Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Yeah in that companion piece, Cath even encourages the boys to get to work! Also interesting to note in Room Service that Gil knows the exact location of Cath's scene.

And, if I've gotta make this a 3-line post (totally ridiculous if you ask me), I'll just add that it's cute that Cath gets to disarm the shotgun. Nothing better than our girl with a gun!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

totally gratuitous (sp) shot,lol. but at least our man was there with here. wonder how many times she's cocked his barrel?

ok, that was weird, my reply is three lines when i go to post it but appears as barely over one.

now back to the ep. it's a shame we didn't get this interaction in the season opener. i do recall in the s2 commentary that they made it a tradition for gil and cath to say hello in some fashion, as a welcome back to the viewer.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

^ I've always considered Cath asking Gil what perversive game he was playing her way of saying hello. :lol: But you're right, coolc, I still wish they had the banter in BIM. That kind of reminds me of the line which got edited out: "thanks for coming back". Just how could they get rid of such a nice scene?

*thinks* Three lines could easily become two in a higher resolution. I just type as much as I can. LOL.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

I forgot about the mention of the Season premiere "hellos"!

I know we had them in seasons 2 & 4, did we have them in 3 & 5? I can't remember. I distinctively remember season 2 "burked" with Gil & Cath at the Braun house, and Season 4 with the "you're back" line in reference to Gil's hearing.
Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

I think we dont have a problem with the 3 line rule, we're naturally chatty and we have so many things to say. :lol:

now back to the ep. it's a shame we didn't get this interaction in the season opener. i do recall in the s2 commentary that they made it a tradition for gil and cath to say hello in some fashion, as a welcome back to the viewer.
^^Yeah another proof that they threw continuity in Season 6. I agree with E, the phone call between them and their perverted convo (lol!) in Bodies in Motion can be their "hello" though :D And please whoever edited that "Thanks for coming back" line is an idiot lol! I think that they cut it out because they dunno how to explain how the team came back together.

What someone else pointed out shortly after this episode aired was Catherine extending her hand to reach for Gil's hand or arm to pull him to safety against the wall just before Gil called for Brass. A subtle, very natural gesture that so characterises Cath and Gil, always looking out for each other.
Oh yeah doolfreak was the one who noticed the holding hand scene in Room Service lol. That holding hand scene was also used in the CSI:Ay Ay promo on youtube.

and it's almost happy birthday for gil grissom. turning the big 50 very soon. makes me think of one of the books cath looks at in his condo/townhouse in strip strangler "single and 50."
Yay! This is Gil's bookshelf in Strip Strangler.

So if Mendelsohn says that he's been in a relationship for 'so many years now its just that the viewers havent been privy to it', that would destroy the storyline from Strip Strangler. That props would be worthless lol!!


Best Male, Best Female Performance Winners
Best Villain, Best Comedic, Best GC song winners
Best Kiss, Best Action Sequence, Best Fight

1. Best Frightened Performance -

We have a three-way tie- Identity Crisis- Cath finds out Millander may be out to get Gil; Lady Heather's Box; Grissom vs. the Volcano- Gil's frightened/worried look after the explosion...

Identity Crisis is so timely, lol. :D When Catherine learned that Gil's birthday is in August and that Paul Millander might get him she looked frightened and shocked..

CATHERINE: Isn't your birthday in August?
GRISSOM: August 17, 1956.

2. Best Virtual Performance -

1st- Jackpot - "Hello dear" and wifey scenes
2nd- TIE! Cross Jurisdictions - phone!love calls & No More Bets- confrontation between Sam and Gil about Cath
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

season 5 had the office is a cupboard bit which was their hello (and quite funny). s3? what was the first ep again and i can tell you.

see, it's the little things like that that make the show what it is/was. i'm sad now. must read 50 fics.

oh great choices for the winners.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

^^Aww Revenge is Best Served Cold is the first episode of Season 3, did we even have a Gil/Cath phone call on that ep?

