Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

ren28 said:
As the writer of the article that Hottie posted on BTA said, "Once the most-watched show on television, CBS’s “CSI” is in a mini-slump that began during the second half of the regular season and has worsened this summer with ratings for reruns down sharply from last year."
Second half of the regular season. That was when GC interaction started to get really rare. No more spark to light up the show. Plus... the subject of psychics and fantasy started to appear, not just involving the perpetrators and victims, but the CSI team members too.

And when you're down, every viewer counts.

But then again, they're not TMTB for nothing, are they? :lol:
So the sharp fall in the ratings has "started on the second half of season six".. Wow, its good to know that the experts see it too, good to know that we were not imagining those repulsive things on CSI that we pointed out towards the end of season 6 (the utter lack of gil/cath, ho-hum storylines, etc.) And a lot of viewers noticed it too-- bonus! Hmm we've been right all along, so I think TMTB should heed our advice, no? *coughs*d'oh! Gil/Cath*coughs* :lol:

And kaylyne, omg I checked out Fur and Loathing again cuz of what you said and aww.. I so love them in the morning scene. They were so adorable with their pouts. Gil was wearing his cap backwards and Cath was in ponytail.. so or.GC.asmic. ;) Jeez the GC hotness is phenomenal, and it should be used to the fullest! hmmpppft TMTB *mutters under her breath*

And yep, in FAL, I checked if Cath was wearing her pants, and damn she had her pants on. :lol: :p The camera didn't focus on Gil's lower torso though.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Not to be a killjoy, but normally when I wear running pants (not that I ever RUN when I wear them) I always wear a pair of shorts underneath.

I'm actually glad that they start out after the teasers in the daylight because we get to see the total PureJoy package. It just bugs me that they immediately go from dark to day, but seemingly no time has passed.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

kaylyne said:
Not to be a killjoy, but normally when I wear running pants (not that I ever RUN when I wear them) I always wear a pair of shorts underneath.
LOL. I've heard that. But still, they didn't have to show us all of that, hehe. :D

kaylyne said:
I'm actually glad that they start out after the teasers in the daylight because we get to see the total PureJoy package. It just bugs me that they immediately go from dark to day, but seemingly no time has passed.
Hahaha kay, I don't see why we need to take that so serious since TPTB have already done crazy things to the show. Besides, scenes like that always leave us more imagination. ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

^ Uh, I don't think so since we are talking about running pants from Cath/Gil scenes? But yeah, it's probably better for us not to go too far. ;)

Oh...just a little had only one line in your post.

Now, ladies, since most of us already have a conclusion about what they do before other team members arrive at the scene, what do you say we move on to *drumrolls* Shooting Stars? There are so many scenes from this episode to talk about, and I am sure there are a lot of fun caps, too. Although most of season 6 was dull, this one is definitely one of my favorite C/G episodes of all time. Gosh I so wanted to pinch Gil's cheeks when I saw him gazing the stars with that boyish smile on his face and the glint in his eyes! :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Ha ! finally, we are on "Shooting Stars" , the best S6' epi and the last really PureJoy :)
I don't know if you're talking about this boyish smile, Erica, but I do love this cap:

Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

margFAN17 said:
Are running pants not going a little off topic?
Not one bit!

We were talking about Cath's running pants and what Gil had to do with their disappearance. Pure CG. Gotta pay closer attention and follow the discussion, margFAN17. LMAO *I'm sounding like a teacher!* :lol:

Ah... Shooting stars. The other fave ep of mine in this better half of S6 is Secrets and Flies. But I guess I'll have to be patient.

Shooting stars and Gil is Cath's Moses:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

When you wish upon a star.... your dreams come true!

Do we wanna guess what Gil was wishing for?

* -- Cath’s doing the work--
CATH: Dispatch didn't say anything about another body.
BRASS: It's Tucker, their dog. He was found dead with his tongue hanging out. I guess they must've slipped it something.
CATH: I'll get its blood to tox.
BRASS: The homeowner said that nothing was missing in the house but food.
CATH: They get a look at the intruders?
BRASS: Yeah, the husband says they were dirty, you know, like filthy, like they hadn't showered in months. Didn't know if there were five or fifty of them. Where is he?

Cath’s roll of the eyes while motioning with her head is just so ….Cath!

* --while Gil sees stars--
GRISSOM: The Orionid meteor shower. You never get a view like this in town.
BRASS: Hmm. So, uh, is this part of the investigation?
GRISSOM: No. But we're here, and it's beautiful.

Typical man! He’s got a beautiful woman that he’s working with, and he finds beauty in the stars! I like how Brass humors him in this scene.

* -- let’s take a walk, just you & me--
CATH: It's a big desert.
GRISSOM: About 25,000 square miles.
CATH: And the nearest town is Pahrump. That's about 30 miles from here.
GRISSOM: But I got water. We can share.
CATH: Who are you today, Moses?…..(gets out her phone to call Brass)….Yeah, Jim, uh ... (chuckles) Grissom and I are going to take a little walk.

It’s funny how here we see Cath is the responsible one, and calling Brass to let him know what they’re up to.

