Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

^^Yup ren28 that's the episode where Gil did his ketchup experiment. Uhm ren there's another season 6 ep where Gil did an experiment but I won't mention it cuz its in the ep-that-must-not-be-named. ;)
And I hear you ren! You might wanna come and join Tracey and me in Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, or join me in Seattle Grace Hospital.. they don't do lobotomy there.. :lol:

coolcatz said:
skip bite me? don't think so. this is the episode where gil and cath arrive at the crime scene around midnight and no one else shows till daylight and nothing has been processed. so i think we should figure out what they were doing during that time. i believe a photo exploration is in order to see if we find any more wardrobe malfuctions.

ah, the 50 fics. this is will be such a great day. i'm so looking forward to all the good fics i'll read.
Bite Me!!!
Yeah we need to figure out what happened to Gil and Cath during that gap. Gil and Cath arrived at the scene at midnight..

And then everybody shows up in the morning and nothing has been processed yet :lol: (cuz when the team arrived Gil was still assigning work to be done and the body hasn't been processed yet, lol!)
As for the wardrobe-- Cath had a jacket on during the night and then she only had her shirt and vest in the morning. I think things got heated between her and Gil. :lol:

csigrillow I'm almost done reading the fics posted.. we need more fics to read, we specifically need bike fics btw. :lol: And Gravy its not a smut fic festival but a fic festival with some smut, most fics that were posted were fluff.

EDIT: CSIangel17 lobotomised means you had a brain operation.. got that from watching House, lol. lobotomy is an old school method they don't do that anymore. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Happy Birthday Gil!
Message: don't do stupid things even if you don't want to be single and 50 ;)

I agree that CSI is losing the X-factor, for me this has been happening since S5 but the problem appears to have worsened in S6.

I think apart from the fickle minded CM, the new writers are also a cause of this. I know it's not possible for the new writers to follow exactly the original writers' style of writing but the changes they are making are just not working out. I'm tired of saying that they should realise it, we'll just have to find out in S7 ;)

*Thinks abit* Hmm, about CM being fickle minded, I sort of feel that she already has an idea what she wants to do (most probably not something that we'll like) but is just trying to keep the audience guessing abit so that people will still watch CSI to see what really happens. :rolleyes:

EricaSJ said:
Anyone can do anything now. LOL. Investigators can run DNA, DNAs can do Trace's job and so on. *rolls eyes*
The people sure are picking up new talents, I heard that Gil will be playing mediator and talking to dead people :lol:

*satisfied* I definitely have at least 3 lines :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Oh the ketchup scene. Can't miss out on that can I now :p I agree with you Erica. It was the last cute Gil scene where we saw him having a little fun. :lol: Love it.

About CM and her saying that the relationship was predictable and that fans were not alert enough to realize it, is just a way of defending her position. She knows it's being challenged by many many fans, and she's trying to justify it to some extents. :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

So Bite me, you damn mosquito!

* --the walk-through--
BRASS: That's Ray Lester, the vic's husband.
CATH: Was he injured?
BRASS: No, uh, that's his wife's blood. He said he checked to see if she was still alive and he held her until the paramedics came.
CATH: Wouldn't you?
BRASS: You never met my ex.
CATH: Tequila will always remind me of Señor Frog's.
BRASS: Which one?
CATH: Cancun. My honeymoon. My dime.
BRASS: Well, if you ever want to go back, it's on me.
CATH: Is that a proposal?

I was SO waiting for some kind of sarcastic line from Gil to show he was a bit jealous - maybe something about keeping the flirting to a minimum? He looked like he was steaming internally.

* --Cheers to David!!--
DAVID: It's like the Red Sea in here.
GRISSOM: The Red Sea's not red, David.
DAVID: No, it's blue from afar and transparent when held in hand, like any other body of water. I was just speaking figuratively.
CATH: I'm assuming those boot prints aren't yours.
DAVID: Please, I was just waiting for you guys to clear a path. Blame the paramedics.

I think this is the first time that someone other than Cath, Brass, or the main team members actually talked back to Gil and not kept quiet. I LOVE it! Gil's expression seemed that he was impressed. ( I know I was)

* --the punchline--
CATH: What are you thinking?
GRISSOM: Led Zeppelin, "Stairway to Heaven."

