Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

(Line 1) Hmm. Posting here is getting trickier by the day.:(

(Line 2) So what did Gil and Cath do between the time they got to the crime scene
(Line 3) and the time the crew appeared? I think they went somewhere quiet...
(YAY!!! I'm home free!!!) and you people surely have an active enough imagination to fill in the blanks!

(Plus, I made NO mention of any other ship, not even the vaguest allusion :D)

*boring post*

OK. I'm spending the rest of the evening on Graveshift where a delightful party awaits in honour of Gil's 50th! Join me there, anyone?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

cath usually points out blood spatter first but most of the time it seems like all of them have the same knowledge on it...was it bite me when she gets out the little scope thing or is that grissom...or am i thinkin of a totally different ep?

oh and while i still have 43 mins my time zone...happy bday Grissom! lol :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Re: Erica

Hey now that you mention it. I forgot about Cath/Nick. Now that was what a predictable ship was. Look where it went (NOT BASHING! I like CatNip). I don't think TMTB were right to bring something on without any background and just expect us to realize that there was a background after all. And yes, I'm sort of in denial. I'm still hoping GC will be The OTP, but hey even if it doesn't end up that way. GC is still my OTP and that's all that matters. The show has changed in so many ways over the seasons and CM's statements are following the path I think. I was looking through my pictures and came across that poll and how 60% of viewers said Catherine. Hmmm. Makes you wonder.

More than three sentences? Meh. :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

i think the tvguide poll is probably more accurate than several others (that and the usa today poll) because there are so many viewers that don't go online who have been left in this mire of confusion 'over the main guy cheating on his wife with that girl." and i'm talking about viewers who have watched since s1.

so anyway, i think there is no path at the moment other than trying to survive grey's move (not going to happen).

now, blood spatter. i think recently the csi's skills ahve become interchangeable and that is quite boring.

and i'm still puzzled over the missing time in this ep. where were they?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Hahaha. Getting back into the gutter, are we? :lol: I was sort of hoping to avoid that question but as somethings are, it's inevitable. ;P I would want to think they were doing their jobs, but one part of me wants to think otherwise :devil: :lol:

Yeah, coolc. Many viewers still are confused. "Wait..I thought he was with the blond one. Huh?" I have many people close to me doing this as we speak. i'm trying to get things straight for them.

Blood Spatter. I don't know if Gil did it because that was her specialty. We haven't really learned anything about that from the show itself. So I think Cath just showed herself at the opportune moment. ;P
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

coolcatz said:
and i'm still puzzled over the missing time in this ep. where were they?
I know where I'd have liked them to be :lol: :devil: but they do this all the time. Remember Dead Ringer (of course you do) they find the dead cop in the middle of the night during the race. The next time you see them, they're processing in the bright daylight. Same with Fur & Loathing They find the raccoon guy in the dead of night, only to come back after the break and they're just starting to process the guy in the daylight. This always bugs me. If they're gonna have the story teaser start in the night, don't come back right after the opening credits and all of a sudden be daylight. :devil: :devil: Just one of my pet peeves.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

ren28 said:
(Line 1) Hmm. Posting here is getting trickier by the day.:(

(Line 2) So what did Gil and Cath do between the time they got to the crime scene
(Line 3) and the time the crew appeared? I think they went somewhere quiet...
(YAY!!! I'm home free!!!) and you people surely have an active enough imagination to fill in the blanks!

(Plus, I made NO mention of any other ship, not even the vaguest allusion :D)

*boring post*

OK. I'm spending the rest of the evening on Graveshift where a delightful party awaits in honour of Gil's 50th! Join me there, anyone?
Yeah I agree with you ren! So coolcatz are we playing extreme shippiness here? Cuz it seems that during the gap, they went somewhere quiet with the bottle of tequila on hand. :lol:
Look at that the bottle at the beginning where they first saw it

then the bottle popped up again in another scene (well yeah the shot is from another angle but judging from the quantitative analysis and calculation of orthogonal rotation matrices of the bottle and the shot glass, it was obvious that there was a rotation in the angle alpha about the axis. :lol: :p in short, it seems that they were moved. :lol: )

and yeah we just need to calculate the volume of the contents of the tequila bottle and check if it there was a marked decrease in its imperial fluid ounce. lmfao! *hic* ok im now rambling.

