh* Oh how I miss these types of scenes. We used to have them regularly - maybe one every episode or two. Now if we get a small handful throughout an entire season, we’re lucky!

* --waterfowl?--
SARA: Oh, ducks. That's a new decorating choice.
CATHERINE: I now have to share this office with the day shift supervisor. She's got some kind of thing for waterfowl. What's up?
SARA: Warrick and I tracked down Joey Adalian's birth certificate. Christina's named as the mother, father's unknown. We also found another document in her desk. It's a registration form for an organization called Project Sunflower. They find mothers for abandoned embryos.
CATH: Abandoned embryos?
SARA: According to literature, Project Sunflower believes that every fertilized egg or embryo is a baby from the moment it's created in a laboratory dish. Fertility clinics freeze fertilized eggs for their clients undergoing in-vitro
fertilization. Often, the clinics freeze more eggs than they ultimately need.
CATH: And Sunflower tries to find women willing to gestate and raise the leftovers?
SARA: Uh-huh. Project Sunflower promotes itself as doing God's work.
CATH: I knew a stripper who claimed the exact same thing.

LMAO! Now that’s the Catherine that I love! She gets the great one-liners again, the girls are playing nice, and Sara’s little smirk at her is so cute.

* --You go, Cat! Meow!!!--
CATH: Are you aware that throughout much of history, the official church position held that a child's life begins when the mother first becomes aware of movement?
EMILY RYAN: Oh, that's your opinion.
CATH: In the 16th century, the pope proclaimed that embryos less than forty days old are not human. That is not my opinion.
EMILY RYAN: You've had an abortion, Miss Willows?
CATH: Huh. No. Thank God I decided not to have one. But we are not talking about me, Dr. Ryan. Are you a medical doctor?
EMILY RYAN: I don't care for that insinuation.
CATH: Oh, it's just a question. I take it that's a no?
EMILY RYAN: I have a very busy afternoon. What exactly can I do for you?

Meow! Cat’s showing her claws! Somehow, I wish that Cath’s line had been “I didn’t have an abortion, I had a daughter”. I think that would have been more powerful. I also like how it’s Sara that comes to the rescue here and tries to placate the doctor to try & get more information. A total reversal of roles - something Jorja had mentioned in an interview that she loved the fact that her character was the stoic one in this scene and comes to the rescue.

* --more politics--
GRISSOM: I can't tell you what to do, Sheriff.
UNDERSHERIFF MCKEEN: No, you can't. But you can tell me where we stand. What are you doing?
GRISSOM: Circling blowflies.
GRISSOM: 'Cause dead flies tell no lies.

See! He’s getting better at playing politics, even while looking at pictures of bugs!!

* --the professor returns--
SARA: Hey, Professor. Looking good. (to Catherine) You know how sometimes fact is stranger than fiction?
CATH: Yeah.
SARA: Brass got the court order for Joey Adalian's biological parents: A Kenli and Dan Johnson in Seven Hills. We also found Christina's will. Guess who she named as Joey's guardians.
PROFESSOR RAMBAR: Kenli and Dan? (sheepishly) Excuse me.
SARA: You're right.
CATH: A single woman adopts a leftover embryo from an infertile couple and upon her death agrees to give the child back to its biological parents?
SARA: Who gave up the embryo in the first place?
CATH: You happen to have an address for this Mr. and Mrs. Johnson?
SARA: Let's go.

Ah, the professor is back! Have we seen him since I-15 Murders? He’s so adorable!

* --still teaching the guys--
CATHE: Oh, hey. How's the way of the gun?
GREG: It was lost in a poker game.
SARA: Did you get the winner's name?
GREG: No, but he has a large mole between his eyes and his nickname's "Cy." That's all I got, so sorry.
CATH: Greg, never apologize for doing your job.

Even though this was a very short scene, it was still cute. Cath is still teaching Greg and giving him encouragement. In the end, you see it’s his “mole between the eyes” comment that actually breaks the case.

* --Lindsey’s riddle--
HENRY ANDREWS: Why did the fly, fly?
GRISSOM: Because the spider spied her. Catherine's daughter told me that when she was three. Do we have results?

*giggle* Henry’s face after Gil’s comment was hysterical. He was outwitted by a three year-old! Proof again that Gil spends time with Lindsey, and cares enough to remember it, and remember how old she was at the time.

* --philosophical discussion or reprimand--
CATH: Oh, hey, Ecklie said you wanted to see me.
GRISSOM: Yeah. A Dr. Ryan called and said that you verbally harassed her?
CATHERINE: I met Dr. Ryan in the course of my investigation. She runs an organization called Project Sunflower. Philosophically, I completely disagree with the organization. Perhaps I expressed myself.
GRISSOM: Which means?
CATHERINE: I'm pro-choice. I'm in favor of stem cell research. I'm sorry she felt harassed, but my comments were in response to her statements. I don't think I was out of line.
GRISSOM: You should have cited Leviticus 17:11. "The life of the flesh is in the blood." Taken literally, life doesn't begin when the sperm meets the egg, but 18 days later. When the embryo is infused with blood.
CATHERINE: Is that your position?
GRISSOM: Well, if I were speaking with a woman who prefers theology to science, it's a position she'd find tough to refute.
CATH: So are we having a philosophical discussion here, or am I being reprimanded?
GRISSOM: I don't know. I got to go to court.
CATHERINE: (to Hodges, who was eavesdropping) What?