*groan* Oh man! That was as lame as they come!! You could see that from 10 miles away.

* --the assignments--
GRISSOM: Becky Lester. Catherine and I got here a half an hour after her husband called 911.
CATH: Edges of the blood pools were already dry. The pools themselves were tacky.
NICK: Which means she'd been down here at least an hour or two before you guys even got here.
SARA: Why did the husband wait so long to call?
CATH: Good question.
GRISSOM: Coroner won't touch the body till Catherine and I are done processing around it, so, Sara, would you please go up the front stairs and work your way down the back stairs?
SARA: You got it.
GRISSOM: Warrick, could you process the blood evidence from the front door to the back stairwell? And if you'll notice, she doesn't have any blood on her feet.
WARRICK: So I can assume those bloody footprints aren't hers.
GRISSOM: Nick, Brass is in the study with the husband and he's waiting for you.

yeah Nicky, she's waiting for you with a huge set of pearly whites!! Beware of the vampire! Hey! Cath's discussing blood! Oh yeah *slaps forehead* she's the blood spatter expert. I'm impressed that TMTB actually remembered.

* --how did she fall?--
SARA: Guys, if she fell, even if she was pushed down these stairs, I would expect to find smudge marks on these walls.
CATH: Yeah, she would've instinctively reached out for leverage.
SARA: There are none. Not to mention, that if she was up here before she was down there ... she should've landed head first.
SARA: The body position is inconsistent with the fall.
CATH: Well, it's inconsistent if she fell down the stairs. Maybe she fell up.
SARA: Catherine, can I borrow your micrometer?.....Blood spatter measures two millimeters.
GRISSOM: Medium spatter. Suggests impact with a blunt object.
SARA: But if she was hit, where's the castoff?
GRISSOM: It is a low ceiling. Pretty hard to swing a weapon.
CATH: Sometimes first blush gives you a head rush.

Is this the first time we've heard "first blush" since episode 2 when Cath arrives at Holly's crime scene? It gives me shivers. The visual of Sara on the stairs with her arms up toward each wall is imbedded in my brain. I always want to say "nail her to the cross".

* --suffocation?--
SARA: Maybe one of them snored or had insomnia or liked to work at night.
GRISSOM: Or maybe they were suffocating each other and he couldn't breathe.

Yeah Gil, that would sum up your situation with Sara quite well.

* --too much information?--
GRISSOM: Well, you've given me a lot of information, doc, and none of it very helpful.

Oh but it turns out useful throughout the investigation now, doesn't it! C'mon Gil! Stop jumping to conclusions!

* --She gets the best one-liner again!--
CATH: You want fries with that?

* --the trio banters--
BRASS: Hey, ready for a quiz? Guess how Ray's first wife died?
GRISSOM: Wait. She had a stroke on a stairway. Robbins told me. Is that the autopsy report?
BRASS: No, these are medical records. There was no autopsy. Jackie Lester had a heart condition. Three weeks before she died, she was admitted to a hospital with vertigo. She ignored the doctor's warnings, didn't take her medication. Family physician pronounced it a stroke.
CATH: Well, if she wasn't cremated, it's not too late for a postmortem examination.
BRASS: Judge Witherspoon is issuing a court order for exhumation. Now, look, I just came from the DA. I gotta tell you, he's already made up his mind. Husband and wife, home alone, all that blood, shaky alibi. Plus, he ays, "He
just looks guilty."
GRISSOM: How does one "look" guilty?
BRASS: You know, I'm just a messenger. What do you think the chances are he didn't do it?
CATH: Well, what do you think the chances are we're going to give you an answer before all the evidence is in?

Oh how I love it when the three of them banter back-and-forth. Brass' little smirk when he says "I'm just the messenger" is so adorable.