* --back to the old-married couple--
GRISSOM: I count five distinct treads: boots, shoes, sneakers. Drag marks are always right in the middle -- thin, parallel lines.
CATH: The vic's shoes were scuffed at the toes, so he must've been dragged. (finds candy wrapper & takes a photo) Well, whoever they are, they like junk food.

( again, it’s Cath in “work” mode, doing all of the pics & evidence gathering)

GRISSOM: Who doesn't? ….Have you ever seen the Pyramids?
CATH: Does the Luxor count? Eh, what do you think? I haven't even been to New York.
GRISSOM: I'd like to see the Pyramids one day.
CATH: Keep walking, we could come upon them today…. So you like archeology, huh?
GRISSOM: Oh, yeah. Whenever I want to feel small.

Uh-oh! I smell a CSI/CSI:NY crossover in the making with Cath going to NY

* --protecting her man--
GRISSOM: This looks like some sort of observation post. Maybe used to monitor nuclear tests.
CATH: Half of Nevada was a weapon site. Stop. You're not going any further without backup.(after the phone call with Brass….) Lost him.
GRISSOM: Well, we got two choices: Go back ... or go forward.

Someone please bring the close-up pic of Cath holding the gun!!! (another pic I nominate for the PureJoy Hall of Fame)

* --into the unknown--
Interesting how Cath is the one with the gun, but she lets Gil go ahead of her. I always figured the one with the gun would go first.

GRISSOM: I count eleven.
CATHGRISSOM: And number twelve is missing. Maybe that was the guy we found in the yard.
(loud clanging sound)
CATH: Who's there?! Las Vegas Crime Lab! Identify yourself!
OFFICER: Don't shoot, don't shoot. LVPD. Captain Brass radioed us. Said you might be in here and need assistance.
GRISSOM: Well, unfortunately, we're not the ones who need the help.

I always thought it was interesting that the cops didn’t say anything before they got to the door. They obviously heard Cath yelling. I guess they just needed it that way for the tension effect.

* --Nick goes underground--
I like this scene where Nick is hearing all of the officers saying how they’re too claustrophobic to go down there, and that it’s so hot down there with no AC. Yet, he bravely goes down there to help out. I see Cath give him a little look after he says “I’ll process the bottles”. I think she senses his discomfort, but doesn’t say anything.

* --the star machine--
Gil is like a little kid again when he turns on that star machine in the bedroom. It’s kind of fun to see him in this mode - he’s having fun and Cath’s all business.

* --spaceship anyone?--
GRISSOM: The mythology here appears to be similar to the Heaven's Gate Cult in California several years ago. They committed mass suicide to shed their earthly bodies and hitch a ride on a spaceship hidden in the tail of the Hale-Bopp comet.
CATH: Well, these earthly bodies got a good workout first. Big room, big bed, light show. This cult was about getting laid.
GRISSOM: Well, Jim Jones and Charles Manson used sex to manipulate their followers. I'm guessing they were timing their ascension to the Orionid meteor shower last night?
CATH: So while you were watching shooting stars, they were dying.
GRISSOM: There's twelve bunks in there, one bed in here. There should be thirteen bodies. One prophet, twelve apostles.
CATH: And two people are missing.
GRISSOM: Maybe they caught the spaceship.
CATH: Well ... would you settle for a flying saucer?

Again we get another CG sex talk! *squee*

* --do the math--
CATH: Nobody dies from a martini.
NICK: No, but you add ten grams percent of ketamine and they do.
CATH: Well, that's enough to kill a horse.
NICK: Yeah, or the Copelands' dog for that matter. Ketamine's a disassociative anesthetic, which means they were hallucinating, having out-of-body experiences ...
CATH: So I was wrong; they did take a trip.
NICK: Well, there are a lot of different ways they could have killed themselves, so I'm guessing that was the point.
CATH: Ten grams percent of ketamine times 12 bottles, that's 300 milliliters of ketamine? Can't score that on the street.
NICK: Well, we didn't find any ephedrine, which is generally used to cut ketamine. Veterinarians use liquid injectable ketamine as an animal sedative, so Sofia's checking with the local vets now.

It’s cute how our lovable CSI’s can do the heavy math in the blink of an eye. I’m sure it took the writers a lot longer to come up with the correct dosage there!!

* --he’s got her again--
CATH: What did autopsy say time of death was?
GRISSOM: 3:15 A.M.?
NICK: Between 3:00 and 3:30.
CATH: (to Grissom) How did you know that?
GRISSOM: That's when the Orionid meteor shower passed over Vegas. Ask him if they all died about the same time.
CATH: Nick, was TOD same for everyone?
NICK: Approximately. It varied with body weight. Took between 12 and 20 minutes for them to die.

So cute how Gil always beats her to the punch! (there’s an even better one in the upcoming ABRTI)

* --she got him this time--
CATH: Okay, thanks, Nicky. Got to go. (hangs up phone) (to Grissom) Did you notice those buzzards earlier?
GRISSOM: No. But something sure smells good to them.

Ah that’s our girl! She saw this clue first before he did!