More PureJoy at its finest *squee* Gil’s face when she asked if she was being reprimanded - kind of like “I can’t believe you think I would reprimand you!!” He was so flustered that she would think he’d do that!

* --Cath plays hardball--
SANDRA WALKEY: I don't need an attorney. I've done nothing wrong.
CATHE: Would you mind emptying the contents of your purse?
SANDRA WALKEY: First you go after Kenli, now me. A few hours ago, you guys were saying there was gunshot powder on Kenli's blouse. You make a mistake?
CATH: No, it was probably transferred from your blouse, the one that you wore that night. I have a warrant to search your person and your home. Please empty the contents of your purse onto the table.
(Cath looks through the contents)
CATHERINE: A red coda pen. You knew that her sister was coming for a visit, so the baby would be okay. You killed her and then staged the scene.
SANDRA WALKEY: You have a wild imagination, Ms. Willows.

CATH: Is this your husband?
SANDRA WALKEY: Arnold. He passed away. Two years ago, May.
CATH: He looks like a poker player.
SANDRA WALKEY: You can tell that from his photo?
CATH: Actually, it's ... the mole between his eyes that's his tell.
SANDRA WALKEY: Why are we talking about Arnie?
CATH: Because you used his gun. The gun he won in a poker game.
SANDRA WALKEY: Are you going to put me in jail?
CATH: That's how it works.
SANDRA WALKEY: And the baby -- he goes with Kenli, right?
CATH: I'm sure that Child Services will follow the dictates of Christina's will.
SANDRA WALKEY: Then it was all worth it. My baby has her baby. That's all
that really matters.
CATH: Did you ever consider that Christina Adalian is somebody's baby?
SANDRA WALKEY: We each protect our own. That's how it's done.
CATH: Officer, would you please escort Mrs. Walkey to lockup?

I always love watching Jenny O’Hara (Mrs Walkey) She’s always the bad bitch each time. Poor Cath, just sitting there at the end, knowing there was nothing she could do about it. In the end, Mrs Walkey won because the baby would go back to her daughter - the reason she did this in the first place.

* --Gil to the rescue--
MARK THAYER: I want to talk to you.
GRISSOM: I have nothing to say to you.
MARK THAYER: You impugned my character.
GRISSOM: What character?
ADA JEFFREY SINCLAIR: Uh, excuse me, Dr Thayer.
MARK THAYER: What the hell do you want?
ADA JEFFREY SINCLAIR: Well, to inform you that you have the right to remain silent. The DA'S filing charges for perjury ...
MARK THAYER: (groans) Oh, my God ...
ADA JEFFREY SINCLAIR: ... and obstruction of justice. We won't be accepting a plea.
MARK THAYER: (to Grissom) This is all your fault.
GRISSOM: I hope so.

* --he calls in a favor for his team--
UNDERSHERIFF MCKEEN: When I took this job, I heard a lot of things about you. If you ever need a favor, if I can help you in any way ...
GRISSOM: You know Sheriff, you could help me. I'm late delivering my team's personnel evaluations.
UNDERSHERIFF MCKEEN: I'll tell Ecklie. He'll backdate your cost-of-living adjustments.
GRISSOM: Thank you.
UNDERSHERIFF MCKEEN: So, Grissom, I'm not sure of your ambitions, but if you're interested in taking on more responsibility, maybe a promotion, I'd be glad to pass ...
GRISSOM: (interrupts) You know, Oscar Wilde once said, "Ambition is the last
refuge of failure." I'm fine. Thanks.

Cath has taught him very well on the ways of kissing butt to politicians. He would not have even thought of asking for the favor if Cath hadn’t brought it to his attention earlier.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

wow, such maturity among our younger members. it makes me proud.

s&f...i so love that gil remembers things lindsey says when she was a toddler and that cath was no where around when he did. it's not something someone who isn't a relative would tell that many years later.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

hey, us younguns have to keep up to the rest of you guys too, coolcatz ;)

anyhow...Secrets and of my favorite eps of season six and if I'm not mistaken i think this is tied with Shooting Stars for the most GC we got out season 6. My fav part of the episode? Jealous Catherine. I laughed my head off at her double-take when Sofia entered the scene. :lol: And I love how Gil doesn't know if he's reprimanding Catherine or not. He dedinately has a soft spot for her. And the fact that he remembers the joke Lindsey told him when she was little kind of cements that Lindsey and Catherine have always had a place in his heart. That and he has a damn good memory. ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