* --Cath vs the husband--
RAY LESTER: I didn't tell Becky everything I did every minute of the day, but that doesn't mean that I was unfaithful.
CATH: When, exactly, was the last time that you had sexual intercourse with your late wife?
RAY LESTER: Four years ago. (He holds up his hand.) Rosy Palm and Thumbelina are the only action that I get.
CATH: Uh, wow, you know, uh, a joke like that doesn't quite seem appropriate for a distraught husband.
RAY LESTER: I'm just answering the questions.
CATH: Mr. Lester, did you know that your wife was having an affair? The day that she died, she had had intercourse.
RAY LESTER: Are we done here?
CATH: For now.

Did anyone else get a PMJ flashback here with Cath telling the husband about his wife having an affair? I had a sense of deja vu with that scene.

* --he prefers dead people?--
ROBBINS: If you two don't mind ... we'd like some alone time.

Cute one-liner from Doc. He wants to be alone with the exhumed body - ewwwwwww!

* --lovers & co-workers--
SARA: If there was a murder weapon, it was not in that house. We searched everywhere.
CATH: What's in the bag?
SARA: Sex lube, found at the crime scene. Autopsy revealed that Becky was sexually active. Ray claims that they've both been celibate for the past four years.
CATH: And you wanted to see if her lover's prints were on that bottle.
SARA: Two viable prints, both in a light coat of lube. One was Becky's and the other is an Adam Gilford. Work card is in the system. He's an executive at Western Airlines.
CATH: Lovers and co-workers. That never works.
SARA: If Ray did find out about the affair, that's motive.

So was I imagining things, or was there an uncomfortable beat after Cath's "lovers & co-workers" line? Someone knows about something that's supposed to be secret?

* --Sarcastic Cath--
ADAM GILFORD: Of course I knew Becky Lester. I'm her boss. I'm the one who hired her. Hard to believe that was six years ago. And it's such a tragedy. She was loved.
CATH: By some more than others
ADAM GILFORD: Excuse me?

I love how she dishes it out to the unsuspecting.

* --Gil, Cath, Ecklie--
CONRAD: The DA figures he'll make a headline while you find corroborating evidence. You think he's guilty, right?
GRISSOM: I don't think that yet.
CATH: Oh, um, am I interrupting?
CATH: Brass just called with a heads up. Since when does the DA's office tell us when we're ready?
CONRAD: When the case is high profile and the DA is feeling heat from the sheriff. Look, you'll just walk him through the evidence. You won't bias your reports or skip anything ambiguous. It is what it is. If the DA wants to
shoot his wad too early, we can't stop him.
CATH: Sara and I may have uncovered motive. In the last two weeks, Ray filled out five loan applications--200 g's a pop. All denied. With his wife dead, he is the beneficiary of a $250,000 policy.
GRISSOM: Huh. I wonder what he needed the money for.

You know, I actually found Ecklie pretty cute in this scene. He wasn't being a prick. He knew the DA was going too fast, but there wasn't anything he could do about it. I did find his little look toward Cath, just before he left, to be quite interesting. Not sure if it was an actual sneer, but kind of looked like one.

* --finding the case breaker?--
CATH: P.O. Box was through a private company, paid for in cash with a pseudonym: Abe Lincoln. Ninhydrin picked up six distinct prints. Five were matched to Ray.
SARA: What about the sixth?
CATH: Becky Lester.
SARA: Hold on. Ray told Brass that Becky never saw that note, which means he was lying. If she read the note, then it's possible that Ray freaked out, bludgeoned her to death.
CATH: What if Ray's telling the truth?
SARA: Well, Catherine, if he was, her fingerprints would not be on this note.
CATH: Unless she touched the letter before it was sent, which would make her the sender.
SARA: Well, that doesn't make any sense.
CATH: Becky thought that Ray was squirreling away money. Maybe this is her way of getting her hands on it.
SARA: She used his fetish against him?
CATH: She blackmailed her own husband, knowing that he would pay up, so she wouldn't find out his secret.
SARA: That's ingenious. And really sad.
SARA: If it's true.
CATH: Well, if Becky's saliva's on that envelope, it's indisputable.

Actually, what's ingenious is that Cath actually came up with that scenario!