And Im also reading the fics ren, csigrillow said she counted 66 fics already, yikes Gil is older now lol. And yay the Bike fic is up! :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Yup, older. Hopefully wiser too. :lol:

You've got sharp eyes, Hottie. Yes, that bottle has been moved and who could have moved it between the time they first arrived and the time the others joined them??? :rolleyes:

But I think they did more than play their own version of the drinking game, our sexy pair... :devil:

Aww, Kaylyne, don't be peeved by this night/day thing. Thanks for pointing out the pattern. We could say it's a Cath/Gil hallmark. They come, and they have some fun, just the two of them, before the party-poopers troop in. I like the way they blend work and play. What do you say?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

well considering that just a short ride in an elevator results in wardrobe alterations i'd say the amount of time mention in the above eps more than supports our theory.

now the tequilla analysis..well i will have to take a look at this hopefully this afternoon and check the levels. i also think there should be a breathalizer done on both of them.

and dead ringer. not only did they go from day to night. cath went from running pants to teh shorts. ummmm, where did the pants go?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

GraveyardIntern said:
I don't think TMTB were right to bring something on without any background and just expect us to realize that there was a background after all.
Yeah. And I heard they are trying to screw with the timeline they set up before to make it fit their newest decision. I don't they think most of the audience is going to buy that? Viewers are not as stupid as they think, you know. In fact, I bet a lot of the viewers know the show and the characters better than TPTB do. Because they have invested their time and attention to the show not because of money (and other benefits) but because of their interest and love for the show.

GraveyardIntern said:
And yes, I'm sort of in denial. I'm still hoping GC will be The OTP, but hey even if it doesn't end up that way. GC is still my OTP and that's all that matters.
I wouldn't call that denial. As I said before, shipping doesn't necessarily have to do with what's really happening on the show. What I referred to denial was ignoring the fact that TPTB have made their decision (for now) and refusing to accept that Gil is in a relationship with another girl. PureJoy is still my OTP on CSI, too, and it always will be. :)

GraveyardIntern said:
The show has changed in so many ways over the seasons and CM's statements are following the path I think. I was looking through my pictures and came across that poll and how 60% of viewers said Catherine. Hmmm. Makes you wonder.
Speaking of polls, I think this is gonna be OT to an extend. seems funny to me that some people would say that the TVGuide polls (or any other poll) weren't accurate because you could mass vote. If you know these things well enough, you'd know you can mass vote in any poll that doesn't require you to log in. When the vote results match your liking, you'll say they are accurate; when they don't, you'll either accuse people of mass-voting or say that the results just show who had the most time sitting in front of their computers and moving their fingers. People really don't have take those polls so serious that they even fight oever them, you know. Definitely don't have to lower "the other side" by accusing them of cheating. Not cool at all. It is, after all, just entertainment.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H


That's so true. People always accuse polls which are not to their liking of mass voting and the polls that they like, it's accurate. I think it's just as accurate as any other poll like the USA Today one.

Pertaining to the change of the timeline. Now I think that's really ridiculous. They're trying to fit what havok they wreaked into their "original plans" to try and make it more legitimate. I don't know if the viewers will buy that either. :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

The seriousness of polls can be controversial .
But one thing can't be, the ratings ! and I'm sure that TMTB will be more concerned by them when they'll see that even their loyal viewers aren't buying their new route ! well, I hope so :rolleyes:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

coolcatz said:
now the tequilla analysis..well i will have to take a look at this hopefully this afternoon and check the levels. i also think there should be a breathalizer done on both of them.
and dead ringer. not only did they go from day to night. cath went from running pants to teh shorts. ummmm, where did the pants go?
:lol: *keels over laughing* Yeah we need to do a breathalizer on them, lmfao! And I never paid attention to that Dead Ringer scene.. gawd how could I miss that she lost her pants in Dead Ringer.. good point there, lol! Well coolc, your wit is still there, the heat stroke didn't take it away huh? Awes, good for you. :)

ren28 said:
Yup, older. Hopefully wiser too. :lol:
At the rate the show is going, I don't think so, lol. Gil's been OOC lately and from the spoilers it seems that he will be portrayed
as a bored, desperate guy with a quasi-midlife crisis.
I read on the mags though that being an A-hole is the trend on television nowadays. (like House, and then the new show Sharks is also jumping on the being-an-ass-is-so-cool bandwagon) Maybe TMTB decided they would join in, and that may explain the oddities Gil Grissom has been showing lately. :lol: But me wants the enigmatic, huggable, never-been-tacky-Gil-who-lurves-his-Cath back! And the only ass I wanna see is either Gil or Cath's behind. kthx.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

coolcatz said:
and dead ringer. not only did they go from day to night. cath went from running pants to teh shorts. ummmm, where did the pants go?
Hottie_Cath said:
gawd how could I miss that she lost her pants in Dead Ringer.. good point there, lol!
Ah! this brings us to the ultimate GC line: "Your SUV? Or mine?"
I'd really like a peek into their SUVs. I wonder what they've got in there all prepared to be called out to a crime scene, and have some time alone ;)