Hi Everyone! :D This is the first time i've posted so you'll hav 2 forgive me if i inadvertantly break any rules. Iv been a so called 'lurker' for a while. I have watched the show from the very first episode and never missed one! In light of recent developments ie: the GSR madness that invaded my tv-leading me to presume that either it had been hijacked by some alien frequency or TPTB had taken leave of their sences, i decided it was high time i 'showed my face'! I've been totally obsessed with G/C since the beginning of the show and frankly i'm really disappointed that it seems to have been a complete waste of time! :eek:
Hopefully the whole grissom sara thing will turn out to be fleeting and TPTB are just having a good time toying with us b4 they admit it was GC all along. ;) We live in hope! *sigh*
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

welcome flutterby20. someone will be by with a welcome basket for you soon.

just one big thing. the mods here do not allow us to "discuss" that other ship. not jumping you just trying to give you a heads up so you don't get in trouble. that said, i'm going with a viral infection of tmptb's brains.

i love the "reprimand" gil gives cath in s&f, so gc. would have only been more perfect had he kissed her and walked off.

and compared with reprimands in previous seasons we see a more mellow gil. i think maybe he was afraid to overreact (especially after ww). most reprimands up to that point had been "cath don't" and he just let her do.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

ah!!! s&f. The last great gc episode. After that we had snatched moments at most, a bitty-bit here, a bitty-bit there.

I love the old married couple feel to this entire ep, every bit of it! I love most of all the intimacy of their chat in his office. And that reprimand!!! And of course, Hodges at the end of that scene.

And welcome flutterby! What a cute nickname! It's always wonderful to have new PureJoy fans come on board here. By the way, do visit our own cosy corner. I know you'll love it there. ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

Welcome flutterby! Your nickname reminds me of that line from the show Friends, where Joey says, "remember that time Chandler meant to say butternut squash but said squatternut bosh?" Your name is supposed to be butterfly but became flutterby. :lol: I love it. Welcome.

Old married couple moments are the best at warming my heart and getting me all frenzied up for GC again. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

Welcome flutterby !
I agree with all you, guys, it was the last real C/G epi of the S6 :rolleyes: and this convo in Gil's office was great. And I like that scene, too:

Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

Hi there Flutterby, welcome! Your nickname sort of gives me the idea that you're a butterfly that's fluttering by :lol: and the butterfly is a symbol for GC love ;)

Kiragrissom would tell you more about that but I haven't seen her around, at least not since I've delurked

Flutterby20 said:
I've been totally obsessed with G/C since the beginning of the show and frankly i'm really disappointed that it seems to have been a complete waste of time! :eek:
Been there, but I've gotten over that stage of turmoil. Now I'll just take whatever GC I can get and if the future seasons are still not turning out right I may just grap all of S1 to S4, some of S5 & S6 and jump before the ship sinks :D

So S&F is the last proper GC epi we get? The others are all scenes? How about I Like to Watch ? Heard they were on the same case in that epi?

Sorry for all the questions, I haven't finished my marathon, had to stop halfway for real life :rolleyes:

Eh, one more question, I thought Anne and Zuiker had left CSI:LV? How come the credits for S6 still show them as the Executive producers? :confused:

Oops, that's 2 questions :p
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

Well rebec, Zuiker is still the creator of the show so I believe he appears as one of the Executive Producers for everything, but I'm not entirely sure about Anne. I bet the others can tell you more about it than I can.

Flutterby, also, on the fact that GC has been a waste of time: it hasn't. All the GC development that we've got over the seasons has come together to make the very foundation which this ship was built on and flourished upon. So don't sink so low into the depths of despair. There's still hope yet. CSI did not end with the last scene of season 6. The only thing left is a schism, if you know what I mean ;) :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

^cause i think they're still putting money in on the show and get to ultimately make descisions about what goes down. sorry its been so long since i posted....... :) and has anyone found pics yet of billys recently clean shaven face cause i'm bored of waiting for the emmys... lol
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

More newbies! Yay flutterby, glad that you decided to delurk and join us. As usual, here we send you our PureJoy welcome basket. :D


Since you'd been lurking for a while, you must have known that we're quite unorganized, haha. Don't let that scare ya because that's the fun part of never know what these people are coming up with. :D

rebec, I know some of us weren't impressed by I Like to Watch, but it was one of my favorite episodes from season 6. Catherine and Gil worked on the same case, and it was fun seeing the CSIs being chased by the camera. The episode also showed the soft side of Catherine when she was talking about keeping Lindsey's blood at the end. I really loved that scene. Actually I think ILtW was closer to the good ol' CSI I used to love so much. Oh and the scene where Catherine found the video camera hooked on the TV in the killer's room gave me the creep.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W

i think ad and az still get credited but they are totally hands off. a shame really.

are we at iltw already? i'm lost. but i'll take it cuz it has the gc wardrobe malfunction.
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