* --putting it all together--
CATH: Sorry, I got held up.
GRISSOM: No, you're just in time. Ms. Willows, would you bring Mr. Sinclair up to speed?
CATH: I'd be happy to. Ray and Becky Lester were unhappily married. She was having an affair with her boss; he was indulging his biting fetish. They were having financial problems. But Becky believed that Ray was hiding money. Two weeks ago, Ray received a blackmail note demanding 200 grand or the wife finds out about bite girl. Well, we have just confirmed that the blackmailer and the wife are one and the same.

(Ecklie & Gil's jaws dropping is priceless!)

GRISSOM: Based on what?
CATH: The envelope of the ransom note. DNA was a match.
ADA JEFFREY SINCLAIR: The wife was blackmailing the husband?
CATHERINE: Never underestimate the deviousness of a malcontented spouse.

( you tell 'em girl!)

ADA JEFFREY SINCLAIR: Well, he found out and he killed her.
GRISSOM: We don't have any evidence to support that.
ADA JEFFREY SINCLAIR: Run the timeline.
GRISSOM: Couple got home around 10:00 P.M. They went outside and had some tequila. At 10:08, Ray's daughter from his first marriage phoned. Becky went inside to take the call.
ADA JEFFREY SINCLAIR: How long did they talk?
GRISSOM: It's not in Brass's notes.
CATH: Well, I have the phone records here, so ... uh, the call lasted ... two minutes?
CONRAD ECKLIE: I thought the husband told Nick it was a marathon call.
CATH: Yeah, I'm just seeing this for the first time here. Um ... the incoming call did not come from the grandfather's house......I'm gonna call this number.
RAY LESTER: (answering machine) You've reached the home office of Ray Lester. Please leave your details after the beep.
CATH: Susan called her stepmother from inside the house.
CONRAD ECKLIE: Did anybody process that office phone?
GRISSOM: The office was away from the crime scene. We, uh, checked it for a murder weapon, but that's about it. I'll get an investigator over there. Unless you're in too much of a hurry.

I think the whole point of them not checking the phone records yet when they already had them, is the fact that the DA was trying to rush everything before they were ready. because how many times do you see the CSIs get the information (in this case the phone records) and not even look them over?

* --finding the evidence--
Cath finds the bloody shirt in the girl's backpack. I'm guessing this scene was to show Cath, being a mother, knows the actions of a teenager and lets the girl play right into her hand - first asking to take her homework with her (how many teens would actually do that?) then pointing her eyes to the closet when Cath asks "what did you hit her with".

* --viewing the interrogation--
SUSAN LESTER: Well, he thought I needed a mom and that's why he stayed with her.
CATH: Blaming herself for the marriage.
GRISSOM: She doesn't seem to blame herself for ending it.
- - -
BRASS: Where was your father when you killed your stepmother?
SUSAN LESTER: He was outside. Asleep.
GRISSOM: Did you catch that?
CATH: Timeline is off.
GRISSOM: Curious. You want to talk to the dad and I'll call the DA?
CATH: Sure.

I also liked Brass' little finger thump on the table when he also noticed that the timeline was off - giving a little "heads up" to Gil & Cath too. Did anyone else get deja vu here with Cath & Gil in the viewing room. All I could think about when I saw them together there was "he hit you" from WW

* --walking in slo-mo--
Did anyone else think that the final walk down the hall in slow motion was really creepy? I'm sure the message they were trying to convey was Cath's thinking - if that were Lindsey, would she go as far as to kill Cath's boyfriend? Would she go to those lengths to ensure that her mother was happy?

Did I make it past the 3-line post minimum here? If not, I don't know what else I can come up with.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Re: Gravy

^ Or maybe a lot of people were mislead by the natural chemistry between Cath and Gil and thought they were a couple? :lol: Oh wait, that must include Ann Donahue who was very C/G when she was one of the show runners and described Cath and Gil as "the old married couple". :D

No, I don't think it was predictable, because it wasn't. TPTB had given hints regarding a few "main" ships through the years to tease the viewers and perhaps test the waters. If we consider "it" predictable, then almost any ship was predictable as long as it happened on the show. No matter what the original ideas regarding the characters' background had been when the show first started, too many things changed along the way and I believe the scene we saw in WTG was a decision made in the last minute (as far as I know, "goodbye" was originally supposed to mean something else which would lead to a completely different direction, but they changed it later). There are many what-ifs, you know. What if they didn't give up the idea of Cath/Nick at first? What if those big people liked Holly and didn't want her to die? What if there were no spin-offs? What if it was Mendelsohn who left for Miami instead of Donahue? What if they never met that girl and casted her in Butterflied? What if Marg accepted the idea of the victims looking like Catherine in Weeping Willows? What if they didn't have Tarantino do Grave Danger? If any one of those what-ifs happened, would the show still be what it is now?