* -- meet Mrs Brown--
In the hospital, we finally meet Tina Brown. Was it me, or was this scene REALLY out of place for this episode?

* --is it a mirage?--
GRISSOM: Are you having the same mirage I'm having?
CATH: A silver Beemer in the middle of the damn desert? Yeah. Nice wheels. Somebody sure went out of their way to hide this car.
GRISSOM: Well, you can sure smell what the buzzards are after.
CATH: Decomp. (they open the trunk) Fits the description of the leader, Joseph Diamond. Guess he never made it to Australia.
GRISSOM: Something tells me this wasn't a suicide. Like this tire iron-- convenient weapon of choice.
CATH: Well, assuming this is Diamond and Ty Bentley was a spurned lover and not a member of the cult ... we're still short one body.
GRISSOM: Which I believe makes that body our number one suspect

First of all…how did they actually open the trunk with no key????!????
Secondly…it’s a damn CROWBAR, not a TIRE IRON you moronic PTB! How could Billy or Marg not notice that and have the correction made before finishing that scene?

* --once a CSI, always a CSI?--
NICK: "K" for ketamine.
SOFIA: Yeah. They took it all.
NICK: Okay, well, it's probably an inside job. Just get me a list of current and former employees, and we'll (Sofia hands him a list)... go from there. Thanks.

NICK: Wow, it's alphabetized. (She puts on her gloves.) Now what are you doing?
SOFIA: You'll be dusting for prints. I'll help.

Thought this scene was cute!!

* --Abby in the shed--
The helicopter and police lights making it seem like the spaceship is coming. Like we didn’t know what it actually was? At least Abby believed it for a while.

* --Gil/Abby at the hospital--
This is the first of three times this season where they end with one of the CSIs at a hospital bedside. The next epi Gum Drops with Nick, and Dog eat dog with Cath. It was kind of sweet this time. By the third time, it seems kind of overdone.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Oh jeez! Cath's pants (or the lack thereof) are always on-topic. :lol: Omg it is included in the GC droolage hotness bible.. same as Gil's booty hugging pants.

Oh yay! For some reason, Shooting Stars always reminds me of McFan1 LOL!
Do we wanna guess what Gil was wishing for?
At the beginning of the scene, Gil was looking up the sky wishing on the stars then the next moment we see him having his alone time with Catherine both of them stuck in the middle of 'the damn desert'.. do the math. :lol:
Uh-oh! I smell a CSI/CSI:NY crossover in the making with Cath going to NY
I would love a CSI/CSI NY crossover! Yay I would die if I see Flack and Greg (and G/C) in the same frame. However, I don't think it would happen since Mendelsohn is so catty towards CSI NY's writers..
Anyway, that pyramids/NY conversation was sweet. Sigh those were the days.
In the hospital, we finally meet Tina Brown. Was it me, or was this scene REALLY out of place for this episode?
Totally. Cliches have no place in my CSI fangirlin' book.

This is the first of three times this season where they end with one of the CSIs at a hospital bedside. The next epi Gum Drops with Nick, and Dog eat dog with Cath. It was kind of sweet this time. By the third time, it seems kind of overdone.
Uhm not hospital bed but
There will be a third time! LOL! Greg will have a moment with one of the victims too in Fannysmackin'. Only this time, the victim will be the one to visit Greg to thank him for saving his life.
But at least Gil and Cath were one of the pioneers of those scenes :lol:

EDIT: csigrillow gave us these screencaps of Gil Grissom from the Season 7 promo.
Spoiler! Season 7 Gil--notice... any difference (Season 7 Gil) ? :D
all the other details are on blacktieaffair.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

kaylyne said:
Someone please bring the close-up pic of Cath holding the gun!!! (another pic I nominate for the PureJoy Hall of Fame)

This isn't a close-up but it's Cath drawing her gun:

I love her posture!

OK. Found the close-up. ENJOY!!!! :D

:D 3 lines. 2 pics. all gc. so all good!!! :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

*sigh* I just love our girl with a gun.

You know, of all the CSIs, I believe Cath is the one that's handled the most guns throughout the six seasons - starting in the Pilot when she goes to cover Holly at the convenience store.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

I heard someone mention a CSI/NY Crossover. I would so love that! I mean...Miami's had a crossover with both Vegas and NY, but Vegas has only had Miami. I think that may have been like a sign. :lol: I would so enjoy that.

Shooting Stars. Loved that moment with the "where is he" and Catherine motioning with her head 'cause it just seemed the three of them had an understanding. If it was anyone else, they wouldn't have known who "he" might have referred to. Just shows you so much.

And Hottie..I did notice the difference and (sigh). Damn. I had so wished he would keep it. I loved the beard! O Beard Where Art Thou! :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Ernesztina, welcome to the board. I don't think I've seen you around. You are now our newbie. I don't think you're allowed to give out links to videos on this forum anymore. So if you wanna know our opinions on that video. Please visit our GC Cozy Corner.

Um. Like my new avvie and banner? I thought I should give it a change. :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

I'm so sorry. Yes, I'm newbie. I don't know, you don't like this. I suppose, somebody like see new video or pictures and so one. It's all one. Sorry everybody.
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