GraveyardIntern said:
Pertaining to the change of the timeline. Now I think that's really ridiculous. They're trying to fit what havok they wreaked into their "original plans" to try and make it more legitimate. I don't know if the viewers will buy that either.
Judging by the sagging ratings, I'd say that quite a few viewers won't be caring - they've already found better things to do on Thursday nights. As for those who are still around, the wobbly timeline might give some of them an annoying feeling of sea-sickness, whereupon the ratings might sag further.

bobo said:
I'm sure that TMTB will be more concerned by them when they'll see that even their loyal viewers aren't buying their new route ! well, I hope so :rolleyes:
I think loyal viewers will find quite a few things to feel put off by. Non-shippers will be put off by the ship slant, for example. My father used to love a show called JAG. Then one day, I noticed that although the show was on, he was watching something on another channel. When I asked why he wasn't watching his favourite show, he emitted this exasperated grunt and mumbled that the show had gone all emotional and the cases had become secondary and uninteresting. CSI runs the risk of going down the same road. In so doing, it will lose a sizeable segment of its minority male audience.

As the writer of the article that Hottie posted on BTA said, "Once the most-watched show on television, CBS’s “CSI” is in a mini-slump that began during the second half of the regular season and has worsened this summer with ratings for reruns down sharply from last year."
Second half of the regular season. That was when GC interaction started to get really rare. No more spark to light up the show. Plus... the subject of psychics and fantasy started to appear, not just involving the perpetrators and victims, but the CSI team members too. Considering the spoilers for the S7 opener, I may yet hear my father repeat his disgusted mumble, this time about CSI.

And when you're down, every viewer counts.

But then again, they're not TMTB for nothing, are they? :lol:

Hottie_Cath said:
At the rate the show is going, I don't think so, lol. Gil's been OOC lately and from the spoilers it seems that he will be portrayed
as a bored, desperate guy with a quasi-midlife crisis.

I read on the mags though that being an A-hole is the trend on television nowadays. (like House, and then the new show Sharks is also jumping on the being-an-ass-is-so-cool bandwagon) Maybe TMTB decided they would join in, and that may explain the oddities Gil Grissom has been showing lately. :lol: ly ass I wanna see is either Gil or Cath's behind. kthx.
The timeline fiddling is nothing next to the kind of character assassination they are planning. TMTB surely know how to turn their fans off, the men, and those who love the original Gil Grissom. Morons.

And maybe we're insulting morons by comparing T*insert your favourite expletive*TB to them.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Hottie_Cath said:
coolcatz said:
and dead ringer. not only did they go from day to night. cath went from running pants to teh shorts. ummmm, where did the pants go?
:lol: *keels over laughing* Yeah we need to do a breathalizer on them, lmfao! And I never paid attention to that Dead Ringer scene.. gawd how could I miss that she lost her pants in Dead Ringer.. good point there, lol! Well coolc, your wit is still there, the heat stroke didn't take it away huh? Awes, good for you. :)
Oh me likes that, too! I don't really care about where the pants had gone. I'm more concerned about who had taken them off. :lol: I noticed the pants were gone when I was watching Dead Ranger for the first time, but I didn't think that much. :lol: You see, that proves that I wasn't born in the gutter! :D

Hottie_Cath said:
I read on the mags though that being an A-hole is the trend on television nowadays. (like House, and then the new show Sharks is also jumping on the being-an-ass-is-so-cool bandwagon) Maybe TMTB decided they would join in, and that may explain the oddities Gil Grissom has been showing lately. :lol:
Don't you forget about McDreamy! LMAO. He was such an a-hole during his season finale. :lol:

Hottie_Cath said:
But me wants the enigmatic, huggable, never-been-tacky-Gil-who-lurves-his-Cath back! And the only ass I wanna see is either Gil or Cath's behind. kthx.
Ah that's the point. And I have to say, me too.
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