So saying that relationship was predictable sounds like bs to me. It's not like I'm in denial. In fact, I think I might be one of those more accepting C/G shippers. LOL. It just seems more like they are trying to cover something they did which caused a huge amount of negative comments than answering people's questions and doubts.

But then again, it's just me. :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

bev said:
mmm, if CM says that GS has been an item for awhile then continutity is really gone.

I'm saying this becuase as I was laying in bed thinking last night. Was Sara cheating on Gil with Hank? Doesn't that throw a wrench into CM's thinking?

If you have not already done so, please read Important Announcement- All Posters Please Read and Reply

In particular:

- Discussion in each thread should be limited to the ship it pertains to. Brief, on topic mention of other ships is allowed (for example, if you are discussing a double date between two pairings). Otherwise, discussion of other ships is OFF TOPIC and should be avoided

- There is now a thread for discussion of ALL ships – discussion of the merits of other ships should take place there - The Great Ship Debate

Thank You.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

I wasn't dissing any particular ship. I was questioning CM's ability to have continuity. Which pertains to BOTH G/C and G/S.

Yes, I have read the terms, but I don't see where I violated them. Considering my comment refrains to both ships.

Btw, is that three sentences?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Don't worry, CSIangel we aren't the one who has been lobotomised !!! and as I already said, I'm like you, I'm trying to be positive. The S7 isn't finished ;)
You're right, Erica . So much things happened for six years, the one who knew what happened at the end of S6 is a magician ! in this thread, we talk about all the great C/G moments . If they had chosen our ship, I wouldn't have been surprised ! (very, very happy but not surprised) . That's what we call continuity here !

Well, return to Bite Me ! as everybody, I love the ketchup scene . So C/G ! and I'm sure that sometimes Catherine is afraid when she sees Gil doing his experiments :D:

Oh, I almost forgot: Happy Birthday, Grissom :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

kaylyne said:
So Bite me, you damn mosquito!

kaylyne said:
* --the walk-through--
BRASS: That's Ray Lester, the vic's husband.
CATH: Was he injured?
BRASS: No, uh, that's his wife's blood. He said he checked to see if she was still alive and he held her until the paramedics came.
CATH: Wouldn't you?
BRASS: You never met my ex.
CATH: Tequila will always remind me of Señor Frog's.
BRASS: Which one?
CATH: Cancun. My honeymoon. My dime.
BRASS: Well, if you ever want to go back, it's on me.
CATH: Is that a proposal?

I was SO waiting for some kind of sarcastic line from Gil to show he was a bit jealous - maybe something about keeping the flirting to a minimum? He looked like he was steaming internally.
Hahaha I almost forgot about this scene if it weren't for your recap, kay! See, we always get the best lines from a C/G/B scene. But seriously, Gil, you really should have said something. Being so dull in a situation like this is just not like you.

kaylyne said:
* --Cheers to David!!--

I think this is the first time that someone other than Cath, Brass, or the main team members actually talked back to Gil and not kept quiet. I LOVE it! Gil's expression seemed that he was impressed. ( I know I was)
Oh yeah. And me too. Those might be the best lines that David has ever had. Heh.

kaylyne said:
* --the punchline--
CATH: What are you thinking?
GRISSOM: Led Zeppelin, "Stairway to Heaven."
*groan* Oh man! That was as lame as they come!! You could see that from 10 miles away.
ROFLMAO! They just had to write that into the scene, didn't they? ;)

kaylyne said:
* --the assignments--
GRISSOM: Becky Lester. Catherine and I got here a half an hour after her husband called 911.
But it was day when the whole team got together and the scene didn't get processed inbetween! Now tell us, Gil, what did you and Cath do while waiting for the rest of the team to arrive the scene? Huh? HUH? :devil:

kaylyne said:
Hey! Cath's discussing blood! Oh yeah *slaps forehead* she's the blood spatter expert. I'm impressed that TMTB actually remembered.
LOL. She actually worked blood spatter in Compulsion, I think, but that was still a long time ago. So yeah.

kaylyne said:
* --too much information?--
GRISSOM: Well, you've given me a lot of information, doc, and none of it very helpful.