And Tracey I'll be back to Princeton Plainsboro soon! Yay!

see, it's the little things like that that make the show what it is/was. i'm sad now. must read 50 fics.
Yeah I was watching those little scenes between G/C.. the "hello dear" and "trouble with the wife?" scenes and I was as giddy as the first time I watched the episode, lol. I cannot wait for the 50 for 50 Gil's Bday fics challenge! And I can't wait for csigrillow's bike fic. :lol:

EDIT: YAY!!! The writers already posted their entries for the 50 fics challenge. *yayz for the smut i mean 50 fics marathon* Some of the bday fanfics are also posted on fics
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Looking forward to reading all those 50 for 50 fics, who know maybe TPTB can learn something from them ;)

Great winners yet again, all my faves are winning :lol:

oo and Happy Birthday Gil, hope Cath got you something nice :devil:

See you there Rissa ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Happy Birthday to Gil Grissom, my dear idol.

What relationship has been going on for a long time? :lol: Mendelsohn seems to be changing her statements by the minute. ;P A lot of the things seem wrong if that's the case. Lady Heather? :lol:

I heard about this 50 smut fics festival. I think I'll drop by, maybe read a couple. I mean..I think everyone knows I'm not a minor at heart. ;P I'm looking forward to it now. And hey, there are trainees, right? :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

^ LMAO. It's 50 fics challenge, not all of them have to be smut. You sure aren't a minor at heart, Gravy. ;) I'm not listening to CM, either. She seems to change her mind every other day. LOL. Then again, I never really cared what people say. I mean as much as I'd like my ship to happen on the show, shipping and what's really happening to the show are two different things. ;)

After Room Service is Bite Me. The team worked on the same case. Any thoughts? And don't even think about fast-forwarding to Shooting Stars. We've gotta finish this one first. :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

skip bite me? don't think so. this is the episode where gil and cath arrive at the crime scene around midnight and no one else shows till daylight and nothing has been processed. so i think we should figure out what they were doing during that time. i believe a photo exploration is in order to see if we find any more wardrobe malfuctions.

ah, the 50 fics. this is will be such a great day. i'm so looking forward to all the good fics i'll read.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

mmm, if CM says that GS has been an item for awhile then continutity is really gone.

I'm saying this becuase as I was laying in bed thinking last night. Was Sara cheating on Gil with Hank? Doesn't that throw a wrench into CM's thinking?

Have I done three sentences yet?

Okay, its been brought to my attention that this post has nothing to do with G/C. So, here's my input on G/C. There is NO continutity in that relationship either. One episode they are friends the next they're not. Again, CM is missing the continuity factor.

This post was never meant as a diss as some mod seems to think, but as a continuity issue in all ships. Including GC
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

You know, the CSI:LV that we knew and loved is truly gone, judging by all the statements that CM and the cast have been making since the S6 finale. Continuity isn't an issue. They have re-interpreted everything, and assume that their fans of the past 6 seasons have amnesia or been lobotomised and will therefore take at their word whatever they are throwing at us.

I was a fan. I don't think that label will apply for whatever it is that they are packaging as CSI: Crime Scene Investigation come September.

Now, Season 6 and Bite Me. Wasn't this the last time we saw Gil Grissom do an experiment, as in this cap?

Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

oh ren dont lose faith just yet :) you never know what will happen in series 7 and spoliers arent always accurate. Also they have a new writer now so maybe as a kind of outsider he'll have a better perspective on the show and maybe bring back some of the G/C banter/scenes from the previous seasons.

Also what does lobotomised mean? sorry am being a bit of a dunce.

I actually cant remember Gil doing anymore experiments after that one either.

Anyway back to Bite Me my fave scene its the one in the cap that ren posted and then Cath goes "You want fries with that?" LMAO
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

^ Oooh I love that scene! Catchup haha. :lol: And Cath walked in and her face was like "what the hell is that?!" I think that was the last time I saw a cute scene involving Gil, which is a shame. Also, OMG he remembered she was the blood spatter expert and asked her to check the catchup spatter. How sweet.
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