Oh but it turns out useful throughout the investigation now, doesn't it! C'mon Gil! Stop jumping to conclusions!
Hehe. Doesn't this just ruined some people's illusion of how perfect this character is? ;)

kaylyne said:
* --She gets the best one-liner again!--
CATH: You want fries with that?
Oh yes please! :lol:

kaylyne said:
* --the trio banters--
Oh how I love it when the three of them banter back-and-forth.
Me too, kay. Me too.

kaylyne said:
* --walking in slo-mo--
Did anyone else think that the final walk down the hall in slow motion was really creepy? I'm sure the message they were trying to convey was Cath's thinking - if that were Lindsey, would she go as far as to kill Cath's boyfriend? Would she go to those lengths to ensure that her mother was happy?
I was sure she was thinking about Lindsey and how teenagers behave, but I didn't think that know...about whether Linds would kill if if were her. So I probably didn't feel as creepy as you did. But yeah, you could totally see that the girl really got Catherine to think.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

EricaSJ said:
kaylyne said:
So Bite me, you damn mosquito!
OUCH! Darn, that HURT! You need to trim those fangs!

EricaSJ said:
I was sure she was thinking about Lindsey and how teenagers behave, but I didn't think that know...about whether Linds would kill if if were her. So I probably didn't feel as creepy as you did. But yeah, you could totally see that the girl really got Catherine to think.
Since this came right after the husband told Cath "you can't prove any of it" and Cath says "you're the one that has to live with it" - that's how I got to thinking that Cath was putting herself in his position... If Cath got married to basically give Lindsey a father, would Lindsey go to the great lengths this girl did? To kill the guy because she found out he was cheating on her mother, to set up that elaborate of a sceme as to call from inside the house to lure the guy inside, then to take the whole blame and say her mother was asleep and didn't know anything about it?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

You know thinking about it there were quite a few cutes scenes with Cath/Gil in Room Service, considering what we had in the last third of the season, it was quite a lot. It's funny how we thought that it could be a good Cath/Gil season at that point, how I wish it was

Hottie_Cath said:
And I hear you ren! You might wanna come and join Tracey and me in Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, or join me in Seattle Grace Hospital.. they don't do lobotomy there.. :lol:

ren, you can join me and Rissa at Princeton any time ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

bobo said:
Don't worry, CSIangel we aren't the one who has been lobotomised !!! and as I already said, I'm like you, I'm trying to be positive. The S7 isn't finished ;)

Phew cos that would hurt! :lol: once again, yeay for positivity! and thanks for the definition Hottie_Cath .

Yeah i agree Cath4gil there were quite alot of G/C moments at the beginning than at the end, but that just means there should be more in s7 and it kinda makes you appreciate there scenes more, IMO :D

(ok i think ive used my positivity quota for today, will stop bugging everyone with it now)

Happy Birthday Gil
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

you know this ep was the first time gil ever refered to cath as "ms. willows."

and the blood/ketchup spatter scene was a riot. classic gil cath. and cath's line to sara. well i'm still not buying the crap cm is feeding us but i'd say if they were planning a pre-existing disaster that that line proves cath would already know (it's so typical of her lines to characters where she knows the answer and they try to squirm out).

now, we have found the wardrobe discrepancy. we just have to find out how they killed all that time from midnight to morning.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

I'm sure that you have a little idea about that , Coolc :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

well i do have a theory. we know they know how to clean a crime scene. and we know they were there (or were they all night) oh crap. theory went to pot now. got two theories. did they stay and find an empty room or did they go get in the suv and drive around the block? inquiring minds must know.
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